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Quite discouraged from our new regression

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Hello group,

I need some advice what to do and what to test for my son because the last 4-5

days we are having new problem with him.

He started intentionally pooping or peeing not in the bathroom (he is 5 years

old and he has been potty trained for approximately 2 years already) and he

knows we don't like this, but he is doing it what it seems for fun. He started

doing it inside the house or outside in the yeard – every time when he sees that

nobody is watching him, he would immediately do it. Now I am afraid to leave him

even for 1 minute alone.

I am not sure what is causing this new behavous and here is where I need your

help – it is possible to be yeast problem (we give him Diflucan and probiotics),

parasites, regression from Valtrex (we started it 3 weeks ago – 250mg/3 times

day) or some PANDAS new OCD issue (we started also Azithromycin 500mg once per

week, so far he has had 3 times only).

I am so much lost what is causing this and only 1 week ago my son was doing so

good, I was telling everybody how much more connected and affectionate person he

has become. However, now this regression which makes me realize that

improvements are never permanent with us, which makes me very sad and


Any ideas? Has anybody had similar problem?



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