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Antibiotics and Probiotics

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Caryn Would you suggest starting antibiotics before behaviors calm down? Should I heal his gut first? I am still looking for a good mop up tool for die offs. Tried charcoal no good. Pectins not strong enough. Started Sonne #7 detox clay this morning but will know later today if working. What probiotics are good? We are using Custom Probiotics DLactate formula in child dose. Anyone using same with Success? Thanks again.FranselSender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Mon, 09 May 2011 14:37:19 -0000To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: My son's Lyme and Autism My son is 4 1/2 and we have been at bio-med since he was 11 months old and lyme since he was 18 months old. He was extremely autistic and globally delayed. He had every symptom in the book, plus others.He is not recovered from autism. However, he has lost half of his symptoms completely. The symptoms he still has are severe, as were all of his other issues before they went away. Many symptoms just disappeared within days of beginning a medicine or supplement.Those who know me and my son's history know that we have used lots of antibiotics and even high doses of many things. However, if your child does not seem sick, in pain, completely off balance, cannot sleep without antibiotics, I don't think that they are the best way to go. My son was dying without them. He does well on antibiotics. But, I feel that treating on antibiotics have made worms, parasites and viruses that we did not even know that he had worse.Herbs are great. I would go with broad spectrum herbs. But, if your child needs to be on antibiotics, I would consider using herbs in conjunction with your treatment program.Our best strategy is to start super, super, low -- lower than anyone is using and increase slowly and maintaining dose until I see no more die off.It is so hard to know how to treat things when you are just learning. Little kids can be so hard to read. It is important to make a list of what issues that your want to treat and ask parents how to treat those.Caryn>> I'm new to this site so bear with me. My 1.5 year old son was diagnosed with > Lyme and has been taking antibiotics for 3 months. He also has many autisitc > like symptoms, although his eye contact is good. He has developmental delays and > has started exhibiting more and more repetetive behaviors, i.e. walking back and > forth, spinning, etc.> > Question - could his Lyme be causing all of these symptoms? Can he eventually be > cured of this, or has the damage been done? I know it's a general question, but > just seeing what everyone's expereince and advice is...>

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Hi Fransel,

Just wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear about your Mother's Day.  Maybe you can celebrate it on a day that he is feeling better. You seem to be an awesome mom and I know that you will figure all of this out!!  I am new to all of this, but have learned a lot from your questions and I appreciate your posts.


I just wanted to share that we use Great Plains Liquid Bentonite- it's a clay.  It does not absorb into the intestinal tract...just attaches to toxins and leaves the body in the stool.  I'm sure it's similar to other products, but this has worked fine for us and we buy it at Whole Foods for $10 I think. It has to be given away from food.  I give my son 1 tbsp two hours after breakfast and one hour before his snack/lunch.


The probiotics that we use are Klaire Therbiotic Detox.  It is a formula specific for detoxification. 


I know you are getting a lot of advice and suggestions.  I don't want to add to your stress, justy trying  to offer some options. 


Hope today is a good one!!  Thinking of you!



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