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Re: parasites/doctor near Raleigh, NC?

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I wonder if he could recommend a doctor near Raleigh, NC. I did a search and came up with someone named Dr. Marilyn Boehm. I am really hoping to find someone who can help us with my son's allergies. eosinophilic esophagitis, and possibly Lyme.Thanks, Subject: Re: parasitesTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 11:23 PM


We just took our son to Dr. Patel (www.drrajpatel.net). We went to him to help with his Autism, and through all the testing, found out he has Lyme. He's an excellent doctor and very knowledgeable about Lyme. He's located in Los Altos...check out his website!


> >

> >

> >Â

> >>Go to Youtube and watch some of the many about Lyme. Yes, it makes some

> >>stop speaking and act all kinds of odd ways. I don't think anyone just

> >>has Lyme, because of the way Lyme works. Lyme, mercury, retroviruses,

> >>etc. cause the immune system to work amiss, allowing pathogens and

> >>toxins to stockpile. So, depending upon what other pathogens and toxins

> >>one is exposed to, can explain some of the differences. If you look up

> >>worms, you will find that they make adults ill, and cause developmental

> >>problems in children, such as autism, mental retardation, failure to

> >>thrive, etc. So, children are definitely prone to more serious

> >>symptoms. Even if you rid all parasites, there is still the problem of

> >>what caused the body to stockpile those parasites. Many parasites,

> >>supposedly, are able to be fought off by those who are healthy. With

> >>all these variables, it's very difficult to know exactly what is going

> >>on. This is why biomed covers so many areas, and the parents are doing

> >>so many different treatments. It appears that those who are chronically

> >>ill have all the pathogen types. The real problem is that the medical

> >>system is not set up effectively. People are spending many years

> >>begging docs for testing, being told insurance won't pay, or such and

> >>such pathogens are too rare to worry about, etc. Plus, it's thought

> >>that a short course of a prescription med is enough to bring a cure even

> >>when a person succeeds in getting a positive test. So, it's really

> >>about finding health practitioners that know all this, so you don't

> >>waste time asking a doc to do something he really doesn't want to do or

> >>know how to do.

> >>

> >>Most of my kids had chronic diarrhea before biomed. Their pediatrician

> >>just shrugged his shoulders. When they were given Zithromax for ear

> >>infections, their diarrhea immediately went away, but returned when the

> >>medicine was stopped. The other antibiotics made the diarrhea worse.

> >>Anyhow, when I told the doc that, his answer was, "Well, I they can't

> >>take Zithromax all the time, and said he would just treat ear

> >>infections." I figured that is all he was trained to do. So, anyhow,

> >>of course, I eventually learned about recovery and sought out a

> >>knowledgeable doc via word of mouth on my local autism forum for my state.

> >>

> >>I have seen several people on the autism forums post that their children

> >>tested positive for toxosplasmas, anaplasmas, unknown protozoa, Babesia,

> >>etc. So, yes, these are a problem. Unfortunately, treating for

> >>parasites seems to take a very long time, and most say they get great

> >>improvements, but I have not seen anyone state that all they treated was

> >>parasites and their child was cured. There are a few who said most of

> >>the symptoms started dramatically decreasing just from parasite

> >>treatments. So, it's really a matter of that our children are ill with

> >>many infections, testing is not very reliable, and your average doc

> >>doesn't seem to feel the infections we see on the autism forums are much

> >>of a problem. But, if you Google, and look at the official medical

> >>research studies, which can be done by going to www.pubmed.com or

> >>Googling, "toxoplasma abstract," you will be very amazed at how awful

> >>these infections are. Plus, if you Google testing reliability, you will

> >>be very amazed at how unreliable the medical research admits it is.

> >>Even the labs will say their testing is only a certain percentage

> >>reliable if all the steps taken are done correctly. Meaning, samples

> >>have to be taken under certain conditions and handled with certain

> >>temperatures, etc.

> >>

> >>The docs known for their high success rates often talk about using only

> >>certain labs and only testing certain ways, so obviously testing is an

> >>issue. On top of that, insurance is quite picky on which tests and labs

> >>it will pay for. So, this all adds to the problem of not being able to

> >>test, not being able to use the best testing, and not being taken

> >>seriously that infections are a problem in those with chronic

> >>conditions. Oddly, if you look up infections and chronic conditions,

> >>you will find medical research saying they are correlated. But, when

> >>you talk to your average, local doc, or read general medical news, you

> >>will read that there is "no known cause." So, what we have is an

> >>interpretation of medical research studies different than what they reflect.

> >>

> >>Yes, us parents recovering our kids do a lot of work. We must figure a

> >>lot of things out to navigate our journey successfully. Keep in mind

> >>that not just those with autism are effected. But, a lot of people have

> >>problems, many not diagnosed. Autism is often looked at as a higher

> >>degree of illness than those with ADHD. I have even seen many parents

> >>report that their children went from calm autism symptoms to

> >>hyperactivity with biomed treatments, as if the calmness was a higher

> >>degree of illness, and the hyperactivity was a sign that healing was

> >>taking place.

> >>

> >>In the end, mot parents end up treating for many pathogen types, and

> >>treating from many angles (adding nutrients, regulating the immune

> >>system, directly killing pathogens, as well as detoxing).

> >>

> >>Love and prayers,

> >>

> >>Heidi N

> >>

> >>That article about toxoplasma gonidii has really got me thinking. Have

> >>any of you had your child tested for that specific parasite? Do any of

> >>you know where I would even begin if I wanted my son to be tested for

> >>parasites? He has been tested for co-infections and has babesia, HH6,

> >>and mycoplasma, but I don't think there was anything about parasites.

> >>

> >>The reason I am so intrigued by this is the following: I think we all

> >>believe that Lyme disease had something to do with our children's

> >>developmental disabilities, but if it was just Lyme why wouldn't all

> >>children infected with Lyme have Autism? I am sure we all know children

> >>infected with Lyme who have "brain fog," ADHD, etc. but they don't have

> >>Autism. I remember someone once refereeing to Lyme disease on this chat

> >>group as a "burning bush" that is constantly keeping their immune system

> >>at bay while other things sneak past the guards.

> >>

> >>Parasites would make an interesting suspect for Autism since, like it

> >>mentioned in that article, Toxoplasma Gonidii can actually change

> >>behavior. I know Lyme disease can make a person feel horrible and can

> >>severely effect their memory and other cognitive functions, but do you

> >>think it can change a person's behavior making them do things that are

> >>self destructive?

> >>

> >>I remember when my son was 2 and we were at a pool and he just ran full

> >>speed right into the deep end. If I didn't hold my son's hand he would

> >>run right into the middle of the street and not think twice.

> >>

> >>I am by no way downplaying Lyme disease my son and wife are severely

> >>infected and the last three years have been pure hell, but that article

> >>just really got me thinking.

> >>

> >>I am interested in hearing what you guys think.

> >>

> >>Mason

> >>=


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Hi ,

Would love to compare Eos numbers with you. My older kid's ECP has been so high the lab couldn't report a number where as my disabled cutie and I can hardly post an Eos (prednisone??) and he received the dx of EE and EE (eosinophilic tubing basically) after numerous scopes.

I do think that diet and environment can really play a role in the numbers....my older one was in a moldy school and got nailed immediately. He recently had a big PANDAS flare when he went back into moldy school for basketball. But I do think you are right in terms of there is more to it in terms of what's disabling our systems so one has autism and another doesn't....here it looks like a combo of genetics and environment.

....we did testing after provocation with Artemesia (not artiminisin)....my little one is just starting to show some titers in the parasite department but traditional testing stinks. I'd also pass on the other labs looking for parasites as it's been our experience that biofilms hide everything. One doc did the metagenix testing and it came back clean...well the patient was going crazy with a squirmy feeling and went for colonoscopy and they removed a 6 inch worm that didn't show up on the test....gross and very disappointing that labs can't even pick this up with DNA testing, but if the bugs are hiding in slime....

TCM has been great for a friend's daughter. If I can't beat the bugs with my older one on this I know exactly where I am going.

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