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Re: Best time to take Folinic acid. Can it be taken together with MB12?

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As did we ShanthiT My son is doing well with neuro immune stabilizer cream. More energy, more skills developing etc. Additional folate is being prescribled based on the research the Dr said. Based on the research, kids lime ours, need 4 times of folinic acid than the regular requirement. He explained to us in great detail, probably 20 mins on this topic, I need to look into my notes. But it made very good sense, so we agreed to take it. Shanthi > > > > Dr has prescribed Leocovor (folinic acid) to my 5yr old ASD son. > > > > I was reading about this folinic acid in web and I came across this article from tacanow web site. This section is from Dr Neubrander's presentation (on Methyl-B12 treatments) from Autism One conference in 2005. > > > > --quote > > > > Folinic acid should be added after the first 5-week clinical trial but not at the same time as Methyl-B12. It should be added alone and its dose should start low and then be incrementally increased to see how it is tolerated. From my research, approximately 20% of children become hyper and/or cannot sleep when folinic acid is added. > > > > --unquote > > > > Now I am wondering, can we give this medication at the same time with other MB12? Whoever is already on this medication, are you following any specific times for this? > > > > Also any sleep issues if taken in the night? > > > > 3 years ago, when we started the Bio Med treatment for my son, this MB12 shots was one of the protocol we did. The MB12 shot had folinic acid and NAC as well. My son had severe sleep issues with this combo. Eventually we had to take him out of this protocol. Now my son is on Neurobiologix stabilizer cream (MB12 + folinic acid and other stuff) with no issues. So I am little bit scared to add this additional folinic acid and I want to do it right this time. > > > > Appreciate the feedback, > > > > Thanks > > > > Shanthi > > >

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Yes, When we did the Yasko testing and it showed the MTHFR mutation one of the

supplements that was recommended was the folinic acid (however in very small

dose compared to the mega doses that are recommended when you have CFD).


> >

> > na,

> > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you

have CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate

antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be our


> > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on strictly

casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he started

looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he is

again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.) So I

really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the very few

things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with CFD

have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without casein

(like ghee and camel milk).

> > Krassi

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Ok... I gave my son approximately 200 mcgs of folate

(L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate) yesterday and today. He is acting quite strange

today with talking very little and having extreme focus on his toys. He has a

lot more energy than normal, but is crying over simple things that don't usually

bother him and aggressive towards his sister. Does this means he needs folate

or not? Should I go slower on it or take it out altogether? What is the

recommended amount for a child with MTHFR mutation? Thanks!


> > >

> > > na,

> > > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you

have CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate

antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be our


> > > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on strictly

casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he started

looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he is

again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.) So I

really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the very few

things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with CFD

have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without casein

(like ghee and camel milk).

> > > Krassi


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My vote is slower...it will push detox.Sent from my iPad

Ok... I gave my son approximately 200 mcgs of folate (L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate) yesterday and today. He is acting quite strange today with talking very little and having extreme focus on his toys. He has a lot more energy than normal, but is crying over simple things that don't usually bother him and aggressive towards his sister. Does this means he needs folate or not? Should I go slower on it or take it out altogether? What is the recommended amount for a child with MTHFR mutation? Thanks!


> > >

> > > na,

> > > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you have CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be our results.

> > > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on strictly casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he started looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he is again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.) So I really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the very few things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with CFD have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without casein (like ghee and camel milk).

> > > Krassi


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naI did not ask him that specifically. That is something you would have to take up with him, being that he looks at each individual child in that manner, individually. Tamet Hi Tamet, I looked into one of the products you mentioned "Immune GI Recovery"...and it looks liike it has colostrum in it. I am wondering if Dr. mentioned why it would be ok to give colostrum (milk) to a person with CFD. The reason I ask is that my son also has the MTHFR mutation and seems to do well on colostrum, but then I read that a milk-free diet is important to lowering the anti-folate antibodies. In other words, milk exacerbates the problem. Is this correct? I am still wondering if I should put him back on colostrum or not and would like to know if Dr. said anything about this issue! Thanks, na > > > > > > > > > > Shanthi > > > > > My son it currently on it also, we just started on Dec 30th of > > last > > > > > yr. We did not see any sleep issues that werent already there > > but > > > > > even that has resolved itself. My son has gone back to > > sleeping all > > > > > night again. My understanding was that the MB12 shots were to > > stop > > > > > while on this, better call and talk to nurses at Dr S's. > > > > > > > > > > I also had my son on MB12 shots for yrs and took him off them > > in Nov > > > > > of last yr. He is currently taking the Immune G/I Reoovery > > > > > Chewables, Advanced Nuero Transmitter Support, Mitochondrial > > > > Restore, > > > > > D3, Leocovorin, Oxy powder (my son is a GI problem kid with > > > > > methylation issues), Nuero Immune Support and Mentat (not a Dr S > > > > scrip > > > > > but a wonderful product), plus he takes digestive enzymes with > > each > > > > > meal. I also put him on Melatonin at night 5 mg, taken with his > > > > > Immune G/I recovery right before he goes to bed. > > > > > > > > > > I am seeing some cognitive things I love plus disappearance of > > > > > aggression. Wonderful times here right now. > > > > > Tamet > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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Thanks Tamet! We are not patients of his, but I just thought maybe he said

something about the dairy issue. My son has a lot more energy today since

giving folate so despite some negatives, I think it is helping his methylation.

I'm going to go lower and slower though to avoid what I saw earlier this

morning! Thanks and so glad to hear you are seeing great gains with your son!!!


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Shanthi

> > > > > > > My son it currently on it also, we just started on Dec

> > 30th of

> > > > last

> > > > > > > yr. We did not see any sleep issues that werent already

> > there

> > > > but

> > > > > > > even that has resolved itself. My son has gone back to

> > > > sleeping all

> > > > > > > night again. My understanding was that the MB12 shots were

> > to

> > > > stop

> > > > > > > while on this, better call and talk to nurses at Dr S's.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I also had my son on MB12 shots for yrs and took him off

> > them

> > > > in Nov

> > > > > > > of last yr. He is currently taking the Immune G/I Reoovery

> > > > > > > Chewables, Advanced Nuero Transmitter Support, Mitochondrial

> > > > > > Restore,

> > > > > > > D3, Leocovorin, Oxy powder (my son is a GI problem kid with

> > > > > > > methylation issues), Nuero Immune Support and Mentat (not

> > a Dr S

> > > > > > scrip

> > > > > > > but a wonderful product), plus he takes digestive enzymes

> > with

> > > > each

> > > > > > > meal. I also put him on Melatonin at night 5 mg, taken

> > with his

> > > > > > > Immune G/I recovery right before he goes to bed.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I am seeing some cognitive things I love plus

> > disappearance of

> > > > > > > aggression. Wonderful times here right now.

> > > > > > > Tamet

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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HI Everyone - Im really knew to this MTHFR issue and have been reading what I can about it. We just had the Vitamin Diagnosics test done (wishing we'd done Yasko's instead) which showed high adenosine and low glutathoine levels, but nothing else out of range. My son (12) just started showing symptoms of methylation pathway issues last yr initiallly when he was doing the 6 wk parasite protocol and then it went away and started again later in the yr with much more severe symtpoms right after he had an iodine loading test which we beleive dumped a lot of mercury into his system.

Now Ive been seeing signs of CFD possibly in addition to some regression (especially during detox bath).

The main symptom is what appears to be suddenly falling asleep whevereve he might be and it lasts approx 1 to 5 mintues. We had ruled out seizures (w EEG) and narcolepsy (w sleep study) with one neurologist a few mos ago but we saw another neurologist a couple of days ago that claims we need more studies to rule out seizures. He also has nausea frequently and temp regulation issues as well as a racing heart.

His LLMD has recently put him on liposomal glutathione (and 2 days agao had me bump it up to 2 packets per day) which seems to be reducing the number of these episodes the last couple of days. However, Im wondering what else we need to be doing. I have him on folic acid and B12 but I forgot to specifically ask the LLMD about the dosage as a new brand (I think hylands was ordered). From what Ive read on this great thread and the very helpful information Ive rec'd from another group member, he made need approx 4x the amt of folonic acid from what others need and that I want to ramp up the doses gradually. In addition, Im wondering why they didnt perscribe betaine HCL as Ive read its an important piece.

Im wondering how helpful a neurotransmitter (urine) lab would be as it seems his epinephrine is probably really low right now. He has terrbile fears and anxieity that Ive never seen in him before. We have been doing adrenal support but just switched to a product that contains bovine adrenal so Im hoping to see some improvement.

Any suggestions of labs etc that would be helpful are greatly appeciated. Also wondering if any of you have ever seen a child just suddenly 'crash' like this. He has these 'episodes' about 10-15 times a day- but mostly in the evening hrs and he feels very tired right before they happen- they dont seem to happen very often at school as the teachers havent noticed them (my son doesnt ever recall them happening). He ususally startles awake but not always. It seems like an alterered state of consiousness but mostly just looks like he is sleeping.

thank you,

To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Sent: Fri, January 27, 2012 8:52:53 AMSubject: Re: Best time to take Folinic acid. Can it be taken together with MB12?

Yes, When we did the Yasko testing and it showed the MTHFR mutation one of the supplements that was recommended was the folinic acid (however in very small dose compared to the mega doses that are recommended when you have CFD).Krassi> >> > na,> > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you have CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be our results.> > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on strictly casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he started looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he is again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.) So I really hope

my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the very few things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with CFD have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without casein (like ghee and camel milk).> > Krassi

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If you have MAP, OAT and/or AA testing, there are some helpful guidelines in the

files of http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/CFS_Yasko/ @


> > >

> > > na,

> > > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you


> >CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate

> >antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be


> >results.

> > > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on strictly

> >casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he


> >looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he is

> >again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.) So


> >really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the very


> >things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with


> >have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without casein

> >(like ghee and camel milk).

> > > Krassi


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Great thanks ! You can tell how stressed out I am over this. cant even spell "new" properly today...

To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Sent: Fri, January 27, 2012 6:06:05 PMSubject: Re: Best time to take Folinic acid. Can it be taken together with MB12?

,If you have MAP, OAT and/or AA testing, there are some helpful guidelines in the files of http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/CFS_Yasko/ @ http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/CFS_Yasko/files/Tests%20interpretation/ > > >> > >

na,> > > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you have > >CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate > >antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be our > >results.> > > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on strictly > >casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he started > >looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he is > >again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.) So I > >really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the very few > >things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with CFD > >have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without casein >

>(like ghee and camel milk).> > > Krassi>

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My son use to fall sleep every where too,so we did the OAT test and he had

extremely low glutathione as well as high oxalate .

The labs sugested 1000mg of glutathione a day plus a low oxalate diet.

We have been following the diet and been doing transdermal glutathione, and only

after a few days on it my son stopped falling asleep during the day .

I was also low in glutathione and it made a huge difference to my energy levels

since Iintroduced in my diet.

Some parents reported that when giving glutathione orally the kids showed some

side effects due gut issues,but did better when given in a cream form.

None of us at home have had any side effects from the transdermal form,quite the

opposite I think is doing good to all of us.

I wonder if your son would tolerate the transdermal better?


-- In BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism , Clyde



> HI Everyone - Im really knew to this MTHFR issue and have been reading what I

> can about it.  We just had the Vitamin Diagnosics test done (wishing we'd


> Yasko's instead) which showed high adenosine and low glutathoine levels, but

> nothing else out of range.  My son (12)  just started showing symptoms of

> methylation pathway issues last yr initiallly when he was doing the 6 wk

> parasite protocol and then it went away and started again later in the yr with

> much more severe symtpoms right after he had an iodine loading test which we

> beleive dumped a lot of mercury into his system.


> Now  Ive been seeing signs of CFD possibly in addition to  some regression

> (especially during detox bath).

> The main symptom is what appears to be suddenly falling asleep whevereve he

> might be and it lasts approx 1 to 5 mintues. We had ruled out seizures (w EEG)

> and narcolepsy (w sleep study) with one neurologist a few mos ago but we saw

> another neurologist a couple of days ago that claims we need more studies to

> rule out seizures. He also has nausea frequently and temp regulation issues as

> well as a racing heart.


> His LLMD has recently put him on liposomal glutathione (and 2 days agao  had


> bump it up to 2 packets per day) which seems to be reducing the number of


> episodes the last couple of days. However, Im wondering what else we need to


> doing.  I have him on folic acid and B12 but I forgot to specifically ask the

> LLMD about the dosage as a new brand (I think hylands was ordered). From what

> Ive read on this great thread and the very helpful information Ive rec'd from

> another group member, he made need approx 4x the amt of folonic acid from what

> others need and that I want to ramp up the doses gradually. In addition, Im

> wondering why they didnt perscribe betaine HCL as Ive read its an important

> piece.



> Im wondering how helpful a neurotransmitter (urine) lab would be as it seems


> epinephrine is probably really low right now. He has terrbile fears and


> that Ive never seen in him before.  We have been doing adrenal support but


> switched to a product that contains bovine adrenal so Im hoping to see some

> improvement.


> Any suggestions of labs etc that would be helpful are greatly appeciated. Also

> wondering if any of you have ever seen a child just suddenly 'crash' like


> He has these 'episodes' about 10-15 times a day- but mostly in the evening hrs

> and he feels very tired right before they happen- they dont seem to happen


> often at school as the teachers havent noticed them (my son doesnt ever recall

> them happening). He ususally startles awake but not always. It seems like an

> alterered state of consiousness but mostly just looks like he is sleeping.

> thank you,





> ________________________________


> To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

> Sent: Fri, January 27, 2012 8:52:53 AM

> Subject: Re: Best time to take Folinic

> acid. Can it be taken together with MB12?



> Yes, When we did the Yasko testing and it showed the MTHFR mutation one of the

> supplements that was recommended was the folinic acid (however in very small

> dose compared to the mega doses that are recommended when you have CFD).

> Krassi



> > >

> > > na,

> > > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you


> >CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate

> >antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be


> >results.

> > > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on strictly

> >casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he


> >looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he is

> >again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.) So


> >really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the very


> >things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with


> >have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without casein

> >(like ghee and camel milk).

> > > Krassi


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Thanks so much Olga! I hadnt heard of transdermal GSH. Can you tell me where you get it?

My son woke up with what he is calling the "worst stomach ache Ive ever had" and he's had some really bad ones. Im assuming its the GSH. Appreciate the low ox diet suggestion. Id been thinking about it but seemed like too much on top of GF CF and the low protein Ive been giving him since he gets so much worse with a lg serving of protein. I will give it a shot for sure!

To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Sent: Sat, January 28, 2012 12:26:54 AMSubject: Re: Best time to take Folinic acid. Can it be taken together with MB12?

,My son use to fall sleep every where too,so we did the OAT test and he had extremely low glutathione as well as high oxalate .The labs sugested 1000mg of glutathione a day plus a low oxalate diet.We have been following the diet and been doing transdermal glutathione, and only after a few days on it my son stopped falling asleep during the day .I was also low in glutathione and it made a huge difference to my energy levels since Iintroduced in my diet. Some parents reported that when giving glutathione orally the kids showed some side effects due gut issues,but did better when given in a cream form.None of us at home have had any side effects from the transdermal form,quite the opposite I think is doing good to all of us.I wonder if your son would tolerate the transdermal better?Olga-- In BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism , Clyde wrote:>> HI Everyone - Im really knew to this MTHFR issue and have been reading what I > can about it. We just had the Vitamin Diagnosics test done (wishing we'd done > Yasko's instead) which showed high adenosine and low glutathoine levels, but > nothing else out of range. My son (12)  just started showing symptoms of > methylation pathway issues last yr initiallly when he was doing the 6 wk > parasite protocol and then it went away and started again later in the yr with > much more severe symtpoms right after he had an iodine loading test which we > beleive dumped a lot of mercury into his system.> > Now Ive been seeing signs of CFD possibly in addition

to some regression > (especially during detox bath).> The main symptom is what appears to be suddenly falling asleep whevereve he > might be and it lasts approx 1 to 5 mintues. We had ruled out seizures (w EEG) > and narcolepsy (w sleep study) with one neurologist a few mos ago but we saw > another neurologist a couple of days ago that claims we need more studies to > rule out seizures. He also has nausea frequently and temp regulation issues as > well as a racing heart.> > His LLMD has recently put him on liposomal glutathione (and 2 days agao had me > bump it up to 2 packets per day) which seems to be reducing the number of these > episodes the last couple of days. However, Im wondering what else we need to be > doing. I have him on folic acid and B12 but I forgot to specifically ask the > LLMD about the dosage as a

new brand (I think hylands was ordered). From what > Ive read on this great thread and the very helpful information Ive rec'd from > another group member, he made need approx 4x the amt of folonic acid from what > others need and that I want to ramp up the doses gradually. In addition, Im > wondering why they didnt perscribe betaine HCL as Ive read its an important > piece. > > > Im wondering how helpful a neurotransmitter (urine) lab would be as it seems his > epinephrine is probably really low right now. He has terrbile fears and anxieity > that Ive never seen in him before. We have been doing adrenal support but just > switched to a product that contains bovine adrenal so Im hoping to see some > improvement.> > Any suggestions of labs etc that would be helpful are greatly appeciated. Also > wondering if any of you have ever seen a child

just suddenly 'crash' like this. > He has these 'episodes' about 10-15 times a day- but mostly in the evening hrs > and he feels very tired right before they happen- they dont seem to happen very > often at school as the teachers havent noticed them (my son doesnt ever recall > them happening). He ususally startles awake but not always. It seems like an > alterered state of consiousness but mostly just looks like he is sleeping.> thank you,> > > > > ________________________________> > To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism > Sent: Fri, January 27, 2012 8:52:53 AM> Subject: Re: Best

time to take Folinic > acid. Can it be taken together with MB12?> > Â > Yes, When we did the Yasko testing and it showed the MTHFR mutation one of the > supplements that was recommended was the folinic acid (however in very small > dose compared to the mega doses that are recommended when you have CFD).> Krassi> > > > >> > > na,> > > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you have > >CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate > >antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be our > >results.> > > My son is

actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on strictly > >casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he started > >looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he is > >again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.) So I > >really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the very few > >things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with CFD > >have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without casein > >(like ghee and camel milk).> > > Krassi>

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I make my own cream from L Glutathione Reduced I buy by healthy Origens.

I disolve 1 capsule 500mg in 1/2 teaspoon of hemp oil or almond oil and then

applied it on my son back. I do this twice a day and it is so easy and very

practical and this way the glutathione bypasses the gut but at the same time is

absorbed by the body.

I rotate the placs where I appy the oil, sometimes I do it on the inner thigh,

arms, stomach or any ather thin area.

I hope this help.


> > > >

> > > > na,

> > > > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you

> >have

> >

> > >CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate

> > >antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be


> >

> > >results.

> > > > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on


> > >casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he

> >started

> >

> > >looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he



> > >again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.)


> >I

> >

> > >really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the


> >few

> >

> > >things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with

> >CFD

> >

> > >have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without



> > >(like ghee and camel milk).

> > > > Krassi

> >


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oh wow- thank you Olga. Will try it !

To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Sent: Sat, January 28, 2012 1:33:39 PMSubject: Re: Best time to take Folinic acid. Can it be taken together with MB12?

,I make my own cream from L Glutathione Reduced I buy by healthy Origens.I disolve 1 capsule 500mg in 1/2 teaspoon of hemp oil or almond oil and then applied it on my son back. I do this twice a day and it is so easy and very practical and this way the glutathione bypasses the gut but at the same time is absorbed by the body.I rotate the placs where I appy the oil, sometimes I do it on the inner thigh, arms, stomach or any ather thin area.I hope this help.Olga> > > >> > > > na,> > > > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you > >have > >> > >CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate > > >antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be our > >> > >results.>

> > > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on strictly > > >casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he > >started > >> > >looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he is > > > >again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.) So > >I > >> > >really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the very > >few > >> > >things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with > >CFD > >> > >have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without casein > > > >(like ghee and camel milk).> > > > Krassi> >>

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If you decide to try the oxalate diet, don't stress too much removing high

oxalate foods all at once.

I started by removing one high oxalate food a week, for example I removed

carrots, then berries except blueberries as they are low oxalate then spinach,

nuts and so on.

Now we don't miss any of those foods and our diet is still very healthy as there

is always a lot of altenative foods to try.

Once you have removed high oxalate can try to remove the medium ones until you

stay low.

We noticed the difference on my older boy with the diet and glutathione, now

math problems are much easier for him to solve and he can work them out by

himself by reading the intructions in the computer/books. We found a free online

math site that is called MATHS ONLINE and he is doing so well with all the

exercises presented.

The program is from Kindergarten to year 12 and it is an excellent way to learn

math for anyone.


> > > > >

> > > > > na,

> > > > > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that



> > >have

> > >

> > > >CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the



> > > >antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will


> >our

> >

> > >

> > > >results.

> > > > > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on


> >

> > > >casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he

> > >started

> > >

> > > >looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and


> >is

> >

> >

> > > >again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much


> >So

> >

> > >I

> > >

> > > >really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the


> >

> > >few

> > >

> > > >things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people



> > >CFD

> > >

> > > >have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without

> >casein

> >

> >

> > > >(like ghee and camel milk).

> > > > > Krassi

> > >

> >


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That is really helpful as I looked at the list and was so daunting along w GFCF diet. You are right- will just do the high and very high for now and gradually add things. great idea! Also fascinating about the math as that is my son's most challeging subject. Will pay close attention to see if I notice a difference.. I really appreciate this insight. Im also glad to know someone else experienced this and it was just sleep as Id hoped (not seizures). We are giving nearly 1000 mg of glutathione for the 3rd day and he seems to really be improving so Im very hopeful. If the stomach aches come back I will try the transdermal approach.

thank you!

To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Sent: Sat, January 28, 2012 5:47:20 PMSubject: Re: Best time to take Folinic acid. Can it be taken together with MB12?

If you decide to try the oxalate diet, don't stress too much removing high oxalate foods all at once.I started by removing one high oxalate food a week, for example I removed carrots, then berries except blueberries as they are low oxalate then spinach, nuts and so on.Now we don't miss any of those foods and our diet is still very healthy as there is always a lot of altenative foods to try.Once you have removed high oxalate can try to remove the medium ones until you stay low.We noticed the difference on my older boy with the diet and glutathione, now math problems are much easier for him to solve and he can work them out by himself by reading the intructions in the computer/books. We found a free online math site that is called MATHS ONLINE and he is doing so well with all the exercises presented.The program is from Kindergarten to year 12 and it is an excellent way to learn math for

anyone.Olga> > > > >> > > > > na,> > > > > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you > > > >have > > >> > > >CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate > > > > >antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be > >our >

>> > >> > > >results.> > > > > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on strictly > >> > > >casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he > > >started > > >> > > >looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he > >is > >> > > > > >again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.) > >So > >> > >I > > >> > > >really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the very > >> > >few > > >> > > >things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with > > > >CFD > > >> > > >have to completely avoid any

milk derived products, even those without > >casein > >> > > > > >(like ghee and camel milk).> > > > > Krassi> > >> >>

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Olga -

Kind of a silly question, but how stinky is the homemade cream? We used to use

TD-glutathione and it stunk really bad... her school even commented. Just

thought I'd ask before buying the supp.






> ,

> I make my own cream from L Glutathione Reduced I buy by healthy Origens.


> I disolve 1 capsule 500mg in 1/2 teaspoon of hemp oil or almond oil and then

applied it on my son back. I do this twice a day and it is so easy and very

practical and this way the glutathione bypasses the gut but at the same time is

absorbed by the body.


> I rotate the placs where I appy the oil, sometimes I do it on the inner thigh,

arms, stomach or any ather thin area.


> I hope this help.


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The brand of Glutathione and oils I am using don't stink at all.

All I can smell is the oil aroma.


> >

> >

> >

> > ,

> > I make my own cream from L Glutathione Reduced I buy by healthy Origens.

> >

> > I disolve 1 capsule 500mg in 1/2 teaspoon of hemp oil or almond oil and then

applied it on my son back. I do this twice a day and it is so easy and very

practical and this way the glutathione bypasses the gut but at the same time is

absorbed by the body.

> >

> > I rotate the placs where I appy the oil, sometimes I do it on the inner

thigh, arms, stomach or any ather thin area.

> >

> > I hope this help.

> >


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Neurobiologix has a great topical glutathione cream.



> > > >

> > > > na,

> > > > To my knowledge having MTHFR mutation is not enough to conclude that you

> >have

> >

> > >CFD. My son also has the MTHFR mutation, but I was advised to do the folate

> > >antibodies test with Dr. Quadros and I am very curious to see what will be


> >

> > >results.

> > > > My son is actually doing very well on raw milk (after 2 years on


> > >casein free diet we decided to try raw goat kefir and for first time he

> >started

> >

> > >looking healthier and happier. Now we are giving him raw camel milk and he



> > >again looking healthier and calmer, although still very much underweight.)


> >I

> >

> > >really hope my son doesn't have the CFD, because raw milk is one of the


> >few

> >

> > >things that I actually see positives. Otherwise you are right - people with

> >CFD

> >

> > >have to completely avoid any milk derived products, even those without



> > >(like ghee and camel milk).

> > > > Krassi

> >


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> > > >

> > > > Dr has prescribed Leocovor (folinic acid) to my 5yr old ASD son.

> > > >

> > > > I was reading about this folinic acid in web and I came across this

article from tacanow web site. This section is from Dr Neubrander's

presentation (on Methyl-B12 treatments) from Autism One conference in 2005.

> > > >

> > > > --quote

> > > >

> > > > Folinic acid should be added after the first 5-week clinical trial but

not at the same time as Methyl-B12. It should be added alone and its dose should

start low and then be incrementally increased to see how it is tolerated. From

my research, approximately 20% of children become hyper and/or cannot sleep when

folinic acid is added.

> > > >

> > > > --unquote

> > > >

> > > > Now I am wondering, can we give this medication at the same time with

other MB12? Whoever is already on this medication, are you following any

specific times for this?

> > > >

> > > > Also any sleep issues if taken in the night?

> > > >

> > > > 3 years ago, when we started the Bio Med treatment for my son, this MB12

shots was one of the protocol we did. The MB12 shot had folinic acid and NAC as

well. My son had severe sleep issues with this combo. Eventually we had to

take him out of this protocol. Now my son is on Neurobiologix stabilizer cream

(MB12 + folinic acid and other stuff) with no issues. So I am little bit scared

to add this additional folinic acid and I want to do it right this time.

> > > >

> > > > Appreciate the feedback,

> > > >

> > > > Thanks

> > > >

> > > > Shanthi

> > > >

> > >

> >


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(repost with initial only)

> > > > >

> > > > > Dr has prescribed Leocovor (folinic acid) to my 5yr old ASD


> > > > >

> > > > > I was reading about this folinic acid in web and I came across this

article from tacanow web site. This section is from Dr Neubrander's

presentation (on Methyl-B12 treatments) from Autism One conference in 2005.

> > > > >

> > > > > --quote

> > > > >

> > > > > Folinic acid should be added after the first 5-week clinical trial but

not at the same time as Methyl-B12. It should be added alone and its dose should

start low and then be incrementally increased to see how it is tolerated. From

my research, approximately 20% of children become hyper and/or cannot sleep when

folinic acid is added.

> > > > >

> > > > > --unquote

> > > > >

> > > > > Now I am wondering, can we give this medication at the same time with

other MB12? Whoever is already on this medication, are you following any

specific times for this?

> > > > >

> > > > > Also any sleep issues if taken in the night?

> > > > >

> > > > > 3 years ago, when we started the Bio Med treatment for my son, this

MB12 shots was one of the protocol we did. The MB12 shot had folinic acid and

NAC as well. My son had severe sleep issues with this combo. Eventually we had

to take him out of this protocol. Now my son is on Neurobiologix stabilizer

cream (MB12 + folinic acid and other stuff) with no issues. So I am little bit

scared to add this additional folinic acid and I want to do it right this time.

> > > > >

> > > > > Appreciate the feedback,

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks

> > > > >

> > > > > Shanthi

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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New to the group so my apologies for not using an initial for my doctor.

We are not using the Mito Restore at this time because his muscle tone is much

better but he has a high PANDAS titer so we use the PRP Immune Recovery Spray

along with the Stabilizer cream to keep that down and his immune system up. We

did 6 weeks of antibiotics to drive the titer down and after more blood work it

has not come back. YEAH!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dr has prescribed Leocovor (folinic acid) to my 5yr old ASD


> > > > > >

> > > > > > I was reading about this folinic acid in web and I came across this

article from tacanow web site. This section is from Dr Neubrander's

presentation (on Methyl-B12 treatments) from Autism One conference in 2005.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --quote

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Folinic acid should be added after the first 5-week clinical trial

but not at the same time as Methyl-B12. It should be added alone and its dose

should start low and then be incrementally increased to see how it is tolerated.

From my research, approximately 20% of children become hyper and/or cannot sleep

when folinic acid is added.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --unquote

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now I am wondering, can we give this medication at the same time

with other MB12? Whoever is already on this medication, are you following any

specific times for this?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also any sleep issues if taken in the night?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 3 years ago, when we started the Bio Med treatment for my son, this

MB12 shots was one of the protocol we did. The MB12 shot had folinic acid and

NAC as well. My son had severe sleep issues with this combo. Eventually we had

to take him out of this protocol. Now my son is on Neurobiologix stabilizer

cream (MB12 + folinic acid and other stuff) with no issues. So I am little bit

scared to add this additional folinic acid and I want to do it right this time.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Appreciate the feedback,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thanks

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Shanthi

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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