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HELP : nasal polyps?

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I just noticed polyp like structures inside my 9 yr old's nostrils, one much more pronounced on one side than the other, noticable when looking up her nose at the correct angle, i don't think it is normal anatomy.

through the ol' Dr. Google I came up with nasal polyp.

My daughter does have primary immune defieciency, a CVID, which can put her at risk for these but now I am remembering her birthmother saying something casually about her having Cystic Fibrosis, our adoption case worker and I dismissed it as she meant Cystic Breasts since she was kinda ditzy + so casual about it, but now it's got me thinking do I have something else to worry about.

anyone's kiddo have these polyps as part of their immune disorder? anyone have any experience with CF?



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my son and I bvoth have CVID, his IgG3 is very low and he has IgA def and my

IgG1 is low. I have had nasal polyps before, my old clinical immunologist (which

closed his practice and I have been looking for a new one, anyone know of a good

one) used oral iodine I think on me and it went away, he did a scope up my nose,

was a bit painful. I have always wondered about cystic fibrosis with my son but

no one will entertain the idea...




> hi


> I just noticed polyp like structures inside my 9 yr old's nostrils, one much

more pronounced on one side than the other, noticable when looking up her nose

at the correct angle, i don't think it is normal anatomy.


> through the ol' Dr. Google I came up with nasal polyp.


> My daughter does have primary immune defieciency, a CVID, which can put her at

risk for these but now I am remembering her birthmother saying something

casually about her having Cystic Fibrosis, our adoption case worker and I

dismissed it as she meant Cystic Breasts since she was kinda ditzy + so casual

about it, but now it's got me thinking do I have something else to worry about.


> anyone's kiddo have these polyps as part of their immune disorder? anyone have

any experience with CF?


> thanks,


> Roseann


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I was just telling a family member of mine, how in the past when I would

point out all the issues with my children, they offered no suggestions,

just shrugged their shoulders. Everytime I wanted to see a specialist I

had to ask. Anyhow, what I mean is I remember reading about cystic

fibrosis having different levels and such. I would learn alot about it,

and then request from your doc the kind of specialist you think you

might need to explore further, like a geneticist or a specialist in

another area, depending upon what you learn in your research. Don't

depend on your local doc to know everything; be assertive. I remember

reading about selenium deficiency during pregnancy being related to

cystic fibrosis. I remember thinking, " how weird that lack of selenium

in pregnancy is related to cystic fibrosis when you usually hear people

say that it's strictly genetic. "

Love and prayers,

Heidi N

my son and I bvoth have CVID, his IgG3 is very low and he has IgA def

and my IgG1 is low. I have had nasal polyps before, my old clinical

immunologist (which closed his practice and I have been looking for a

new one, anyone know of a good one) used oral iodine I think on me and

it went away, he did a scope up my nose, was a bit painful. I have

always wondered about cystic fibrosis with my son but no one will

entertain the idea...


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I have nasal polyps and one that gets quite large if I eat foods that I am

allergic to. I only figured it out recently. Reg. docs just offer nasal




> hi


> I just noticed polyp like structures inside my 9 yr old's nostrils, one much

more pronounced on one side than the other, noticable when looking up her nose

at the correct angle, i don't think it is normal anatomy.


> through the ol' Dr. Google I came up with nasal polyp.


> My daughter does have primary immune defieciency, a CVID, which can put her at

risk for these but now I am remembering her birthmother saying something

casually about her having Cystic Fibrosis, our adoption case worker and I

dismissed it as she meant Cystic Breasts since she was kinda ditzy + so casual

about it, but now it's got me thinking do I have something else to worry about.


> anyone's kiddo have these polyps as part of their immune disorder? anyone have

any experience with CF?


> thanks,


> Roseann


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I am asthmatic since 5 years old and was told nasal polyps are common with

asthma. I also know people who have had them removed and they grow back


My theory is inflammation is causing them in myself anyway.




> It looks like they are fairly common in immuno-comprimised adults...i'm

curious if it is so with our kiddos as well.

> thanks everyone, it looked like there were some homeopathic remedies that

indicated nasal polyps.

> My interest is finding other kids that have them and not necessarily having

cystic fibrosis (guess, I just want there to be an out from that dx)


> Roseann

> Re: HELP : nasal polyps?








> I have nasal polyps. If I could afford it I would have them removed.




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No experience with polyps, but we have found nasal and sinus issues to be

parasites. I believe asmtha is as well. Obviously not the popular opinion, but

one you might try out in your house.


> >

> >

> >

> > It looks like they are fairly common in immuno-comprimised adults...i'm

curious if it is so with our kiddos as well.

> > thanks everyone, it looked like there were some homeopathic remedies that

indicated nasal polyps.

> > My interest is finding other kids that have them and not necessarily having

cystic fibrosis (guess, I just want there to be an out from that dx)

> >

> > Roseann

> > Re: HELP : nasal polyps?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I have nasal polyps. If I could afford it I would have them removed.

> >

> >

> >


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nasal polyps can be a sign of mold illness:


we have discovered a connection between sinus disease and infection (unknown

until CAT scan) and living in a mold contaminated house.

Dr D here has an excellent protocol. You might have to read into his articles on

fungal sinutitus and T Cell upregulation to get a idea of what this involves.

The paper is a bit old and I think he has revised a bit here and there.

Kids and I were all found to have issues and are being treated.




> hi


> I just noticed polyp like structures inside my 9 yr old's nostrils, one much

more pronounced on one side than the other, noticable when looking up her nose

at the correct angle, i don't think it is normal anatomy.


> through the ol' Dr. Google I came up with nasal polyp.


> My daughter does have primary immune defieciency, a CVID, which can put her at

risk for these but now I am remembering her birthmother saying something

casually about her having Cystic Fibrosis, our adoption case worker and I

dismissed it as she meant Cystic Breasts since she was kinda ditzy + so casual

about it, but now it's got me thinking do I have something else to worry about.


> anyone's kiddo have these polyps as part of their immune disorder? anyone have

any experience with CF?


> thanks,


> Roseann


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