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Lymie Complaints to Legislators = All Wrong

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The money politics of Lyme: does anyone have something to add to this info?----- Forwarded Message ----To: dclaesson@...Sent: Mon, March 21, 2011 9:53:17 AMSubject: Fw: Lymie Complaints to Legislators = All Wrong


Subject: Lymie Complaints to Legislators = All WrongTo: natcaplyme@..., spinlyme , dwhelan@..., carol@..., lPickering@..., Durland.fish@..., Aag1@..., gary_wormser@..., scientificintegrity@..., pkrugman@..., Stanley.fish@..., margaret.hamburg@..., emcsweegan@..., afauci@..., SpinLyme , kshepard@..., fitzmas@..., patrick.fitzgerald@..., modelt1918@..., jdrazen@...,

letters@..., Jgerberding@..., michael.cole@..., conndcj@..., executive-editor@..., managing-editor@..., news-tips@..., bizday@..., foreign@..., national@..., dvbid@..., brigidcallahan@...,

trvl@..., illinoislyme@..., jlender@..., tinajgarcia@..., jhornberger@..., thomas.carson@..., thomas.ryan@..., kurtzh@..., georgewill@..., pj@..., commissioner.dcf@..., bransfield@..., vtsherr@..., oca@..., freethinker@..., scott.murphy@..., governor.rell@..., attorney.general@..., randall.samborn@..., .shiller@..., editor@..., harold.koh@..., sedmonds@..., rrmcgovern@..., frich@..., saint.michael@..., pcallahan@..., rreich@...Cc: francam@..., dr-ahmadinejad@..., eugenerobinson@..., bmiller@..., trvl@..., rastro18@..., billcurryct@..., amcguigan@..., rjmurzyn@..., paulcraigroberts@..., criminal.division@..., karla.dobinski@...,

christopher.christie@..., richard.Levin@..., harold.koh@..., james.phillips@..., inquire@..., lyme@..., meganmcardle@...Date: Monday, March 21, 2011, 9:29 AMATTENTION LYMIES: The bad guys knew Lyme was immunosuppressive, caused the Imitators, and they knew OspA vaccine failure looked like Chronic Lyme - by 1995. Focus on that. That's how we get the bad guys thrown in jail on a murder charge:http://www.actionlyme.org/No one cares if you are sick.NO ONE CARES IF YOU ARE SICK, SOSTOP COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW SICKYOU ARE, BUT RATHER, REPORT THEBAD GUYS' OWN SELF-INCRIMINATINGDATA.Igenex or ILADS don't care if youand people after you become sickand permanently disabled with thisslow Lymphoma we call Lyme and the Imitators,

since Nick was THERE at Dearborn and knew what went on.If he cared, he would have suedthe bad guys, himself, for FRAUD.ILADS is merely the PR firm forIgenex, since Igenex is the bestlab in the

country, and thereforehas a monopoly on testing.Why would Nick change that - revealDearorn to be a crime scene - so that other labs could claim expertise?Right now all the other labs dowhatever criminal lab BS they want (Quest).There is no competition amonglabs. Igenex is the best, everyonewho has Lyme knows it, and ILADSsends Igenex all their bloodwork.It is not in ILADS' or Igenex' interestfor that to change.Blumenthal had to sue because ILADSand Igenex are a separate monopoly and whoever sucks up to them isruining the chances for the Lymieswho come after us.When I originaly wrote the ILADSKlempner rebuttal paper - whichILADS decided to make into a formalpaper, we had to wait for revisions/approval by Nick . Nick was noteven on that committee:http://www.ilads.org/about_ILADS/position_papers2.htmlNote that the essence of that paperis that KLEMPNER WAS SCIENTIFICALLYINVALID.That was the last time ILADS talkedabout how to charge this as a crimeand be done with it.Try to think of all the 5013©s outthere who would be put out of businessif Lyme was prosecuted.Try to think: 5013©s can't say anything"political," which of course means, "beforeit is charged as crime."Kathleen M. DicksonKMDickson

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