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PLEASE FORWARD FRENCH NEWS ARTICLE TO Morelli at Tampa Tribune wants to do a special on lyme disease

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----- Forwarded Message ----To: ecoartist1@...Sent: Thu, January 6, 2011 9:38:10 AMSubject: Re: Morelli at Tampa Tribune wants to do a special on lyme disease


Here joint an article from “le monde†journal (in French) about Pr Montagnier, the 2008 Nobel price (he discover the AIDS virus…) and his work about autism and Lyme and other infections.

The title is: antibiotic to cure children from autism.... maybe you can send it to Morelli ?


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If you type in your Internet browser " Google translate " you can then copy this

and paste in the box, then select French to English translate. You will then

see the following: (Due to the extremely important content of this report, I am

pasting the translated results - basically it's a scientific study on using

long-term antibiotics to treat autism.)

French to English translation (from Google translate)

Professor Luc Montagnier is the co-discoverer of the AIDS virus. MIGUEL MEDINA /


Luc Montagnier, Nobel, will launch a test based on the prolonged use of

anti-infectives, based on

the controversial hypothesis of memory of water

Information was unveiled Thursday, December 9, by , a veteran

journalist of the weekly scientific

UK Nature: Professor Luc Montagnier in France plans to build a clinical trial to

assess the effects

possible benefits of prolonged use of antibiotics in children with autism.

This experiment perplexed experts in autism. Luc Montagnier shared the Nobel

Prize for Medicine in 2008 for

the discovery of the AIDS virus, should be used next to conventional biological

techniques, processes that evoke the very theory

controversial " water memory " . Proposed in 1988 by Professor Jacques Benveniste,

she assumed that the water keeps

memory of the substances it was contained, while the dilutions had removed these

substances from the aqueous solution.

The entourage of Professor Montagnier confirms this project, which has not yet

been submitted for approval of an ethics committee. The test

pilot research, according to Nature, the trace of infection in 30 children with

autism, as well as in twenty children free, to

for comparison. The children would then take antibiotics for several months and

their development would be assessed. To

carry out this work, Luc Montagnier would receive funding of over EUR 30 000

from the Autism Research

Institute based in San Diego (California).

Directed by Edelson, the institute also plans a trial in Britain

involving Dr. Corinne Skorupka, which

protocol applied in France " DAN " (English acronym for " Beat Autism Now! " ), which

promotes the use of vitamins

and regimes for treating autism.

Professor Montagnier is assumed that chronic infection have a responsibility in

autism. In two

publications dating from 2009, his team describes a novel property of the DNA of

infectious agents, bacteria in one case and HIV

in another, induce DNA " of electromagnetic waves at high dilutions in water. "

This would pave the way for " a system of

highly sensitive detection of chronic bacterial infections of humans and

animals. " Professor Montagnier hopes to use

these electromagnetic signals, a carrier would have kept the memory solution

that has found the DNA of the infectious agent,

as a biological marker of infection.

Specialist in the genetics of autism, Sylvain Briault (CNRS UMR 6218, Tours),

has not heard of the hypothesis of an origin

infectious disease. " The immunological and inflammatory components were

discussed, but not infectious causes.

Genetic mutations have been found for some, but not the only genetic causes. It

should also not talk

of autism, in the singular, but of " autism " since there are many forms of

damage, " he insists.

" Heterogeneity "

Child psychiatrist at the University Hospital of Montpellier, Professor

Aussilloux questioned " the rationale underlying the hypothesis " of

Professor Montagnier and the methodology to be followed, " given the

heterogeneity of autism. It would take

group of children is very homogeneous. " Above all, he is wary of false hopes

that families of autistic children were often


Despite several attempts, we failed to join Professor Montagnier, who was

traveling. In Nature, he

acknowledges the iconoclastic nature of his approach. When asked why his two

articles of 2009 were published in a

Digital Journal

http://www.lemonde.fr/journalelectronique/donnees/protege/20101211/html/7855 ...

1 of 2 21/12/10 8:23 p.m.

journal, Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, where he

chairs the editorial board, Montagnier said that if he had

sent his article in Nature or Science, the experts " have pulled out their

revolvers. "

The editor of this journal is Dongqing Wei, Shanghai Jiaotong University. Known

for its annual ranking of

universities, this institution has recruited in November by Professor

Montagnier, for whom she created a research institute. Affected by the

age limit of 65, which at the time imposed his retirement in France, Luc

Montagnier will therefore pursue its work in 78 years.


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Digital Journal

http://www.lemonde.fr/journalelectronique/donnees/protege/20101211/html/7855 ...







> ----- Forwarded Message ----


> To: ecoartist1@...

> Sent: Thu, January 6, 2011 9:38:10 AM

> Subject: Re: Morelli at Tampa Tribune wants to do a special on lyme

> disease



> Hello,

> Here joint an article from “le monde†journal (in French) about Pr


> the 2008 Nobel price (he discover the AIDS virus…) and his work about


> and Lyme and other infections.


> The title is: antibiotic to cure children from autism.... maybe you can send


> to Morelli ?


> Liora


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