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Re: Breakfast Breads

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Tammy my doc recommended Millet bread but son allergic to millet. Also quinoa and amaranth but found out here that quinoa was high oxalate. My son loves breakfast breads so I need bread alternatives. I will look into coconut flour for bread as suggested here too. FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 08:17:45 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: intravenous Treatments I have not checked this yet(for low oxilate),but my son seems to dofine with plain white bread with no whole grains. That idea comesfrom the NiDs idea on diet. The doc. says use it as needed,but don'tover do. It is pretty much dead food,so my son seems to not react toit.                Tammy F. Yes Tammy my doc recommends intravenous treatments tobypass the gut since my son is herxing a lot. We are notyet there as we are still doing more blood urine andsaliva tests. In the meantime we are addressing gut issuesthru better diet and supplements and elimination. Am surethere's oxalate dumping issues like today he aggressedtowards his therapist and he just had blueberries (highoxalate). Another problem of mine is how to eliminate hisnut breads. I do not have a substitute as even quinoa ishigh oxalate and millet is +3. FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 22:06:54 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Re: vertical streaksonback of neck and upper back  Hi Fransel,I see our boys reacting to many of the samethings.  I tried risperidol also,it made my son worsealso.We tried the natural route also and seemed worsethan non natural.                           I havestarted the NIDS protocal and the doc. put him onamphotericin B,for yeast . He does not react tooterribly to it.The doc. says it does not go systemic.Itsbeen the only stomach med he can take.I tried allnaturals ,nystatin,diflucan,enzymes.It only covers hisstomach.  Also,I have started the Nids diet(no milk,orwhole grains).I think I notice a slight calm inhim.Although doing with out milk was hard for him atfist. I am pondering the Low oxilate and no amylosediet.I tried the Low oxilate before but I am not sure Itried for long enough.I am also considering doingintravenious babesia treatment.Have you tried that?                            I am just so thankful I have youand others to talk.It was just awful being offline for awhile.              Thankful for you,Tammy F.              Tammy we are experiencing the same - diagnosisis lyme bartonella anaplasma and co-infections.My son became aggressive with herbal treatmentsand nystatin so I tried risperidal but madethings worse so we quit on 4th day. Am veryscared to try new meds as he always goes thruthe roof. What diet are you on? Our LLMD put uson modified SCD and no am.ylose diet. I amlooking into the low oxalate diet. Good luck toall of us in this support group - the road aheadis bumpy but we gotta hang in there for ourloved ones.FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 20:13:45 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Re:vertical streaks on back of neck and upper back  My son had those through his fist 6 years oflife.Off and on. His LLMD diagnosed it asBartonella. He has been treated for 2 yearswith mycobutin azithromiacin and intermuscular bicillin shots.He no longer has thoserashes.His body never did well on themeds(missed months and months of school) .Iactually thought these meds where useless formy son,untill I read your post and realized myson no longer has those rashes.My son hasanother co-infection of Lyme that needs to betreated,but he does so terrible on meds,that Iam scared to try new things.Although maybethings are better now that he is onvaltrex.Valtrex has been the best withnoticeable changes for my son.       But Ibelieve it is very important to treat withantibiotics for Lyme ,Bartonella andCo-infections.But only treated by a Lymeliterate medical doctor.Good Luck,Tammy F.  I uploaded photos of the streaks andnamed the file "MJ rash". The quality isnot the best, but hopefully you can see.They are faint lines. Please let me knowif anyone recognizes these streaks. Thankyou!>> Hi, my son has some thin verticalstreaks across the top of his back. Theyare dark red/purple. They are more alonghis shoulders and the back of his neck. Ifirst noticed two days ago, but I havebeen watching this closely and it seemsthey are now spreading lower. Anyone seenanything like this before? It is a firstfor us. Wondering if it is viral orbacterial related. He has not beenphysically well for the past few days.Mostly allergy/sinus type symptoms. Only alow grade fever in the 99's at most.> > Kari>

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Hi Fransel,I had been using those alternative grains for many years

with no luck.I also tried for many years the Body ecology diet.So

with that diet they suggest the grains to be sprouted,and that still

never did my son well.  I have not tried the coconut flour yet,I

have it in my fridge waiting for the right recipie.

                                           As long as my son only

1-2 pieces of the junky bread a day and no other grains he seems to

be more calm.           Tammy


Tammy my doc recommended Millet bread but son allergic to

millet. Also quinoa and amaranth but found out here that

quinoa was high oxalate. My son loves breakfast breads so

I need bread alternatives. I will look into coconut flour

for bread as suggested here too.




Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 08:17:45 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >



Subject: Re:




I have not checked this yet(for low oxilate),but my

son seems to do fine with plain white bread with no

whole grains. That idea comes from the NiDs idea on

diet. The doc. says use it as needed,but don't over do.

It is pretty much dead food,so my son seems to not react

to it.                Tammy F.


Yes Tammy my doc recommends intravenous

treatments to bypass the gut since my son is

herxing a lot. We are not yet there as we are

still doing more blood urine and saliva tests.

In the meantime we are addressing gut issues

thru better diet and supplements and

elimination. Am sure there's oxalate dumping

issues like today he aggressed towards his

therapist and he just had blueberries (high

oxalate). Another problem of mine is how to

eliminate his nut breads. I do not have a

substitute as even quinoa is high oxalate and

millet is +3.


Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 22:06:54 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >

ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Subject: Re:


vertical streaks onback of neck and upper back


Hi Fransel,I see our boys reacting to many

of the same things.  I tried risperidol

also,it made my son worse also.We tried the

natural route also and seemed worse than non

natural.                           I have

started the NIDS protocal and the doc. put him

on amphotericin B,for yeast . He does not

react too terribly to it.The doc. says it does

not go systemic.Its been the only stomach med

he can take.I tried all naturals

,nystatin,diflucan,enzymes.It only covers his

stomach.  Also,I have started the Nids diet(no

milk,or whole grains).I think I notice a

slight calm in him.Although doing with out

milk was hard for him at fist. I am pondering

the Low oxilate and no amylose diet.I tried

the Low oxilate before but I am not sure I

tried for long enough.I am also considering

doing intravenious babesia treatment.Have you

tried that?                             I am

just so thankful I have you and others to

talk.It was just awful being offline for a

while.              Thankful for you,Tammy F.



Tammy we are experiencing the same -

diagnosis is lyme bartonella anaplasma

and co-infections. My son became

aggressive with herbal treatments and

nystatin so I tried risperidal but

made things worse so we quit on 4th

day. Am very scared to try new meds as

he always goes thru the roof. What

diet are you on? Our LLMD put us on

modified SCD and no am.ylose diet. I

am looking into the low oxalate diet.

Good luck to all of us in this support

group - the road ahead is bumpy but we

gotta hang in there for our loved



Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011

20:13:45 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >

ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Subject: Re:

Re: vertical streaks on back of neck

and upper back


My son had those through his fist

6 years of life.Off and on. His LLMD

diagnosed it as Bartonella. He has

been treated for 2 years with

mycobutin azithromiacin and inter

muscular bicillin shots.He no longer

has those rashes.His body never did

well on the meds(missed months and

months of school) .I actually

thought these meds where useless for

my son,untill I read your post and

realized my son no longer has those

rashes.My son has another

co-infection of Lyme that needs to

be treated,but he does so terrible

on meds,that I am scared to try new

things.Although maybe things are

better now that he is on

valtrex.Valtrex has been the best

with noticeable changes for my

son.       But I believe it is very

important to treat with antibiotics

for Lyme ,Bartonella and

Co-infections.But only treated by a

Lyme literate medical doctor.Good

Luck,Tammy F.


I uploaded photos of the

streaks and named the file "MJ

rash". The quality is not the

best, but hopefully you can see.

They are faint lines. Please let

me know if anyone recognizes

these streaks. Thank you!


> Hi, my son has some thin

vertical streaks across the top

of his back. They are dark

red/purple. They are more along

his shoulders and the back of

his neck. I first noticed two

days ago, but I have been

watching this closely and it

seems they are now spreading

lower. Anyone seen anything like

this before? It is a first for

us. Wondering if it is viral or

bacterial related. He has not

been physically well for the

past few days. Mostly

allergy/sinus type symptoms.

Only a low grade fever in the

99's at most.


> Kari


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Tammy, by junky bread, did you mean the nut breads, or millet, quinoa or amaranth breads? My son has 2 brownie size nut breads and no other nuts for the day. Then he has organic meats, fresh fruits and cooked veggies. Are the oxalates from this diet the culprit you think?FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 19:37:34 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Breakfast Breads Hi Fransel,I had been using those alternative grains for many yearswith no luck.I also tried for many years the Body ecology diet.Sowith that diet they suggest the grains to be sprouted,and that stillnever did my son well.  I have not tried the coconut flour yet,Ihave it in my fridge waiting for the right recipie.                                           As long as my son only1-2 pieces of the junky bread a day and no other grains he seems tobe more calm.           Tammy Tammy my doc recommended Millet bread but son allergic tomillet. Also quinoa and amaranth but found out here thatquinoa was high oxalate. My son loves breakfast breads soI need bread alternatives. I will look into coconut flourfor bread as suggested here too. FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 08:17:45 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: intravenousTreatments  I have not checked this yet(for low oxilate),but myson seems to do fine with plain white bread with nowhole grains. That idea comes from the NiDs idea ondiet. The doc. says use it as needed,but don't over do.It is pretty much dead food,so my son seems to not reactto it.                Tammy F.   Yes Tammy my doc recommends intravenoustreatments to bypass the gut since my son isherxing a lot. We are not yet there as we arestill doing more blood urine and saliva tests.In the meantime we are addressing gut issuesthru better diet and supplements andelimination. Am sure there's oxalate dumpingissues like today he aggressed towards histherapist and he just had blueberries (highoxalate). Another problem of mine is how toeliminate his nut breads. I do not have asubstitute as even quinoa is high oxalate andmillet is +3. FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 22:06:54 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Re:vertical streaks onback of neck and upper back  Hi Fransel,I see our boys reacting to manyof the same things.  I tried risperidolalso,it made my son worse also.We tried thenatural route also and seemed worse than nonnatural.                           I havestarted the NIDS protocal and the doc. put himon amphotericin B,for yeast . He does notreact too terribly to it.The doc. says it doesnot go systemic.Its been the only stomach medhe can take.I tried all naturals,nystatin,diflucan,enzymes.It only covers hisstomach.  Also,I have started the Nids diet(nomilk,or whole grains).I think I notice aslight calm in him.Although doing with outmilk was hard for him at fist. I am ponderingthe Low oxilate and no amylose diet.I triedthe Low oxilate before but I am not sure Itried for long enough.I am also consideringdoing intravenious babesia treatment.Have youtried that?                             I amjust so thankful I have you and others totalk.It was just awful being offline for awhile.              Thankful for you,Tammy F.             Tammy we are experiencing the same -diagnosis is lyme bartonella anaplasmaand co-infections. My son becameaggressive with herbal treatments andnystatin so I tried risperidal butmade things worse so we quit on 4thday. Am very scared to try new meds ashe always goes thru the roof. Whatdiet are you on? Our LLMD put us onmodified SCD and no am.ylose diet. Iam looking into the low oxalate diet.Good luck to all of us in this supportgroup - the road ahead is bumpy but wegotta hang in there for our lovedones.FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Mon, 25 Apr 201120:13:45 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Re: vertical streaks on back of neckand upper back  My son had those through his fist6 years of life.Off and on. His LLMDdiagnosed it as Bartonella. He hasbeen treated for 2 years withmycobutin azithromiacin and intermuscular bicillin shots.He no longerhas those rashes.His body never didwell on the meds(missed months andmonths of school) .I actuallythought these meds where useless formy son,untill I read your post andrealized my son no longer has thoserashes.My son has anotherco-infection of Lyme that needs tobe treated,but he does so terribleon meds,that I am scared to try newthings.Although maybe things arebetter now that he is onvaltrex.Valtrex has been the bestwith noticeable changes for myson.       But I believe it is veryimportant to treat with antibioticsfor Lyme ,Bartonella andCo-infections.But only treated by aLyme literate medical doctor.GoodLuck,Tammy F.  I uploaded photos of thestreaks and named the file "MJrash". The quality is not thebest, but hopefully you can see.They are faint lines. Please letme know if anyone recognizesthese streaks. Thank you!>> Hi, my son has some thinvertical streaks across the topof his back. They are darkred/purple. They are more alonghis shoulders and the back ofhis neck. I first noticed twodays ago, but I have beenwatching this closely and itseems they are now spreadinglower. Anyone seen anything likethis before? It is a first forus. Wondering if it is viral orbacterial related. He has notbeen physically well for thepast few days. Mostlyallergy/sinus type symptoms.Only a low grade fever in the99's at most.> > Kari>

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Hi Fransel,I see I did not clarify the "junky bread".It is called

RAINBOW brand.Its a white bread with no whole grains in it. I am

gong to start back on Low ox diet next week,so I need to research

the diet again.But I do remember it depends on the types of

fruits,vegis,and meats.So I am no help.Maybe someone can talk more

on the diet in relation to your son.                                

That diet sounds like my sons,but without the whole grains.         

Tammy F.


Tammy, by junky bread, did you mean the nut breads, or

millet, quinoa or amaranth breads? My son has 2 brownie

size nut breads and no other nuts for the day. Then he has

organic meats, fresh fruits and cooked veggies. Are the

oxalates from this diet the culprit you think?




Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 19:37:34 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >



Subject: Re:

Breakfast Breads


Hi Fransel,I had been using those alternative grains

for many years with no luck.I also tried for many years

the Body ecology diet.So with that diet they suggest the

grains to be sprouted,and that still never did my son

well.  I have not tried the coconut flour yet,I have it

in my fridge waiting for the right recipie.

                                           As long as my

son only 1-2 pieces of the junky bread a day and no

other grains he seems to be more calm.           Tammy


Tammy my doc recommended Millet bread but son

allergic to millet. Also quinoa and amaranth but

found out here that quinoa was high oxalate. My

son loves breakfast breads so I need bread

alternatives. I will look into coconut flour for

bread as suggested here too.


Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 08:17:45 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >

ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Subject: Re:

intravenous Treatments


I have not checked this yet(for low

oxilate),but my son seems to do fine with

plain white bread with no whole grains. That

idea comes from the NiDs idea on diet. The

doc. says use it as needed,but don't over do.

It is pretty much dead food,so my son seems to

not react to it.                Tammy F.


Yes Tammy my doc recommends

intravenous treatments to bypass the

gut since my son is herxing a lot. We

are not yet there as we are still

doing more blood urine and saliva

tests. In the meantime we are

addressing gut issues thru better diet

and supplements and elimination. Am

sure there's oxalate dumping issues

like today he aggressed towards his

therapist and he just had blueberries

(high oxalate). Another problem of

mine is how to eliminate his nut

breads. I do not have a substitute as

even quinoa is high oxalate and millet

is +3.


Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011

22:06:54 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >

ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Subject: Re:

Re: vertical streaks onback of neck

and upper back


Hi Fransel,I see our boys reacting

to many of the same things.  I tried

risperidol also,it made my son worse

also.We tried the natural route also

and seemed worse than non

natural.                           I

have started the NIDS protocal and

the doc. put him on amphotericin

B,for yeast . He does not react too

terribly to it.The doc. says it does

not go systemic.Its been the only

stomach med he can take.I tried all


,nystatin,diflucan,enzymes.It only

covers his stomach.  Also,I have

started the Nids diet(no milk,or

whole grains).I think I notice a

slight calm in him.Although doing

with out milk was hard for him at

fist. I am pondering the Low oxilate

and no amylose diet.I tried the Low

oxilate before but I am not sure I

tried for long enough.I am also

considering doing intravenious

babesia treatment.Have you tried

that?                             I

am just so thankful I have you and

others to talk.It was just awful

being offline for a while.          

   Thankful for you,Tammy F.



Tammy we are experiencing

the same - diagnosis is lyme

bartonella anaplasma and

co-infections. My son became

aggressive with herbal

treatments and nystatin so I

tried risperidal but made

things worse so we quit on

4th day. Am very scared to

try new meds as he always

goes thru the roof. What

diet are you on? Our LLMD

put us on modified SCD and

no am.ylose diet. I am

looking into the low oxalate

diet. Good luck to all of us

in this support group - the

road ahead is bumpy but we

gotta hang in there for our

loved ones.


From: Tammy


Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Date: Mon, 25 Apr

2011 20:13:45 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >

ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Subject: Re:

Re: vertical streaks on back

of neck and upper back


My son had those through

his fist 6 years of

life.Off and on. His LLMD

diagnosed it as

Bartonella. He has been

treated for 2 years with

mycobutin azithromiacin

and inter muscular

bicillin shots.He no

longer has those

rashes.His body never did

well on the meds(missed

months and months of

school) .I actually

thought these meds where

useless for my son,untill

I read your post and

realized my son no longer

has those rashes.My son

has another co-infection

of Lyme that needs to be

treated,but he does so

terrible on meds,that I am

scared to try new

things.Although maybe

things are better now that

he is on valtrex.Valtrex

has been the best with

noticeable changes for my

son.       But I believe

it is very important to

treat with antibiotics for

Lyme ,Bartonella and

Co-infections.But only

treated by a Lyme literate

medical doctor.Good

Luck,Tammy F.


I uploaded photos of

the streaks and named

the file "MJ rash".

The quality is not the

best, but hopefully

you can see. They are

faint lines. Please

let me know if anyone

recognizes these

streaks. Thank you!


> Hi, my son has

some thin vertical

streaks across the top

of his back. They are

dark red/purple. They

are more along his

shoulders and the back

of his neck. I first

noticed two days ago,

but I have been

watching this closely

and it seems they are

now spreading lower.

Anyone seen anything

like this before? It

is a first for us.

Wondering if it is

viral or bacterial

related. He has not

been physically well

for the past few days.

Mostly allergy/sinus

type symptoms. Only a

low grade fever in the

99's at most.


> Kari


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Ok Tammy let's touch base again later. I looked in the low oxalate foods site and reviewed the listed foods and compared it to my son's food allergies. Apparently if we mix calcium citrate complex to our nut breads oxalates can be better tolerated. I might also try coconut flour for making bread after resesrching more. FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 19:34:11 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Breakfast Breads Hi Fransel,I see I did not clarify the "junky bread".It is calledRAINBOW brand.Its a white bread with no whole grains in it. I amgong to start back on Low ox diet next week,so I need to researchthe diet again.But I do remember it depends on the types offruits,vegis,and meats.So I am no help.Maybe someone can talk moreon the diet in relation to your son.                                That diet sounds like my sons,but without the whole grains.         Tammy F. Tammy, by junky bread, did you mean the nut breads, ormillet, quinoa or amaranth breads? My son has 2 browniesize nut breads and no other nuts for the day. Then he hasorganic meats, fresh fruits and cooked veggies. Are theoxalates from this diet the culprit you think?FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 19:37:34 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Breakfast Breads  Hi Fransel,I had been using those alternative grainsfor many years with no luck.I also tried for many yearsthe Body ecology diet.So with that diet they suggest thegrains to be sprouted,and that still never did my sonwell.  I have not tried the coconut flour yet,I have itin my fridge waiting for the right recipie.                                           As long as myson only 1-2 pieces of the junky bread a day and noother grains he seems to be more calm.           Tammy   Tammy my doc recommended Millet bread but sonallergic to millet. Also quinoa and amaranth butfound out here that quinoa was high oxalate. Myson loves breakfast breads so I need breadalternatives. I will look into coconut flour forbread as suggested here too. FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 08:17:45 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: intravenous Treatments  I have not checked this yet(for lowoxilate),but my son seems to do fine withplain white bread with no whole grains. Thatidea comes from the NiDs idea on diet. Thedoc. says use it as needed,but don't over do.It is pretty much dead food,so my son seems tonot react to it.                Tammy F.   Yes Tammy my doc recommendsintravenous treatments to bypass thegut since my son is herxing a lot. Weare not yet there as we are stilldoing more blood urine and salivatests. In the meantime we areaddressing gut issues thru better dietand supplements and elimination. Amsure there's oxalate dumping issueslike today he aggressed towards histherapist and he just had blueberries(high oxalate). Another problem ofmine is how to eliminate his nutbreads. I do not have a substitute aseven quinoa is high oxalate and milletis +3. FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Mon, 25 Apr 201122:06:54 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Re: vertical streaks onback of neckand upper back  Hi Fransel,I see our boys reactingto many of the same things.  I triedrisperidol also,it made my son worsealso.We tried the natural route alsoand seemed worse than nonnatural.                           Ihave started the NIDS protocal andthe doc. put him on amphotericinB,for yeast . He does not react tooterribly to it.The doc. says it doesnot go systemic.Its been the onlystomach med he can take.I tried allnaturals,nystatin,diflucan,enzymes.It onlycovers his stomach.  Also,I havestarted the Nids diet(no milk,orwhole grains).I think I notice aslight calm in him.Although doingwith out milk was hard for him atfist. I am pondering the Low oxilateand no amylose diet.I tried the Lowoxilate before but I am not sure Itried for long enough.I am alsoconsidering doing intraveniousbabesia treatment.Have you triedthat?                             Iam just so thankful I have you andothers to talk.It was just awfulbeing offline for a while.             Thankful for you,Tammy F.             Tammy we are experiencingthe same - diagnosis is lymebartonella anaplasma andco-infections. My son becameaggressive with herbaltreatments and nystatin so Itried risperidal but madethings worse so we quit on4th day. Am very scared totry new meds as he alwaysgoes thru the roof. Whatdiet are you on? Our LLMDput us on modified SCD andno am.ylose diet. I amlooking into the low oxalatediet. Good luck to all of usin this support group - theroad ahead is bumpy but wegotta hang in there for ourloved ones.FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Mon, 25 Apr2011 20:13:45 -0500To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Re: vertical streaks on backof neck and upper back  My son had those throughhis fist 6 years oflife.Off and on. His LLMDdiagnosed it asBartonella. He has beentreated for 2 years withmycobutin azithromiacinand inter muscularbicillin shots.He nolonger has thoserashes.His body never didwell on the meds(missedmonths and months ofschool) .I actuallythought these meds whereuseless for my son,untillI read your post andrealized my son no longerhas those rashes.My sonhas another co-infectionof Lyme that needs to betreated,but he does soterrible on meds,that I amscared to try newthings.Although maybethings are better now thathe is on valtrex.Valtrexhas been the best withnoticeable changes for myson.       But I believeit is very important totreat with antibiotics forLyme ,Bartonella andCo-infections.But onlytreated by a Lyme literatemedical doctor.GoodLuck,Tammy F.  I uploaded photos ofthe streaks and namedthe file "MJ rash".The quality is not thebest, but hopefullyyou can see. They arefaint lines. Pleaselet me know if anyonerecognizes thesestreaks. Thank you!>> Hi, my son hassome thin verticalstreaks across the topof his back. They aredark red/purple. Theyare more along hisshoulders and the backof his neck. I firstnoticed two days ago,but I have beenwatching this closelyand it seems they arenow spreading lower.Anyone seen anythinglike this before? Itis a first for us.Wondering if it isviral or bacterialrelated. He has notbeen physically wellfor the past few days.Mostly allergy/sinustype symptoms. Only alow grade fever in the99's at most.> > Kari>

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Fransel, i should have said we only used pecans in our nut bread and they might not be as high in oxalates as some of the other nuts. I don't know if you've checked out the low oxalate diet website or yahoo group, they would have that information. I think you still have to watch your total oxalate level even with the calcium but it helped here.

Re: Re: vertical streaks on back of neck and upper back

My son had those through his fist 6 years of life.Off and on. His LLMD diagnosed it as Bartonella. He has been treated for 2 years with mycobutin azithromiacin and inter muscular bicillin shots.He no longer has those rashes.His body never did well on the meds(missed months and months of school) .I actually thought these meds where useless for my son,untill I read your post and realized my son no longer has those rashes.My son has another co-infection of Lyme that needs to be treated,but he does so terrible on meds,that I am scared to try new things.Although maybe things are better now that he is on valtrex.Valtrex has been the best with noticeable changes for my son. But I believe it is very important to treat with antibiotics for Lyme ,Bartonella and Co-infections.But only treated by a Lyme literate medical doctor.Good Luck,Tammy F.

I uploaded photos of the streaks and named the file "MJ rash". The quality is not the best, but hopefully you can see. They are faint lines. Please let me know if anyone recognizes these streaks. Thank you!


> Hi, my son has some thin vertical streaks across the top of his back. They are dark red/purple. They are more along his shoulders and the back of his neck. I first noticed two days ago, but I have been watching this closely and it seems they are now spreading lower. Anyone seen anything like this before? It is a first for us. Wondering if it is viral or bacterial related. He has not been physically well for the past few days. Mostly allergy/sinus type symptoms. Only a low grade fever in the 99's at most.


> Kari


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Yes,Fransel,I will keep track of your progress

..                        Its quite the journey.I am glad to not be

alone.               Thanks,Tammy F.


Ok Tammy let's touch base again later. I looked in the low

oxalate foods site and reviewed the listed foods and

compared it to my son's food allergies. Apparently if we

mix calcium citrate complex to our nut breads oxalates can

be better tolerated. I might also try coconut flour for

making bread after resesrching more.




Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 19:34:11 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >



Subject: Re:

Breakfast Breads


Hi Fransel,I see I did not clarify the "junky

bread".It is called RAINBOW brand.Its a white bread with

no whole grains in it. I am gong to start back on Low ox

diet next week,so I need to research the diet again.But

I do remember it depends on the types of

fruits,vegis,and meats.So I am no help.Maybe someone can

talk more on the diet in relation to your son.          

                      That diet sounds like my sons,but

without the whole grains.          Tammy F.


Tammy, by junky bread, did you mean the nut

breads, or millet, quinoa or amaranth breads? My

son has 2 brownie size nut breads and no other

nuts for the day. Then he has organic meats,

fresh fruits and cooked veggies. Are the

oxalates from this diet the culprit you think?


Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 19:37:34 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >

ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Subject: Re:




Hi Fransel,I had been using those

alternative grains for many years with no

luck.I also tried for many years the Body

ecology diet.So with that diet they suggest

the grains to be sprouted,and that still never

did my son well.  I have not tried the coconut

flour yet,I have it in my fridge waiting for

the right recipie.


long as my son only 1-2 pieces of the junky

bread a day and no other grains he seems to be

more calm.           Tammy


Tammy my doc recommended Millet

bread but son allergic to millet. Also

quinoa and amaranth but found out here

that quinoa was high oxalate. My son

loves breakfast breads so I need bread

alternatives. I will look into coconut

flour for bread as suggested here too.


Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011

08:17:45 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >

ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Subject: Re:

intravenous Treatments


I have not checked this yet(for

low oxilate),but my son seems to do

fine with plain white bread with no

whole grains. That idea comes from

the NiDs idea on diet. The doc. says

use it as needed,but don't over do.

It is pretty much dead food,so my

son seems to not react to

it.                Tammy F.


Yes Tammy my doc

recommends intravenous

treatments to bypass the gut

since my son is herxing a

lot. We are not yet there as

we are still doing more

blood urine and saliva

tests. In the meantime we

are addressing gut issues

thru better diet and

supplements and elimination.

Am sure there's oxalate

dumping issues like today he

aggressed towards his

therapist and he just had

blueberries (high oxalate).

Another problem of mine is

how to eliminate his nut

breads. I do not have a

substitute as even quinoa is

high oxalate and millet is



From: Tammy


Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Date: Mon, 25 Apr

2011 22:06:54 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >

ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Subject: Re:

Re: vertical streaks onback

of neck and upper back


Hi Fransel,I see our

boys reacting to many of

the same things.  I tried

risperidol also,it made my

son worse also.We tried

the natural route also and

seemed worse than non


I have started the NIDS

protocal and the doc. put

him on amphotericin B,for

yeast . He does not react

too terribly to it.The

doc. says it does not go

systemic.Its been the only

stomach med he can take.I

tried all naturals


only covers his stomach. 

Also,I have started the

Nids diet(no milk,or whole

grains).I think I notice a

slight calm in

him.Although doing with

out milk was hard for him

at fist. I am pondering

the Low oxilate and no

amylose diet.I tried the

Low oxilate before but I

am not sure I tried for

long enough.I am also

considering doing

intravenious babesia

treatment.Have you tried


        I am just so

thankful I have you and

others to talk.It was just

awful being offline for a


Thankful for you,Tammy F.



Tammy we are

experiencing the

same - diagnosis

is lyme bartonella

anaplasma and

co-infections. My

son became

aggressive with

herbal treatments

and nystatin so I

tried risperidal

but made things

worse so we quit

on 4th day. Am

very scared to try

new meds as he

always goes thru

the roof. What

diet are you on?

Our LLMD put us on

modified SCD and

no am.ylose diet.

I am looking into

the low oxalate

diet. Good luck to

all of us in this

support group -

the road ahead is

bumpy but we gotta

hang in there for

our loved ones.



Tammy Farmer



Date: Mon,

25 Apr 2011

20:13:45 -0500

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >



Subject: Re:

Re: vertical

streaks on back of

neck and upper



My son had

those through

his fist 6 years

of life.Off and

on. His LLMD

diagnosed it as

Bartonella. He

has been treated

for 2 years with



and inter



shots.He no

longer has those

rashes.His body

never did well

on the


months and

months of

school) .I

actually thought

these meds where

useless for my

son,untill I

read your post

and realized my

son no longer

has those

rashes.My son

has another

co-infection of

Lyme that needs

to be

treated,but he

does so terrible

on meds,that I

am scared to try



maybe things are

better now that

he is on


has been the

best with


changes for my

son.       But I

believe it is

very important

to treat with

antibiotics for

Lyme ,Bartonella



only treated by

a Lyme literate



Luck,Tammy F.


I uploaded

photos of the

streaks and

named the file

"MJ rash". The

quality is not

the best, but

hopefully you

can see. They

are faint

lines. Please

let me know if



these streaks.

Thank you!


> Hi, my

son has some

thin vertical

streaks across

the top of his

back. They are



They are more

along his

shoulders and

the back of

his neck. I

first noticed

two days ago,

but I have

been watching

this closely

and it seems

they are now


lower. Anyone

seen anything

like this

before? It is

a first for

us. Wondering

if it is viral

or bacterial

related. He

has not been


well for the

past few days.



type symptoms.

Only a low

grade fever in

the 99's at



> Kari


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Hi , yes I've checked the low oxalates sights and found Brazil nuts and chestnuts to be low oxalate. Pecans unfortunately have high oxalates along with almonds cashews hazelnuts macadamia peanuts pine nuts pistachio and walnuts. FranselFrom: w3m1@...Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 21:42:28 -0400 (EDT)To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Breakfast Breads Fransel, i should have said we only used pecans in our nut bread and they might not be as high in oxalates as some of the other nuts. I don't know if you've checked out the low oxalate diet website or yahoo group, they would have that information. I think you still have to watch your total oxalate level even with the calcium but it helped here. Re: Re: vertical streaks on back of neck and upper back My son had those through his fist 6 years of life.Off and on. His LLMD diagnosed it as Bartonella. He has been treated for 2 years with mycobutin azithromiacin and inter muscular bicillin shots.He no longer has those rashes.His body never did well on the meds(missed months and months of school) .I actually thought these meds where useless for my son,untill I read your post and realized my son no longer has those rashes.My son has another co-infection of Lyme that needs to be treated,but he does so terrible on meds,that I am scared to try new things.Although maybe things are better now that he is on valtrex.Valtrex has been the best with noticeable changes for my son. But I believe it is very important to treat with antibiotics for Lyme ,Bartonella and Co-infections.But only treated by a Lyme literate medical doctor.Good Luck,Tammy F. I uploaded photos of the streaks and named the file "MJ rash". The quality is not the best, but hopefully you can see. They are faint lines. Please let me know if anyone recognizes these streaks. Thank you!>> Hi, my son has some thin vertical streaks across the top of his back. They are dark red/purple. They are more along his shoulders and the back of his neck. I first noticed two days ago, but I have been watching this closely and it seems they are now spreading lower. Anyone seen anything like this before? It is a first for us. Wondering if it is viral or bacterial related. He has not been physically well for the past few days. Mostly allergy/sinus type symptoms. Only a low grade fever in the 99's at most.> > Kari>

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