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Re: Ten years ago

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Being a lover of Greek mythology, and the Illiad in particular, I love the way "Troy" carries so much meaning with regards to love. It is beautiful Helena. Simply beautiful.warm regards, as always, your,kelly

G. 205 Peabody BuildingPsychology DepartmentUniversity of MississippiOxford, MS 38677ph: fax: academic homepage:www.olemiss.edu/working/kwilson/kwilson.htmalso check outwww.onelifellc.comwww.mindfulnessfortwo.comwww.facebook.com/kellygwilsonwww.tastybehaviorism.comwww.abnormalwootwoot.com

Thank you for sharing this Helena. Very moving and beautiful.Barbara

Troy's birthday is coming up on September 21st. Ten years ago, shortly after the tragedy of 9/11, I sent him this poem I wrote as a birthday gift to him. I am sharing is now because ... well, I don't know why. Just to share, I suppose.

TROYFor a few short momentsI held you in my armsabsorbing you, memorizing you,pouring a lifetime's worth of love

into you.A few short moments is all it tookfor the sight of you,the scent of you,the innocence of you,to triumph over the pain and the fearof you.In those fleeting moments, you -who insisted on leaving my body

three weeks before you were due -promptly made yourself at home in my heartas though you belonged there."It's time." the nurse pronounced too soon,and with helpless, wrenching sadness

I wordlessly handed you back -back to the stranger who would take you away,away from my world, from my love.From that time forward,you would belong to another motherand a father who would care for you as their own,

who would provide for you and love youin ways that I could not.Time passed; days dissolved into weeksthen years, as you continued to claimyour rightful place inside my heart,bathing it in light and love

while my tears commemorated you.Then you, my son, suddenly reappeared in my life,now a magnificent young man,bringing me gifts of love and acceptance,healing my wounded spirit andrevealing love's triumph at last.

-- Barbara White, MFTMarriage and Family Therapistbarbarawhitetherapy.com

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