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Reversing Lyme Disease - Part 3

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Reversing Lyme Disease - Part 3

Well sometimes things just have hidden blessings behind them, don't they? There was a moment of panic wondering what we were going to do for our treatment. But when one door closed another door opened, instantly in fact. I had been attending some "think tank" like events the past year hosted by a group called Thriiive. Through that connection I met a fantastic Naturopathic Doctor who trained at Bastyr and with Deitrich Klinghardt, MD. She had relocated to Southern California and was seeing patients. I took to see her and she picked up on things that no one had ever mentioned before. She tested him for many different levels in which imbalances could exist. She not only looked at the physical body but also the emotions, beliefs, psychological and spiritual levels. This was amazing! She was ab le to reverse some very painful things that were hindering 's improvement and soon became his healer.Much of the treatment would be considered "out of the box" by most physicians. Some may even think it's crazy. But the results speak for themselves. I had a kid that wouldn't ride in the same car with his dad for years. It was very difficult. In one session, with the participation of both and his dad, this was reversed. On a physical level much of his issues resolved. But since this blog isn't about I won't go into this too much except to say that Miss (as we call her) rocks!When we began seeing Miss I was doing very well. I was at that 80% better phase that Dr. Watkinson had brought me to. So really I was an observer of her work with . Since much of this work involved me because we were working on healing past t rauma's such as emotions from the divorce and other things, I also had some healing benefit. A few times Miss worked on me and helped me along with certain physical or emotional issues. She is still my physician of choice for my family and sees us to this day. This is quite a compliment since I have hired and fired many doctors along this journey, especially for 's care.One day was having a session with Miss and I mentioned to her a dream I had the previous night. In that dream I saw a little boy with autism that I know. In his real life he is non-verbal. But in my dream he was a little older and began talking to me instantly. I was shocked in the dream and asked him if he wanted to talk in "real life". He casually commented..."No...I need you to help my mom first." That was very profound for me. As I'm dealing with Lyme disease in our family it has come very clear that these issues are FAMILY issues, including autism. If you look at a family who has a child with autism you will find a plethora of other issues such as fibromyalgia, food allergies, seizures, candida, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, diabetes and of course autism. So I learned early on that the WHOLE FAMILY NEEDED TREATMENT on some level. If there aren't physical issues with family members there certainly are mental issues such as ADHD, asperger's syndrome, OCD, anxiety, etc. Of course there is also the frantic state that parents are in to "heal their child" that can cause a chaotic environment for those around them.What I just said in the above paragraph is very important. Very important. I ask you to look deeply into your own family and examine it. These things are not a coincidence. & n bsp; So back to my dream. This made me really think. This boy with autism won't speak until his mom gets help? Holy cow! As I mentioned this to Miss she told me about a teenager with many diagnosis' named Weston. Weston is completely non-verbal in the speaking with your voice kind of sense. However he is telepathic. He speaks with his mind, if you meet him, he will teach you how to hear him. A local healer named Meg Lupin voices for him. Miss had heard about them from her church and thought it might be good for me to contact them and learn about speaking to the kids telepathically. I have to admit I was a little scared because that sounded pretty woo woo to me. But the little kid in me thought that would be super cool. I also envisioned my kids thinking I was super cool too. I immediately conta cted Meg Lupin and made an appointment for and I to meet them. When we arrived her treatment room had lots of beautiful pictures that children with autism had drawn for her. There were pictures of rainbows, angels and a beautiful palace. She had crystals, religious icons and other nick knacks around. was in heaven. I won't get into that because this day is a big turning point for his journey and he needs to tell it. But suffice to say it was an amazing day. When Weston arrived I felt a little awkward. He is 16 and a little intimidating to be around. I began talking to his mom about his special gifts. While I was speaking with her I heard a very loud.. "Hi!" in my head. That was weird. I must be hearing things. It was pretty surreal because eventually all I could do was just watch hi s moms mouth move, I had no idea what she was talking about. I just wanted to see if I could hear Weston. So I thought in my mind really loudly..."Weston if you are trying to talk to me, please speak up because your mom won't stop talking and it's hard to hear". Right after that he let out a huge laugh! I think he heard me! Later I asked Meg and she said that he had indeed heard me and thought that was funny because he always says his mom can't hear him because she is always talking. Hmm now this was interesting.Since had such a fantastic healing appointment with Meg, I made my own appointment. Meg does Reiki which is an ancient form of hands on healing in which the universal energy is accessed to bring healing to the client. It is very relaxing and an amazing treatment. During this first treatment many amazing things happened. Some Reiki Ma sters are able to tap into things that seem unimaginable. It is not uncommon for guidance from our loved ones, angels and other beings to come through. Not every Reiki Master has these gifts, but Meg does. In my appointment my brother who had died by suicide when he was 19 came through. Meg didn't know this history in our family previously but seemed to just know. The messages my brother gave me were so healing. I was being introduced to a lot of interesting things. One other thing came out during this session, that I am a natural healer. This doesn't make me any more special than anyone else because many people have this quality, but it was something no one had ever told me before.I was sold! I loved Reiki! I had been thinking of taking a Reiki class for quite awhile but I always had a list of excuses as to why I couldn't or shouldn't. I'm a Christian doesn't that go against our beliefs? Nope...that one didn't fly. It's weird? Who made me the judge and jury. I don't have the time? Well on the day of the class everything that I could've been doing fell through and I had no excuses. It was either lay on the couch or go to the Reiki class. So I went. Poor Gail Thackray to have me as her student. I grilled her and asked her where this energy was coming from. What if you get bad energy coming instead of the good? All these questions she answered with ease. That put me at ease too. I hope that after that initial Tami Q and A she found out that I am a very good student indeed. One reason I wanted to take the Reiki class is that I had heard that it can really open up your intuition, calm your mind and make you more centered and grounded. Coming in as a person with her mind sp inning all the time this was a very attractive benefit.In that Reiki 1 class we did a guided meditation. After the meditation we were supposed to go around and share our experience. When we got to one of the participants she said.."Well I couldn't do mine". We wondered what had happened. She then went on to say that some "guy" had interrupted her. He showed her a big monster truck and had strawberry blonde hair and a goat tee. Everyone looked around puzzled. She said.."I'm kind of psychic...does this guy belong to any of you?" Oh shit! I raised my hand. That was my brother. Mouths dropped around me. She said..."Well he just wanted you to know that he's here and that he likes that you are doing this". I was floored. You may wonder what this has to do with Lyme disease. But any kind of heal ing, is healing. When your religion says that people who commit suicide go to hell, it is an amazing revelation to find out that this is not true. My brother came through in the session with Meg and again at my Reiki class. Oh he's not in hell, in fact, he is helping us out from the other side. What a relief! Part of my Reiki 1 homework was to do 21 self-healing sessions. I would lay in bed for about 45 minutes each day and do a Reiki session on myself. This was a profound part of my healing. Each day my intuition would increase. I would begin to see visions. I would even have profound dreams in which I was given guidance on what treatments to do, doctors to see, etc. Each day was bringing something new and something amazing. I was able to use this treatment to balance my emotions, my feelings, my body. If I felt a little Lymie, I could balance it out with Reiki. Once my 21 day homework was complete I could then practice sessions on family members. has always been amazing to volunteer for such things. I worked on him and he could give me great feedback. ( is clairvoyant among other things) He could tell me from a clairvoyant perspective what the Reiki energy looked like, felt and so on. He would come and ask for a Reiki session when he felt out of balance either emotionally or physically. If he had a bad day at school we would do Reiki and it would seem to make it all better. Jenna was a great subject as well. One time she jammed her toe. We thought it might be broken, but it wasn't. The pain was lingering. I did a Reiki session and by the end of the session the pain was completely gone. I have many Jenna stories which are similar to this. & nbs p; The special thing about Reiki is that the energy flows through you and out your hands. So the practitioner is getting a Reiki treatment at the same time they are giving a treatment. So both practitioner and client are having a healing. In my book this is a win-win situation. All of these benefits made me decide to pursue Reiki as a career path, and I moved through all levels to become a Master Teacher.One way I decided to test my newfound intuition was at the book store. I went to the metaphysical section and asked for guidance on choosing the best book for me. I used my hand to scan the books for their energy to see which one resonated with me. One popped off the shelf called "Vibrational Healing Through the Chakras" by Joy Gardner. I opened it and read how you can find the underlying cause to disease and balance the body using vibrational tools. Your body is energy, disease is energy, vibration is energy. Find the right vibration and you can heal. This made perfect sense to me. I bought the book and read it in 2 days. Come to find out Joy Gardener has a certification program for Vibrational Healing. I signed up to take the classes.The classes were for about 6 months and then a final 10 day workshop in Hawaii. One thing I learned is that in order to be an effective healer you really need to dig through and deal with your old crap first. This was about half of what we did in our classes and workshops. We would learn a technique and then pair off to practice on each other. So we gave a session and got a session. Major healing for all of my classmates went on during this time. We dug through the past, healed it to find healing in our present. I can safely say that I don't ask any client to do something that I haven't done myself. We were stripped raw in these classes and amazing healing took place. In one class I was the volunteer to receive a session from Joy as she taught the technique. The technique is called cellular consciousness. It is where you visualize shrinking down really small and entering into the body to look at parts that were diseased or dysfunctional. (for the moms out there, kind of like on that cartoon Magic School Bus) I chose to go to my gallbladder and liver. Even being 80% healed I still had the occasional gallbladder attack and felt that my liver wasn't working optimally. The information I gained from this session was priceless. What we found out was that my liver was strongly affected by my mood. When I get angry and say it is a level 2 (on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst), the impact on my liver is a level 8. & nb sp; So my anger would be amplified and have a strong impact on my liver. My lesson from this was to know that it's ok to be angry at times but work to remain more balanced and refrain from putting yourself in those situations which your anger could escalate. So I stay away from people and situations that seem to "push my buttons". The gallbladder had many lessons for me. What I learned here is that it cannot process the foods I was eating. Being a cookie and chocolate addict it became very clear that it was not processing and the only way it would work would be if I ate a lot of greens. I visually saw green sludge in the gallbladder like a disgusting sewer. My solution to this created the greatest healing yet.Learn what I did to cause my profound healing in part 4.

Tami Duncanwww.epiphanyhealingarts.com

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