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HI All and LONA (sorry for the length but hope you all read this)

I have to tell you Lona that that is the absolute best explanation I've ever seen regarding clitoral adhesions, thank you so much !

http://www.geocities.com/~debbie_fox/adhesio.htm or AOL'ers'

<a href="http://www.geocities.com/~debbie_fox/adhesio.htm">Click Here</a>

For those who don't know, I've been talking about adhesions and fusing since I've been on this list, and how I had them severely, not only with the clitoral shaft but with the smaller labial lips fusing to the larger and disappearing. I've many articles suggesting the use of the Estrace cream (A hormone cream) to unfuse them (even for small children) and just know that it's worked wonders for me, and I'm absolutely adhesion or fusion free and back to looking normal !! (it did take a while, about 6 months but worked) YIPPPPEEE!!!!!! ;)

Believe me I know my body inside and out and had this fusing for over 3 years (of a total of 10). In fact, I watched as it literally happened within a time frame of 4-6 weeks, when I was in extreme pain. And yet not one doctor was able to stop it or prevent it with the suggestion of a simple hormone cream. Talk about ignorance! By the way it isn't just the clitoral area but the seam line between the smaller and larger lips that often fuses as well, and why the smaller ones seem as tho they disappeared.

I have a post from a gal who's had this since childhood and many others as well who are now seeing their smaller lips reappear as well as the clitoris itself, (under the hood) by using the Estrace cream, that's why I so often mention using that 'Q-tip' twirl' with it........ It's so important to keep that tissue pliable and stretchable, and well nourished and movable. The Estrace cream worked for me and it 'may' also work for others, I certainly hope so. I'm going to include a post I'd sent previously explaining how or why fusing or adhesions happen, hope it helps.


>HI everyone, Dee~ here :)

I thought I'd try to explain 'fusing' or 'adhesions' if I can ....

Normally the mucuous membranes are made to slide back and forth without sticking to one another, (such as in the mouth or even our internal organs) they have a 'slickness' to them, (a coating or covering,) without pulling on each other.

When the skin or tissue has been severely irritated for a long time and the skin 'broken', even by 'severe' constant itching, or trauma in any form to the skin, or even if surgery is performed, it makes some of that tissue 'sticky' instead instead of 'slick', so that fibrous bands form instead, this causes pulling on one or more of the surfaces when 'movement' occurs.

These 'fibrous bands' are natures way of trying to heal a broken or cut surface, (much like when we try to hem something and it keeps 'fraying' and we need to keep pulling more and more of the material in to have it 'catch' or 'seal' before it 'split's' or rips again, so to speak. (the fibrous bands would be the 'stitching'.)

Medically if it's internal (as with surgery) we would call it 'adhesions', (as when one organ attaches to another) (it fuses).. and externally such as with the vaginal lips or clitoral shaft we often say 'fusing' or it's 'fused' together. (it looks as tho the smaller lips 'melted' into the larger ones) in other words stuck together...(some doctors might even call this 'atrophy') a withering away. Though it's not the correct term I don't think, but in a way since the smaller lips can disappear they might be said to have atrophied or disappeared.

Another term might be called agglutination.. which means simply the clumping together of cells as a result of their contact with certain anti-bodies. Which is technically I suppose what happens... as in a cut or break in the tissue the white blood cells come to do battle to heal and look for foreign invaders (but the 'clumping' is the key word) the skin 'clumps' together. Basically, Fusing is the act of joining 2 things together, which is what happens. In a tree or shrub, it might be called 'grafting'... but a joining together with two cut or raw surfaces in order to heal. But it's the same idea.


"Lichen sclerosus (LS) is an inflammatory dermatosis of the vulva withpotentially destructive consequences to a woman's perineum.Long-term sequelae include atrophy of the labia minora, scarring of theclitoral hood, and labial and/or clitoral hood adhesions."

FROM PUB MED: (regarding Vulvodynia)"The moist, warm, occluded environment producesa tendency for the thin skin of the vulva to erode and scar, resulting in acommon final appearance often characterized by loss of the labia minora andagglutination."

This clip is from 'genital disorders' in the Merck Manual.


Prepubertal girls should be instructed about perineal hygiene (eg, wiping front to back after bowel movements and voiding). For treatment of children with pinworm infestation. see Ch. 265. For children with labial adhesions,which are rare, vaginal estrogen cream applied daily for 7 to 10 days usually opens the labia.

*(I wish it were only 7 to 10 days, but could have been possibly had it been caught early enough, but took me 6 months, but don't forget mine were fused solid for over 3 years) *sigh*

In the end, I think that Fusing or Adhesions is natures only way of healing us when nothing else has helped and it's gone on chronically for a long time. It's a self protective mechanism. By the way this also worked for me back in the anal area which had narrowed.

Hope this explains it a little. Warmest, Dee ;)

P.S. but.............. *sigh*, as you probably all know by now with me and my soapbox, the Estrace 'may' help to unfuse as well as the Testosterone...(especially if one is younger) and both are what worked for me, but I'd say the Estrace most of all!! I'm not saying it would work for everyone, but it certainly did me !! ;) <


For those who just can't use the Estrace, then the article from the link above is a good suggestion using manipulation, etc. but once it's 'solidly' fused none of those things besides surgery would help separate other than the Estrace (Estradiol 17b) from all 'my' research. Thanks for your patience and hope this helps a little, and thanks once again Lona for that great link and I'm so glad that doctor is able to help you, that's fantastic!! .

Warmest regards, Dee ;)

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