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Re: Need your help... @ Randy & Darrell:-)

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Hi Randy:-)

Jazakallah khair for your email, full of wonderful advice.

<<.. for some reason my voice got quavery & my breath was very tight.>>>

ahaaa, i can relate to this feeling soooooo much u won't even belive;)

<<To me the connection is so important. And it helps people hear you

better, I think.>>>

absolutely, i agree! also TM doesn't allow note cards, & one of the key rules is

to make sure one makes eye contact with each and every person, so that is

something i have gained a lotta confidence at from my expereince at toastmasters

And thank you soooooooo much for what you wrote in your last 2 paras. it means

a looooooooooooooooooot to me.

And plz do share with me how your expereince goes with the group of people u

talked about. :-)



@ Darrell

Hi Darrell:-)

<<Remember to breathe...:).>>

jazakallah khair for ur advice darrell. It is so true that sometimes we forget

the simplest things when we get caught up in our anxiety. U know ur advice

reminded me of my last day of theray last year, i wanted to 'give a speech' ;),

it was a badly delivered speech hehe, but it came from the heart, and it was a

genuine attempt to connect with the other patients at therapy there, and to let

them know what am i walking out with now (after having gone trhough 3 weeks of

ACT therapy). I rememer in that speech i said, something like- i have the best

medicine for instant anxiety relief, and fortunately everyone can get it, coz it

sooo readilty avaiable, never goes out of stock, no re -fills needed, and that

was OXYGEN! ur best friend is OXYGEN. So breathe as much as, as many times as

needed. And u will c it's results. Its definately addictive , as after u realize

that that infact is the only 'med' u need, u get hooked on it, but it is not

harmful:-). I am also a strong believer of , and i know a lotta people will hate

me for this, but NO meds for anxiety. that's becoz that's what i was taught, and

i am a living example of it. Hence i can say it , coz i have infact practised

it:-) meds supress the very symptoms of anxiety, inother words they r indicating

that the symptoms r soo harmful and unbearable that u cannot function normaly

and effcitvely unless first supressed. But FROM MY UNDERSTANDING of act, what we

r supposed to do is expeerence pianful thoughts,emotions/sensation/urges as JUST

WHAT THEY R, which is highly unpleasant expereinces in our mind and body. In the

end they can't really do us any harm UNLESS we hold them as absolute truth or

we act upon them or react to them. When we c them in their true form (like when

u c the deamons on the boat in their true form, as in tremendouly scary IN

appearance, but cannnot do much EXCEPT scare u), then we r able to open up to

make room for them, and let them just be, without having them impact our

behavour so much. When we make room for them, then we also become free to notice

and catch a lotta pleasant expreinces that might be there in that moment.

AND JAZAKALLAH KHAIR for the post u wrote right after that about ur beliefs

about religion and people. I do believe exactly the same thing. Amongst other

things, some of the things i hold so closely to my heart about what my religion

teaches me is- kindness, compassion, forgiveness towards others. never

gossiping/slandering/backbitting about others. ALWAYS Being genuine in my speech

and actions. While for sure others might have learnt these perhaps not from

religion, but FOR ME my religion has taught me this, hence i hold it dearly to

my heart. :-)


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