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Re: Mold illness?

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Would you share what test you did for mold? I recently tested my son with

LabCorp's IgE antibodies to a list of different strains of mold. He was

negative to all strains. I don't know if I should pursue with other validation

or give it a rest. We have been using mold toxin binders chlorella + butyrate

for quite sometime.

My child takes Zithromax once a week. He has elevated IgA Candida. I just

recently put him back on the rotation of garlic, goldenseal, oregano oil, and

caprylic acid.


> Recent testing shows my son has mold illness.

> Anyone treating it? Any experiences with supplements/ med's you can share

> would be helpful.

> Thanks

> Allie




> ------------------------------------



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My son's lab was Lab Corp, my copy is not so clear but here is what it appears

to be

DRB5, C3a, C4a,TGF- b1, and MMP9.

Nothing on the lab results explains anything, other than the DR wrote, mold


I will be talking to the DR's office soon.

I think Chlorella is very helpful. Interesting the other herbs your using that

is exactly what I put my son on two weeks ago, he was doing so poorly. I looked

threw my Yasko notes

of what worked for him, this is the only thing that helps stablize him, I also

use olive leaf ext. its all the gut stuff.

Have you ever used BEG's nasal spray?




> > Recent testing shows my son has mold illness.

> > Anyone treating it? Any experiences with supplements/ med's you can share

> > would be helpful.

> > Thanks

> > Allie

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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So Allie, you are doing Dr. RS's labs. I've heard that DK's office recently

started ordering these labs too. Is DRB5 part of the HLA genotype testing or a

stand-alone test?

You might be able to find some helpful information to your lab results here:


Allie, , Thane,

Dr. RS's new website lists his step-by-step treatment protocol:


My son is on Xtra-Cell Remilyn, which is supposed to reduce MMP9 and helps with

myelination of nerve cells.


> Limin

> My son's lab was Lab Corp, my copy is not so clear but here is what it appears

to be

> DRB5, C3a, C4a,TGF- b1, and MMP9.

> Nothing on the lab results explains anything, other than the DR wrote, mold


> I will be talking to the DR's office soon.

> I think Chlorella is very helpful. Interesting the other herbs your using

that is exactly what I put my son on two weeks ago, he was doing so poorly. I

looked threw my Yasko notes

> of what worked for him, this is the only thing that helps stablize him, I also

use olive leaf ext. its all the gut stuff.

> Have you ever used BEG's nasal spray?


> HTH's

> Allie




>>> Recent testing shows my son has mold illness.

>>> Anyone treating it? Any experiences with supplements/ med's you can share

>>> would be helpful.

>>> Thanks

>>> Allie




>>> ------------------------------------



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I think it is a good idea for most of us dealing with Lyme or ASD to

have the ERMI from Mycometrics done. It is a good option for

testing your home environment to see what the mold burden of a home

might be. This is even more important if we have a mold-susceptible

HLA type in my opinion. www.mycometrics.com


In Better Health,


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do those things bind to mold toxins? I believe he mentions cholestrymine doesn't

he? Pectins and alginates are also a binder to think of. He does have a specific

treatment plan mentioned. I'd look into that if your child has mold illness. I'm

reading that book right now and I'm finding some great ideas for helping

especially binding to toxins in the gut along with getting blood flow to vital

organs which I feel with or without mold, our kids are dealing with.



> > Recent testing shows my son has mold illness.

> > Anyone treating it? Any experiences with supplements/ med's you can share

> > would be helpful.

> > Thanks

> > Allie

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Thanks, .I wonder if anyone successfully get an insurance reimbursement for testing in-home air quality for mold or ERMI testing?Thanks.LiminI think it is a good idea for most of us dealing with Lyme or ASD to have the ERMI from Mycometrics done. It is a good option for testing your home environment to see what the mold burden of a home might be. This is even more important if we have a mold-susceptible HLA type in my opinion. www.mycometrics.com-- In Better Health,@...

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What is " BEG's nasal spray " ?

I have used grapefruit seed nasal spray (NutriBiotic), Citricidal, and XLear

(Xylitol), etc., haven't tried SinuFix that Olga recommended.

I would love to have some recommendation for biofilm breaker in the nasal and

sinus areas, and things that can help to build health mucosal immunity.



> So Allie, you are doing Dr. RS's labs. I've heard that DK's office recently

started ordering these labs too. Is DRB5 part of the HLA genotype testing or a

stand-alone test?

> You might be able to find some helpful information to your lab results here:

> http://www.survivingmold.com/news/


> Allie, , Thane,


> Dr. RS's new website lists his step-by-step treatment protocol:

> http://www.survivingmold.com/treatment/step-by-step


> My son is on Xtra-Cell Remilyn, which is supposed to reduce MMP9 and helps

with myelination of nerve cells.


> Limin





>> Limin

>> My son's lab was Lab Corp, my copy is not so clear but here is what it

appears to be

>> DRB5, C3a, C4a,TGF- b1, and MMP9.

>> Nothing on the lab results explains anything, other than the DR wrote, mold


>> I will be talking to the DR's office soon.

>> I think Chlorella is very helpful. Interesting the other herbs your using

that is exactly what I put my son on two weeks ago, he was doing so poorly. I

looked threw my Yasko notes

>> of what worked for him, this is the only thing that helps stablize him, I

also use olive leaf ext. its all the gut stuff.

>> Have you ever used BEG's nasal spray?


>> HTH's

>> Allie




>>>> Recent testing shows my son has mold illness.

>>>> Anyone treating it? Any experiences with supplements/ med's you can share

>>>> would be helpful.

>>>> Thanks

>>>> Allie




>>>> ------------------------------------



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Limin, re: BEG's nasal spray

Its prescription nasal spray, not sure what it has in it.


> >>>

> >>>> Recent testing shows my son has mold illness.

> >>>> Anyone treating it? Any experiences with supplements/ med's you can share

> >>>> would be helpful.

> >>>> Thanks

> >>>> Allie

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>> ------------------------------------

> >>>>

> >>>>

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Bactroban, EDTA and gentamycin I believe. we where going to do it, my son and I

but I cant get nose spray in him, freaks out, so we are doing bactroban



> > >>>

> > >>>> Recent testing shows my son has mold illness.

> > >>>> Anyone treating it? Any experiences with supplements/ med's you can


> > >>>> would be helpful.

> > >>>> Thanks

> > >>>> Allie

> > >>>>

> > >>>>

> > >>>>

> > >>>> ------------------------------------

> > >>>>

> > >>>>

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Alli, what is drb5? We've done all the mold labs for a few years....glad I

added tgf b1 as the c3a and c4a just changed.

Love to hear more...been circling his wagon but need to land in a clean home and

finding one isn't that easy...can't wait around anymore amazing what biotoxins

and inflammation can do to insight.

Sent from my iPad

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