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Re: Opponent processes

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I had read that long-term use of anti-depressants can cause chronic depression. Is the study you cited related to that research?http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/mad-in-america/201106/now-antidepressant-induced-chronic-depression-has-name-tardive-dysphoria


Here is an example of what I was talking about ...the abstract will kind of give you a sense of the problem(the actual article is pretty technical and you would need to get from anacademic library)

Published 07 July 2011

Blue Again: Perturbational Effects of Antidepressants Suggest Monoaminergic Homeostasis in Major Depression

W. s, G. Kornstein, J. Halberstadt, O. Gardner and C. Neale1

- S C. Foundation ProfessorDepartment of Psychology /298University of NevadaReno, NV 89557-0062 " Love isn't everything, it's the only thing "

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I had read that long-term use of anti-depressants can cause chronic depression. Is the study you cited related to that research?http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/mad-in-america/201106/now-antidepressant-induced-chronic-depression-has-name-tardive-dysphoria


Here is an example of what I was talking about ...the abstract will kind of give you a sense of the problem(the actual article is pretty technical and you would need to get from anacademic library)

Published 07 July 2011

Blue Again: Perturbational Effects of Antidepressants Suggest Monoaminergic Homeostasis in Major Depression

W. s, G. Kornstein, J. Halberstadt, O. Gardner and C. Neale1

- S C. Foundation ProfessorDepartment of Psychology /298University of NevadaReno, NV 89557-0062 " Love isn't everything, it's the only thing "

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Very helpful, and a bit disturbing. Thanks. If anyone has links to are other

good reads in this category (and more broadly covering pitfalls of

anti-depressant meds), I'd really appreciate learning of the same. I remember

this topic being covered a bit here and on the other list for professionals, but

can't find those posts just now.

thanks much in advance,



> > **

> >

> >

> > Here is an example of what I was talking about ...

> > the abstract will kind of give you a sense of the problem

> > (the actual article is pretty technical and you would need to get from an

> > academic library)

> >

> > Published 07 July 2011

> > Blue Again: Perturbational Effects of Antidepressants Suggest

> > Monoaminergic Homeostasis in Major


..00159/abstract?utm_source=newsletter & utm_medium=email & utm_campaign=Psychology-w\


> > W. s, G. Kornstein, J. Halberstadt, O. Gardner and

> > C. Neale1

> >

> > - S

> >

> > C.

> > Foundation Professor

> > Department of Psychology /298

> > University of Nevada

> > Reno, NV 89557-0062

> >

> > " Love isn't everything, it's the only thing "

> >

> >

> >


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Whitaker’s work is the best , see http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/mad-in-america/201106/now-antidepressant-induced-chronic-depression-has-name-tardive-dysphoria and various www.madinamerica.com blogs, but Irving Kirsch’s work is useful. Dr Marcia Angel former editor in chief of The New England Journal of Medicine reviewed their books well here http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2011/jun/23/epidemic-mental-illness-why/ The New York Times subsequently published a lengthy op-ed by Dr Kramer http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/10/opinion/sunday/10antidepressants.html?_r=1 & pagewanted=all which, as stated in the below request for support for a petition to allow an evidence based, detailed counter-opinion “contained misinformation and misinterpretation of studies. It was designed to marginalize critics of unwarranted medication usage for mental distress, and to reassure readers that the drugs are safe and effective.” Whitaker has written a detailed, excellent, science based rebuttal to the Kramer piece. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/mad-in-america/201107/the-new-york-times-defense-antidepressants-0 There is a petition circulating, as follows, asking the New York Times for equal space for a rebuttal – asking them to publish Whitaker’s opinion. Please see - http://www.change.org/petitions/a-petition-to-nyt-requesting-an-opportunity-for-robert-whitaker-to-respond-to-dr-peter-kramer The crafters of this petition wrote: The issue is this: Last Sunday, the New York Times pubished on the front page of its review section an article authored by Dr. Kramer, " In Defense of Antidepressants. " This unsubstantiated article contained misinformation and misinterpretation of studies. It was designed to marginalize critics of unwarranted medication usage for mental distress, and to reassure readers that the drugs are safe and effective. This article has been widely circulated, and became the most emailed article of that date.Everybody has a right to an opinion. But it is incumbent upon the world's leading newspaper to provide balanced coverage of opposing viewpoints, especially on such a controversial issue. This petition is to ask the NY Times to provide comparable space for a rebuttal. Signing it is not saying that you disagree with all psychiatric medications (I am not anti-medication, but rather support a limited, short-term use of them in very select cases with patients being fully informed of their risks and withdrawal effects). Signing is indicating that you support a balanced approach and accurate representation of facts in the mainstream press.Hope the links are of interest to the list, and as the petition is highly relevant to the subject area, i hope it is okay to post. Best wishes to all, RobDr Purssey, psychiatrist and ACT therapist, Australia

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Thanks much, very helpful. I think I know several people who will find this

useful, those who are wanting to be fully informed that is. (Not always easy

having depressed people act on their own behalf when up against such strong

forces). For those of us who live in U.S., I personally find the recent

escalation in television advertising of anti-depressants and other medications

appalling. The portion where they read off the many potential side effects would

be funny if it weren't so true. If you stop and listen, it truly reads like some

sort of horror show. The reading often takes up a good half or more of the

entire advertisement. And this with a rapid speaker who rattles off the laundry

list of effects, meanwhile trying to gloss over with images of happy people

bouncing around lakes, grassy hills and beaches with dogs and loved ones and so

forth. As though to insist: " You're not hearing what you think you are " . It's

enough to make one quite ill. And I'll bet the list isn't even complete with

respect to new findings found in these studies. I wonder if the bombardment of

these commercials has this turn-off effect for others as it does me? So much so

that I only record shows now, and generally watch a lot less overall (a good

thing, so maybe I should thank them!). I believe we're the only nation to have

allowed the pharmacy industry to advertise on T.V. Tells me something about who

we bow down to here in the U.S.





> The issue is this: Last Sunday, the New York Times pubished on the front

> page of its review section an article authored by Dr. Kramer, " In

> Defense of Antidepressants. " This unsubstantiated article contained

> misinformation and misinterpretation of studies. It was designed to

> marginalize critics of unwarranted medication usage for mental distress, and

> to reassure readers that the drugs are safe and effective. This article has

> been widely circulated, and became the most emailed article of that date.


> Everybody has a right to an opinion. But it is incumbent upon the world's

> leading newspaper to provide balanced coverage of opposing viewpoints,

> especially on such a controversial issue. This petition is to ask the NY

> Times to provide comparable space for a rebuttal. Signing it is not saying

> that you disagree with all psychiatric medications (I am not

> anti-medication, but rather support a limited, short-term use of them in

> very select cases with patients being fully informed of their risks and

> withdrawal effects). Signing is indicating that you support a balanced

> approach and accurate representation of facts in the mainstream press.




> Hope the links are of interest to the list, and as the petition is highly

> relevant to the subject area, i hope it is okay to post.




> Best wishes to all,




> Rob


> Dr Purssey, psychiatrist and ACT therapist, Australia


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