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02 February 2008

AN EXTRAORDINARY dispute has broken out between people with autism and a

charity that aims to help them. At stake is how such people are perceived by

the general public.

Like many people with autism, an autistic blogger who goes by the screen

name " Abscout " is angry about the way the condition is portrayed by some

charities. To try and paint a different picture, Abscout set up a spoof

website called NTSpeaks.org, a parody of the site of the New York-based

charity Autism Speaks. The NT stands for neurotypical, a term sometimes used

by people with autism to describe the rest of the population.

Last week, however, in response to demands from Autism Speaks, Abscout took

the site down. Autism Speaks claims the site infringed its copyright, and

that it could have confused people looking for information about autism.

That in turn has outraged Abscout's supporters, who say that Autism Speaks

is suppressing the views of the very people it is supposed to represent and


" If we do speak, we're only allowed a voice if it agrees exactly with the

people who say they're speaking for us, " says Baggs, another blogger

with autism based in Burlington, Vermont. " That keeps people believing the

same thing Autism Speaks wants people to believe, including every negative

stereotype of autism out there. "

Autism Speaks says its aim is " to change the future for all who struggle

with autism spectrum disorders " . One of its stated goals is to " cure " autism

- an aim some people with autism find offensive. " The autism spectrum is

something that is intrinsic to our personalities, " says Ari Ne'eman,

president of the Autism Self Advocacy Network in Baltimore, land. " We

can no more separate the autistic part of ourselves than we could our gender

or race. "

Particularly galling for people with autism, he says, is a video on the

charity's site called Autism Everyday, in which mothers of children with

autism talk about the emotional and financial impact the condition has had

on their lives. " Autism Speaks puts out a very fear-based message, " says


NTSpeaks.org carried a much more assertive message. Under the slogan " Learn

the signs of NTism " , it listed " dislike for people who are different " ,

" refusal to accept that there is a problem " and " conforming attitude " .

Another one of its headlines read, " NTs destroying AS/Auties pride and joy " .

Autism Speaks says that people could have confused NTSpeaks.org with its own

site, as it carried a similar logo. " If an improper use of our name or logo

creates confusion among those we serve about the source of information, it

is a disservice to all, " a charity spokesman says.

Baggs insists there is a need for people with autism to publicise their own

messages. She says the charities " change a lot about how autistic people are

treated and understood by other people and by professionals " .

Gareth , who founded the autism rights group Aspies For Freedom is

doing his bit. In protest at Autism Speaks's actions, he has secured the

NTSpeaks.net and NTSpeaks.com domains and posted new parodies of Autism

Speaks there. " It is important to do this in order to stop Autism Speaks

from simply silencing their critics and to show them that we are not going

to sit back while they intimidate people, " he says.

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Hi all here,

BWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAH! Don't these schmucks even know one iota what us ACs

have gone through??? Let me count the ways:

1) Bullying (previous or current)

2) Getting fired from employment without

justifiable reason.

3) Being un/underemployed-thus

whatever " resources " /assets owned

are left to atrophy.

4) Constantly being told to " hurry up " ,

conform & cowtow while performing

any kind of work.

5) Being misunderstood and thus,

instead, are often treated like shit.

We ACs are right. The AIDS and

substance abuse communities

(who DO HAVE A CHOICE) often get

the better treatments (respect


6) I am not speaking here...I am

YELLING! What is out here for

services for adults is pathetic.

Voc Rehab, Salvation Army and

even Goodwill have nothing which

would really benefit us AC adults

far as attaining that " substantial,

gainful employment and

independence. Part time, retail, fast

food type work just doesn't cut the

muster today. Tons of us take work

that is perhaps unchallenging and

is stuff that " nobody else will do "

for the same reasons many

immigrants accept these jobs-these

positions are needed, we owe Bill &

Sam and must support ourselves &

our families.

AFAIC?? The guy who created NTSpeaks is to be commended. Like

Cosell did, he was just only " telling it as it is " with truth.



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Hi again,

Forgot to add that sometimes, I have gotten that feeling we ACs seem to

live under that Gestapo mentality-complete with (what I have always

referred to when younger) censorship--complete with that ABA type

deprivation whenever " misbehaviors " occurred. Any comments on this?



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> AFAIC?? The guy who created NTSpeaks is to be commended. Like

> Cosell did, he was just only " telling it as it is " with truth.

Wasn't it a 14yo girl? Or am I misinformed?




" I know the answer! The answer lies within the heart of all mankind!

The answer is twelve? I think I'm in the wrong building. "

M. Schultz

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Yes it was... which makes it appalling and hilarious at the same time...

Is AutismSpeaksSues14YearOldGirls.com taken?

On Feb 1, 2008 1:10 PM, Kelsang Genyin


> On 01/02/2008, tikigalharkins@... <tikigalharkins%40webtv.net> <

> tikigalharkins@... <tikigalharkins%40webtv.net>> wrote:


> > AFAIC?? The guy who created NTSpeaks is to be commended. Like

> > Cosell did, he was just only " telling it as it is " with truth.


> Wasn't it a 14yo girl? Or am I misinformed?


> Genyin

> >


> --

> " I know the answer! The answer lies within the heart of all mankind!

> The answer is twelve? I think I'm in the wrong building. "

> M. Schultz



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> Yes it was... which makes it appalling and hilarious at the same time...

Yes, I feel sorry for the girl ... but Autism Speaks couldn't have

arranged a better cock up, lol.

And I bet the girl is feeling a lot better about it now.

I'm surprised no one has come forward to offer to host the NT Speaks

site, though I know she gave all the work she did on it and the domain

to Autism Speaks. I'm sure she could create it again, more or less.



" I know the answer! The answer lies within the heart of all mankind!

The answer is twelve? I think I'm in the wrong building. "

M. Schultz

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