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Florida to release Mutant mosquitoes in your backyard unless we convince Gov. otherwise; non-Floridians, your state is next

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----- Forwarded Message ----To: ecoartist1@...Sent: Fri, March 9, 2012 11:35:41 AMSubject: Mutant mosquitoes in your backyard

See Your Alert Online

Stop the Swarm of New Mutant Mosquitoes!

Protect Florida from the new GE mosquito threat

Say 'NO' to opening a Pandora's Box full of mutant mosquitoes

Swat away GE mosquitoes!

March 9, 2012

Dear Jeanne,

Together, we've fought lots of genetic engineering: GE corn, GE salmon, GE alfalfa and more. But you may be surprised at the newest GE threat: mosquitoes!

Florida's officials may soon agree to releasing new lab-mutated mosquitoes into our environment, with little knowledge of the potential safety risks these bloodsuckers may pose. Take action to squash these GE mosquitoes before they're released!

A biotech company called Oxford Insect Technologies (Oxitec) wants to use its new genetically engineered mosquito products to help control the native mosquito population. But Oxitec hasn't addressed serious concerns about the side effects of these untested bugs, like the potential effects on human allergies, new mosquito diseases and the native mosquito population in Florida. Demand that Governor slam the door on this needless GE mosquito plan.

Oxitec believes it is necessary to exterminate normal mosquitoes in Florida because they can carry dengue fever — even though there were zero reported cases of dengue in 2011! Sound like a solution looking for a problem? Tell Governor that this is just another corporation trying to make money off of taxpayers.

Worst yet, it is not clear who would be tracking these new experimental mosquitoes, since neither county, state nor federal agencies want this unsettling responsibility.

Don't allow lab-bred mosquitos to infest Florida:

http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=HsPNdxxXqOMhLWSi03a2hh8xNXSb8Yf9

Thanks for taking action,


Southern Region Director

Food & Water Watch





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Food & Water Watch is a nonprofit consumer organization that works to ensure clean water and safe food. We challenge the corporate control and abuse of our food and water resources by empowering people to take action and by transforming the public consciousness about what we eat and drink.

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