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CLEAN AIR Judgment Day in the Senate

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----- Forwarded Message ----To: ecoartist1@...Sent: Wed, April 6, 2011 10:00:28 AMSubject: Judgment Day in the Senate

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Dear Jeanne,

"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more." -- King Henry V, by Shakespeare.

You have stood up against the polluters. You have sent emails. Some of you have made calls. Many of you have recruited your friends.

Now, with votes pending in the Senate today on several polluter assaults on our clean air and climate standards, we need your voice one more time.

Please email President Obama and your Senators to urge them to stand strong against the polluter lobby and their efforts to gut our clean air and climate standards.

More Information

Last year, the U.S. Senate failed to even bring up a strong energy and climate bill to limit America's climate pollution and unleash our clean energy future.

Now, instead of working on common sense solutions, the Senate could vote at any moment on several measures that would obstruct the EPA's efforts to protect our kids and our clean air.

This polluter assault would do nothing to address the budget deficit or grow the economy. It would give polluters more profit and the rest of us more pollution.

And there are rumors that President Obama is being pressured to accept some of these pro-polluter bills as part of a broader budget agreement.

We need to tell President Obama and the Senate that any deal that short changes our children's health and guts our clean air and climate standards is unacceptable.

Please email President Obama and your Senators right away.

Thank you for everything,Sam ParryDirector, Online Membership and Activism

Environmental Defense Action Fund1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 600Washington, DC 200091-

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