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Under Our Skin film may be shown; Lyme research email for any Floridians or relatives of Floridains

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----- Forwarded Message ----Sent: Mon, January 24, 2011 8:23:32 PMSubject: Re: Fw: Re: lyme research email

The Gulf Coast Lyme Disease Support Group meets the forth Tuesday of the Month NOT the third. Carol Fisch, Adjunct Professor Emeritus, Microbiology, Immunology, Parasitology, Stealth Pathogen Research, Advocate, Activist and Victim We have shown Under Our Skin but want to show 'UnderThe Eight Ball' if enough people are interested. It is so important that we work together in this state to have acknowledgment of what many Floridians are facing.. CarolFLMI@...

Hello all.... Figurski e-mailed me and she is from Orlando....her e-mail is in this e-mail and I think we need to unite so we can be effective in our State. There are a few support groups around the State. Carol Fisch has a support group that meets every month on the third SHOULD SAY FORTH Tuesday in Sarasota. They are meeting tomorrow night at the Unitarian church in Sarasota. I believe there are about 120 or so people in Sarasota. Sandi Lanford in Tallahassee says there are about 12,000 lymies there and there are estimates that we have 5,000 here in the Tampa Bay area. There are many people with lyme in Fl...Lori Hoerl in N Fl knows many and Martha Young of Space Coast lyme has a group. We need to meet so we can work together as a group. Unfortunately, many of us are so ill that we can not show up with any regularity. I know wanted to have a fundraising walk and perhaps we can do that and have it in a central location. UNDER OUR SKIN has been shown in Tally and Fernandina beach. Maybe we should have a showing in Orlando or Tampa. Anyway we need to know each other.....Dolores dclaesson@... and .

Subject: lyme research emailTo: dclaesson@...Date: Monday, January 24, 2011, 7:56 PM

Hi Dolores, I would love to receive your emails on Lyme research .. can you do so via my yahoo email instead of facebook? I have a very old computer and it gets frozen alot while on Facebook with Yahoo at least I know I will get them :) thank you.I will try to call you soon as well ..when Im feeling better .. thank you so much "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.""Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened."

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