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Reminder tomorrow at 8 AM: Philip Rafferty on VoiceAmerica Radio show Harmonious Health

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Just a reminder, don't miss the Internet radio show tomorrow at 8:00 AM!  Please share this with others you know.  Instructions for access are below.Val-----------------------------------------------------------

Hello Everyone,

We don't have many opportunities to hear great speakers for free in a convenient online format, so don't miss this chance to hear Philip Rafferty, from Tasmania, talk about the energetic modalities he has founded.

He will be coming to the San Francisco Bay Area in June to speak at the 2012 Energy and Kinesiology Association conference, teach courses, and offer a limited number of private sessions, so this is a great way to get a sneak peak at a future opportunity you could take advantage of and

determine for yourself.

Details on the show, speakers, and method are listed below.


SHOW:           Harmonious Health - VoiceAmerica Internet Radio Show, hosted by

                      Tanisa Bowen, Certified Natural Health Practitioner and Energy Kinesiologist

SPEAKER:      Philip Rafferty, founder of energy healing modalities, Kinergetics and RESET and

                      Tawni Lawrence, North American Kinergetics/RESET Instructor Trainer

TIME:             Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 8:00 AM PST (next Wednesday!)

WHERE:         To access the show, visit www.voiceamerica.com and click on Health & Wellness

NOTE:            Philip Rafferty will also be a speaker at the upcoming Energy and Kinesiology Association Conference in San Francisco, June 14-17, 2012

                      For more information on that event and speak line-up see: http://www.energyk.org/index.php/annual-conference/speakers                     

                      While in the SF Bay Area, Philip will also be teaching Kinergetics and RESET courses and have a limited number of private sessions,

                      please contact valfreitas2k@... for details.

What is Kinergetics?

Kinergetics is a simple, effective, and non-invasive method of releasing pain and stress and locating and correcting some of the emotional and metaphysical causes of disease. Kinergetics uses muscle biofeedback to identify areas of stress, imbalance, or dysfunction of the body's energy systems, in order to clear imbalances at a deep level and bring about lasting change to our energetic and physical being.  For

more information on Kinergetics, FAQ, research, testimonials and free downloads, visit www.kinergetics.com.au.  Also see free sample video demonstrations at www.youtube.com, keyword search: Kinergetics.

In simpler terms, the human body is like a house that is constantly being rebuilt to an energetic plan. If this plan becomes damaged in any way, the body cannot rebuild itself in a healthy manner. Our body is made of energy. Stress and Emotional issues can cause energy blocks in our body or energy fields.

This blocked energy causes damage to the plan allowing areas of weakness

to form in the body. When extra pressure is placed on this weak area, an injury is more likely to occur.

Blocked energy may also manifest in the body as areas of " disease " . The aim of Kinergetics is to strengthen the weak areas of the body by balancing the energy field, which may allow the body to repair itself

In doing this, Kinergetics utilizes techniques that are fast, painless, and non-invasive.  Anyone can learn Kinergetics and can use it to benefit themselves, clients, and loved ones.

What is RESET?

Natural healing energy brings about a deep relaxation in the jaw muscles. RESET (Rafferty Energy System of Easing the Temporomandibular joint) allows anyone to simply and rapidly access and direct this healing energy.  Through sending healing energy into the muscles and tendons that relate to the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), we both relax these muscles and the organs and glands these relate to. In doing this the TMJ can reset into its correct position, thereby rebalancing the whole body. This balances the body's hydration, structure, muscles, neurology, glands and organs.

For more information on Kinergetics and RESET visit: www.kinergetics.com.au and www.tmj-reset.com


Philip Rafferty has taught Kinesiology for over 30 years. He is the founder of Kinergetics and RESET, which have been taught in 20 countries. Philip specializes in chronic pain, TMJ, fibromylagia pain, migraines, structural and neurological imbalances. Kinergetics is a very

fast kinesiology system that can change structure in minutes. In 15 demonstrations in Europe last year Philip regularly cleared arthritis pain in about 15 minutes. The new Trauma correction in the Kinergetics Master Class corrects most traumas in five minutes. He has done well over 100 conferences, festivals and demonstrations worldwide. He lives in Deloraine Tasmania with views of the Great Western Tiers.


Tawni has actively studied many fields of Kinesiology since 1987.  She is a licensed massage therapist, teacher of Brain Gym®, Touch for Health 1-4, Rafferty’s Kinergetics 1-8 and RESET Instructor Trainer as well as Tobar’s Celestial Hologram, Chakra Hologram and Brain Formatting.  She is also trained in Kreb’s LEAP, other works of Hugo Tobar, Utt’s Applied Physiology, Bruce Dewe’s PKP system as

well as other techniques.  She is an international faculty member and specialist of Masgutova Neuro-sensory motor and Reflex Integration (MNRI).  She also enjoys her private practice, visit www.enerkin.com.


The VoiceAmericaTM Network offers the latest conversations in a talk

radio format, providing education, interaction, and advice on key issues live, on demand as well as through pod cast download.

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