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Re: Ginkgo Biloba

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MasonI did try it for some time along w PC/PS and I noticed a little more attention, but also a lot of difficulty sleeping, so I stopped it. Now that u bring it back to my mind, perhaps l should try it again on its own. IsaEnviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de TelcelSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 15:58:46 -0500To: <borreliamultipleinfectionsandautism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Ginkgo Biloba Hello,Has anyone used the product Ginkgo Biloba? Specifically, has anyone used it with children? In my research for my thesis (correlation between Lyme/Autism) I found some studies that show that Lyme disease patients have displayed hypoperfusion (lack of blood flow) to their temporal region of their brain and people diagnosed with Autism have also displayed this. Ginkgo Biloba is suppose to increase blood flow to the brain. Just curious if any of you have used it with children.Thanks,Mason> To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism > Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 19:22:43 +0000> Subject: Is NEVER herxing the symptom of a very depressed I.S.?> > I am reading w great interest the discussion on different agents against strep, staph, lyme and co's and the remedies used. I must say I have tried in several occasions, with high dose (from the beginning) OLE, lauricidin, artemisiae, allimax, quintessence, rizol oils, couple of nutramedix extracts....several things and l have never had a herx or die-off reaction. The only thing in my life that almost sent me to the other side was a chinese herb extract "plant of the summer-worm of the winter" (dear Limin:what's the colloquial name? Is it cordyceps?) Even 2 days after taking it, I could feel my brain tremble like a block of jell-o. Scary. But this absence of reaction to other things is starting to call my attention. Could this be the case of a very depressed I.S ??> Blessings> Isa> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel> > ------------------------------------> >

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Have seen posts before on this site; may take some digging, but do the archives and also contact dclaessenverizon (DOT) net. Best of luck for all of this during this time of info denial from official sources... On all things relevant to our health and survival.To: borreliamultipleinfectionsandautism Sent: Sun, March 20,

2011 4:58:46 PMSubject: Ginkgo Biloba

Hello,Has anyone used the product Ginkgo Biloba? Specifically, has anyone used it with children? In my research for my thesis (correlation between Lyme/Autism) I found some studies that show that Lyme disease patients have displayed hypoperfusion (lack of blood flow) to their temporal region of their brain and people diagnosed with Autism have also displayed this. Ginkgo Biloba is suppose to increase blood flow to the brain. Just curious if any of you have used it with children.Thanks,Mason> To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism > Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 19:22:43 +0000> Subject: Is NEVER herxing the symptom of a very depressed I.S.?> > I am reading w great interest the discussion on different agents against strep, staph, lyme and co's and the

remedies used. I must say I have tried in several occasions, with high dose (from the beginning) OLE, lauricidin, artemisiae, allimax, quintessence, rizol oils, couple of nutramedix extracts....several things and l have never had a herx or die-off reaction. The only thing in my life that almost sent me to the other side was a chinese herb extract "plant of the summer-worm of the winter" (dear Limin:what's the colloquial name? Is it cordyceps?) Even 2 days after taking it, I could feel my brain tremble like a block of jell-o. Scary. But this absence of reaction to other things is starting to call my attention. Could this be the case of a very depressed I.S ??> Blessings> Isa> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel> > ------------------------------------> >

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It is included in one of the supplements we give our son who is 16 now, contains 60mg - Memory Sustain by NuerobiologixTamet Hello,Has anyone used the product Ginkgo Biloba? Specifically, has anyone used it with children? In my research for my thesis (correlation between Lyme/Autism) I found some studies that show that Lyme disease patients have displayed hypoperfusion (lack of blood flow) to their temporal region of their brain and people diagnosed with Autism have also displayed this. Ginkgo Biloba is suppose to increase blood flow to the brain. Just curious if any of you have used it with children.Thanks,Mason> To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism > Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 19:22:43 +0000> Subject: Is NEVER herxing the symptom of a very depressed I.S.?> > I am reading w great interest the discussion on different agents against strep, staph, lyme and co's and the remedies used. I must say I have tried in several occasions, with high dose (from the beginning) OLE, lauricidin, artemisiae, allimax, quintessence, rizol oils, couple of nutramedix extracts....several things and l have never had a herx or die-off reaction. The only thing in my life that almost sent me to the other side was a chinese herb extract "plant of the summer-worm of the winter" (dear Limin:what's the colloquial name? Is it cordyceps?) Even 2 days after taking it, I could feel my brain tremble like a block of jell-o. Scary. But this absence of reaction to other things is starting to call my attention. Could this be the case of a very depressed I.S ??> Blessings> Isa> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel> > ------------------------------------> >

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