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I am 31 also. I had my 2nd dd when I was about the same age and had my TL. I

just had it reversed in April and dh and I are expecting our 3rd child in March!

in Mi :)

Re: new to group

I had my tl done when I was 21. I had my second daughter then. At the time,

I thought it was the best form of bc for me. I feel like if I hadn't of done

it, I could have 10 kids by now! My brother is a dr and he also thought this

was the best thing for me to do. He doesn't favor the pill and apparently

condoms didn't work for me! My husband came from a family of 6 kids, his dad

was 1 of 14, so he didn't want anymore. We are now in our early 30's. We

have had some rough years and separated for a few months but fell back in

love. More deeply than ever. We want a baby now. One that is planned and

made from the true love we share! I know it sounds corny, but the story is

a long one and it is just something we know we want to do. That is my reason!

I also just feel wonderful pregnant and love children!


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Re: new to group

Welcome to the group! I myself am wanting a reversal because I feel I

was too young to of made the decision to not have more children(I was

22 years old) and I want more children. Its easy to say you DONT want

anymore children when you have a 3 yo, 2 yo, 10 month old and a

newborn, I wish I would of given it more time before making my


24 yo SAHM to Ciara 5, Paige 4, Caitlyn 3 and 2

Hi , Just wondering what SAHM means? I hope you have your reversal

soon, and that you have a great day :0)

> I was wondering from you all why you specifically wanted to have

your tubes

> untied. Are most of you remarried and want a baby with your new


> What made you all change your mind? I myself am considering


> remarried and know I will want a baby with my new husband.



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Welcome to the group! I myself am wanting a reversal because I feel I

was too young to of made the decision to not have more children(I was

22 years old) and I want more children. Its easy to say you DONT want

anymore children when you have a 3 yo, 2 yo, 10 month old and a

newborn, I wish I would of given it more time before making my


24 yo SAHM to Ciara 5, Paige 4, Caitlyn 3 and 2

> I was wondering from you all why you specifically wanted to have

your tubes

> untied. Are most of you remarried and want a baby with your new


> What made you all change your mind? I myself am considering


> remarried and know I will want a baby with my new husband.



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im looking for an buddy with dr levin if anyone is cconsidering feburary

gayla_mckinney wrote:

> Hi, my name's Sandi. I am hoping to have dr. levin do my tr


> in august of this year. I am 40 and dr levin and his staff didn't

> make me feel old and like there was no hope. I am hoping to find a

> buddy to help defer the cost. I will have to fly from Mesa, AZ for

> the tr so every little bit helps.


> I was married 17 years when my x went through midlife crisis got a

> girlfriend and was gone. Since my divorce, I've met a wonderful


> who has never been married and has no children. We will be getting

> married this October and I would like to have the opportunity to


> children with him. He is great with my two daughters 15 & 12.


> This site is pretty awesome, I've gotten a lot of info from it so

> far. I look forward to talking with you all more.


> Sandi Bogart

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Re: new to group


SAHM means Stay At Home Mom.

I hope you have a great day as well!

24 yo SAHM to Ciara 5, Paige 4, Caitlyn 3 and 2

Hi , Just wondering what SAHM means? I hope you have your

reversal soon, and that you have a great day :0)

Wow I guess I am a sahm too LOL Blessings

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Hi Debra,

I am wanting too to have a TR. I thought I was pregnant today cause I was 3

days late but AF showed up anyways. lol If you don't know what AF is it is

aunt flo! I wish and pray much baby dust your way,


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Welcome Debra! The women in this group are great and full of information. I

had my TR done April 1st by Dr. Levin and am 5 weeks pregnant. It is very


in MI :)

Re: new to group

Hello everyone,

My name is Debra. I am new to the group. I am not certain if I accurately

registered. I'm just introducing myself. I've read some interesting

stories. When I come home from work I see over 400 emails with hardly enough

time to read them all. Anyway, a little about myself. In 1992, I was

sterilized with the cauterization method. Now, married in January 2002,

hubby has no children, however, my sons are ages 19 (in college) 16 (11th

grade) and 11 (6th grade). I really did not want anymore children. I have

been considering this reversal. Although I am very nervous, and uncertain of

how successful this will be. I am not ready for such disappointment after

such a procedure costing over $5000. It is wonderful to know others out here

feel the same and are able to share comfort, hope, and patience. Hope to

hear from all of you and I will pray for each and everyone to receive their

healthy blessings.

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Welcome to the group. If you want to reduce the amount of mail you

have we can always put you on digest. Let me know.

> Hello everyone,


> My name is Debra. I am new to the group. I am not certain if I


> registered. I'm just introducing myself. I've read some interesting

> stories. When I come home from work I see over 400 emails with

hardly enough

> time to read them all. Anyway, a little about myself. In 1992, I was

> sterilized with the cauterization method. Now, married in January


> hubby has no children, however, my sons are ages 19 (in college) 16


> grade) and 11 (6th grade). I really did not want anymore children.

I have

> been considering this reversal. Although I am very nervous, and

uncertain of

> how successful this will be. I am not ready for such disappointment


> such a procedure costing over $5000. It is wonderful to know others

out here

> feel the same and are able to share comfort, hope, and patience.

Hope to

> hear from all of you and I will pray for each and everyone to

receive their

> healthy blessings.




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  • 3 years later...
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Dear , wondering if you are saying it will be damaging to the nervous system to taper off of the percocet and vicodin without using the suboxone? Sincerely, Jannaccreel_04064 wrote: Dear , Welcome to the group. You said:<< I recently detoxed 22 days ago, from 120mg oxycontin 3x aday. I was abusing them by chewing them up. >> ** Are you saying 120 mg each dose of 3 doses or 120 mg. split into 3 doses (I believe it's the former but just want to clarify)? Also, how long had you taking and abusing Oxycontin? Why was it originally prescribed and was it being prescribed in this

amount? If so, for how long at this dosage? You said:<<When I enetered detox i was taking 75mg effexor for anxiety and deppression also taking diazapam .25 at night.>> ** How long had you been taking each of these? You said: <<The Drs in detox cut off my effexor and diazapam and started me on 50 mg of seraquel 3x a day, 300 mg of norontin 3x aday 30mg of remeron at bedtime. When i left detox i was feeling very jumpy and anxious. I went to see my family Dr who was also my pain management dr and he refused to do anything about my medications and told me I needed to see a shrink. 2 days later I saw a substance abuse dr. who told me to stop serequel and start back on effexor. I was having some pretty bad side effects due to abruptly stopping effexor. So I stopped serequel and norontin and continued with the remeron and

effexor.>> ** Exactly what was the time frame on all this? How many days were you on each of these drugs? You said:<< This Dr also wanted to start me on Suboxone and I said no I would like to just be me from now on ty very much. I post on focus healthcare and had mentioned that i was on effexor and remeron. I recieved a response that brought me to this board for help. I would like to get off all of these medicatins and just try to live life as myself and see how it goes. Trying to deal with oxycontin withdrawls and then trying to ween off this other stuff is scaring me. I am wondering what this stuff is doing to my brain.> > I just want to feel normal again. I know it takes time and I am willing to try. I am currently taking Omega 3's Super B complex, A master gland formula and 7 keto. I am trying to watch what I eat and drink lots of water. My

problem is that we are on a tight budget and these things cost alot of money. I have 3 yr old twins and a 17 month old and money is tight. I will try to do the best I can.>> ** So, exactly what are you taking right now, and if you're not, how long did you take each of these and how long have you been off them? All of these supplements are most likely contributing to anxiety. At the very least, discontinue the 7-Keto and the glandular. you might be having difficulty metabolizing the B vitamins - - morer than 50% of people do. They are better off getting B's in foods. Your hormonal system has been compromised by the drugs but you are challenging it too much now with these other products. It needs to calm down and be re-buitl -- not challenged. Overall,these are only adding to your imbalances right now.

What emotional and physical symptoms are you now experiencing? The more details you can give, the better I can help. From what I can see without your answers to the questions I asked, is that you are in quite a mess. you can't cold turkey off all these drugs and expect to get well. It doesn't work that way. Your Oxycontin habit, and the subsequent cold turkey withdrawal from it, along with all the other drugs, sets you up for permanent serious damage to your nervous system . The goal is to get clean but to do it in a way that reduces or eliminates further harm than that which has already been caused by the drug usage. I'm a rabid anti-drug person so when I recommend a drug to someone it is because I see no other way for them to get through something without serious harm. I'm recommending Suboxone to you with this caveat -- as long as the

doc you are seeing plans to slowly lower the dose so you are off it some day. I realize that this is not in keeping with what you ideally want, but I think you didn't have enough information to understand the implications of your choice. Many people are finding success at being drug-free by using Suboxone. The percentage of people who were able to do this prior to Suboxone was miniscule. The other drugs you were prescribed are not a good option because of how profoundly they affect the body and chemistry. Suboxone is fairly straightforward in how it works and the best thing about it is that people are able to stop taking it after a while. I'm sure I'll have more to say after you answer my questions. BTW, when you write, could you please hit the ENTER key a couple of times after 3 or 4 sentences? It is very

difficult to read a whole block of text like that with no breaks in it. Thanks! Actually, there's one more thing I want to say. Opiates and the other drugs you have been taking deplete block numerous nutrients. Add to this the poor diet of most people with addictions and nutritional supplements become crucial to recovery. I realize what you're saying about money, but I can't change the facts -- supplements make a huge difference and contribute to the success of a recovery. Recovery is very difficult, and in many cases, impossible without these.Regards,(list owner)

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Sorry about the block of text. It is hard to be on computer with 3 kids running amock in my house.

OK I am currently taking 75mg of effexor and have been on this dose fo about 6 months. Also i take 30mg remeron at night and have been taking this for about 3 1/2 weeks. I was only on the seroquel and norontin for about 1 1/2 weeks.

As for the question about oxycontin yes I was taking 120 mg 3x a day. Anywhere from 360mg a day to 400mg. I was on that strenght for about 6 months also. Dr slowly upped it to that dose.

I started the oxycontin about 16 months ago for cronic back pain due to stress fractures on my spine. I was taking my prescibed amount only I started chewing them up about 3 months ago. Dumb I know.

I am not sure how I feel about taking suboxone. I am having some blood tests done tomarrow to check all of my levels. Thyroid, liver function ect....

Ok the diazapam was precribed for me to take 2x a day which i didn't do only 1 at night. I was taking that for about 3 months. I originally took zanax as needed for panic attacks. I never abused that drug a prescribtionof 30 would last me for 8 months to a year. I don't know why my Dr decided I needed diazapam instead said it had a longer have life or something. I just said ok and that was that.

As for emotional and physical symtoms I am having right now is just a slight decrease in energy, and a short temper. I am very quick to lose my tongue the last few days. Everything seems to get under my skin. This has just started in the last 2 days

Hope this helps

Re: New to group

Dear , Welcome to the group. You said:<< I recently detoxed 22 days ago, from 120mg oxycontin 3x aday. I was abusing them by chewing them up. >> ** Are you saying 120 mg each dose of 3 doses or 120 mg. split into 3 doses (I believe it's the former but just want to clarify)? Also, how long had you taking and abusing Oxycontin? Why was it originally prescribed and was it being prescribed in this amount? If so, for how long at this dosage? You said:<<When I enetered detox i was taking 75mg effexor for anxiety and deppression also taking diazapam .25 at night.>> ** How long had you been taking each of these? You said: <<The Drs in detox cut off my effexor and diazapam and started me on 50 mg of seraquel 3x a day, 300 mg of norontin 3x aday 30mg of remeron at bedtime. When i left detox i was feeling very jumpy and anxious. I went to see my family Dr who was also my pain management dr and he refused to do anything about my medications and told me I needed to see a shrink. 2 days later I saw a substance abuse dr. who told me to stop serequel and start back on effexor. I was having some pretty bad side effects due to abruptly stopping effexor. So I stopped serequel and norontin and continued with the remeron and effexor.>> ** Exactly what was the time frame on all this? How many days were you on each of these drugs? You said:<< This Dr also wanted to start me on Suboxone and I said no I would like to just be me from now on ty very much. I post on focus healthcare and had mentioned that i was on effexor and remeron. I recieved a response that brought me to this board for help. I would like to get off all of these medicatins and just try to live life as myself and see how it goes. Trying to deal with oxycontin withdrawls and then trying to ween off this other stuff is scaring me. I am wondering what this stuff is doing to my brain.> > I just want to feel normal again. I know it takes time and I am willing to try. I am currently taking Omega 3's Super B complex, A master gland formula and 7 keto. I am trying to watch what I eat and drink lots of water. My problem is that we are on a tight budget and these things cost alot of money. I have 3 yr old twins and a 17 month old and money is tight. I will try to do the best I can.>> ** So, exactly what are you taking right now, and if you're not, how long did you take each of these and how long have you been off them? All of these supplements are most likely contributing to anxiety. At the very least, discontinue the 7-Keto and the glandular. you might be having difficulty metabolizing the B vitamins - - morer than 50% of people do. They are better off getting B's in foods. Your hormonal system has been compromised by the drugs but you are challenging it too much now with these other products. It needs to calm down and be re-buitl -- not challenged. Overall,these are only adding to your imbalances right now. What emotional and physical symptoms are you now experiencing? The more details you can give, the better I can help. From what I can see without your answers to the questions I asked, is that you are in quite a mess. you can't cold turkey off all these drugs and expect to get well. It doesn't work that way. Your Oxycontin habit, and the subsequent cold turkey withdrawal from it, along with all the other drugs, sets you up for permanent serious damage to your nervous system . The goal is to get clean but to do it in a way that reduces or eliminates further harm than that which has already been caused by the drug usage. I'm a rabid anti-drug person so when I recommend a drug to someone it is because I see no other way for them to get through something without serious harm. I'm recommending Suboxone to you with this caveat -- as long as the doc you are seeing plans to slowly lower the dose so you are off it some day. I realize that this is not in keeping with what you ideally want, but I think you didn't have enough information to understand the implications of your choice. Many people are finding success at being drug-free by using Suboxone. The percentage of people who were able to do this prior to Suboxone was miniscule. The other drugs you were prescribed are not a good option because of how profoundly they affect the body and chemistry. Suboxone is fairly straightforward in how it works and the best thing about it is that people are able to stop taking it after a while. I'm sure I'll have more to say after you answer my questions. BTW, when you write, could you please hit the ENTER key a couple of times after 3 or 4 sentences? It is very difficult to read a whole block of text like that with no breaks in it. Thanks! Actually, there's one more thing I want to say. Opiates and the other drugs you have been taking deplete block numerous nutrients. Add to this the poor diet of most people with addictions and nutritional supplements become crucial to recovery. I realize what you're saying about money, but I can't change the facts -- supplements make a huge difference and contribute to the success of a recovery. Recovery is very difficult, and in many cases, impossible without these.Regards,(list owner)

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> Hello, I am glad to have found this group, I am currently taking

> Geodon and not haveing a good go of it, I go through cycles of


> and general panic, I am terrified of going off of this med, my


> doesnt want me to stop taking this but I am having a hard time


> the panic etc, this is the only med I am on 40mgs 2x a day. Thanks

> Dave


Hi Dave,

Welcome to the group! I'm sorry you are having such a difficult

time on the Geodon. This is a great place to find help and support.

Be sure to read the files that were sent to you initially when you

joined. They are also in the " files " section here on the message

board. I found the nutritional support to be invaluable -- eating

properly just made me feel more even-keeled, positive and strong.

's advice with regard to tapering is also so important.

She gives advice here and also offers private consults for those who

are interested. More information on those is also in the files. I

chose to consult with her privately and her recommendations were so

important in my recovery.

Again, welcome and best wishes to you.

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Dear , I spent a lot of time thinking about my situation last night and a good plan. Wanted to see if you thought this might be too rigorous a schedule. Starting Mar 31 drop to 100 mg for 3 days, then 90mg for 3 days, then 80 for 4 days then stay at 70 for 5 days, and then take it from there. Warmly, Janna

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Dave, I'm glad you found this group. This place has helped me immensely and has helped me to come from taking 38 total psych pills a day over a year ago and now I'm down to 3 total psych pills a day. I was taking the same dosage of Geodon as you, and for several months now I have been working on coming off the Geodon. I've learned going slowly, being patient, and listening to when your body tells you that you are ready to decrease have been key in helping me. The withdrawals have been tolerable and occassionally uncomfortable, but I'm able to get through my days. You are in the right place to learn and be supported as you begin to come of Geodon. It is possible. Now that I'm at the low end of my taper I can occassional feel life and even some excitement starting to come back into my life again. There are moments

in my days when I actually feel a part of life again. I never thought I'd ever get to this point again, but it's happening. These psych drugs are so damaging to our bodies, our mind, and emotions, and we don't always realize it at the time. You are doing the right thing,. All of us here support you and want to encourage you. It's okay. You'll make it through and feel better than ever. Follow the diet and nutrition guidelines you were sent because this is crucial to healing your brain and body. I still have one more psych drug to go - Klonopin - but I'm excited about the end result when I am totally free from psych drugs. I'm here to listen and encourage you. Glad your here Dave. Hugs V.redgt97 wrote: Hello, I am glad to have found this group, I am currently taking Geodon and not haveing a good go of it, I go through cycles of anxiety and general panic, I am terrified of going off of this med, my doctor doesnt want me to stop taking this but I am having a hard time with the panic etc, this is the only med I am on 40mgs 2x a day. ThanksDave

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Dear Janna,

I am short on time right now but wanted to connect with you.

You said:


> I spent a lot of time thinking about my situation last night and a

good plan. Wanted to see if you thought this might be too rigorous a



> Starting Mar 31 drop to 100 mg for 3 days, then 90mg for 3 days,

then 80 for 4 days then stay at 70 for 5 days, and then take it from

there. >>

** This reduction schedulr is way too aggressive, but I don't

think you are aware of how complex you case is. I don't think you

should be dropping the opiate first, in light of other information

you've given.

I can't work with anything this involved on the list and do it

justice. We're talking multiple drugs, multiple health issues. It

doesn't serve you, the group, or me well. There is much more info

that I need from you that is very important in the grand scheme of

what you're trying to accomplish. I suggest you do this through

private consult with me. There is info on that in our files titled

's Consultation Info



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  • 1 year later...

Hello all My name is and i live in the Tacoma Washington area. i

suffer from chronic low back pain caused from an automoble accident

two years ago. I have been to chiropractors physical therepy and nothing seems

to help.

The only thing that helps me get threw the day is the medications my doctor has

prescribed me, oxycontin. But recently i was forced to change my medical

insurance. they tripled my Group Health plan.

it went from $52.00 a week to $162.00 a week.

I am in search of a new doctor one that will not act like it is a crime to

presribe this medication to you and understand that some people really do need

it to get threw life if anyone out there can help it would me much apprichated


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Hi . I can't help you with finding a new doctor since I am in WI.

But I did want to welcome you to the group. This is a great group for

support as we all deal with pain in some way, shape or form. Have you

tried asking your primary doctor about a referral or someone they


I hope that you are able to find what you are looking for. And again

welcome to the group.

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