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Re: Re: vertical streaks onback of neck and upper back

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Tammy we are experiencing the same - diagnosis is lyme bartonella anaplasma and co-infections. My son became aggressive with herbal treatments and nystatin so I tried risperidal but made things worse so we quit on 4th day. Am very scared to try new meds as he always goes thru the roof. What diet are you on? Our LLMD put us on modified SCD and no am.ylose diet. I am looking into the low oxalate diet. Good luck to all of us in this support group - the road ahead is bumpy but we gotta hang in there for our loved ones.FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 20:13:45 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Re: vertical streaks onback of neck and upper back My son had those through his fist 6 years of life.Off and on. HisLLMD diagnosed it as Bartonella. He has been treated for 2 yearswith mycobutin azithromiacin and inter muscular bicillin shots.He nolonger has those rashes.His body never did well on the meds(missedmonths and months of school) .I actually thought these meds whereuseless for my son,untill I read your post and realized my son nolonger has those rashes.My son has another co-infection of Lyme thatneeds to be treated,but he does so terrible on meds,that I am scaredto try new things.Although maybe things are better now that he is onvaltrex.Valtrex has been the best with noticeable changes for myson. But I believe it is very important to treat withantibiotics for Lyme ,Bartonella and Co-infections.But only treatedby a Lyme literate medical doctor.Good Luck,Tammy F. I uploaded photos of the streaks and named the file "MJrash". The quality is not the best, but hopefully you cansee. They are faint lines. Please let me know if anyonerecognizes these streaks. Thank you!>> Hi, my son has some thin vertical streaks across thetop of his back. They are dark red/purple. They are morealong his shoulders and the back of his neck. I firstnoticed two days ago, but I have been watching thisclosely and it seems they are now spreading lower. Anyoneseen anything like this before? It is a first for us.Wondering if it is viral or bacterial related. He has notbeen physically well for the past few days. Mostlyallergy/sinus type symptoms. Only a low grade fever in the99's at most.> > Kari>

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Hi Fransel,I see our boys reacting to many of the same things.  I

tried risperidol also,it made my son worse also.We tried the natural

route also and seemed worse than non

natural.                           I have started the NIDS protocal

and the doc. put him on amphotericin B,for yeast . He does not react

too terribly to it.The doc. says it does not go systemic.Its been

the only stomach med he can take.I tried all naturals

,nystatin,diflucan,enzymes.It only covers his stomach.  Also,I have

started the Nids diet(no milk,or whole grains).I think I notice a

slight calm in him.Although doing with out milk was hard for him at

fist. I am pondering the Low oxilate and no amylose diet.I tried the

Low oxilate before but I am not sure I tried for long enough.I am

also considering doing intravenious babesia treatment.Have you tried

that?                             I am just so thankful I have you

and others to talk.It was just awful being offline for a

while.              Thankful for you,Tammy F.           


Tammy we are experiencing the same - diagnosis is lyme

bartonella anaplasma and co-infections. My son became

aggressive with herbal treatments and nystatin so I tried

risperidal but made things worse so we quit on 4th day. Am

very scared to try new meds as he always goes thru the

roof. What diet are you on? Our LLMD put us on modified

SCD and no am.ylose diet. I am looking into the low

oxalate diet. Good luck to all of us in this support group

- the road ahead is bumpy but we gotta hang in there for

our loved ones.




Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 20:13:45 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >



Subject: Re:

Re: vertical streaks

on back of neck and upper back


My son had those through his fist 6 years of life.Off

and on. His LLMD diagnosed it as Bartonella. He has been

treated for 2 years with mycobutin azithromiacin and

inter muscular bicillin shots.He no longer has those

rashes.His body never did well on the meds(missed months

and months of school) .I actually thought these meds

where useless for my son,untill I read your post and

realized my son no longer has those rashes.My son has

another co-infection of Lyme that needs to be

treated,but he does so terrible on meds,that I am scared

to try new things.Although maybe things are better now

that he is on valtrex.Valtrex has been the best with

noticeable changes for my son.       But I believe it is

very important to treat with antibiotics for Lyme

,Bartonella and Co-infections.But only treated by a Lyme

literate medical doctor.Good Luck,Tammy F.


I uploaded photos of the streaks and named the file

"MJ rash". The quality is not the best, but

hopefully you can see. They are faint lines. Please

let me know if anyone recognizes these streaks.

Thank you!


> Hi, my son has some thin vertical streaks

across the top of his back. They are dark

red/purple. They are more along his shoulders and

the back of his neck. I first noticed two days ago,

but I have been watching this closely and it seems

they are now spreading lower. Anyone seen anything

like this before? It is a first for us. Wondering if

it is viral or bacterial related. He has not been

physically well for the past few days. Mostly

allergy/sinus type symptoms. Only a low grade fever

in the 99's at most.


> Kari


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