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Anti Inflammatory and Immune Boosters

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Hello ISAI don't mind answering questions at all. I am an open book because I want answers. My meeting with doctor to review tests is on Thursday so I will have a clearer picture. When she said my son had a lot of inflammation she mentioned cytokines which I do not yet fully grasp. She said he did not test positive for PANDAS and with no constant hand/feet flapping or throat issues. The doctor is known to treat aggressively with antibiotics intravenously to bypass the gut. We are addressing the gut issues while waiting for tests but when we meet she will tell us the ABX treatment plan. Do you treat with antibiotics? Is it safe with our gut compromised children? Will he go ballistic with ABX? I am only supplementing with 75 billion Custom Probiotics DLactate formula and only pectins for binders. ly I am scared as it is bad as it is now. Or maybe killing the infection will give him some relief and settle his aggression? His Igenex and other tests showed my son had Lyme, Bartonella and Ralstonia Insidiosa.I hope and pray things will get better soon so we can have some normalcy in our lives. Thank you very much for your interest.FranselSent from my iPad

Fransel,May l ask what are the preliminary tests saying? Is inflammation the main issue w your son? Do you have a better idea now of what kind of infection is he suffering? I am very interested in following your son's progress, and l don't see any anti-infectious agents to start treating... is it confirmed whether he has lyme disease or not?If you don't feel comfortable answering this questions, pls excuse me and ignore this mail. I understand lowering the inflammation as a first aid approach to try to control the fire in his organism, but l believe the main cause for inflammation (which is infection) must be addressed asap tooBlessingsIsaEnviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de TelcelFrom: klwadler@...

Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 19:34:47 -0400 (EDT)To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Subject: Re: Anti Inflammatory and Immune Boosti..

Avipaxin sounds interesting. My son has had good success using bethanachol, which sounds likes it is doing similar things. It works great for anxiety and calming the parasympathetic nervous system.

From: franselw@...Reply-to: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Sent: 5/23/2011 7:28:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight TimeSubj: Anti Inflammatory and Immune Boosting Supplements

My son's doctor had us starting on these items based on some tests that have come back. A detailed review will be on Thursday. I want to know if anyone has had success using any of the ff before I open them. I have done some initial research but thought I'd throw it out there anyway since so many list members here have a lot of experience:- Calm PRT- Orthomega DHA Select- Inflammacore by Orthomolecular- Resveratrol- Avipaxin- NorloxWe are also having zyto testing done and maybe acupuncture. I even had some mind-body-soul healing. It is important for everyone to reach a healing state. Thanks to all of you wonderful people here. Fransel Sent from my iPad

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