Guest guest Posted October 22, 2011 Report Share Posted October 22, 2011 Permalink: Reversing Lyme Disease - Part 4 So after getting the amazing Cellular Consciousness treatment, learning what my liver and gallbladder needed from me, I set off for my next adventure. I decided to do a juice fast. I had done a few previously to this. A year prior I had done a 3 day fast and seemed to do ok with is. I then did an 11 day fast and did amazingly well with it. This was in 2010. I probably should have mentioned this earlier in the article. But in 2010 I did a juice fast and nearly reversed all of my Lyme disease symptoms. However, that was short lived because I began to eat the same old foods when coming off the fast. I let gluten and casein sneak back into my diet. Eventually I was back to eating the same old crap that helped get me into this mess. The symptoms returned in full force.But this time would be different. ; I had done so much personal growth through my Reiki and Vibrational Healing classes. I began to look at life differently. I looked at struggles as lessons I needed to learn. I looked at others behavior as a mirror into myself and wondered how I could grow from these experiences. So when I began this juice fast I was in a different mindset. I had determined that this was it. I no longer had Lyme disease after the completion of this fast and I would be healed. I set this intention so strongly that there was no other reality possible for me. It payed off!People often ask how to do a juice fast. There are hundreds of sites dedicated to this on the internet. Many with "protocol" type approaches which include enemas, supplements, colon cleanses and other lovelies. I had never been one to want to do an enema but more power to my comrades who do. ; So I went basic. I drank as much organic freshly juiced juice as I wanted in a day. To make sure my gallbladder was extra happy I added in a greens powder supplement. I muscle tested myself to make sure this supplement was good with my body. I tested many and only found one. (You see how finicky our bodies can be? What if I hadn't muscle tested it? Maybe I wouldn't have improved as much? Hmmm...something to think about) So that was my big fancy juice fast. Juice juice and more juice! I also drank alkaline water and herbal tea. That was it.There were days when I thought I might die. The first two weeks produced some burning detox, nasty headaches and a lot of tears. But I was determined to detox this crap out of my body. There were days when I was too tired to make the juice. I'm very blessed to have a husband who rocks the juicer. As I sat on the couch praying to God asking if he really wanted me to do another day, my hubby would show up and bring me a nice green juice nourishing me for another few hours. This lasted for 22 days.My tongue went from white to a beautiful pink. My stools went from once every 2 days to 3 x's per day. My brain went from spinning to calm and peaceful. I lost 15 pounds and looked great!But I wasn't out of the woods yet. Coming off a juice fast like that is crucial. As soon as you chew your first bite your hunger becomes unleashed like a bat out of hell. I did pretty good for the first two days, eating fruit, steamed vegetables, smoothies. But on the third day I went to the local greek restaurant and decided to order a falafel. OMG! That was a huge mistake, every joint in my body ached. Lesson learned. & nbs p; I started reflecting back on my life. When I was in the 7th grade a friend and I watched this horrible movie called "Faces of Death". It showed some freakishly nasty realities about the slaughterhouses. I have always been a lover of animals and this sent me over the edge. I became a vegetarian then. Unfortunately I didn't eat properly. Vegetarian to me at the age of 12 consisted of a lot of french fries and grilled cheese sandwiches. So when I went to the dentist and developed 8 cavities in a 6 month period, we made the decision to eat chicken. I have never felt good about that decision though.Now that my senses are heightened and I am feeling the energy around me, the energy of the animals also became something to consider. I decided to go back to my childlike sensitivity and become a vegan. I actually am a Gluten free Vegan. (Vegan means no dairy). This has been one of the best decisions I have made. I have eaten this way for 7 months since the juice fast. In addition I have given up all of my addictions. For me this is chocolate and french fries. There is no sneaking, no snitching or having just a bite. I have given up these things for life. Suffice to say I don't drink any soda or alcohol either. I don't crave these things and don't care if anyone else has them around me. This is the method I have found to maintain my improvements and prevent relapses. I lost another 5 lbs after concluding the juice fast and for the first time in my memory, I have a GI system working at the optimal level. I have the power in my two hands to balance my mood, receive guidance on what to do next and really don't even need to muscle test anymore.If I want to know if a supplement is good for me or not I can just run my hand near it, feeling the energy. I can then get an "intuitive hit" as to if it's good for me and even what the dosage would be. I am tapped in. I've learned my lesson. I consider myself as always learning, growing and healing. I think a great t-shirt for me would be: "God's Work In Progress". Because not only am I still a work-in-progress by helping others I am doing God's work. I feel fantastic and can't wait to see what comes next.I am cutting back on my hours at work to pursue my healing practice full-time. I am really excited because the results I am seeing in others are fantastic. As for the telepathic communication that started this whole thing....well I'm doing it! It is fabulous! Most of these kids with autism are telepathic and they have much to say. Most is about their parents, how we need to help them open their hearts, balance them and bring them to God. But they also tell me other things like why they hit themselves, why they scream, why they do certain behaviors. Some can even share information about their biomedical treatment. If the child isn't telepathic yet then their energy tells the story. I'm able to read and interpret that story as well. Opening myself up to these gifts has unleashed these abilities that I never though possible. I have to give it all to God though. I'm just the channel here. After all I'm the girl with the degree in Fashion Merchandising. LOL!So to wrap this up, it has been a wild ride with many lessons along the way. I am calm and peaceful and balanced. If I backslide then I have the tools to bring me back. My physical symptoms are resolved. But really it's about believing that in order to heal one must work on all levels o f healing. It is like a dog chasing his tale to work at only one level. One must work on the mind, body and spirit. To work on only one is doing yourself a disservice. At the conferences we listen to presenter after presenter speaking on which supplement for what, which medication for this or that. But rarely did we hear much on the spiritual aspects of healing. There is no protocol for it, there is no perfect guru. It's your journey. I've been blessed in my journey and wouldn't trade one moment of it for that "quick fix" which as we all know fades out anyways.I ask you this, what lessons do you need to learn? What is holding you back from healing? What are you hiding from? I say to you this it's time to tell yourself.."Bring it on!" Many blessings to you and I wish you much healing on your journey. Tami Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2011 Report Share Posted October 22, 2011 Dear TamiThanks a gazillion for sharing with us the depth, length and width of your healing journey. I am witness to your new beautiful spiritual senses, what your told me about is so much his nature and when I prayed for guidance which therapeutical road to go next, he pointed and provided so that l could learn and start Son-Rise with him, which is just such an love filled, accepting and playful approach for our kids. I have worked with him only a few hours, and his smile and eyes have something different, an emerging light. Just like you said, he only wants to play and have the company of his family. That's what we are doing and he looks so happy, so satisfied. I am sure with love, patience and persistence, he will little by little come out of his sphere and join us in the here and now. Thank you for sharing what you have learned in the medical field, as well as what has enlightened your emotional restoration. You have always been a beautiful woman, but last time we did skype you looked so much younger and happy, this can only come from within. I send you love, light and my sincere admiration for all the learning devoted to heal yourself, your family and all of those around you!!!Isa :-) Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de TelcelFrom: Tamiduncan@...Sender: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 21:48:13 -0400 (EDT)To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >ReplyTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Reversing Lyme Disease Part 4 Permalink: Lyme Disease - Part 4So after getting the amazing Cellular Consciousness treatment, learning what my liver and gallbladder needed from me, I set off for my next adventure. I decided to do a juice fast. I had done a few previously to this. A year prior I had done a 3 day fast and seemed to do ok with is. I then did an 11 day fast and did amazingly well with it. This was in 2010. I probably should have mentioned this earlier in the article. But in 2010 I did a juice fast and nearly reversed all of my Lyme disease symptoms. However, that was short lived because I began to eat the same old foods when coming off the fast. I let gluten and casein sneak back into my diet. Eventually I was back to eating the same old crap that helped get me into this mess. The symptoms returned in full force.But this time would be different. ; I had done so much personal growth through my Reiki and Vibrational Healing classes. I began to look at life differently. I looked at struggles as lessons I needed to learn. I looked at others behavior as a mirror into myself and wondered how I could grow from these experiences. So when I began this juice fast I was in a different mindset. I had determined that this was it. I no longer had Lyme disease after the completion of this fast and I would be healed. I set this intention so strongly that there was no other reality possible for me. It payed off!People often ask how to do a juice fast. There are hundreds of sites dedicated to this on the internet. Many with "protocol" type approaches which include enemas, supplements, colon cleanses and other lovelies. I had never been one to want to do an enema but more power to my comrades who do. ; So I went basic. I drank as much organic freshly juiced juice as I wanted in a day. To make sure my gallbladder was extra happy I added in a greens powder supplement. I muscle tested myself to make sure this supplement was good with my body. I tested many and only found one. (You see how finicky our bodies can be? What if I hadn't muscle tested it? Maybe I wouldn't have improved as much? Hmmm...something to think about) So that was my big fancy juice fast. Juice juice and more juice! I also drank alkaline water and herbal tea. That was it.There were days when I thought I might die. The first two weeks produced some burning detox, nasty headaches and a lot of tears. But I was determined to detox this crap out of my body. There were days when I was too tired to make the juice. I'm very blessed to have a husband who rocks the juicer. As I sat on the couch praying to God asking if he really wanted me to do another day, my hubby would show up and bring me a nice green juice nourishing me for another few hours. This lasted for 22 days.My tongue went from white to a beautiful pink. My stools went from once every 2 days to 3 x's per day. My brain went from spinning to calm and peaceful. I lost 15 pounds and looked great!But I wasn't out of the woods yet. Coming off a juice fast like that is crucial. As soon as you chew your first bite your hunger becomes unleashed like a bat out of hell. I did pretty good for the first two days, eating fruit, steamed vegetables, smoothies. But on the third day I went to the local greek restaurant and decided to order a falafel. OMG! That was a huge mistake, every joint in my body ached. Lesson learned. & nbs p; I started reflecting back on my life. When I was in the 7th grade a friend and I watched this horrible movie called "Faces of Death". It showed some freakishly nasty realities about the slaughterhouses. I have always been a lover of animals and this sent me over the edge. I became a vegetarian then. Unfortunately I didn't eat properly. Vegetarian to me at the age of 12 consisted of a lot of french fries and grilled cheese sandwiches. So when I went to the dentist and developed 8 cavities in a 6 month period, we made the decision to eat chicken. I have never felt good about that decision though.Now that my senses are heightened and I am feeling the energy around me, the energy of the animals also became something to consider. I decided to go back to my childlike sensitivity and become a vegan. I actually am a Gluten free Vegan. (Vegan means no dairy). This has been one of the best decisions I have made. I have eaten this way for 7 months since the juice fast. In addition I have given up all of my addictions. For me this is chocolate and french fries. There is no sneaking, no snitching or having just a bite. I have given up these things for life. Suffice to say I don't drink any soda or alcohol either. I don't crave these things and don't care if anyone else has them around me. This is the method I have found to maintain my improvements and prevent relapses. I lost another 5 lbs after concluding the juice fast and for the first time in my memory, I have a GI system working at the optimal level. I have the power in my two hands to balance my mood, receive guidance on what to do next and really don't even need to muscle test anymore.If I want to know if a supplement is good for me or not I can just run my hand near it, feeling the energy. I can then get an "intuitive hit" as to if it's good for me and even what the dosage would be. I am tapped in. I've learned my lesson. I consider myself as always learning, growing and healing. I think a great t-shirt for me would be: "God's Work In Progress". Because not only am I still a work-in-progress by helping others I am doing God's work. I feel fantastic and can't wait to see what comes next.I am cutting back on my hours at work to pursue my healing practice full-time. I am really excited because the results I am seeing in others are fantastic. As for the telepathic communication that started this whole thing....well I'm doing it! It is fabulous! Most of these kids with autism are telepathic and they have much to say. Most is about their parents, how we need to help them open their hearts, balance them and bring them to God. But they also tell me other things like why they hit themselves, why they scream, why they do certain behaviors. Some can even share information about their biomedical treatment. If the child isn't telepathic yet then their energy tells the story. I'm able to read and interpret that story as well. Opening myself up to these gifts has unleashed these abilities that I never though possible. I have to give it all to God though. I'm just the channel here. After all I'm the girl with the degree in Fashion Merchandising. LOL!So to wrap this up, it has been a wild ride with many lessons along the way. I am calm and peaceful and balanced. If I backslide then I have the tools to bring me back. My physical symptoms are resolved. But really it's about believing that in order to heal one must work on all levels o f healing. It is like a dog chasing his tale to work at only one level. One must work on the mind, body and spirit. To work on only one is doing yourself a disservice. At the conferences we listen to presenter after presenter speaking on which supplement for what, which medication for this or that. But rarely did we hear much on the spiritual aspects of healing. There is no protocol for it, there is no perfect guru. It's your journey. I've been blessed in my journey and wouldn't trade one moment of it for that "quick fix" which as we all know fades out anyways.I ask you this, what lessons do you need to learn? What is holding you back from healing? What are you hiding from? I say to you this it's time to tell yourself.."Bring it on!" Many blessings to you and I wish you much healing on your journey. Tami Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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