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excessive fatigue/sleeping

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Hi all,

I've had problems with fatigue for years, but since Thanksgiving, I've been

sleeping 20/24 hours a day, and then can hardly hold my eyes open the rest

of the time. My doctor says some of the following could be the culprits:

meds (although i was taking them for months before), extreme weakness from

lack of activity (can't do that when i'm sleeping and exercise makes the

symptoms act up), or the ACM itself, or the pseudotumor or the hormonal

imbalances. I started physical therapy to try to overcome the weakness and

help the back pain. I went once so far and got quite symptomatic, I really

wonder if this is going to work. I just can't stay awake. Anyone else

experience this? Anything that works take it away? We discussed CFS, but

the dr. didn't feel comfortable making that diagnosis as too many other

things could be causing me the trouble. Any suggestions much appreciated.


ACM1, 1/00 VP shunt for pseudotumor cerebri (had intraoperative ventricular

bleed), 9/99 posterior fossa crani #1 with arch of C1 removed, fibrous

rings and scar tissue removed from around foramen magnum, right tonsil

removed (was plugging 4th ventricle), and autologous pericranium dural

graft-multiple post op complications -meningitis, staph infection in sub-q

stitches, meningocele developed at C2, and large CSF leak. 4/99 posterior

fossa crani #1 with bovine dural graft and scar tissue removed from foramen

magnum and part of occipital bone removed. Degenerative disc disease at

C5-6 and L5-S1. Lumbar laminectomies X2 for herniated discs, irritable

bowel syndrome, hiatal hernia, gastitis, supraventricular tachycardia and

other arrhythmias and had 2 catheter ablations for with little success,

POTS, neurocardiogenic syncope, dysautonomia, ovarian cysts, continue with

many ACM symptoms despite surgeries. Does anyone know the percentage of

people this happens too? One very supportive and wonderful husband. 2

boys, ages 7 (adhd) and 10 (POTS, NMH, dysautonomia).

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