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Welcome Kathy! You have made a very wise decision! As you are new it would

be wise for you to realize that this does take committment, which it sounds

like you have :-) and dedication. Stay in your points range even though

sometimes it might seem like not much is happening and don't be discouraged

if you have a week with a small loss or none at all. It happens to everyone

:) sooner or later. Before you know it, those 30lbs will just have melted


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  • 4 years later...

Can't answer 1 and 3, but can answer 2.

I've had no stomach issues at all on Cortef, but I

always take it about half an hour after eating.

--- ramonmel77 wrote:

> Hi, I am new here & I have a lot of questions.

> 1) Has anyone followed the protocol in 's

> book, 21st Century

> Stress syndrome? What kind of results did you have?

> 2) Has anyone experienced extreme stomach issues due

> to taking Cortef?

> 3) Has anyone tried heavy metal chelation with any

> success?


> Thanks, I look forward to your responses.


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I've been chelating per the Cutler protocol for about a year (on and

off). It's hard to be sure how much metal is actually being removed

without doing all kinds of expensive tests, but I believe it's a good

way to chelate mercury. But as it relates to adrenal issues, I just

finished a saliva cortisol test showing moderately weak adrenals.

Whether Hg is the cause is unknown (but quite possible).


> 3) Has anyone tried heavy metal chelation with any success?


> Thanks, I look forward to your responses.


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  • 1 year later...

Hi Karla,

Yes, LC means low contact/little contact.

Don't let your brother/mother put you on the defensive about not calling.

Sometimes it doesn't seem to work so well to try to explain -- and you don't

owe anyone an explanation. Just let your actions speak -- and say things like -

I've been very busy, I've been tied up with lots of things, etc. Any time they

draw you in, your words can be used against you! And, yes, finding a GOOD

therapist can be invaluable. Stay in touch with this board, too, and you'll get

lots of support.


new member


> Hello All,


> My mother was just recently diagnosed with BPD. She had been


> with me and my family for the past 5 yrs, and on New Years night


> tried to OD. My husband, having had enough, did not allow her to

> return home. Just just got diagnosed last week.


> I am currently reading Stop Walking on Egg Shells, and I am having


> really hard time right now figuring out what to do. I am having a

> hard time seperating myself from her. She is like an addiction, I


> horrible until I call her atleast once in the day, then I do, and


> makes me feel horrible. But yet, I keep calling!


> I am happy to have found this site, and hope all of you can give


> advice.


> Thank you,

> Karla







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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

that is a great list.

For my dad I avoid all family functions. I just can't stand the way he

tries to bait me when we are in public or around family. None of my

siblings nor my mother have ever acknowledged the seriousness of this

so I don't feel obligated to show up. I generally don't enjoy stuff

like this anyway so it is all good.

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  • 2 years later...

Hello everyone,

I'm new here, and thought a quick introduction might be a good idea.

We are both in our late 60's and up until recently, relatively healthy.

My husband was diagnosed 5.5 years ago with Parkinson's but that was

recently changed to LBD. My father died from Parkinson's so I am very

familiar there, but LBD is new to me. Being a Certified Occupational

Therapist Assistant (retired), I had to research to learn what was

happening, and what we have to look forward to. It is not easy

seeing a person you love and have known most of your adult life make

the changes we are experiencing, but you all know that. I am

concerned about how we will manage in time to come. The cognition

has already become a real problem. Communication between us is also

hard with the mumbling making it hard to understand him, and his

hearing is also impaired. I find this very frustrating at times, but

I will get through this. Honestly though, I am tired of yelling and,

saying " what? " , " you have to speak up/clearer " . I realize there is no

answer for this as he is refusing a hearing aid and he can not help

the mumbling.

He is still working, self employed, but, the LBD has started to

affect the business, with financial difficulties a result. This is

necessitating that he retire in the very near future.

Family is there, but, they are not accepting the severity of the

dementia and cognition problems. I keep trying to instill this,

however, I feel like I am talking to a brick wall. He has his good

days, and, when it is a bad day, he just gets quiet, which is normal

for his personality as he has always been a quiet person who does not

talk much. He has them believing he is just fine.

Thanks for letting me vent. I'll probably lurk for a while to learn more.


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