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Re: To Bettina--Anti-biotics- toxic load testing-

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Just a thought on the lamictal to add in - those anticonvulsants really mess w

the folate cycle. No neuro ever mentioned this or montored folate, B12 for years

while my daughter was using these. Now, we use hefty doses of basic

folate[5-methyl form] and B12[methyl form] as still are testing in need. Also,

an effective[acc to many in the group] Lyme treatment using salt/vit C together

@ http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/lymestrategies/


> My son is 16 also, PDDNOS diagnosis at 2 years, 9 months...also. I have

> been through this in just this past year. You can call me if you like and I

> ll tell you what we are doing. You have to test properly for his toxic load

> and see how he handles the toxins that are released both from the toxic

> anti-biotics but also from dieoff when you kill lyme or any parasites for

> that matter, bacteria, yeast, etc....there are things you can do.


> My son was VERY high functioning till the past 2 years and now I know he has

> lyme and co-infections. I actually knew before testing and I'll tell you

> how I knew but there is a better test for lyme today--an actual culture of

> it and it takes up to 10 weeks to get the results. I'm not a doctor but I

> can't help but say to you to PLEASE do not continue the anti-biotics if you

> have not done this type of testing. My son became VERY violent and ill from

> the anti-biotics and he COULD NOT control his actions. This type of

> herxing can cause permanent damage. I probably will never do anti-biotics

> again. The herbs you mention are VERY potent, VERY effective and they work

> well for the vast majority of people SAFELY. We are using the nutramedix

> herbs but not doing the COWDEN protocol as it's very complicated and some

> believe too harsh. You can simplify it. But I would do it in a second

> before I would ever consider anti-biotics again. Debbie . My

> son now sees Dr. B in CA. She was the 3rd LLMD I brought my son to. Some,

> God bless them, try and are wonderful people but they do not know what Dr. B

> knows and she is incredible as far as the testing you need. She specializes

> in autism and lyme. Call or e mail me, Debbie





> -- Success rate of treatments



> My 16 yr old is under the care of Dr. J in DC. We have only two weeks of abx

> completed, and I am concerned about our treatment decisions. First, I can't

> convince my husband he has lyme, because we have been dealing with the

> autism since 18months . He is high functioning,but has damage to his brain

> and obvious inflammation determined by the spect scan this Nov. Has anyone

> had any success with the long term abx protocol that Dr. J uses? Has anyone

> had success with the Cowden/ nutramedix protocol? I have concerns about

> these high powered abx. He threw up violently last night from taking them

> without sufficient amount of food. The worst part of all this is the mental

> instability. He has mood swings and violent rages. I am concerned about

> family safety when these episodes occur. Has anyone else experienced this

> and what have they been doing for controlling this problem? he currently is

> on 100 mg. of Lamictal, but I think he needs with more or something to go

> with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bettina


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He is taking the L methyl folate and methyl B12 along with many supplements and

binders and detoxifiers . How well he is detoxig I do not know. What is this

test that determines his toxic load? I plan to start the liposomal vitamin C. As

for the antibiotics cuasing the rages, we have been having these rages since 18

months. It is just that he is bigger and more dangerous now when they occur. I

am torn up about my decision to continue with the antibiotics though.. Has

anyone found their child completely rehabilitated after using the herbs for


One more thing about the methyl B 12 shots. I had methyl B12 levels drawn in

November and it was very high. So I know he has plenty of it. Whether he is

utilizing it effectively I do not know. His MTHF test showed a genetic mutation.

We went to see Dr. B in Atlanta who is a autism doc and he has ordered a test

for antibodies to Folate, so I feel these parts of the puzzle are being

addressed. I just don't know if the ABX will heal him, and so the risk benefit

ratio may not be favorable.

> >

> > My son is 16 also, PDDNOS diagnosis at 2 years, 9 months...also. I have

> > been through this in just this past year. You can call me if you like and I

> > ll tell you what we are doing. You have to test properly for his toxic load

> > and see how he handles the toxins that are released both from the toxic

> > anti-biotics but also from dieoff when you kill lyme or any parasites for

> > that matter, bacteria, yeast, etc....there are things you can do.

> >

> > My son was VERY high functioning till the past 2 years and now I know he has

> > lyme and co-infections. I actually knew before testing and I'll tell you

> > how I knew but there is a better test for lyme today--an actual culture of

> > it and it takes up to 10 weeks to get the results. I'm not a doctor but I

> > can't help but say to you to PLEASE do not continue the anti-biotics if you

> > have not done this type of testing. My son became VERY violent and ill from

> > the anti-biotics and he COULD NOT control his actions. This type of

> > herxing can cause permanent damage. I probably will never do anti-biotics

> > again. The herbs you mention are VERY potent, VERY effective and they work

> > well for the vast majority of people SAFELY. We are using the nutramedix

> > herbs but not doing the COWDEN protocol as it's very complicated and some

> > believe too harsh. You can simplify it. But I would do it in a second

> > before I would ever consider anti-biotics again. Debbie . My

> > son now sees Dr. B in CA. She was the 3rd LLMD I brought my son to. Some,

> > God bless them, try and are wonderful people but they do not know what Dr. B

> > knows and she is incredible as far as the testing you need. She specializes

> > in autism and lyme. Call or e mail me, Debbie

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -- Success rate of treatments

> >

> >

> > My 16 yr old is under the care of Dr. J in DC. We have only two weeks of abx

> > completed, and I am concerned about our treatment decisions. First, I can't

> > convince my husband he has lyme, because we have been dealing with the

> > autism since 18months . He is high functioning,but has damage to his brain

> > and obvious inflammation determined by the spect scan this Nov. Has anyone

> > had any success with the long term abx protocol that Dr. J uses? Has anyone

> > had success with the Cowden/ nutramedix protocol? I have concerns about

> > these high powered abx. He threw up violently last night from taking them

> > without sufficient amount of food. The worst part of all this is the mental

> > instability. He has mood swings and violent rages. I am concerned about

> > family safety when these episodes occur. Has anyone else experienced this

> > and what have they been doing for controlling this problem? he currently is

> > on 100 mg. of Lamictal, but I think he needs with more or something to go

> > with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bettina

> >


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Hi Bettina,

My son's rages actually started a little over 2 years ago but it just got a whole lot worse while trying antibiotics the three times we tried (3 weeks was the longest stretch) and I can't remember how many we tried, I think 3 or 4. The worst were flagyl and levoquin but he obviously could not handle any of them. As you know, lyme can cause rage. I'm not saying I know that it's lyme causing it in your son's case of course, but I'm sure it did with my son. I believe puberty was the stressor that caused the lyme to flourish with a vengence and we we're treating his immune system his whole life and did not know why this helped but we kept the lyme in remission. He was VERY high functioning, but then puberty hit and that's very stressful. Anyway, lyme and co-infections definitely cause rages. Just got a lyme diagnosis 11 months ago but I believe he had it before 18 months old, now looking back at the weird, skin problems that dermatologists could do nothing about at that age and no eczema in the family. 2 years ago I starting seeing that anything that aggravates lyme, aggravated matthew...the sauna (heat), teasal root, anti-biotics.

Testing. We did a lot of tests. The extreme sensitivity to molds, toxins, chemicals, etc....makes a lot of sense about . I could see it on biofeedback also (dust, molds, checmicals, chlorines, etc....), but I did not know how bad it was till Dr. B ran and interpreted this test and I still do not know how to interpret it but that's what I pay her for. LabCorp. HLA DRB, DQB Typing (Transplant) ...looks like DRB1, DRB3, DRB4 DRB5 and each has a result and it would take time to give you the 10 different results that are meaningless to you. However, interpreting it she says that my son is extremely sensitive to molds, toxins, chemicals, etc...so we are treating for that. That's not only staying away from the anti-biotics for now at least but using cholestyromine 4 times daily to pull the toxins out of his body, cleaning cleaning cleaning, the house, diffusing to kill molds, etc..... She said he is the type of person that can walk into the building where they don't keep up with the ventilation system, ducts, etc....and just flip out because it's causing inflammation in his brain. This is not really uncommon and she has a lot of patients like this but it can be really bad. Had to remove a 19 year old from the home so he would be in a controlled environment and he's doing much better - he is not autistic but his toxic load would just cause him to lose his mind.

She also put on no amylose (sugars, simple sugars) and many of the auto-immune stuff stopped like constant urination and then low oxylate (great plains test) and he is doing much better. I do not agree with everything Dr. B wants to do, like the future anti-biotics but she is very good and very thorough with the testing. He tested positive for 11 co-infections also. That's actually using the veterinarian lab. They do have better tests for that (and it's only $225!) , but there is no totally reliable test. You have to repeat the western blot tests now and then. That's Medical Diagnostics Labs, in N.J. The lyme culture test is better but I think it's about 6 or $700.

I do know someone who is 90% better using only the nutramedix herbs for her whole family and she knows others. I can put you in touch with her if you want to e mail me. She went down antibiotics road years ago for 3 years only to relapse when she got off. THat I hear way too much of and it's why you and I are so uncomfortable with it. From what I have learned this past year, there are definitely people who are in remission, using anti-biotics but I always find out that they did not have lyme for that long and/or they did not have herxing anything like my son. Some are resistant to the abx, some are just way too sick while on it and some relapse terribly as soon as they stop and you cannot do abx forever. You can, however do the herbs that I'm giving forever if needed and don't ever think they are not strong....The herbs and biofeedback causes herxing but it's herxing that we can handle with detoxing.

Sorry for the length, hope this helps someone, Debbie

-- Success rate of treatments> > > > > > My 16 yr old is under the care of Dr. J in DC. We have only two weeks of abx> > completed, and I am concerned about our treatment decisions. First, I can't> > convince my husband he has lyme, because we have been dealing with the> > autism since 18months . He is high functioning,but has damage to his brain> > and obvious inflammation determined by the spect scan this Nov. Has anyone> > had any success with the long term abx protocol that Dr. J uses? Has anyone> > had success with the Cowden/ nutramedix protocol? I have concerns about> > these high powered abx. He threw up violently last night from taking them> > without sufficient amount of food. The worst part of all this is the mental> > instability. He has mood swings and violent rages. I am concerned about> > family safety when these episodes occur. Has anyone else experienced this> > and what have they been doing for controlling this problem? he currently is> > on 100 mg. of Lamictal, but I think he needs with more or something to go> > with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bettina> >>

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I also believe my son has had the lyme since early age. I am concerned I may have it too. I am waiting to see what my test shows. He and I both have sweats, especially at night and then get chilled. He is always cold in the mornings. He has trouble keeping his body temperature regulated. He has random shooting nerve pains. He used to have swollen knee caps when he was little and really stiff joints. He now has muscle pain especially if we rife too long. He gets bad migraines every afternoon. His hormones no doubt are contributing to some mood problems. I was curious about your comment about how puberty causes lyme to flourish. Can you elaborate on that? We do the abx Mon,Wed ,Frid for two weeks on and one week off for three cycles and then return to Dr, J in D.C. How he does with the next two cycles of this will help me to decide whether to continue. I plan to up the chlorella, burbur, kidney and lymph drainage. We have done metal detox and Hbot for the autism spectrum disorder ,but may need to return to that .The zytos showed strongly for parasites, so we have been working on that since December. I slacked on that since starting the abx , but will return to using the huma worm shortly. I am so overwhelmed will all I am giving him in the way of supplements. Just getting all of those down every day is a feat. As far as herxing, the worst ones are after using the rife. Nothing else seems to have impacted as strongly.

Hi Bettina,

My son's rages actually started a little over 2 years ago but it just got a whole lot worse while trying antibiotics the three times we tried (3 weeks was the longest stretch) and I can't remember how many we tried, I think 3 or 4. The worst were flagyl and levoquin but he obviously could not handle any of them. As you know, lyme can cause rage. I'm not saying I know that it's lyme causing it in your son's case of course, but I'm sure it did with my son. I believe puberty was the stressor that caused the lyme to flourish with a vengence and we we're treating his immune system his whole life and did not know why this helped but we kept the lyme in remission. He was VERY high functioning, but then puberty hit and that's very stressful. Anyway, lyme and co-infections definitely cause rages. Just got a lyme diagnosis 11 months ago but I believe he had it before 18 months old, now looking back at the weird, skin problems that dermatologists could do nothing about at that age and no eczema in the family. 2 years ago I starting seeing that anything that aggravates lyme, aggravated matthew...the sauna (heat), teasal root, anti-biotics.

Testing. We did a lot of tests. The extreme sensitivity to molds, toxins, chemicals, etc....makes a lot of sense about . I could see it on biofeedback also (dust, molds, checmicals, chlorines, etc....), but I did not know how bad it was till Dr. B ran and interpreted this test and I still do not know how to interpret it but that's what I pay her for. LabCorp. HLA DRB, DQB Typing (Transplant) ...looks like DRB1, DRB3, DRB4 DRB5 and each has a result and it would take time to give you the 10 different results that are meaningless to you. However, interpreting it she says that my son is extremely sensitive to molds, toxins, chemicals, etc...so we are treating for that. That's not only staying away from the anti-biotics for now at least but using cholestyromine 4 times daily to pull the toxins out of his body, cleaning cleaning cleaning, the house, diffusing to kill molds, etc..... She said he is the type of person that can walk into the building where they don't keep up with the ventilation system, ducts, etc....and just flip out because it's causing inflammation in his brain. This is not really uncommon and she has a lot of patients like this but it can be really bad. Had to remove a 19 year old from the home so he would be in a controlled environment and he's doing much better - he is not autistic but his toxic load would just cause him to lose his mind.

She also put on no amylose (sugars, simple sugars) and many of the auto-immune stuff stopped like constant urination and then low oxylate (great plains test) and he is doing much better. I do not agree with everything Dr. B wants to do, like the future anti-biotics but she is very good and very thorough with the testing. He tested positive for 11 co-infections also. That's actually using the veterinarian lab. They do have better tests for that (and it's only $225!) , but there is no totally reliable test. You have to repeat the western blot tests now and then. That's Medical Diagnostics Labs, in N.J. The lyme culture test is better but I think it's about 6 or $700.

I do know someone who is 90% better using only the nutramedix herbs for her whole family and she knows others. I can put you in touch with her if you want to e mail me. She went down antibiotics road years ago for 3 years only to relapse when she got off. THat I hear way too much of and it's why you and I are so uncomfortable with it. From what I have learned this past year, there are definitely people who are in remission, using anti-biotics but I always find out that they did not have lyme for that long and/or they did not have herxing anything like my son. Some are resistant to the abx, some are just way too sick while on it and some relapse terribly as soon as they stop and you cannot do abx forever. You can, however do the herbs that I'm giving forever if needed and don't ever think they are not strong....The herbs and biofeedback causes herxing but it's herxing that we can handle with detoxing.

Sorry for the length, hope this helps someone, Debbie

-- Success rate of treatments> > > > > > My 16 yr old is under the care of Dr. J in DC. We have only two weeks of abx> > completed, and I am concerned about our treatment decisions. First, I can't> > convince my husband he has lyme, because we have been dealing with the> > autism since 18months . He is high functioning,but has damage to his brain> > and obvious inflammation determined by the spect scan this Nov. Has anyone> > had any success with the long term abx protocol that Dr. J uses? Has anyone> > had success with the Cowden/ nutramedix protocol? I have concerns about> > these high powered abx. He threw up violently last night from taking them> > without sufficient amount of food. The worst part of all this is the mental> > instability. He has mood swings and violent rages. I am concerned about> > family safety when these episodes occur. Has anyone else experienced this> > and what have they been doing for controlling this problem? he currently is> > on 100 mg. of Lamictal, but I think he needs with more or something to go> > with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bettina> >>


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can you tell me the protocol youused with nutramedix herbs for lyme??

thank you so much


> > >

> > > My son is 16 also, PDDNOS diagnosis at 2 years, 9 months...also. I have

> > > been through this in just this past year. You can call me if you like and


> > > ll tell you what we are doing. You have to test properly for his toxic


> > > and see how he handles the toxins that are released both from the toxic

> > > anti-biotics but also from dieoff when you kill lyme or any parasites for

> > > that matter, bacteria, yeast, etc....there are things you can do.

> > >

> > > My son was VERY high functioning till the past 2 years and now I know he


> > > lyme and co-infections. I actually knew before testing and I'll tell you

> > > how I knew but there is a better test for lyme today--an actual culture of

> > > it and it takes up to 10 weeks to get the results. I'm not a doctor but I

> > > can't help but say to you to PLEASE do not continue the anti-biotics if


> > > have not done this type of testing. My son became VERY violent and ill


> > > the anti-biotics and he COULD NOT control his actions. This type of

> > > herxing can cause permanent damage. I probably will never do anti-biotics

> > > again. The herbs you mention are VERY potent, VERY effective and they


> > > well for the vast majority of people SAFELY. We are using the nutramedix

> > > herbs but not doing the COWDEN protocol as it's very complicated and some

> > > believe too harsh. You can simplify it. But I would do it in a second

> > > before I would ever consider anti-biotics again. Debbie . My

> > > son now sees Dr. B in CA. She was the 3rd LLMD I brought my son to.


> > > God bless them, try and are wonderful people but they do not know what Dr.


> > > knows and she is incredible as far as the testing you need. She


> > > in autism and lyme. Call or e mail me, Debbie

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -- Success rate of treatments

> > >

> > >

> > > My 16 yr old is under the care of Dr. J in DC. We have only two weeks of


> > > completed, and I am concerned about our treatment decisions. First, I


> > > convince my husband he has lyme, because we have been dealing with the

> > > autism since 18months . He is high functioning,but has damage to his brain

> > > and obvious inflammation determined by the spect scan this Nov. Has anyone

> > > had any success with the long term abx protocol that Dr. J uses? Has


> > > had success with the Cowden/ nutramedix protocol? I have concerns about

> > > these high powered abx. He threw up violently last night from taking them

> > > without sufficient amount of food. The worst part of all this is the


> > > instability. He has mood swings and violent rages. I am concerned about

> > > family safety when these episodes occur. Has anyone else experienced this

> > > and what have they been doing for controlling this problem? he currently


> > > on 100 mg. of Lamictal, but I think he needs with more or something to go

> > > with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bettina

> > >

> >


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Hey Channa,

Well my story is kind of odd but here goes. Last summer I had up to 20 - 25 drops each of samento and banderol twice daily (alternating samento and banderol weekly...I would not recommend that now) and 10 drops of Venus Fly Trap twice daily and he did very well on those from August through mid December, when we tried to do anti-biotics, once more. I did not know what I was doing and had no idea the strength of the herbs as had no problem with them for all that time. Then with the intro of levoquin and all the terrible herxing, he got messed up. We stopped the anti-biotics in 7 days, then only did the herbs but added the rife regularly, every 3rd day and did the herbs differently, by doing them both on same days instead of one week samento, one week banderol and kept herxing, although not nearly as bad as while on the anti-biotics. But it was just aweful and I could not get him stabalized.

Anyway, I only stopped herbs for about 8 days Jan 2nd and when I returned he just could not handle anything close to what he was doing before. I have since found out just how strong these herbs are and some people can skip one or two days and have to start all over again at a very low dose. I now have on 6 drops samento two times daily and just 1 drop VFT, 2 times daily and tomorrow I go to 7 drops, 2 drops and I'm only adding in 1 drop per week and for now that's working and he's not herxing very much at all. It's so slow but I know other people who had to creep up 1 drop every 2 weeks and sometimes much less. I don't know why he cannot do what he did before but I will be grateful to get him back to 15 - 20 drops hopefully in the next 2 to 3 months. And I think it's working to put the herbs in hot water for 20 minutes or so to get rid of the alcohol in it. Hope this helps, Debbie

p.s. I plan to add oreganol. He does oregamax now but oreganol is suppose to be very broad spectum for yeast, viruses (co-infections like HHV-6). VFT is suppose to be effective for the HHV-6 as well but probably not effective for the yeast. Also recommended for the co-infections are Tacuna and Barberry - have not tried them.

-- Success rate of treatments> > > > > > > > > My 16 yr old is under the care of Dr. J in DC. We have only two weeks of abx> > > completed, and I am concerned about our treatment decisions. First, I can't> > > convince my husband he has lyme, because we have been dealing with the> > > autism since 18months . He is high functioning,but has damage to his brain> > > and obvious inflammation determined by the spect scan this Nov. Has anyone> > > had any success with the long term abx protocol that Dr. J uses? Has anyone> > > had success with the Cowden/ nutramedix protocol? I have concerns about> > > these high powered abx. He threw up violently last night from taking them> > > without sufficient amount of food. The worst part of all this is the mental> > > instability. He has mood swings and violent rages. I am concerned about> > > family safety when these episodes occur. Has anyone else experienced this> > > and what have they been doing for controlling this problem? he currently is> > > on 100 mg. of Lamictal, but I think he needs with more or something to go> > > with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bettina> > >> >>

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Not sure I would put all the blame on the herbs. Levoquin was responsible for

seizures here.

> > > >

> > > > My son is 16 also, PDDNOS diagnosis at 2 years, 9 months...also. I

> have

> > > > been through this in just this past year. You can call me if you like

> and I

> > > > ll tell you what we are doing. You have to test properly for his toxic

> load

> > > > and see how he handles the toxins that are released both from the

> toxic

> > > > anti-biotics but also from dieoff when you kill lyme or any parasites

> for

> > > > that matter, bacteria, yeast, etc....there are things you can do.

> > > >

> > > > My son was VERY high functioning till the past 2 years and now I know

> he has

> > > > lyme and co-infections. I actually knew before testing and I'll tell

> you

> > > > how I knew but there is a better test for lyme today--an actual

> culture of

> > > > it and it takes up to 10 weeks to get the results. I'm not a doctor

> but I

> > > > can't help but say to you to PLEASE do not continue the anti-biotics

> if you

> > > > have not done this type of testing. My son became VERY violent and ill

> from

> > > > the anti-biotics and he COULD NOT control his actions. This type of

> > > > herxing can cause permanent damage. I probably will never do

> anti-biotics

> > > > again. The herbs you mention are VERY potent, VERY effective and they

> work

> > > > well for the vast majority of people SAFELY. We are using the

> nutramedix

> > > > herbs but not doing the COWDEN protocol as it's very complicated and

> some

> > > > believe too harsh. You can simplify it. But I would do it in a second

> > > > before I would ever consider anti-biotics again. Debbie .

> My

> > > > son now sees Dr. B in CA. She was the 3rd LLMD I brought my son to.

> Some,

> > > > God bless them, try and are wonderful people but they do not know what

> Dr. B

> > > > knows and she is incredible as far as the testing you need. She

> specializes

> > > > in autism and lyme. Call or e mail me, Debbie

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -- Success rate of

> treatments

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > My 16 yr old is under the care of Dr. J in DC. We have only two weeks

> of abx

> > > > completed, and I am concerned about our treatment decisions. First, I

> can't

> > > > convince my husband he has lyme, because we have been dealing with the

> > > > autism since 18months . He is high functioning,but has damage to his

> brain

> > > > and obvious inflammation determined by the spect scan this Nov. Has

> anyone

> > > > had any success with the long term abx protocol that Dr. J uses? Has

> anyone

> > > > had success with the Cowden/ nutramedix protocol? I have concerns

> about

> > > > these high powered abx. He threw up violently last night from taking

> them

> > > > without sufficient amount of food. The worst part of all this is the

> mental

> > > > instability. He has mood swings and violent rages. I am concerned

> about

> > > > family safety when these episodes occur. Has anyone else experienced

> this

> > > > and what have they been doing for controlling this problem? he

> currently is

> > > > on 100 mg. of Lamictal, but I think he needs with more or something to

> go

> > > > with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bettina

> > > >

> > >

> >


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You are probably right but I'll never know if the combination, adding in the regular rifing and making the herbs a little more "potent" had something to do with it....or he just took a month to get over the levoquin blast. Dr had asked me to try it as it did not kill lyme, only Bart, and he said we might get his brain back and called it a much more "tolerable" anti-biotic. Added wellchol, just to be sure he would do fine. But it did the same wicked, horrible herxing the flagyl did. Just not for my kid and probably never again. I wonder about any permanent damage but you just can't go back. Debbie

Did the seizures stop right away with stopping the levoquin?

-- Success rate of> treatments> > > > > > > > > > > > My 16 yr old is under the care of Dr. J in DC. We have only two weeks> of abx> > > > completed, and I am concerned about our treatment decisions. First, I> can't> > > > convince my husband he has lyme, because we have been dealing with the> > > > autism since 18months . He is high functioning,but has damage to his> brain> > > > and obvious inflammation determined by the spect scan this Nov. Has> anyone> > > > had any success with the long term abx protocol that Dr. J uses? Has> anyone> > > > had success with the Cowden/ nutramedix protocol? I have concerns> about> > > > these high powered abx. He threw up violently last night from taking> them> > > > without sufficient amount of food. The worst part of all this is the> mental> > > > instability. He has mood swings and violent rages. I am concerned> about> > > > family safety when these episodes occur. Has anyone else experienced> this> > > > and what have they been doing for controlling this problem? he> currently is> > > > on 100 mg. of Lamictal, but I think he needs with more or something to> go> > > > with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bettina> > > >> > >> >>

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Seizures have been a part of my daughter's life for a long time; provoked mainly

by gluten and casein. We stopped the Levoquin asap - no further seizure episodes

for this association.

> > > > >

> > > > > My son is 16 also, PDDNOS diagnosis at 2 years, 9 months...also. I

> > have

> > > > > been through this in just this past year. You can call me if you

> like

> > and I

> > > > > ll tell you what we are doing. You have to test properly for his

> toxic

> > load

> > > > > and see how he handles the toxins that are released both from the

> > toxic

> > > > > anti-biotics but also from dieoff when you kill lyme or any

> parasites

> > for

> > > > > that matter, bacteria, yeast, etc....there are things you can do.

> > > > >

> > > > > My son was VERY high functioning till the past 2 years and now I

> know

> > he has

> > > > > lyme and co-infections. I actually knew before testing and I'll tell

> > you

> > > > > how I knew but there is a better test for lyme today--an actual

> > culture of

> > > > > it and it takes up to 10 weeks to get the results. I'm not a doctor

> > but I

> > > > > can't help but say to you to PLEASE do not continue the anti-biotics

> > if you

> > > > > have not done this type of testing. My son became VERY violent and

> ill

> > from

> > > > > the anti-biotics and he COULD NOT control his actions. This type of

> > > > > herxing can cause permanent damage. I probably will never do

> > anti-biotics

> > > > > again. The herbs you mention are VERY potent, VERY effective and

> they

> > work

> > > > > well for the vast majority of people SAFELY. We are using the

> > nutramedix

> > > > > herbs but not doing the COWDEN protocol as it's very complicated and

> > some

> > > > > believe too harsh. You can simplify it. But I would do it in a

> second

> > > > > before I would ever consider anti-biotics again. Debbie


> > My

> > > > > son now sees Dr. B in CA. She was the 3rd LLMD I brought my son to.

> > Some,

> > > > > God bless them, try and are wonderful people but they do not know

> what

> > Dr. B

> > > > > knows and she is incredible as far as the testing you need. She

> > specializes

> > > > > in autism and lyme. Call or e mail me, Debbie

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -- Success rate of

> > treatments

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > My 16 yr old is under the care of Dr. J in DC. We have only two

> weeks

> > of abx

> > > > > completed, and I am concerned about our treatment decisions. First,

> I

> > can't

> > > > > convince my husband he has lyme, because we have been dealing with

> the

> > > > > autism since 18months . He is high functioning,but has damage to his

> > brain

> > > > > and obvious inflammation determined by the spect scan this Nov. Has

> > anyone

> > > > > had any success with the long term abx protocol that Dr. J uses? Has

> > anyone

> > > > > had success with the Cowden/ nutramedix protocol? I have concerns

> > about

> > > > > these high powered abx. He threw up violently last night from taking

> > them

> > > > > without sufficient amount of food. The worst part of all this is the

> > mental

> > > > > instability. He has mood swings and violent rages. I am concerned

> > about

> > > > > family safety when these episodes occur. Has anyone else experienced

> > this

> > > > > and what have they been doing for controlling this problem? he

> > currently is

> > > > > on 100 mg. of Lamictal, but I think he needs with more or something

> to

> > go

> > > > > with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bettina

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Hi Debbie -

Do you have more information about the culture test you mentioned?




> My son is 16 also, PDDNOS diagnosis at 2 years, 9 months...also. I have

> been through this in just this past year. You can call me if you like and I

> ll tell you what we are doing. You have to test properly for his toxic load

> and see how he handles the toxins that are released both from the toxic

> anti-biotics but also from dieoff when you kill lyme or any parasites for

> that matter, bacteria, yeast, etc....there are things you can do.


> My son was VERY high functioning till the past 2 years and now I know he has

> lyme and co-infections. I actually knew before testing and I'll tell you

> how I knew but there is a better test for lyme today--an actual culture of

> it and it takes up to 10 weeks to get the results. I'm not a doctor but I

> can't help but say to you to PLEASE do not continue the anti-biotics if you

> have not done this type of testing. My son became VERY violent and ill from

> the anti-biotics and he COULD NOT control his actions. This type of

> herxing can cause permanent damage. I probably will never do anti-biotics

> again. The herbs you mention are VERY potent, VERY effective and they work

> well for the vast majority of people SAFELY. We are using the nutramedix

> herbs but not doing the COWDEN protocol as it's very complicated and some

> believe too harsh. You can simplify it. But I would do it in a second

> before I would ever consider anti-biotics again. Debbie . My

> son now sees Dr. B in CA. She was the 3rd LLMD I brought my son to. Some,

> God bless them, try and are wonderful people but they do not know what Dr. B

> knows and she is incredible as far as the testing you need. She specializes

> in autism and lyme. Call or e mail me, Debbie

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I'm sorry I can get it from Dr. B. It takes up to 10 weeks to get the culture results. I have not received them. GOt lots of co-infection results but that's not a culture. I will post that when I speak to them and get the lab info etc....Debbie gravois

-- Re: To Bettina--Anti-biotics- toxic load testing-

Hi Debbie - Do you have more information about the culture test you mentioned?Thanks,Kim >> My son is 16 also, PDDNOS diagnosis at 2 years, 9 months...also. I have> been through this in just this past year. You can call me if you like and I> ll tell you what we are doing. You have to test properly for his toxic load> and see how he handles the toxins that are released both from the toxic> anti-biotics but also from dieoff when you kill lyme or any parasites for> that matter, bacteria, yeast, etc....there are things you can do. > > My son was VERY high functioning till the past 2 years and now I know he has> lyme and co-infections. I actually knew before testing and I'll tell you> how I knew but there is a better test for lyme today--an actual culture of> it and it takes up to 10 weeks to get the results. I'm not a doctor but I> can't help but say to you to PLEASE do not continue the anti-biotics if you> have not done this type of testing. My son became VERY violent and ill from> the anti-biotics and he COULD NOT control his actions. This type of> herxing can cause permanent damage. I probably will never do anti-biotics> again. The herbs you mention are VERY potent, VERY effective and they work> well for the vast majority of people SAFELY. We are using the nutramedix> herbs but not doing the COWDEN protocol as it's very complicated and some> believe too harsh. You can simplify it. But I would do it in a second> before I would ever consider anti-biotics again. Debbie . My> son now sees Dr. B in CA. She was the 3rd LLMD I brought my son to. Some,> God bless them, try and are wonderful people but they do not know what Dr. B> knows and she is incredible as far as the testing you need. She specializes> in autism and lyme. Call or e mail me, Debbie

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thanks debbie for your response!


> > > > >

> > > > > My son is 16 also, PDDNOS diagnosis at 2 years, 9 months...also. I

> > have

> > > > > been through this in just this past year. You can call me if you like

> > and I

> > > > > ll tell you what we are doing. You have to test properly for his toxic

> > load

> > > > > and see how he handles the toxins that are released both from the

> > toxic

> > > > > anti-biotics but also from dieoff when you kill lyme or any parasites

> > for

> > > > > that matter, bacteria, yeast, etc....there are things you can do.

> > > > >

> > > > > My son was VERY high functioning till the past 2 years and now I know

> > he has

> > > > > lyme and co-infections. I actually knew before testing and I'll tell

> > you

> > > > > how I knew but there is a better test for lyme today--an actual

> > culture of

> > > > > it and it takes up to 10 weeks to get the results. I'm not a doctor

> > but I

> > > > > can't help but say to you to PLEASE do not continue the anti-biotics

> > if you

> > > > > have not done this type of testing. My son became VERY violent and ill

> > from

> > > > > the anti-biotics and he COULD NOT control his actions. This type of

> > > > > herxing can cause permanent damage. I probably will never do

> > anti-biotics

> > > > > again. The herbs you mention are VERY potent, VERY effective and they

> > work

> > > > > well for the vast majority of people SAFELY. We are using the

> > nutramedix

> > > > > herbs but not doing the COWDEN protocol as it's very complicated and

> > some

> > > > > believe too harsh. You can simplify it. But I would do it in a second

> > > > > before I would ever consider anti-biotics again. Debbie .

> > My

> > > > > son now sees Dr. B in CA. She was the 3rd LLMD I brought my son to.

> > Some,

> > > > > God bless them, try and are wonderful people but they do not know what

> > Dr. B

> > > > > knows and she is incredible as far as the testing you need. She

> > specializes

> > > > > in autism and lyme. Call or e mail me, Debbie

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -- Success rate of

> > treatments

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > My 16 yr old is under the care of Dr. J in DC. We have only two weeks

> > of abx

> > > > > completed, and I am concerned about our treatment decisions. First, I

> > can't

> > > > > convince my husband he has lyme, because we have been dealing with the

> > > > > autism since 18months . He is high functioning,but has damage to his

> > brain

> > > > > and obvious inflammation determined by the spect scan this Nov. Has

> > anyone

> > > > > had any success with the long term abx protocol that Dr. J uses? Has

> > anyone

> > > > > had success with the Cowden/ nutramedix protocol? I have concerns

> > about

> > > > > these high powered abx. He threw up violently last night from taking

> > them

> > > > > without sufficient amount of food. The worst part of all this is the

> > mental

> > > > > instability. He has mood swings and violent rages. I am concerned

> > about

> > > > > family safety when these episodes occur. Has anyone else experienced

> > this

> > > > > and what have they been doing for controlling this problem? he

> > currently is

> > > > > on 100 mg. of Lamictal, but I think he needs with more or something to

> > go

> > > > > with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bettina

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Yasko says that quinolone abx (Levoquin, etc.) are made from the same stuff/toxin that BB/Lyme produces, quinolinic acid, and this can break liver methylation SNPs, if I read the info correctly.To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Sent: Sat, March 10, 2012 8:53:39 PMSubject: Re: To Bettina--Anti-biotics- toxic load testing-

thanks debbie for your response!


> > > > >

> > > > > My son is 16 also, PDDNOS diagnosis at 2 years, 9 months...also. I

> > have

> > > > > been through this in just this past year. You can call me if you like

> > and I

> > > > > ll tell you what we are doing. You have to test properly for his toxic

> > load

> > > > > and see how he handles the toxins that are released both from the

> > toxic

> > > > > anti-biotics but also from dieoff when you kill lyme or any parasites

> > for

> > > > > that matter, bacteria, yeast, etc....there are things you can do.

> > > > >

> > > > > My son was VERY high functioning till the past 2 years and now I know

> > he has

> > > > > lyme and co-infections. I actually knew before testing and I'll tell

> > you

> > > > > how I knew but there is a better test for lyme today--an actual

> > culture of

> > > > > it and it takes up to 10 weeks to get the results. I'm not a doctor

> > but I

> > > > > can't help but say to you to PLEASE do not continue the anti-biotics

> > if you

> > > > > have not done this type of testing. My son became VERY violent and ill

> > from

> > > > > the anti-biotics and he COULD NOT control his actions. This type of

> > > > > herxing can cause permanent damage. I probably will never do

> > anti-biotics

> > > > > again. The herbs you mention are VERY potent, VERY effective and they

> > work

> > > > > well for the vast majority of people SAFELY. We are using the

> > nutramedix

> > > > > herbs but not doing the COWDEN protocol as it's very complicated and

> > some

> > > > > believe too harsh. You can simplify it. But I would do it in a second

> > > > > before I would ever consider anti-biotics again. Debbie .

> > My

> > > > > son now sees Dr. B in CA. She was the 3rd LLMD I brought my son to.

> > Some,

> > > > > God bless them, try and are wonderful people but they do not know what

> > Dr. B

> > > > > knows and she is incredible as far as the testing you need. She

> > specializes

> > > > > in autism and lyme. Call or e mail me, Debbie

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -- Success rate of

> > treatments

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > My 16 yr old is under the care of Dr. J in DC. We have only two weeks

> > of abx

> > > > > completed, and I am concerned about our treatment decisions. First, I

> > can't

> > > > > convince my husband he has lyme, because we have been dealing with the

> > > > > autism since 18months . He is high functioning,but has damage to his

> > brain

> > > > > and obvious inflammation determined by the spect scan this Nov. Has

> > anyone

> > > > > had any success with the long term abx protocol that Dr. J uses? Has

> > anyone

> > > > > had success with the Cowden/ nutramedix protocol? I have concerns

> > about

> > > > > these high powered abx. He threw up violently last night from taking

> > them

> > > > > without sufficient amount of food. The worst part of all this is the

> > mental

> > > > > instability. He has mood swings and violent rages. I am concerned

> > about

> > > > > family safety when these episodes occur. Has anyone else experienced

> > this

> > > > > and what have they been doing for controlling this problem? he

> > currently is

> > > > > on 100 mg. of Lamictal, but I think he needs with more or something to

> > go

> > > > > with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bettina

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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