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Freedom Guide ... My own prison

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Yesterday while talking to my ACT therapist, I had the opportunity to walk

through my experiences at the prison and afterwards.

I mentioned that many areas of my life seem to be coming together.

I asked why this was the case as I have struggled for so long in so many areas

and now I am seeing progress.

I asked her why she thought this was and she in turned asked me.

I choose to answer this at our next session as I still need to think it through.

Here's my thoughts so far;

- realize that I am tired of living my life the way I had been

- accept that I am lacking in some areas of my life and instead of being ashamed

of this, rejoice that I have much to learn

- realize that there are others who are willing to be supportive if I seek them


- lessen the turning and tossing of things around in my mind

- accepting my fear of failure

- acknowledge what I don't have while understanding that what I do have is


- facing my pain, not ignoring/fighting or being overwhelmed by it

- be willing to do things I normally would avoid

- my past is my past, at last!

- accept my worth while not comparing myself to others

- realize that while knowledge is invaluable, action is the key

- progress that seems insignificant is actually stepping stones

- practicing kindness towards myself (way difficult!)

- understand that we all struggle

- know that there is compassion in the world

- accept that things will ebb and flow and still I will try

- have hope

What do others see as things that have helped them?

I know we can all also list things that have hindered them but perhaps we focus

on the positives for now.


Values + committed action = joy!

This past 4 days, it was my privilege to minister to women at a local prison. It

was amazing to see the transformation of the prisoners as they were ministered


During this, I realized quite a few things that I hope to use as learning

experiences. Many of these are spiritually based and I am choosing not to

discuss this on this forum as this is not the appropriate place.

I also did alot of processing that I believe are related to ACT topics. (to add

to this to, one of the speakers briefly mentioned CBT!) As I was standing in the

prison on the last morning, looking out the bars on the window, I realized that

I have spend most of my life creating my own prison in the outside world. I have

allowed my life circumstances to affect how I view myself, the world, others and

my worth. I also realize that I have made significant progress in these areas

and in this I rejoice. The most important value to me is my faith and when I

engage in this while helping others, the lies I have been telling myself that

have built up these prison walls start to be torn down and I do things that I

never would have thought I had the confidence to do.

Values + committed action = joy!


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That's quite a full list. What a lovely path you're on. Looking to answer " why

now and not earlier " is really one those great questions to sit with and

deliberately not answer. Let your heart and experience be your freedom guide. I

get too mindy with looking for formulas. Practicing self-kindness/ acceptance is

one of those biggies for me, opening up to what that looks like and being

willing more of the time to just be confused and not know. Noticing too it's

not only about the obvious self-comfort moves and more about taking risks that

support values and goals which invariably involve discomfort. Writing this now

is a bit uncomfortable because I don't know I completely understand what you're

looking for and I fear this will not help you at all. And making space for

that. Best to you with your practice!


> This past 4 days, it was my privilege to minister to women at a local prison.

It was amazing to see the transformation of the prisoners as they were

ministered to.

> During this, I realized quite a few things that I hope to use as learning

experiences. Many of these are spiritually based and I am choosing not to

discuss this on this forum as this is not the appropriate place.

> I also did alot of processing that I believe are related to ACT topics. (to

add to this to, one of the speakers briefly mentioned CBT!) As I was standing in

the prison on the last morning, looking out the bars on the window, I realized

that I have spend most of my life creating my own prison in the outside world. I

have allowed my life circumstances to affect how I view myself, the world,

others and my worth. I also realize that I have made significant progress in

these areas and in this I rejoice. The most important value to me is my faith

and when I engage in this while helping others, the lies I have been telling

myself that have built up these prison walls start to be torn down and I do

things that I never would have thought I had the confidence to do.


> Values + committed action = joy!


> Blessings!



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