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hI Everyone. thought some of you might be interested in this, an article on the use of Amitriptyline for Vuvlodynia. dee ;)

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=retrieve & db=pubmed & list_uids=8441136 & dopt=Abstract *SEE BELOW

1: J Reprod Med 1993 Jan;38(1):9-13

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Dysesthetic ("essential") vulvodynia. Treatment with amitriptyline. McKay M Department of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30322.Twenty patients with chronic vulvar burning (vulvodynia) who had relief of symptoms only after treatment with low-dose amitriptyline were studied retrospectively. These patients had several factors in common, which suggested a possible neurologic component to their symptoms. The dosage of amitriptyline (initiated at 10 mg, gradually increased to 40-60 mg daily) was not sufficient to treat depression, but was in the range effective for other cutaneous dysesthesias.

This study defines dysesthetic ("essential") vulvodynia, and describes a typical profile and symptom pattern for patients most likely to respond to treatment with amitriptyline (an average age of 66 with vulvodynia for three years). Dysesthetic vulvodynia appears to be a subset different from vulvar vestibulitis and other types of vulvodynia that are less responsive to treatment with tricyclic antidepressants.PMID: 8441136, UI: 93180136

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