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Fw: Japan Crisis: DrK Academy News -Good Info!

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----- Forwarded Message ----From: K Academy >To: Sent: Wed, March 23, 2011 8:23:24 AMSubject: Japan Crisis: Klinghardt's Message to Open our Hearts

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Klinghardt Academy News

New Seminar Offerings

Late March 2011

In This Issue

Radiation Protocols

ART I East & Beyond Lyme in May!

Whidbey Island Retreat Dates

Updated Seminar Offerings

2011 Product Catalog

ART I Offered in

Princeton NJ!

May 21 & 22

see below

call to reserve you place!

Whidbey Island Retreat!

Oct. 8-13

New May Seminars!

Filling quickly!

"A Deep Look Beyond Lyme"

May 6-8, 2011

Redmond tt

Town Center

7401 164th Ave NE

Redmond, WA

Hotel room rate



Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD.

Invited speakers

Fry, MD

with new discoveries from Fry Labs!

L. Marra MD.

Lyme Disease specialist know for her work in pediatric Lyme and autism, along side Dr. Ray , seen in the lyme documentary

"Under our Skin.

Tami Duncan

Co-Founder of the LIA

and known for her work and expertise with Autism & Lyme

click here for Registration Form

See seminar content & details below.

Autonomic Response Testing I



May 21-22 East

Princeton NJ

with Dr. Marc Schwartz

This is your 2011 East Coast opportunity to take the beginner course in Dr. Klinghardt's ART, which qualifies you to take the next two classes for certification !

The class is centrally located in easy access to Philadelphia, New York and Newark Airport.

Dr. Klinghardt teaches the advanced classes and certified instructors teach the basic intro classes. A new Certification Process is being established by the Academy, which requires attendance to all three levels or ART to receive certification to be included on our referrel list of qualified practitioners.

Sign up Today to begin your process of joining our team of Klinghardt trained practitioners!

ART I Registration Form


2011 Product Catalog Available!

click here for product catalog

click for product order form

2011 Klinghardt Protocol Guide now available: $50.00

Your ART III DVD preorders and the Lyme Talk will be shipped shortly!

New DVD's

in the catalog:

ART III 2011

with Dr. Klinghardt


Lyme Talk 2011

with Dr. KLinghardt

Q & A with Dr. Borrescano


Refresher Course


all the basics for clear & easy review


"Under Our Skin"

(lyme documentary"

Featuring Dr. Klinghardt along with the facts, politics and controversies of Lyme treatments


"Fundamental Teachings of Dietrich Klinghardt"

$ 125.00

Everyone attending Klinghardt Academy courses receives a certificate from the Klinghardt Academy with the hours of participation accrued.

CEU/CME Credits are available from Westbrook University for an additional cost of $45.00.

Some state licensing boards recognize Westbrook University CME's as Category 1 AMA CME units. Check with your state liscensing board if this applies to you. Sign up when you register for your course.

A reminder about cancellations: all cancellatioins are subject to a $100.00 cancellation fee.

Full refunds are made prior to 20 days before the start of the seminar, less the $100.00 cancellation fee.

After the 20 day mark, refunds in the form of products or discounts for future seminars will be given.

Please join us at the next seminar !

Let us Open our hearts to our friends in Japan and pull together our resources and knowledge to protect what is dear to us in our changing environment.

To My Academy Friends,

I want to share with you a few initial thoughts and a little about my prior experience with radiation treatment. As I will be highlighting up to date treatment guidelines at our upcoming May seminar, I did not want to wait so long to answer your many questions and requests for practitioner treatment guidelines. I am in contact with others respected in the field who are as committed to pull together our knowledge and resources to protect what is dear to us all.

In 1975 I was instrumental in organizing the movement that effectively stopped the German government from building a nuclear plant in Whyl just outside my city ( Freiburg). Since then no other nuclear plant was built or licensed in Germany based on the same truth: the technology as not safe. At the time, I was a young folk singer, a medical doctor and the son of a well known judge which gave me access to many circles of influence opening doors to my involvement. When Chernobyl happened I was friends with a gifted German physician, Albert Scheller. In the years following the accident he organized the treatment of 600 children that were injured by radioactivity during or after the melt down. He asked me for help and I flew to Germany - and there they came.....I had reviewed the literature on radiation poisoning and also contacted

some of my Japanese friends who shared the Hiroshima/Nagasaki experience with me and successful solutions that had emerged. All of the children had received appropriate doses of potassium iodide at home, but nothing else. Dr.Scheller treated the children with stem cell therapy, I added the treatment with DMPS injections, high doses of chlorella, cilantro and humic/fulvic acid. Later many of the workers at the melting plant became my patients and we used zinc DTPA instead of DMPS in most cases.

The result: most of the treated children recovered, grew up and are alive today. In contrast, many of the children who went untreated died of the cruel cancers that followed: leukemia, lymphoma, immune system breakdowns looking similar to AIDS, bone and thyroid cancers and more. Statistics have not been kept by the government on this, but in general this is the known outcome.

What do I recommend today?

First of all, give the courageous Japanese people a dear place in your heart. This event hits in the core of an already traumatized place left behind from WWII. It is a re-traumatization, which explains why we observed a rescue effort that at first appeared almost in slow motion: people were paralyzed which is understandable.

Secondly, lets keep our cool. There is a lot of misinformation out about the dangers of minimal radiation exposure. Radiation exposure is cumulative. Short term exposures to small amounts of radiation are used in Medicine and other healing traditions for healing purposes with good results. So let us watch the news and see what unfolds. If a trickle of the radiation reaches the west coast for longer periods of time, we have to act and protect ourselves. My radiation detector is already measuring increased levels here in Seattle. I am watchful.

Thirdly, here is what I recommend based on my prior experience: ( radiation poisoning protocols with quantity and timing available in our new 2011 Protocol guidelines from the Klinghardt Academy)

Use TriQuench ( SSKI) This prevents the uptake of radioactive iodine.

Chlorella has been shown to bind and eliminate uranium and other potentially radioactive metals. Timing is important assures that the binding chlorella is in the correct portion of the small intestine when the bile squirts..Otherwise the metals are reabsorbed on the way down the small intestine.Chlorella contains a large amount of protective substances: sporopollenin, mucopolysaccarides, peptides, Vit E and carotenoids, Vit K, methyl B12 and others.

I also recommend using BioPure cilantro tincture ( it is grown in a certain way to assure it's toxin mobilizing capabilities)

In addition I recommend fulvic acid/humic acid supplement that has also been used by Hiroshima surviviors successfully ( BioPure Matrix Minerals).

In addition, everyone should take a larger amount of essential minerals for the same reasons we recommend the iodine: if the system is saturated with good minerals it wont take up the toxic ones. If our drinking water becomes toxic, I do recommend our water purification advice: get a good reverse osmosis system ( www.freeDrinkingWater.com), add BioPure Matrix Electrolyte,M-water and MicroMinerals.

If our food supply becomes contaminated, things will become more difficult. One of my teachers, Hazel Parcels, used a cup of chlorox in a warm bath for 20 minutes to decontaminate nuclear workers successfully. Washing our vegetables in chlorox would do the same thing. To a lesser degree a bath in a pound of baking soda and a pound of sea salt will also work for both body and food.

I am praying that it will not come to that!

I will be presenting more information and details of specific protocols at our May Seminar, "A Deep Look Beyond Lyme" and a literature list that will give some of the rationale for the recommended approach. I am in recent communication with others who like myself are deeply concerned and are coming together to share our combined scope of knowedge to provide the world options in a time of need.

Please contact the Academy if you would like more detailed protocol guidance from our 2011 Protocol resource manual that has been updated to include these radiation guidelines.

I hope by the time that this message reaches you the emissions from the power plant are under control and there is no need to prepare for disaster.

I wish you a joyful spring!! Dietrich

Newly Updated:

Klinghardt Academy Schedule 2011

May 6 - 8, 2011

A Deep Look Beyond Lyme:

Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD

click here for "seminar content"

Redmond Marriott Town Center, Redmond WA,

3 Day Intensive: $650.00 ( register before April 6) , regular price: $695.00

Patient and office Staff pricing:

$550.00 before April 6th, $595.00 after April 6th

CME Credits Westbrook University: $45.00

download registration form here

July 8-10, 2011

Injection Techniques and Skills

Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD

(seminar content below)

Redmond Marriott Town Center, Redmond WA

3 Day Injection Workshop: $ 895.00 (register before June 1): $795.00

CME Credits Westbrook University: $45.00

download registration form here

October 8-13, 2011 "NEW"

Whidbey Island : Retreat with Dr. Klinghardt

Whidbey Institute: 6 Days of Rejuvination and Teachings

Academy Practitioners Only! Limited to 25 attendees!

Tuition: $1500.00 plus food and lodging

Call the Academy to reserve your spot!

December 2-4, 2011

APN: Applied Psycho- Neurobiology

Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD.

(seminar content below)

Hyatt Regency Bellevue, Bellevue WA

3 Day Intensive: $745.00 (register before April 6): $695.00

CME Credits Westbrook University: $45.00

download regiatration form here

May 21-22, 2011

Autonomic Response Testing I East: NJ Dr. Marc Schwartz

Hyatt Regency Princeton, Princeton, NJ

ART I Workshop $500.00 ($100.00 discount for additional registrants from same office)

Space is filling so please call to reserve your seat!

the following ART I has been cancelled....

Autonomic Response Testing I West:

Bellevue WA with nna Rainville

Postponed to accomodate our students:

previous date: June 10-12, 2011

new date and location to be announced soon....

Other Events & Dates coming soon!

Autonomic Response Testing I West: California Dr. Amy Derksen

San Diego & San CA (call the Academy as the date and location will be based on interest)

ART I Workshop $500.00 ($100.00 discount for additional registrants from same office)

Autonomic Response Testing II

November 2011 Planning both a NYC East Coast & West Coast Option

Autonomic Response Testing III

Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD.

May 2012 New York City

Neural Therapy Workshops Jeff , ND

June 25-27 NY area

September 9-11 WA

September 16 & 17 WA

October 7-8 NY area

October 14-16 NY area

Contact Jeff to register for Neural Therapy workshops & details.


To register for Kinghardt Academy Events or for questions contact:

Debbie Floyd: Director

Klinghardt Academy fax:


May Seminar Details:

A Deep Look Beyond Lyme:

New Insights, New Diagnostic Tools, New Treatments: New Health

Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD

May 6, 7, & 8, 2011

Redmond Marriott Town Center

7401 164th Avenue ND, Redmond WA 98052

3 Day Intensive:(before April 6) $695.00 / reg. Fee: $695.00

Patient fee/office staff: (before April 6) $550.00 / reg. Fee:$595.00

Student discount with valid ID:$425.00

CME Credits Westbrook University: $45.00

This seminar is giving the participants all the tools they need to understand Lyme disease and the illnesses that look like Lyme but are not. We will present the most important diagnostic methods including Dr Klinghardt's autonomic response testing, so that parents of autistic children or Lyme sufferers who have not found the help they need can chart the road to their own recovery and are given alternative tools that are not requiring lab work or expensive tests. We have also developed non- prescription alternatives to all treatment modalities and will present these in the self help sections of this workshop.

Dr Klinghardt and his team specialize in the treatment of chronic complex illness with a focus on two biotoxin illnesses and the many symptoms caused by it: late stage Lyme disease and autism. Together with his team of naturopathic physicians he developed successful, safe and simple strategies for the treatment of chronic and late stage Lyme disease - without the need to use antibiotics. To his surprise, a modification of the same approach worked equally well for autism, MS, many autoimmune and mental disorders, CFIDS and conditions which have no name yet. His journey and his successful diagnostic and treatment strategies will be presented in detail in this intensive. Beyond Borrelia and the coinfections we will carefully explore the synergism of mold, parasites, electromagnetic radiation, metal toxicity and "the 7 factors" as the

true cause of the patient's disabling symptoms.

We will discuss and demonstrate the details of diagnosing and treating the devastating impact of mold exposure in our homes and work environments. The symptoms of Mold Illness, late stage Lyme disease, EMF Sensitivity and Heavy Metal Toxicity are overlapping and interdependent. Today we need - more than ever - a clear diagnostic process and affordable safe treatment options to guide us successfully through the maze of what is now called "chronic inflammatory response syndrome" (CIRS).

The home of the patient: inflammatory electromagnetic radiation (EMR), water damage and mold, indoor toxins. Science, diagnosis and mitigation

Correctly using the right instruments to diagnose home and office EMR exposures: hands-on instructions. The synergy of mold and EMR. A survival guide

Overlooked biofilm treatments: liposomal compounds, cistus incanus, EDTA, iodine, enzymes

Diagnosing and treating parasites: substantial advances in autism-and Lyme treatment by addressing microscopic and macroscopic helminths and protozoa

Major breakthroughs in toxin elimination. Safe, hitherto unknown, and yet safe uses of EDTA and DMPS in chronic illness as anti-oxidant, biofilm breaker, biotoxin removal agent and safe restorative for the autonomic nervous system. Safe and effective biological alternatives.

The Klinghardt Lyme cocktail: the whole protocol, including how to create inexpensive liposomal remedies in your kitchen. Effective self treatments. How to be regain autonomy in the midst of a devastating illness

The Klinghardt autism protocol. Self help for the parents

Using MFT, ART and neural therapy correctly as an adjunctive tool

Klinghardt protocol for the non-invasive treatment of CCSVI

Tips for the current safe use of autologous stem cells, platelet rich plasma and pulsed fields

Day 1: Friday 2 pm - 6 pm: Review of Lyme and co- infection. Diagnosis and biological treatment

8-10 pm The Lyme cocktail: equipment and ingredients

Day 2: Saturday 9 am - 1pm

Mold Illness: ERMI testing of the home, history taking and VCS, translation of lab work into

Diagnosing Heavy metal toxicity. Treatment protocols. Trouble shooting.

2.30 pm - 6 pm: Lyme induced autism: new insights, protocols, ART

7.30-10 pm: ART testing for mold, Lyme, EMF sensitivity and Metal Toxicity. Hands on Workshop

Day 3: Sunday 8 am - 1 pm: measuring body voltage and high frequency EMFs in the home and workplace: practical workshop, proper instruments. Simple and effective mitigation strategies.

The Klinghardt protocol: tying it all together - an integrated approach diagnosis and treatment of Lyme, Mold, Electrosensitivity and Metal Toxicity

Faculty: D.Klinghardt MD, PhD and his team. Invited Guest lecturers: Fry MD (new biofilm protocols), Mara ND (treating Lyme in children), MD (lyme specialist)

To register: call / fax: / debbieafloyd@...

July Seminar Details:

Injection Techniques and Skills

with Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD

July 8-10, 2011

Redmond Marriott Town Center

7401 164th Avenue NE, Redmond WA 98052

3 Day Injection Workshop Cost :$ 895.00

early registration discount: $795.00

A transformative worshop with Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD

Needles have been used for healing in Medicine for over 4500 years. But only 1853 Pravatz and Wood developed today's tools: the hypodermic needle and the syringe. Theyallow us to deliver remedies precisely to the right spot in the right amount.

Regional dental nerve-blocks were developed 1886 by Halsted and Hall. In the same year the New York surgeon L.Corning published the first textbook on "spinal anesthesia", and in Germany the surgeon Carl L. Schleich developed "infiltration anaesthesia". 1925 Leriche developed in France today's ganglion blocks for pain reIief. Ferdinand Huneke compiled and further developed the skills of the great surgeons of the 1800ds and early 1900ds into "neural therapy". In the 1940s Cyriax in London was the first to develop and use muskulo-skeletal steroid injections to treat backpain and joint pain. His techniques are the very same techniques our orthopedic surgeons use today. While Janet Travel further developed the neural therapy techniques of "trigger

point injections" here in the US, Reinhold Voll in Germany developed and used "segmental injections" to deliver homeopathic remedies to the target. In a parallel development in France, Pistor transformed neural therapy into "Mesotherapy" by using diluted medications along with procaine to treat a wide variety of issues.

Dr Dietrich Klinghardt had the chance to observe and work with Cyriax, Huneke, Voll, Barber, Baum, Gabor Racz and many of their advanced students and developed a safe, comprehensive and simple set of injection techniques and skills, which will be taught during this weekend.

From the content:

Needle etiquette: safety, size, storage, disposal, sterility, adverse reaction 101

Segmental injections: sinuses, tonsils, shoulder/arm, crown, spine, hips and knees, liver, heart and lungs

Trigger point injections: c-spine, L/S spine, shoulders. Effective medication cocktails

Detox support: off label segmental use of glutathione, homeopathics, other complexing agents, ozone

Mesotherapy with platelet rich plasma (prolotherapy, periodontal disease, eye health, hair growth, joints, pain). Simple affordable in-office procedure to make it work

The deeper injections: the major joints, Sphenopalatine ganglion, pelvic plexus

Medications and remedies for safe use: local anaesthetics, plasma, ozone, steroids, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, homeopathics, frequencies,

What to do when emotions and trauma-memories come up: PK and MFT 101

Special needle skills: bent-needle techniques. Pulsing for endorphin release. Using the bevel for curved needle procedures

The inner skills: focus, imagination and self guided images, breathing, opening up to the higher worlds while focusing on the moment and the technique

Date: July 8-10, 2011

Fri 7/8/11 2 pm - 10 pm

Sat 7/9/11 9-6 Evening lecture

Sun 7/10/11 8 - 1 pm

3 Day Injection Workshop Cost : $ 895.00

early registration discount: $795.00

Redmond tt Town Center 7401 164th Avenue NE, Redmond WA 98052

To register: call / fax: / debbieafloyd@...

Referral Resource List:

To qualify for acceptance to the Academy Practitioner Referrel Resource List , you must have completed ART I, II and III, and have a current practice where you are utilizing ART and various Klinghardt Protocols within your modality. Dr. Klinghardt and his current teachers are developing a "test", for certification. Most likely to be both written and hands- on practical. Our goal is to have time slots available for certification testing at ART II and III, along with some future courses. We will announce this in advance for your planning.

In the meantime, we will post some individual practitioners on the referal list who have had a history using ART. To remain on the referral list, practitioners will need to continually update their knowledge by attending future workshops to stay certified and to understand all the latest knowledge. Details will be forthcoming as the procedure for certification is developed.

Klinghardt Product Catalog:

click for catalog click for order form

Retreat! By Popular Demand, we are now organizing a retreat "get-away" in a relaxed environment with Deitrich for a week in October. Details are still in the works, but please keep you calendar open for the week of October 10-12, 2011 for this special time of healing, learning and reflection, away from it all!

See you at the next Klinghardt Seminar !

Klinghardt Academy


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Klinghardt Academy | 2 Orchard Way | Warren | NJ | 07059

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