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Re: Reposted: DNA contamination from fetal tissue in vaccines - link to autism

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Sorry about that Heidi, Just wanted to keep the references intact. I will be more careful next time.Sorry, I had to delete this and repost it modified. It's a general rule on forums to not post others' names and phrases without expressly getting their permission and then it's usually done in a less detailed format. Sorry for the inconvenience to all. I hate to be picky, but just trying to keep everyone happy. There is good information in here. I love the intelligence in this group.Love and prayers,Heidi N=====================Begin Post======================================I started thinking about the fact that autism is 4:1 in boys than girls. Then I researched whether the fetal tissue used to grow viruses is female or male. I found out that the Rubella vaccine uses fetal tissue from a female fetus. From the information posted at this facebook blog it appears to me that the female DNA is likely the reason that boys are affected more than girls. In case you don't have a facebook account I have pasted part of the blog below. For the entire thread please visit the following linkhttp://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=75219157496 & topic=15890 & post=117645  http://www.cogforlife.org/congresstestimony.pdfhttp://www.cogforlife.org/ratajczakstudy.pdfhttp://www.cogforlife.org/ratajczakstudy.pdf Ummm...no, . Definitely not the conclusion I came away with.http://www.cogforlife.org/cbsnewsautism.pdfhttp://www.cogforlife.org/fetaldnaautism.htmIn the US, over 10 vaccines are manufactured using human fetal cell lines, and for MMR II and hepatitis A there are not alternatives available in the US. The vaccine for chickenpox is also produced using a human fetal cell line, and the only alternative anywhere in the world, which some data indicates may be the preferred alternative, is natural exposure. Based on the research we have done, perhaps as many as 3% of parents decline vaccinations primarily due to the use of human fetal cells in the manufacturing. The viruses for the Changepoint 1980.9Changepoint 1988.4Changepoint 1995.6In utero exposure 1979 -1980 1987-1988 1994-1995Birth to 3 years of age 1980.9-1983.9 1988.4-1991.4 1995.6-1998.64 chickenpox and the hepatitis A vaccines are manufactured in the MRC5 cell line (Appendices F and H), which was derived from a normal 3 ½ month male fetus (Appendix J), while the rubella virus in the MMR II vaccine is manufactured in the WI-38 cell line (Appendix I), which was derived from a normal 3 month female fetus (Appendix K). 10. The vaccine-autism controversy is difficult to miss, and simply reading the published literature should immediately arouse curiosity in a fresh and objective perspective mind. Firstly, even in the publications that claim no link between MMR and autism, there is an evident changepoint in 1988 (Appendix L figure 2 page 4). The authors dismiss the link between autism and the MMR vaccine, because as they point out, vaccine compliance was already well over 95% in the UK before 1988. However, what the authors documented (page 4 top right) but failed to investigate, was that the MMR vaccine used in the UK was switched in 1988 and 1989. Prior to 1988 the MMR was produced in animal cell lines, and in 1988 and 1989 three new MMRs were introduced, all of which use human fetal cell lines for the production of at least one of the viruses contained in the MMR (mumps measles rubella vaccine). Having worked in commercial biotechnology and clinical development programs, I was aware of the residuals that would be found in vaccines, and having also worked with `homologous recombination' and molecular biology, I was also aware that the human fetal DNA introduced in vaccines has the potential to elicit autoimmune responses or to incorporate into the recipient's own genes and disrupt normal protein production. 11. Inflection points, change-points, are clear by eye in US autism prevalence data from the Department of Education, as well as from the California Department of Developmental Services. What we have found is that acrosscontinents, and across decades, changepoints in autism disorder (not considering autism spectrum but only autism disorder) are clearly associated with the introduction of vaccines produced using human fetal cell lines. Each time we inject our children with one of these vaccines, we are also injecting them with residual fetal human DNA. 12. US vaccination compliance information was collected by the US Immunization Surveillance (USIS) from 1959 through 1985, by the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) from 1991-to the present and by the National Immunization Survey (NIS) from 1994 to the present. No data was collected for 1986 through 1991, except by retrospective studies after measles outbreaks had occurred. The CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report's contain data regarding measles immunization coverage that can be used to fill in this 1986 through 1991 gap. I have already mentioned that the UK 1988 birthyear changepoint in autism disorder is associated with the switch from animal to human fetal produced MMR. In the US, the switch was first approved in late 1979, and by 1983, only the human fetal produced MMR II was available in the US (Appendix T), coinciding with the 1981 birthyear changepoint for autism. In 1989 a second dose of MMR was added to the US vaccination recommendations to be given not less than 28 days after the first dose. We cannot determine the significance of this second dose without accessing each child's immunization record 5 because while it is geared towards 4-6 year olds, the recommendation allows it 28 days after the firstdose, and we know that significant numbers of children (up to 20%; Appendix M page 2) receive vaccinations earlier than recommended. More significantly a compliance campaign was undertaken after measles outbreaks in 1988 and 1989 that brought compliance with MMR from as low as 49%, and perhaps even lower (Appendix N) between 1986 and 1989 (birthyears 1984 to 1987), to over 82% in 1991 (Birthyear 1989, NHIS). Introduction of a second recommended dose in 1989 and the compliance campaign correlate with the 1988 calculated autism disorder birth year changepoint. MMR vaccination rates increased from birth years 1987 to 1989 by at least 20% and as much as 30-40%, and the changepoint is calculated to be 1988.4. In 1995 the chickenpox vaccine was approved in the US and correlates with the 1995.6 autism disorder birthyear changepoint. The rate of chickenpox uptake corresponds to the post 1995.6 birthyear changepoint slope (Appendix E and O). 13. Similar associations between autism disorder changepoints and human fetal DNA containing vaccines are evident for Canada, Denmark, Japan, and several South East Asian countries. The US Vaccine Safety Database contains data regarding immunizations and autism disorder for hundreds of thousands of children, and careful analysis of this data comparing autism rates prior to 1995 and after 1995, as well as comparing autism disorder prevalence in children vaccinated or not vaccinated with the chickenpox vaccine after 1995, will provide significant information about the potential association between the use of human fetal cells for vaccine production and autism prevalence. I also need to say that it is important that independent groups conduct these types of analyses, and several groups should independently examine each question, so that children are finally helped and protected. One of the key scientists funded by the CDC to do studies into MMR and autism links, studies used to dismiss the MMR-autism hypothesis, was indicted on April 13th this year, 2011, on 13 counts of fraud and 9 counts of money laundering. Furthermore, Dr. Thorsen had also already been cited for academic misconduct by Aarhus University in Denmark and was charged with embezzling a $1 million grant from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (Appendix P). Obviously, a study hasn't been done to prove that there is a link between vaccines produced with aborted fetal tissue and autism. It would be a hard study to produce, indeed. However, when you start reading everything that the study says (not just the conclusion) as well as the work that Theresa Deisher is doing, it greatly calls into question the safety of these particular vaccines and if there could possibly be a link. And, to be honest, from my perspective, (and I have spent HOURS over the past few months looking into this), the evidence is out there that there is a definite correlation. And all of this stuff is recent...as in the last few months. I just read about a new book that was released back in February called "Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children". http://www.amazon.com/Vaccine-Epidemic-Corporate-Coercive-Government/dp/1616082720/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top I'd like to get it as I believe it gives an unbiased view of exactly what vaccines are and what they can or can't do for us as individuals and as a nation. Might be worth the read for all of us looking into this.As for autism rates in unvaccinated children, it hasn't been done. And I wonder why? Do you really think the government/pharmaceutical companies want to know? Do you think they think that perhaps the evidence might destroy their multi-billion dollar industry? Just asking.For now...a quote from a recent news release from Theresa Deisher...the PH.D from Stanford......"These vaccines are contaminated with human endogenous retrovirus K (HERVK) that is in the same family as the MMLV virus that induced leukemia in young boys in gene therapy trials", noted Dr Deisher. "Additionally, the vaccines contain significant residual human DNA fragments that can insert themselves into vaccine recipient cells through a process known as homologous recombination. This insertion can cause genomic disruption resulting in autism." http://www.ageofautism.com/2009/02/unvaccinated-children-madness.html http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-500803_162-4090144-500803.html Here is one study regarding vaccinated children vs. unvaccinated children. From what I can tell, it may be the only one and it was a privately funded study. http://educate-yourself.org/vcd/califoregonunvaccinatedchildrensurvey03nov07.shtmlWhat I would LOVE to see happen is that we vaccinate SAFELY. And injecting aborted fetal tissue into my child doesn't really seem safe, especially when the verdict is still out on its safety: ""While we have focused primarily on the moral aspects of using aborted fetal material, the question of that DNA's impact on autism have remained unanswered", she stated. "It is critical that Dr Deisher's work is explored further, especially since the FDA is well aware of the dangers of extraneous human DNA in vaccines."In the 2008 journal Biologicals, (pg 184-197) FDA scientists stated the danger of residual DNA in vaccines "has been debated for over 50 years, without resolution". Those dangers include cancer, autoimmunity and genomic disruption.*More startling is the amount of DNA Deisher found in these vaccines. While the FDA guidelines allow for no more than 10ng per vial, on average the rubella vaccines contained over 140 ng per vial."I would call this a ticking time bomb, except in this case, autism has already exploded", stated Vinnedge. "The CDC and FDA need to recognize the importance of this new evidence and provide real solutions for parents."*Citation from the FDA can be found in Science Direct, Biologicals 36 (2008) 184-197"If there is way to test babies who may be susceptible to potential dangers of vaccines BEFORE we vaccinate, why on earth would we not do this? Why won't the government do studies on the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated? Why haven't they truly studied any link before now? Will they produce a legitimate study?What I'm saying in my apparent agenda is research this stuff for yourself before you decide whether or not to vaccinate. Medical professionals receive their information on vaccines from the pharmaceutical companies. Companies who have A LOT to lose if truth about vaccines comes to light.http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-500803_162-4090144-500803.htmlSun Jun 5, 2011 10:50 am 

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