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Addl info incl Surfactant Dosages

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To pass info requested off-list:

I've come to really respect this product & every day I'm more amazed by it.

This product breaks down the surface tension of the cells helping awaken &

assist the immune system to function better. It is very safe & very effective.

This e-mail is done based soley on my experience, asking a ton of ?'s from some

of my good resources and as I've gleaned.....NOT as a representative of the


• Generally pretty healthy adult: 16 drops a day

• Slight immune challenged (colds/flu 2-3+ times a year or other slight immune

concerns): 16 drops 2x a day

• Significant immune challenged (All auto-immune related issues): 16 drops 3x a


• Most Children are at 1/2 doses

• What I'm experiencing with ASD....because of the toxic nature we are

experiencing a case-by-case basis but basically most are starting @ 3 drops 2x a

day & watching/modifying as needed.

Optimum dosage that you'll work toward is as stated above, that would be

children @ 8 drops once or twice a day.

Remember, this product is a very good anti-viral, anti-bacterial,

anti-parasitic. It will help carry deeper the good stuff you're using (because

of this I dose the good stuff with it, especially liquid things like

vitamins....that would include natural vitamins like Alfalfa...considered the

" poor mans vitamins " & Chlorella which are both considered super foods, high in

vitamins, b's & good binders. Use the surfactants to push them further into the

body helping assimilate it into the system. It can also be used topically (put

in a good spray bottle, preferably glass, mix a few drops with water & spray

onto soars & skin conditions...personally I'd laser after applying to push in

further after applying). We have personally seen this work fantastic with

. As soon as I get a chance I will post up 's most recent Doctors

Data Hair Analysis which showed significant improvement in his mineral

levels….the only thing we really changed this year was adding the surfactants.

It is also my understanding that it breaks the blood brain barrier so use it to

further oxygenate brain cells (especially if you have water that is highly

oxygenated like Kangen water is). Being considered a whole food itself, it will

take what it needs out of the food taken with it (like liquid minerals) &

further assist it to assimilate into the cell. We have just experienced the

power of this with my husband's recent hip replacement surgery. He totally

amazed both the docs & nurses with his excellent blood work including his blood

oxygen level that was significantly less loss than normal for the procedure (we

were told by the doctor that it normally drops 15-20 pts…my husband's only

dropped 3 pts & that this low drop was the main contributor to not needing a

blood transfusion during the surgery like they would normally do). His hospital

stay ended up being less than 48 hours when normal is 3-5 days. As it turns out,

one of the nurses in the hospital commented that she had never seen an oxygen

drop this low before…..further into the conversation ( & just having met )

she disclosed that she has also been seeing a DAN Dr for her ASD son (5


Further discussion lead to us meeting up with the pediatrician I have been

mentoring (Last year I started helping her with her non-verbal son….she started

on the surfactants last spring….her son is doing fantastic & now talks up a

storm. With him we had to add in more binders…for him that ended up being

alfalfa to assist binding the metals dumping…this really helped with the slight

increase in his stimming from the body getting rid of the toxic metals. He did

even better on the surfactants taken together with the alfalfa). Being from a

medical background they both knew about surfactants, they both did additional

research & are now both using it (both moms & sons).

Additional thoughts on the oxygen thing w/surfactants….As I was pondering this

oxygen thing after his surgery, at the park w/the kids we were playing with

bubbles….hummm I thought, bubbles are a type of surfactant…it turns from liquid

into an air floating bubble…with very little surfactant. We were having fun

re-catching the bubbles with the stick…we would then re-blow the bubble

again…..the wheels were turning in my mind as I thought of how the body would

use the surfactants reducing the surface tension of the cells & how the body

would be using so little to do so much good).

As much as possible, try & keep drug/rx dosed at least an hour away from it as

you don't want to push it further into the body or further enhance the potency

of the rx.


WATER....water is what's used to carry/disburse/activate it throughout the body.


Hope this info helps,


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