Guest guest Posted March 21, 2011 Report Share Posted March 21, 2011 Oh my gosh - am almost guaranteed my son will have a reaction. The past 2 weeks has been a nightmare - kicking biting head-butting spitting throwing furniture, etc. He is only on herbs and not started antivirals or antibiotics yet. How will he/we survive the treatment? Caregiver already quit. Special needs school close to expelling him or suggest sending him to a home. DAN doc suggested medicating whenever a child is not getting benefit of education. Lyme + Autism very very hard! Charcoal does not seem to be doing the job. I also give KIRKMAN's Yeast Aid and megadose of probiotics.FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:27:54 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Herxing with antiviralsand antibiotic treatment My son had a huuuggggeeee reaction to cidin.I started with thesmallest of spects. I tried it for 2 days and he was wanting to jumpout of cars,he could not control himself in any way,he would run andscream and not know why he was doing it,he was angry at everything.Iam homeschooling him because of the years of struggling with the upsand downs of this illness and trying new naturals and meds onhim.Homeschool has been the best thing I have ever done for him sofar. Tammy F. It is reassuring to know that Lauricidin did not causeherxing for you. Imay go ahead and order it online as recommended by doc.Holding off onDoxycycline until things settle down. The herbs alonecaused him to gothrough the roof. Charcoal dosage of 3 caps could not zapit enough so Iincreased to 6 caps spaced out in the day. My son is atotally differentperson when in a "rage attack". One caregiver quit. Thereare days when Ifeel like wearing an armored suit to withstand my son'sbehaviors.-----Original Message-----From: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism [mailto:BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism ]On Behalf Ofisaguzmandiaz2@...Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2011 12:23 PMTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Is NEVERherxing the symptomof a very depressed I.S.?I am reading w great interest the discussion on differentagents againststrep, staph, lyme and co's and the remedies used. I mustsay I have triedin several occasions, with high dose (from the beginning)OLE, lauricidin,artemisiae, allimax, quintessence, rizol oils, couple ofnutramedixextracts....several things and l have never had a herx ordie-off reaction.The only thing in my life that almost sent me to the otherside was achinese herb extract "plant of the summer-worm of thewinter" (dearLimin:what's the colloquial name? Is it cordyceps?) Even 2days after takingit, I could feel my brain tremble like a block of jell-o.Scary. But thisabsence of reaction to other things is starting to call myattention. Couldthis be the case of a very depressed I.S ??BlessingsIsaEnviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 22, 2011 Report Share Posted March 22, 2011 Lauricidin has Dicalcium phosphate in it, to which your kids maybe allergic/sensitive to. I don't know if it also has magnesium stearate which is another bad ingredients for our kids gut. We are using Aqua Flora a homeopathic remedy that treats 9 candida strains to be an excellent product that is helping us all to keep candida at bay, also having a diet that does not feed candida . Olga > > Oh my gosh - am almost guaranteed my son will have a reaction. The past 2 weeks has been a nightmare - kicking biting head-butting spitting throwing furniture, etc. He is only on herbs and not started antivirals or antibiotics yet. How will he/we survive the treatment? Caregiver already quit. Special needs school close to expelling him or suggest sending him to a home. DAN doc suggested medicating whenever a child is not getting benefit of education. Lyme + Autism very very hard! Charcoal does not seem to be doing the job. I also give KIRKMAN's Yeast Aid and megadose of probiotics. > Fransel > > Is NEVER herxing the > > symptom > > of a very depressed I.S.? > > > > I am reading w great interest the discussion on different agents against > > strep, staph, lyme and co's and the remedies used. I must say I have tried > > in several occasions, with high dose (from the beginning) OLE, lauricidin, > > artemisiae, allimax, quintessence, rizol oils, couple of nutramedix > > extracts....several things and l have never had a herx or die-off > > reaction. > > The only thing in my life that almost sent me to the other side was a > > chinese herb extract " plant of the summer-worm of the winter " (dear > > Limin:what's the colloquial name? Is it cordyceps?) Even 2 days after > > taking > > it, I could feel my brain tremble like a block of jell-o. Scary. But this > > absence of reaction to other things is starting to call my attention. > > Could > > this be the case of a very depressed I.S ?? > > Blessings > > Isa > > Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel > > > > ------------------------------------ > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 22, 2011 Report Share Posted March 22, 2011 Hi, I'm new. I gave myself water, vitamin c, salt, mustard, a baby aspirin, and chlorophyll only for 36 hours. I feel fantastic, and so I'm giving my autistic son the same. Have you seen the site that gives a description of Borrelia Burdgorferi? The site recommended vitamin c and salt. That is where I got the idea. I passed several yellow - orangish jelly things after taking these after 36 hours. Oh my gosh - am almost guaranteed my son will have a reaction. The past 2 weeks has been a nightmare - kicking biting head-butting spitting throwing furniture, etc. He is only on herbs and not started antivirals or antibiotics yet. How will he/we survive the treatment? Caregiver already quit. Special needs school close to expelling him or suggest sending him to a home. DAN doc suggested medicating whenever a child is not getting benefit of education. Lyme + Autism very very hard! Charcoal does not seem to be doing the job. I also give KIRKMAN's Yeast Aid and megadose of probiotics. Fransel Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:27:54 -0500 To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism > ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Herxing with antivirals and antibiotic treatment My son had a huuuggggeeee reaction to cidin.I started with the smallest of spects. I tried it for 2 days and he was wanting to jump out of cars,he could not control himself in any way,he would run and scream and not know why he was doing it,he was angry at everything.I am homeschooling him because of the years of struggling with the ups and downs of this illness and trying new naturals and meds on him.Homeschool has been the best thing I have ever done for him so far. Tammy F. It is reassuring to know that Lauricidin did not cause herxing for you. Imay go ahead and order it online as recommended by doc. Holding off onDoxycycline until things settle down. The herbs alone caused him to go through the roof. Charcoal dosage of 3 caps could not zap it enough so Iincreased to 6 caps spaced out in the day. My son is a totally differentperson when in a " rage attack " . One caregiver quit. There are days when I feel like wearing an armored suit to withstand my son's behaviors.-----Original Message-----From: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism [mailto:BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism ] On Behalf Ofisaguzmandiaz2@... Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2011 12:23 PMTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Is NEVER herxing the symptom of a very depressed I.S.?I am reading w great interest the discussion on different agents againststrep, staph, lyme and co's and the remedies used. I must say I have triedin several occasions, with high dose (from the beginning) OLE, lauricidin, artemisiae, allimax, quintessence, rizol oils, couple of nutramedixextracts....several things and l have never had a herx or die-off reaction.The only thing in my life that almost sent me to the other side was a chinese herb extract " plant of the summer-worm of the winter " (dearLimin:what's the colloquial name? Is it cordyceps?) Even 2 days after takingit, I could feel my brain tremble like a block of jell-o. Scary. But this absence of reaction to other things is starting to call my attention. Couldthis be the case of a very depressed I.S ??BlessingsIsaEnviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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