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Re: FWD: Fw: Missing Child -Please forward on to all you know. Thanks!

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Okay. Let us review the rules of listservers and spam. First, if you

ever receive a message that tells you to send it to everyone you know,

it is spam and should be deleted. It doesn't matter how much money you

may win or how sad the story is. Second, if you forget the first rule,

never send a message to a listserver that you have not confirmed the

accuracy of first hand.


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Texas EMS groups:

Just a bit of information. Kelley was found about 2 hours

after being reported missing by her parents. You can read the whole story

at www.urbanlegends.com Please check this site before forwarding this type

of notice. I've received about 37 of these same notices over the last 6-7

months, so it's been around awhile. I know we are all ones who want to

help, but let's help those who need it, not the jerks who publish such as




Missing Child -Please forward on to all you know. Thanks!

> >

> >

> > Please look at picture, then forward on..

> > I am asking you all, begging you to please forward this

> > email on to anyone and everyone.

> >

> > I have a 5 year old daughter named Kelsey .

> > We are from Southern Minnesota. She has been missing since 4pm

> > Oct.11, 1999. The police were notified shortly after. If anyone


> > knows anything, sees anything, please contact the Police. A missing

> persons

> > report has been filed.

> >

> > I am including a picture of her. All prayers are

> > appreciated!! I hope I have covered enough East Coast, Midwest, and


> > Coast people to spread out the search for this little girl. It only


> 2

> > seconds to " forward " this on, if it was your child, you would want all

> the

> > help you could get. Please.

> >


> >

> >

> >



> ______________________________________________

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