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Re: homeopth and infection

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hi Yi,

This is question that I have asked myself also so many times - what did I do

wrong or what I was missing, that we didn't get any improvements from the

classical and sequential homeopathy. We did classical for 6 months and saw

nothing, then we switched to sequential for 1.5 years. During this time my son

was on organic food, sugar free, GMO free, then we went to Body Ecology Diet,

followed by low Oxalates diet. We were doing osteopathy, chiropractic

adjustments and minimum supplements, as I was advised by our homeopath (they

allowed only certain probiotics and Cod liver oil, but nothing else). The first

few months on sequential homeopathy actually my son was doing good, for instance

he was playing and dancing for first time with me when we were listening music,

so I was very hopeful that we are on the right track. However, the deeper we

were going through his timeline the more nervous I was getting because we lost

the gains and in the following months to an year my son was reacting to all the

remedies in negative way – extremely irritable with some of the vaccine clears,

especially the mega-clears which are up to 50M or 1C (the highest potency you

can go), fevers, not sleeping, high pitch screaming, it was very very hard time

for us. Then we did the miasms (genetic predisposition) but again didn't see the

so long waited gains. I was waiting for this miracle moment when things will

start going again forward, but after an year waiting I decided to stop (now I

think I waited too long). We were addressing the parasites with their

homeopathic drops plus with BioCleanse , but my son's parasite problem was not

getting better, in the opposite – he was showing more and more parasites

behavior. Later, with energetic testing we found out also that he has Lyme and

this was the point when we decided that we need to stop sequential homeopathy

and try something else.

So my theory is that for kids with less issues homeopathy can make wonders. In

our case it didn't do anything. I still believe in homeopathy and think that

once my son's parasite and lyme problem are under control, it will be much

easier to find his constitutional remedy and we may try again classical

homeopathy in the future. However, for now we are still quite far from this


Hope this helps,




> Hi, All


> I am wondering anyone here who has done homeopth ( sqential detox or classic

homeopth), from your experience, if you did not get much improvement  from

> homeopth treatment, what might be the factor that interfere the success,


> parasite or other factors?


> Thanks for sharing your experience.


> --- Yi


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Krassi zdravei

Bi li mi kazala pove4e za tozi energeting test nadiavam se da moga da go napravia v Evropa moiat sin sa6to e po slojen s po golemi uslojnenia i ne mu dadha nikakvo otrajenie homeopatia fizioterapia logopedi igloterapia i zatova iskah da go testvam za Lime vapreki 4e mi e trudno da si obiasnia kak 6te ima Lime a tova niama da se razbere po niakakav na4in nali e uhapvane ako ima6 pove4e znania za Lime pri takiva detza 6te mi pomogne6 li da razbera kak to4no ne sam uspiala da otkria i kak ne se stiga do bolnitza za da otkriat lekarite nali se vlo6ava 4ovek ot tova i ima nujda ot antibiotitzi neznam ne6to mi lipsva v 4eteneto za Lime.Nie napravihme test na kosa v Ukraina za paraziti i pokaza nali4ieto na okolo 8 vazmojni no triaba da kupim edin divice za valnova terapia za da ustanoviat koi po to4no e aktiven i togava da go premahnem pak s tozi divice valnovo no neznam o6te dali da go kupia tozi device ne e nevazmojno skap no se 4udeh dali da si vloja

parite tam ili ne.Sega otivame da mu napravim iruso diagnostika v BG ne e skapo prosto ako otkriat ne6to koeto dosega ne e otkrito.

Blagodaria ti

Subject: Re: homeopth and infectionTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Date: Wednesday, 12 January, 2011, 19:58

hi Yi,This is question that I have asked myself also so many times - what did I do wrong or what I was missing, that we didn't get any improvements from the classical and sequential homeopathy. We did classical for 6 months and saw nothing, then we switched to sequential for 1.5 years. During this time my son was on organic food, sugar free, GMO free, then we went to Body Ecology Diet, followed by low Oxalates diet. We were doing osteopathy, chiropractic adjustments and minimum supplements, as I was advised by our homeopath (they allowed only certain probiotics and Cod liver oil, but nothing else). The first few months on sequential homeopathy actually my son was doing good, for instance he was playing and dancing for first time with me when we were listening music, so I was very hopeful that we are on the right track. However, the deeper we were going through his timeline the more nervous I was getting because we lost the gains and in the

following months to an year my son was reacting to all the remedies in negative way – extremely irritable with some of the vaccine clears, especially the mega-clears which are up to 50M or 1C (the highest potency you can go), fevers, not sleeping, high pitch screaming, it was very very hard time for us. Then we did the miasms (genetic predisposition) but again didn't see the so long waited gains. I was waiting for this miracle moment when things will start going again forward, but after an year waiting I decided to stop (now I think I waited too long). We were addressing the parasites with their homeopathic drops plus with BioCleanse , but my son's parasite problem was not getting better, in the opposite – he was showing more and more parasites behavior. Later, with energetic testing we found out also that he has Lyme and this was the point when we decided that we need to stop sequential homeopathy and try something else.So my theory is that for

kids with less issues homeopathy can make wonders. In our case it didn't do anything. I still believe in homeopathy and think that once my son's parasite and lyme problem are under control, it will be much easier to find his constitutional remedy and we may try again classical homeopathy in the future. However, for now we are still quite far from this moment.Hope this helps,Krassi>> > Hi, All> > I am wondering anyone here who has done homeopth ( sqential detox or classic homeopth), from your experience, if you did not get much improvement from > homeopth treatment, what might be the

factor that interfere the success, infection,> parasite or other factors?> > Thanks for sharing your experience.> > --- Yi>

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by chance, just talked to a homeopath now. she got the wrong remedy two years ago because she says i presented differently and did not show the underlying issue. at least the results were not devastating, just wasted money. i have gotten worse results with other homeopaths, where is took months to recover. the miraculous cures happen some small percentage of the time. maybe one in ten, not sure, i am just guessing. i am only trying again myself because medicine does not address this issue and it is the only chance i have. there are certain remedies that work all the time, like arnica for pain and swelling. i don't know what else. homeopaths will say that nothing gets in the way of a remedy except drugs. it is supposed to cure infection.

hi Yi,

This is question that I have asked myself also so many times - what did I do wrong or what I was missing, that we didn't get any improvements from the classical and sequential homeopathy. We did classical for 6 months and saw nothing, then we switched to sequential for 1.5 years. During this time my son was on organic food, sugar free, GMO free, then we went to Body Ecology Diet, followed by low Oxalates diet. We were doing osteopathy, chiropractic adjustments and minimum supplements, as I was advised by our homeopath (they allowed only certain probiotics and Cod liver oil, but nothing else). The first few months on sequential homeopathy actually my son was doing good, for instance he was playing and dancing for first time with me when we were listening music, so I was very hopeful that we are on the right track. However, the deeper we were going through his timeline the more nervous I was getting because we lost the gains and in the following months to an year my son was reacting to all the remedies in negative way – extremely irritable with some of the vaccine clears, especially the mega-clears which are up to 50M or 1C (the highest potency you can go), fevers, not sleeping, high pitch screaming, it was very very hard time for us. Then we did the miasms (genetic predisposition) but again didn't see the so long waited gains. I was waiting for this miracle moment when things will start going again forward, but after an year waiting I decided to stop (now I think I waited too long). We were addressing the parasites with their homeopathic drops plus with BioCleanse , but my son's parasite problem was not getting better, in the opposite – he was showing more and more parasites behavior. Later, with energetic testing we found out also that he has Lyme and this was the point when we decided that we need to stop sequential homeopathy and try something else.

So my theory is that for kids with less issues homeopathy can make wonders. In our case it didn't do anything. I still believe in homeopathy and think that once my son's parasite and lyme problem are under control, it will be much easier to find his constitutional remedy and we may try again classical homeopathy in the future. However, for now we are still quite far from this moment.

Hope this helps,




> Hi, All


> I am wondering anyone here who has done homeopth ( sqential detox or classic homeopth), from your experience, if you did not get much improvement from

> homeopth treatment, what might be the factor that interfere the success, infection,

> parasite or other factors?


> Thanks for sharing your experience.


> --- Yi


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I do not know why but I can see you did a excellent job I am just like you but

I will not give up until I get what I want.

I want to tell you a little story a friend of mine she has a breast cancer when

she found out that she has a cancer she was a 3rd stages, they have to remove

her breast and star the chemo they told her her immune system is very weak in

that case they can give her the chemo while she was waiting she did homeopathy

but the Dr told her not to eat a red meet at all because it will slow down the

effect of the remedy and she was taking also a glass of lemon warm water first

thing in the morning after one month she went back to the hospital and they

took blood they could not believe what they saw. Her immunity was optimum and

her cancer is gone. until today that was 2 years a go.

so, I think you should away a red meat totally. By the way there is Naturopath

Dr her name is McCamish she live California she recovered her own son who

has lyme and Cp now he is normal child go regular class play football. she uses

herbal and homeopathy. she ask you to send your son saliva then she will make a

protocol for 50 days and after 50 days you do another one. I am just starting

her protocol but it is very interesting . Her company call Better Health.

Good luck everybody we need that.


> >

> >

> > Hi, All

> >  

> > I am wondering anyone here who has done homeopth ( sqential detox or classic

homeopth), from your experience, if you did not get much improvement  from

> > homeopth treatment, what might be the factor that interfere the success,


> > parasite or other factors?

> >  

> > Thanks for sharing your experience.

> >  

> > --- Yi

> >


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Thanks for recommending this place ¡V the Better health company. I just checked

their web site and it sounds tempting to try indeed. However, our biggest

challenge will be that my son doesn¡¦t allow to get saliva from his mouth. I

have tried numerous times because of other kinds of testing we were supposed to

do in the best, but he likes to chew everything and as soon as I put something

in his mouth to get the saliva he wants to chew it and swallow ļ He is so oral

that he wants to chew the tables, chairs, doors ¡V everything with edges. We

have had numerous suggestions in the past why he might be that oral ¡V that he

is deficient in zinc (however we are on the highest dose of zinc and CORE

supplement for the last 4 months and no change), or iron deficiency (again

addressing this part as well with various supplements and homeopatics with no

result), or parasites, which currently we are addressing.

Please let us know how your treatment goes with McCamish and if you see

any results, I am very curious to hear.




> Hi,krassi

> I do not know why but I can see you did a excellent job I am just like you

but I will not give up until I get what I want.

> I want to tell you a little story a friend of mine she has a breast cancer

when she found out that she has a cancer she was a 3rd stages, they have to

remove her breast and star the chemo they told her her immune system is very

weak in that case they can give her the chemo while she was waiting she did

homeopathy but the Dr told her not to eat a red meet at all because it will

slow down the effect of the remedy and she was taking also a glass of lemon warm

water first thing in the morning after one month she went back to the hospital

and they took blood they could not believe what they saw. Her immunity was

optimum and her cancer is gone. until today that was 2 years a go.

> so, I think you should away a red meat totally. By the way there is Naturopath

Dr her name is McCamish she live California she recovered her own son who

has lyme and Cp now he is normal child go regular class play football. she uses

herbal and homeopathy. she ask you to send your son saliva then she will make a

protocol for 50 days and after 50 days you do another one. I am just starting

her protocol but it is very interesting . Her company call Better Health.

> Good luck everybody we need that.

> Idman

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