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Re: Re: If He were clever

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Sorry - I assumed it was said in sarcasm which would be offensive - my bad!I personally believe that everything in the world was created for a purpose. Those animals were created in order to sustain other animals; and those animals in turn were created for another purpose, which we may not be able to see. The world is like a huge puzzle and only G-d is at a vantage point to see the full picture. But yes, nothing to do with ACT. Sender: ACT_for_the_Public Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2011 14:35:38 +0000 (UTC)To: ACT for the Public<ACT_for_the_Public >ReplyTo: ACT_for_the_Public Subject: Re: Re: If He were cleverNo barb intended, Esther. I'm not sure what you find offensive. It is just something that has always puzzled me, ever since I was a kid - how a perfect, all-knowing God could set things up so animals had to eat each other. My very religious Christian mother could not answer it. I guess there are just no answers for some things. That's why it's called "faith." And it is certainly not an ACT topic, but we do go astray at times - my apologies! Helena To: "ACT for the Public" <ACT_for_the_Public >Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 9:35:03 AMSubject: Re: Re: If He were clever I'm sure the two of you don't mean it this way but I find this exchange offensive. I'm quiet but I read nearly every word posted here to help me with ACT work. I don't want to read about barbs against my religion. Besides there's plenty to say the other way too - and I don't think this should become a battleground. Sender: ACT_for_the_Public Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2011 10:03:53 +0000 (UTC)To: ACT for the Public<ACT_for_the_Public >ReplyTo: ACT_for_the_Public Subject: Re: Re: Need your help... @ Deflet:-)I say if god were really clever, she would have not made it necessary for animals to eat other animals in order to surviveTo: "ACT for the Public" <ACT_for_the_Public >Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 3:11:29 AMSubject: Re: Need your help... @ Deflet:-) I wrote on a newspaper site recently and said that if God was reallyclever he would have added a chapter in at the end of the Bible with anintroduction to quantum physics, calculus, relativity, and how our solarsystem works in which the planets orbit the Sun, etc. Now that wouldhave would have thrown a spanner in the works for us athiests as well ascomfound my hero Dawkins.Kv> >> >> > Hi deflet,> > your post came while i was trying to reply back to Helena and Randy,so i wanna make this quick, ore sle i will never get to finishing up myrepy to them and posting it, as i amm always at the mercy of my 2rascals (my boyz;) who don't give me much time to myself, butalhamdulillah, kids r still a blessing from allah (arabic word forgod:-)> >> > I havta confess, while i get some part of your email, i don't getall of it.> > Yes the essence of ACT is just what to mentioned in ur 2ndparagraph.> >> > <<<My reflections on my life> > experience have led me to see that some, though not all, of the painI> > have experienced can be directly traced to the insane and stupid> > religious beliefs (in our case, Catholic) of my parents.>>>> >> > :-)> >> > i was raised by catholic Nuns, as all of my life in my country, ispend in a catholic all girl convent. Sometimes it is not necessarilythe 'st*p*d religious beliefs of the religion', but perhaps 'theinaacurate beliefs of the people' who practise it, that creates all theproblems. And this is coming from a person (myself) who is very devoutedto , now what is believed as ' the most hated religion' in the US andperhaps the world. Hated becoz , it's the most misunderstood, IN MYEYES:-) I hold the same beliefs about Islam, as i hold about any otherreligion, Christinity, Judism, Hinduism etc. etc. That in essence everyreligion preaches love, compassion, and co-existence with one another.While i could be wrong in others eyes, but i hold this belief firmly andnothing would change this:-). The only people, shown in the media, whorepresnt my religion, are sadly the ones who have completelymisreprsented it. Who have not learnt and grasped the message from theholy scripture how they were supposed to, who took exmaples of the theprophets , sahabas, and rigous people of that time, completely out ofcontext to satify their own desires. Religion is not easy to understand.It is a life long proceess, and definately not something that can bedefined by the actions of one, or a huge group of people who practise itand claim to be practising it in the 'right way'.> >> > As for myself i always mention religion, not for anyother reason butperhaps becoz it is a huge part of my life:-) i apologize if it offendsanyone. Just like every single time i mention my therapist joann everytime i post something about ACT here...or perhaps everytime imention coping skills to anyone inclduing my community, i mentionACT.:-). Or anytime i mention people who inspire me i mentioned- ProphetMuhammed (pbuh), Dr. M Joann , , Russ & .> >> > No i don't think of anything as a harsh comment:-) Jazakallah khairfor sharing your views, and i hope u do not mind me sharing mine:-)> > i always see and connect with people, not from what cuture,community, religion , they come from, but from how i can connect withthem, as one human being to another. I have every sorta freinds i loveand whose friendship i value dearly, from muslims, jews, christains,athiests, hindus etc. etc...and people who pratice all kinds oflifestyles, from devout rleigious to even 1 freind i have who;s in theporn industry. What religon they partice and what lifestyle they have isnot my business as that is a personal preference.> > i like to connect with people based on what we have in common ashumans rather than what differences we may have.> >> > if i have infact misunderstood ur post i do apologize.> > take care deflet> > wasalaam:-)> >> >> > -K Designs.> >> >> > "" Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in theirshoes.> >> > That way, when you criticize them, you're already a mile away ANDyou have their> > shoes."> > ~ a very pious intellectual> >> > To: ACT_for_the_Public > > From: michieux@> > Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2011 18:20:27 +0000> > Subject: Re: Need your help... @ > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > Hello ,> >> > I am wondering why you seem to emphasize your beliefs here.> >> > Seems to me the essence of ACT, despite its mindfulness aspect beingcompared to aspects of Buddhism, is essentially based in the reality ofour experience, and how we tend to avoid that reality, thus aggravatingour suffering.> >> > My reflections on my life experience have led me to see that some,though not all, of the pain I have experienced can be directly traced tothe insane and stupid religious beliefs (in our case, Catholic) of myparents.> >> > The above may appear as a harsh condemnation of something many holdsacred, but I see that very "holding sacred" of unverifiable beliefs aspart of the problem, and not as part of the resolution of our suffering.> >> >> > Regards,> >> > Detlef> >>

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