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My 5 day food diary would be as follows: Sat-BFAST-small oatmeal w/oat bran, butter and honey, water L-whopper Jr/ w/out bun and no ketchup, water D- 1/2 taco salad, few corn chips and salsa, lemon water Snacks-1 snack pack almonds Sun. B- Yogurt w/s.f. jelly, water L- Taco Bell- 1 hard taco, 1 pintos and cheese, water D- 1/2 Subway Italian sub w/out bun, few plain chips, diluted light Hawaiian Punch(splenda) S-? Mon. B- 2 fried eggs, carrot juice, water L-? -something low carb...,cranberry water D- chikn-strip salad from -chik-fil-a Snks-sunflower seeds- roasted Tues. B- protein shake- low carb, carrot juice water L-salad w/tuna

and eggs, diluted diet v8 splash (splenda) D-2 beef kosher dogs w/mustard - no bun, cheese cubes Snks-few pork rinds Wed.- B- protein shake-low carb, water L- 2 beef kosher dogs w/mustard- no bun- egg salad, lime water D-Steak and salad w/blue cheese dressing Snks- 1 low carb ice cream bar, diet 7-up (small) Anyhow- that's as much as I remember- I've been trying to walk on my treadmill - but can't go very fast- or for very long as the panic seems to get worse! Before I had the flu I could walk for up to 2 miles and now can only do a half. I've also been having asthma w/reflux pain in the top of my stomach - and loose BM's. The asthma - also causes more anxiety.I just feel like a mess! I have taken basket full's of vitamins and supplements- but no specific

schedule. Well I hope this gives some moer insights... Take Care~ ccreel_04064 wrote: Greetings! Welcome to the group. I will be responding to all of you tonight but it will be quite late before I can get to it. I have a couple of quick notes here: To the person who is 10 days off 20 mg. of Paxil. If you went off this entire dose all at once, nothing you do is going to help. you need to go back on and slowly -- 10% at a time -- reduce the drug. You have not even truly begun to feel all you will feel if you don't and this will last for years. You cannot shock your

brain that way and recover from it. Just as an aside, you can't expect to take nutritional supplements for a few days and have them magically clear up the damage you've done for the time you used Paxil and then went off it cold-turkey. If you didn't go cold-turkey you still went too quickly. That is why you are having all the symptoms. To the person with post-partum depression. PPD is a nutritional issue. While it is normal to excperience some changes in emotions a hormones return to a non-pregnant mode, this is usually handled with little trouble. PPD has existed since woman has existed. It is only since the drug companies saw a potential market that this has become an illness.Please post a five day food and drink diary. Your diet may even be exemplary. There are people who have difficulty assimilating

certain nutrients. This may be your problem. Everyone else, I'll catch up with you soon. Congrats to Nate for doing so well. Get some more Ashwaghanda (::::cracking the whip::::: ;-))Regards,(list owner)

*To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.* __________________________________________________

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  • 1 year later...




> I've had a lot on my mind this past two weeks, and the symptoms are

> getting worse, that is,the pins and needles are constant in my arms


> Typing hurts.


> Take care and feel better.


> /NY


: I've missed your posts (responces). I sure hope you can decide

what's best and get complete relief. Take care. Post when you can...


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--- " Oconnell " wrote:


> Sorry for not replying to all new members. I've been mulling over

> wether or not to get a serious operation.


> My neurosurgeon said; " You(I) should have a cervical operation as

> soon as possible.

Hi ,

I'm in the same boat as you but with the lower back - Bi Level fusion.

I know how my legs feel and I imagine it's the same in your arms.

I have done a little research and this surgery might have to be redone

every 3 to 5 years. I have 5 opinions and they all say go for

surgery. I go talk to the surgical team next Thursday. Guess I made

my mind up huh?

I will say my sister had the neck fusion and she is doing very well 3

years later. They went in thru the front of her neck.

Prayers for you, and I hope you get relief soon! (((HUGS)))

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Good morning, afternoon or evening,

Welcome to Chronic_pain, sorry you have to be here, but you will be

able to know many people here with the same or similair pain.

& the moderators are a source of endless information regarding your


There are files in the column to the left, files, links, and database.

Again, welcome .

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