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Re: LutiMax

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Hello, Eliza.

(now 4 years, dx at 2 years 5 months with PDD-NOS) has been on Lutimax

(the powder) for 4 months. He is doing AMAZING. It really deals with

inflammation in the gut and brain and also with mast cell activity. This has

likely been the single most important supplement in helping him although we are

doing lots of things -- mostly energy medicine at this point, and homeopathy.

I have heard from other parents that the kids are DONE after 1 - 2 years on

Lutimax. Done, meaning no more autism. Improvements are seen often with the

first bottle. We saw this with . , 4 months in, really seems like

he is on the road to recovery (this, along with our Son Rise programme).

You can talk to Tom Lachey, the organist chemist who created it -- he is very


Best of luck,



> Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

showed improvements after take it.


> Any input is greatly appreciated.


> Eliza


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It is quite expensive and the lozanges have a few ingredients that are not

recommended for our kids(stearic acid, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide).

I wonder if they sell it in a different form other than just lozanges.



> Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

showed improvements after take it.


> Any input is greatly appreciated.


> Eliza


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What's the dosage you used? What's the weight of your child?



> >

> > Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

showed improvements after take it.

> >

> > Any input is greatly appreciated.

> >

> > Eliza

> >


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Do you have to do a diet with this or any other guidelines that come with it?

Love and prayers,

Heidi N

> >

> > Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

showed improvements after take it.

> >

> > Any input is greatly appreciated.

> >

> > Eliza

> >


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There is a powder form that does not have the " junk " .

> >

> > Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

showed improvements after take it.

> >

> > Any input is greatly appreciated.

> >

> > Eliza

> >


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Olga pls explain why we are avoiding - stearic acid, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide - I just discovered that 90% of his vitamins have them - yikes!FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 13:41:59 -0000To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: LutiMax There is a powder form that does not have the " junk " .> >> > Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism showed improvements after take it.> > > > Any input is greatly appreciated.> > > > Eliza> >>

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My son is on it, capsules with theanine. Usually it is the powder with

theanine. I haven't seen much of a change. Started April 15.


> Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

showed improvements after take it.


> Any input is greatly appreciated.


> Eliza


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A few months ago Limin posted a list of bad ingredients for our kids gut. If I

find it I will post them. Those ingredients damage the gut further plus they

don't allow the proper absortion of the supplement it suppose to help to heal

the person.

I know many supplements got those ingredients in them and that why you need to

make sure when you purchase any that it hasn't got it.

In my case I prefer to buy products from the following labs:

Premier Research Labs

Pure encapsulation

Dr. Rons and others that don't use those ingredients and fillers.


> > >

> > > Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

showed improvements after take it.

> > >

> > > Any input is greatly appreciated.

> > >

> > > Eliza

> > >

> >


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I found out from the pharmacist that if they are listed as other ingredients then they are only in the capsule so the solution would be to pour the powder out of the capsule. I have many supps like this. Sigh FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 22:43:48 -0000To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: LutiMax Franzel,A few months ago Limin posted a list of bad ingredients for our kids gut. If I find it I will post them. Those ingredients damage the gut further plus they don't allow the proper absortion of the supplement it suppose to help to heal the person.I know many supplements got those ingredients in them and that why you need to make sure when you purchase any that it hasn't got it.In my case I prefer to buy products from the following labs:Premier Research LabsPure encapsulation Dr. Rons and others that don't use those ingredients and fillers.Olga> > >> > > Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism showed improvements after take it.> > > > > > Any input is greatly appreciated.> > > > > > Eliza> > >> >>

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LutiMax sounds great. Really long-term good results? Who has best price? Would appreciate this info re: the powder form. Thanks, everyone.To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >Sent: Fri, April 29, 2011 1:33:39 PMSubject: Re: Re: LutiMax

Olga pls explain why we are avoiding - stearic acid, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide - I just discovered that 90% of his vitamins have them - yikes!Fransel

Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 13:41:59 -0000To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Subject: Re: LutiMax

There is a powder form that does not have the "junk".

> >

> > Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism showed improvements after take it.

> >

> > Any input is greatly appreciated.

> >

> > Eliza

> >


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is 48 lbs and we have him now at 1/2 tsp 2 x per day and the last dose

at 1/4 tsp 1 x per day. We dose first thing upon waking, then at 11am, then

again at 2-3pm. No later.

We started lower, though, at 1/4 tsp 2x per day. We will stay at this dose.

There are no additives or fillers in the pediatric powder.

Best wishes,


> > >

> > > Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

showed improvements after take it.

> > >

> > > Any input is greatly appreciated.

> > >

> > > Eliza

> > >

> >


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I did have a lots of supplements with all those ingredients and other nasties as

well and I didn't want to risk it, so I ended up throwing them all in the bin as

I don't believe the nasties are on the capsule, I do beleive they mix them with

the supplement to make the powder flow easily when filling the caps, but I could

be wrong.

Have a look at Dr. Rons website as he explains very well how magnesium stearate

and other fillers affect us,


> > > >

> > > > Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

showed improvements after take it.

> > > >

> > > > Any input is greatly appreciated.

> > > >

> > > > Eliza

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Yes it is most effective with grain free SCD/GAPS type diet (william is on GAPS

with some Body Ecology principles like ).

However, I know other families that are doing nothing but Lutimax and are still

showing improvements.

best of luck,



> Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

showed improvements after take it.


> Any input is greatly appreciated.


> Eliza


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I think there are few places to buy it all at the same price. A discount if you

buy in bulk.

> > >

> > > Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

> >suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

> >showed improvements after take it.

> > >

> > > Any input is greatly appreciated.

> > >

> > > Eliza

> > >

> >


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Are you using Lutimax with or without theanine?



> >

> > Have anyone heard of this product? My chiropractor learned of this and

suggested my son who has autism to try. He has other clients who have autism

showed improvements after take it.

> >

> > Any input is greatly appreciated.

> >

> > Eliza

> >


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  • 3 weeks later...
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I'm confused about this product.....

http://www.ihealthtube.com/aspx/viewvideo.aspx?v=577bc5e159f15dca In this

video the developer seems to say that the luteolin is derived from rutin; that

Lutimax is the combo of luteolin and rutin; that the rutin is necessary to carry

the luteolin into the body effectively. So - can the use of rutin alone provide

this benefit or does the luteolin need to be proceesed into the crystal form to

be used with the rutin? What is the difference between lutein and luteolin? Can

rutin also act to make other anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories more

bioavailable? Just seeking info as I don't understand why if the luteolin will

not work on its own and needs the rutin, why rutin on is own would not lead to

improvement with the use of other anti inflammatories. Thanks,

> >

> >

> > My son has only been on it for a few days (twice a day) as he goes to

school from 830am to 330pm and the results we have seen are amazing particularly

language: now he is asking for clarification and explanation of things and

situations which was hard for him to do, having long conversations with lots of

meaning and sense, watching kids movies with more interest, better reading and

understanding of what he reads. Now he is even dream recalling.

> >

> > His teacher told me that he is improving in leaps and bounds and that his

social skills are very good comparing to the beginning of the year, so I think

the product is doing it job together with enzoprofessional.

> >

> > Also his fine and gross motor skills are much better. Now he can play

downball(catches a very small ball with one hand only) his eye hand coordination

is a lot better as well

> >

> > Olga

> >


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Well, we take the lozenges, and the directions say to take 4 a day, but

we only take 2 a day and still get good results.

Love and prayers,

Heidi N

Hello everyone,

Heidi and Olga Can you please tell me what is the dosage and how old and

body weight? the reason I am asking is when I call them they old me to

give my son who is 13 and 105lb 4 times a day first 1tsp after that1/2

tsb and 2 more times 1/4 tsb which is very expensive I will run out

before I know it. So, I want to know the dosage you use so I can figure

out the dosage.



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My son has been on Enzo professional for 3 months and we have noticed

improvements in lots of areas since then. His fine and gross motor skills are

much better now, as well as his social skills. He now ask his younger brother to

play footy with him which he didn't like and was not interested in doing, he

also joins other kids in games at school too and the teacher told me that he is

asking questions during class as well. He is more confident and I think

Enzoprofessional has done a good job on him so far.

He has been on Lutimax for over a week and we saw more results mainly in speech

(longer comments and statements) and being able to request or ask for

information when going places, like when we go to the library he can go to the

front desk and request what he is after. He has is own library card and can

borrow books,cd and games and also use the library computer if he wishes.

Another thing that we also noticed is his reading , comprehension and also being

able to type words he hears from a computer program he practices at home. This

special kids software reads sentences then request that he types a word from

that sentence which has desapeared from the sentence, so his listening skills

have to be quite good to be able to do that, and to our suprise he is doing this

program very well which means that he now can understand verbal instructions,

follow and type then too.

I started giving him 1/2 teaspoon from day one twice a day plus 4

enzoprofessional and he still sleeps very well at night. By 8.30pm he is ready

to go to bed and gets up at 7.30 the next day. He also has a daily epsom salt

and bicarbonate of soda bath which helps with relaxation and sleep.

Perhaps you need to reduce the dose to see if your kid sleeps better as not

everyone does well on the same dose, maybe you need to go slowly.

My son is responding better now that a few years ago and I think it is becuase

his body and mind is in better shape, so my advice is never give to give up as

there is always hope.


> >

> >

> > My son has only been on it for a few days (twice a day) as he goes to

school from 830am to 330pm and the results we have seen are amazing particularly

language: now he is asking for clarification and explanation of things and

situations which was hard for him to do, having long conversations with lots of

meaning and sense, watching kids movies with more interest, better reading and

understanding of what he reads. Now he is even dream recalling.

> >

> > His teacher told me that he is improving in leaps and bounds and that his

social skills are very good comparing to the beginning of the year, so I think

the product is doing it job together with enzoprofessional.

> >

> > Also his fine and gross motor skills are much better. Now he can play

downball(catches a very small ball with one hand only) his eye hand coordination

is a lot better as well

> >

> > Olga

> >


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