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WillPower Instinct- by McGonigal. & Dealing with stress eating- Dr. Elisa Epel & Dr. Jean Kristeller (UCSD Center of Mindfulness)

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Hi Group:-)Just wanted to share a couple grreat videos. This FABULOUS talk on 'WillPower Instinct'. -by McGonigal, PhD. How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It . Topics include dieting/weight loss, health, addiction, quitting smoking, temptation, procrastination, mindfulness, stress, sleep, cravings, exercise, self-control, self-compassion, guilt, and shame.

Also, I love reading articles on the UCSD Center of Mindfulness Blog. This was one of their recent posts, & i like the way Mindful Eating is explained & demonstrated. <<<<UCSD Center for Mindfulness shared a link. Check out Chapter 9 of this video in particular. A nice exploration of dealing with "stress eating" and how mindful eating may be a way out. Our friends and colleagues, Dr. Epel and Dr. Kristeller are featured.http://theweightofthenation.hbo.com/watch/main-films/Choices >>>>>>-K Designs."" Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.

That way, when you criticize them, you're already a mile away AND you have their

shoes." ~ a very pious intellectual

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