Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 I think it has more to do with what is considered choice versus what is pathology. So many people wonder what actions are personal free will choice, what is the mental affliction, what is the nature. or what is nurture. My stance on it is this: Unless we are certifiably insane and cannot possibly determine right from wrong we must be held accountable for our actions. Some people were abused and grow up to abuse; I believe these people became attracted to the idea of power, they learned that violence against the vulnerable was a cheap way to attain the illusion of power. I believe these people are cowards and, as cowards, they pick on the vulnerable. After all, the last thing a coward wants is a fair fight. Then there are those that were abused and, due to personal choice, chose to become more compassionate and refused to abuse others. Those are the truly brave individuals. It annoys me when criminals claim an abusive childhood as the reason they damaged society. Yes, some abuse can be so traumatic that it can literally damage our sanity but, most of the time, we still are able to determine right from wrong. Bottom line is, those that continued the cycle of abuse took the selfish way out, those that broke the cycle are brave warriors for good. Wilkinson wrote: I suppose that in their own sick way that is how they get control. Kind of the Lord of the Flies for parents. They were abused so they are taught that it is ok to abuse. What gets me is that there are many many people who are abused and then don't go on to do that to their children. It is as if there is a crazy switch that is turned on or off depending on the circumstances.. Some part of you says that it is not ok and that the people who are telling you that it is are liars. It is despicable for any adult to do that to a child. I also do not believe that anyone who crosses that line is redeemable. In my eyes if they are not in jail they should not be left alone with any child and they should be told that if they go near a child their next action would be to plead guilty in court. What I am going to ask is very sensitive question and if I am off base you let me know. But do you think that the reason your mother did not stop what was going on with you and you sister is because she was trying to buy your Grandfada's affection? That the two of you were gifts to keep her tenuous relationship with him? It absolutely turns my stomach to even think about it, but it does explain her reaction when you told her what had happened and she blew you off. Your Nada is a very disturbed person and in a way it is not her fault that she is disturbed. It is her fault that she did not do more to protect you. You assume that she has guilt about what she has done and said, I hate to tell you that but I don't think she does. If she had guilt she would be trying to do what is right by you, and she is not. She is disconnected from her responsibilities as a parent. Amazing. No doubt that parts of her emotional make up died when she was molested. Don't let that happen to you. I am so sorry this happened to you. It is not fair. But I do believe in Karma, what goes around comes around. Look at it this way the more progress you make the less significant they become. You can never forget what happened, but you can be strong enough to let it not control you. Keep working on it. Be strong. You will get there, once you decide where there is. Re: Character assasination I think it's crazy but it's a different kind of crazy than what we are taught about growing up. The further into this work I get the more furious I get that we aren't even taught to watch for and discern for sociopaths when we are young/er. 1 out of 20 people is a sociopath. Bpds and npds act like sociopaths to the point that sometimes you can't tell the difference. I read somewhere that as far as borderline that is why it's called that, because it is on the border between a narcissist and a full-blown sociopath (psychopath) . Someone correct me if I have that wrong. And then there is the thing of thinking that sociopaths are all serial killers. Most are not, most aren't even criminals. And of thinking that crazy people drool and are ill-groomed. ..when those are the extreme cases and the far more dangerous crazy person, most of the time, is the one that looks good, smells okay, dresses well, is well-spoken and charming and has no conscience whatsoever. This is something I can't believe I never learned about...all this time thinking it was me and I guess I deserved this. Only after this last year of drawing several into my life at once and being hurt by their behavior did I finally say 'something really messed up is going on here'. I sometimes wonder reading these posts if it's possible the mothers who flipped back and forth mood-wise so much are multiple personality. ..there is a new name for that now, I can't remember it. How is it that they are able to be crazy yet know that it is okay to torment their children as long as they keep their appearance to the outside world. How is it they can torment their children and live with the guilt? How is it that they can be so absolutely insane to their kids and so without any understanding of what parenting is but be so astute as to be able to discern almost perfectly exactly how to toe the line with the outside world so as not to be suspected of wrong-doing. ..those two things seem so contradictory to me and yet they are present in the same person; someone who is a very quick- study and a master manipulator but seems incapable of approximating, even remotely, normal parenting behavior. Sorry I have no answers I am just thinking out loud and pretty incredulous. ________________________________________________________________________________\ ____ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. search/category.php?category=shopping Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 That is what Narc/Socio do. They have their atennas tuned to the one thing that can dissuade their behavior, that being " consequences " Remember that N/BP/SO are always playing to the crowd, except when it is a crowd that they feel has no potential power over them (children, the vulnerable). Narc are " high on the lie " and with every new group there is a new lie to display. Have you noticed that most Narc are usually quiet and mild mannered when first meeting a new person? They seem almost generous with their ability to let others talk and they will listen. That serves the main purpose of Narc.They are attempting to " feel people out " in order to know how/if they can manipulate/abuse them. It is nothing more than a way of distinguishing prey or categorizing people. mayalisa728 wrote: I think it's crazy but it's a different kind of crazy than what we are taught about growing up. The further into this work I get the more furious I get that we aren't even taught to watch for and discern for sociopaths when we are young/er. 1 out of 20 people is a sociopath. Bpds and npds act like sociopaths to the point that sometimes you can't tell the difference. I read somewhere that as far as borderline that is why it's called that, because it is on the border between a narcissist and a full-blown sociopath (psychopath). Someone correct me if I have that wrong. And then there is the thing of thinking that sociopaths are all serial killers. Most are not, most aren't even criminals. And of thinking that crazy people drool and are ill-groomed...when those are the extreme cases and the far more dangerous crazy person, most of the time, is the one that looks good, smells okay, dresses well, is well-spoken and charming and has no conscience whatsoever. This is something I can't believe I never learned about...all this time thinking it was me and I guess I deserved this. Only after this last year of drawing several into my life at once and being hurt by their behavior did I finally say 'something really messed up is going on here'. I sometimes wonder reading these posts if it's possible the mothers who flipped back and forth mood-wise so much are multple personality...there is a new name for that now, I can't remember it. How is it that they are able to be crazy yet know that it is okay to torment their children as long as they keep their appearance to the outside world. How is it they can torment their children and live with the guilt? How is it that they can be so absolutely insane to their kids and so without any understanding of what parenting is but be so astute as to be able to discern almost perfectly exactly how to toe the line with the outside world so as not to be suspected of wrong-doing...those two things seem so contradictory to me and yet they are present in the same person; someone who is a very quick- study and a master manipulator but seems incapable of approximating, even remotely, normal parenting behavior. Sorry I have no answers I am just thinking out loud and pretty incredulous. --------------------------------- Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 What is mpd? Oh sorry, it's multiple personality disorder. Yeah, N/BPs seem to have that but it is a voluntary shifting into a new person. They want to be the personality that will service their particular whim at that moment. mayalisa728 wrote: I can relate to this: then when she's done and she gets out of the car, it's like > nothing ever happened. WTF?!!?!??!??! > When I first got into recovery from alcoholism there was a while where I thought maybe my mother was mpd or something like that, just because of these weird 'blanks' she would have. --------------------------------- Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 re your last paragraph, i doubt my mom has any multiple personalities. she probably has faulty wiring where memory is concerned. and knowing what is and isn't accepted? i think that's probably learned behavior. i know my mom had a heckuva childhood and her mom is COMPLETELY hung up on appearances (even though she blames her obesity on my mom...very very strange dynamic there). and she doesn't really seem to know that you can get mad about something and you don't have to go to extreme madness. example: my husband was doing the laundry (which he always does...i am a very lucky girl) and i noticed that he had hung one of my new sweaters out to dry. at first, i thought JESUSFARKINGCHRIST my DADGUMNEWSWEATERISRUINED!!! like, my brain jumped there faster than you could say fast. but then i thought, well, this is the first sweater made out of wool that i've actually owned and he probably didn't read the label and after all, it is just a sweater...nothing to ruin someone's day over. and then i's just a sweater...NOTHING TO RUIN SOMEONE'S DAY OVER...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... so instead of getting mad at him, i went in and said, " hey babe, i know you're doing the laundry and i like that you do the laundry, but you have to lay out sweaters flat or they'll get all stretched out. i'll just wash this one again and see if it goes back to the right shape. " he still felt bad about this and i was very glad he didn't have a mom like mine because he would have been DESTROYED. um, tangent? NO! I REMEMBER MY POINT! my mom doesn't seem to have the ability to take a step back and separate what she's feeling from what the appropriate response to the situation should be. she doesn't fear children's responses, but she does fear adults' responses, so that's probably why she can react one way in public and another in private. bink > > I think it's crazy but it's a different kind of crazy than what we > are taught about growing up. The further into this work I get the > more furious I get that we aren't even taught to watch for and > discern for sociopaths when we are young/er. 1 out of 20 people is a > sociopath. Bpds and npds act like sociopaths to the point that > sometimes you can't tell the difference. I read somewhere that as > far as borderline that is why it's called that, because it is on the > border between a narcissist and a full-blown sociopath (psychopath). > Someone correct me if I have that wrong. And then there is the thing > of thinking that sociopaths are all serial killers. Most are not, > most aren't even criminals. And of thinking that crazy people drool > and are ill-groomed...when those are the extreme cases and the far > more dangerous crazy person, most of the time, is the one that looks > good, smells okay, dresses well, is well-spoken and charming and has > no conscience whatsoever. This is something I can't believe I never > learned about...all this time thinking it was me and I guess I > deserved this. Only after this last year of drawing several into my > life at once and being hurt by their behavior did I finally > say 'something really messed up is going on here'. > > I sometimes wonder reading these posts if it's possible the mothers > who flipped back and forth mood-wise so much are multple > personality...there is a new name for that now, I can't remember it. > How is it that they are able to be crazy yet know that it is okay to > torment their children as long as they keep their appearance to the > outside world. How is it they can torment their children and live > with the guilt? How is it that they can be so absolutely insane to > their kids and so without any understanding of what parenting is but > be so astute as to be able to discern almost perfectly exactly how > to toe the line with the outside world so as not to be suspected of > wrong-doing...those two things seem so contradictory to me and yet > they are present in the same person; someone who is a very quick- > study and a master manipulator but seems incapable of approximating, > even remotely, normal parenting behavior. Sorry I have no answers I > am just thinking out loud and pretty incredulous. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 Thanks . Not trying to sound like my issues are worse than anyone else's, dammit though, I need to hear that healthy parents don't pull those kind of stunts. I hope that everything works out with your " relatives " on YOUR terms and that you are surrounded ONLY by people that treat you with respect. You deserve it. I've had to cut ties with some " relatives " for my own safety so I understand the challenge. Keep taking care of yourself and your son! Wilkinson wrote: Not only yes, but hell yes. This is in no way normal behavior. Admit that you were trained to react the way you are reacting. You have some real work ahead of you to try and decouple your behavior and reactions from what your mother did to you. DID to you. She did this for her own reasons which you may NEVER be able to understand. Work on getting distance between you and this abhorrent behavior. As for attracting the wrong sort of people. My God what else do you know? Honey, you have my deepest sympathies for what you are going through. Be good to yourself. I cannot even begin to understand what it may be like to walk in your shoes, but if any of us can pull ourselves out of that hole so can you. For me the first step was letting go of the illusions I had about my family. That if only I were " better, " what ever that meant, that my family would be better. Not gonna happen. You can renegotiate your relationships on you terms. It is up to your family to either accept or reject it, but that is their problem not yours. Right now I am working on letting my brother go for good. I don't like the way he treats me and I really don't like the way he treats my son. Not going to put up with it and not going to let anyone hurt my son. Fortunately my mother and I are renegotiating our relationship, but I am not hopeful that it will turn out all right. I can't be because I have been let down so many times before. We will see what will happen. When you finally accept that you deserve to be treated better you will seek out people who will treat you better. You deserve to be treated better in every respect. I think there are healthy people and people who get healthy and that is a part of growing up. Here is my idea of healthy: it doesn't hurt and you have nothing to explain if there is nothing to explain. Be strong. Re: Re: Character assasination I'm in a bad place regarding all of this right now. I began therapy several months has helped but I'm still in the painful healing process. My main wound that must heal is that I have developed an absolute terror of other people. Really, it has been destructive to my functioning as a productive member of society. Here's the situation: My Nada would do the cruelest abuses she could think of (having fake heart attacks, beating me without any warning or provocation, horrible character assassination, and one psycho episode after the next). She would do all of that in private without witnesses but, the SECOND any member of the " public " showed up, she would immediately become " saintly " . Here's one example: She would often have her fake heart attacks. I had already learned not to call the paramedics when she did that (the first time I tried to call for help she forced me intro a choke hold and then dragged me around the kitchen floor by my hair). Imagine this: A supposed grown woman was on the floor in fake convulsions, frothing at the mouth. The phone then rang and, like nothing had happened at all, she immediately got up and answered the phone. She sounded so sweet and calm. She often changed her demeanor like a light switch. Another example: She would rage while driving to church. She would scream obscenities at small kids but, the SECOND, her foot hit the church parking lot, she became " saintly " again. I would watch her as she went up to get Communion (for those that aren't Catholic, it is a mortal sin to accept Communion without confession. She obviously didn't consider screaming obscenities at children to be sinful at all). I almost expected her head to spin around like the " Exorcist " movie when she blessed herself with Holy Water or took Communion. It is terrible when you live with a " mother " who really is just Satan's Sadistic Sister. How did all that affect me? I don't trust anyone. The sweeter a person is the more uncomfortable I am around them. I don't have any personal friendships anymore because the terror of " waiting for the attack " is too much to handle. Ironically, I can handle myself well in superficial situations. I am a kind, respectful, and trustworthy person. Other people have noticed that and have offered their friendships to me. The moment they ask me to socialize with them I find excuses not to go because I am terrified that they will hurt me. I am terrified that they are sadists that are scheming to attack when I am vulnerable. How do I heal from this? It has sabotaged my career,my mental health, and my life. I want to heal but I don't know how. Do any of you feel that way? How did you cope? sboothdaniels wrote: I am sooo in that place right now. While therapy has been incredibly supportive and discovering the real issues of my Nada have been helpful all of this has also slammed me wide awake to the patterns (although less) that I have learned through my nadas behavior. Forgiveness and giving myself a break is not coming easy. I feel horrible for some of the things I have put my husband through and yes I do feel in my gut I am to completely blame even though it was a dynamic. It's that black and white thing all over the right and wrong. I am doing so much better in my relationships now and yet still can't find the acceptance button. How come the rewind and play back buttons are so easy to find? and the darn eject button never works? Sorry you are having a troubled day Mercy. Suebee > > > > > > I say as KO's we should be forgiven for our paranoia just a little. > > > > Carla > ------------ --------- --------- --- Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 > > Have you noticed that most Narc are usually quiet and mild mannered when first meeting a new person? They seem almost generous with their ability to let others talk and they will listen. That serves the main purpose of Narc.They are attempting to " feel people out " in order to know how/if they can manipulate/abuse them. It is nothing more than a way of distinguishing prey or categorizing people. > scary...i totally do this. i think i do it to keep myself from getting screwed over by people, but it is incredibly strange how much information most people are willing to volunteer to a stranger...and given my ability to read people and tell whether they are lying or not AND interpret their reactions to thing fairly accurately, i can have a pretty good workup of that person in a very short amount of time which is usually right. i make it a point never to tell anyone anything that i think they can use against me, no matter how good at listening they are. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 The difference is that you don't use it towards malignant purposes. Interesting but have you ever noticed that its the same methods used towards a different purpose? For example: The same psychological tricks advertisers use to manipulate us into a bad idea are the same tactics used to excite people into a good idea. The same tactics the police use to stake out a criminals house are the same tactics the criminals use to stalk a person? Maybe its just me, but I have noticed that its the same stuff used towards a different goal. bink1227 wrote: > > Have you noticed that most Narc are usually quiet and mild mannered when first meeting a new person? They seem almost generous with their ability to let others talk and they will listen. That serves the main purpose of Narc.They are attempting to " feel people out " in order to know how/if they can manipulate/abuse them. It is nothing more than a way of distinguishing prey or categorizing people. > scary...i totally do this. i think i do it to keep myself from getting screwed over by people, but it is incredibly strange how much information most people are willing to volunteer to a stranger...and given my ability to read people and tell whether they are lying or not AND interpret their reactions to thing fairly accurately, i can have a pretty good workup of that person in a very short amount of time which is usually right. i make it a point never to tell anyone anything that i think they can use against me, no matter how good at listening they are. --------------------------------- Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 Damn, your Nada went out of her way to damage everyone around her. Thank God you are out of there now!! You don't actually speak to her anymore do you? bink1227 wrote: i thought it was going to be a good idea when my parents divorced because they fought ALL the TIME and if they had some time away from each other, i thought they could chill out. that isn't what mom turned on me and fought ALL the TIME anyway. and without dad there, i was the closest thing to a rational adult in the house (and i was 11). i realize that it takes two to tango, but it's really hard for me not to blame her for the divorce. also, it adds a whole new level of jealousy and craziness to family holidays. mom would always " forget " every year that we were going to go to dad's holiday things and would plan something at the exact same time across town and freak out when we decided to stick to the plan and go to dad's thing. and she would get crazy jealous of the time i spent with dad's sisters. she would often threaten to send me to live with my dad, but she never THAT would have been nice. see, there never really was time away from her. there was time preparing to tell her we were doing something and time waiting for the onslaught of craziness and time worrying how life would be when we got back and time hearing how our entire family was out to get us and that they didn't like us anyway. never a break...not even in the middle of the night...thinking about this is kind of making me wonder whether i'm a rational adult or whether i'm so crazy i have deluded myself into THINKING i'm a rational adult, because it doesn't seem that anything good could come out of a crazy situation i came from. sounds like your mom is a big honking hypocrite. why does life have to be so chaotic for them? why do they HAVE to create these situations? why can't they just let anybody ever relax around them? i don't get it. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I say as KO's we should be forgiven for our paranoia just a > > little. > > > > > > > > > > Carla > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------- > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! > > Search. > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 this board is SO WEIRD! it's so strange to have people say what i've been thinking for so long, yet haven't heard in forever. i think what we have would be considered low contact: i go over to her house every other sunday for a couple of hours and hang out with my little sister who lives there, my other sister, family friends, and a few cousins (from dad's side of the family, strangely enough), but i don't talk to her on the phone or email her, and she doesn't have permission to call my cell phone. i don't give her the number and forbade everyone in the family from giving it to her. we have a very superficial relationship, and practically no time alone together. she doesn't seem very interested in me as a human and it's probably best that way. she has tried to cause problems between my mom-in-law and i and i think that she figures i've " chosen " my mom-in-law. the thing she does most often that causes drama is to refuse to let my little sister leave the house, but the sis just turned 18, so that probably won't be a problem anymore. ALL THREE OF US SISTERS HAVE SURVIVED INTO ADULTHOOD! WOOHOO!!! bink > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I say as KO's we should be forgiven for our paranoia just a > > > little. > > > > > > > > > > > > Carla > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------- > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! > > > Search. > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 I agree completely. Re: Character assasination I think it's crazy but it's a different kind of crazy than what we are taught about growing up. The further into this work I get the more furious I get that we aren't even taught to watch for and discern for sociopaths when we are young/er. 1 out of 20 people is a sociopath. Bpds and npds act like sociopaths to the point that sometimes you can't tell the difference. I read somewhere that as far as borderline that is why it's called that, because it is on the border between a narcissist and a full-blown sociopath (psychopath) . Someone correct me if I have that wrong. And then there is the thing of thinking that sociopaths are all serial killers. Most are not, most aren't even criminals. And of thinking that crazy people drool and are ill-groomed. ..when those are the extreme cases and the far more dangerous crazy person, most of the time, is the one that looks good, smells okay, dresses well, is well-spoken and charming and has no conscience whatsoever. This is something I can't believe I never learned about....all this time thinking it was me and I guess I deserved this. Only after this last year of drawing several into my life at once and being hurt by their behavior did I finally say 'something really messed up is going on here'. I sometimes wonder reading these posts if it's possible the mothers who flipped back and forth mood-wise so much are multiple personality. ..there is a new name for that now, I can't remember it. How is it that they are able to be crazy yet know that it is okay to torment their children as long as they keep their appearance to the outside world. How is it they can torment their children and live with the guilt? How is it that they can be so absolutely insane to their kids and so without any understanding of what parenting is but be so astute as to be able to discern almost perfectly exactly how to toe the line with the outside world so as not to be suspected of wrong-doing. ..those two things seem so contradictory to me and yet they are present in the same person; someone who is a very quick- study and a master manipulator but seems incapable of approximating, even remotely, normal parenting behavior. Sorry I have no answers I am just thinking out loud and pretty incredulous. ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. http://tools. com/new search/category. php?category= shopping Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 sounds like your mom might have attempted to tell someone about her father, but she got a response like the " bragging " response. i'm totally not trying to defend her. what she did was bad bad bad. but it just seems like this kind of language probably originated from somewhere in her childhood. it just seems like such an odd thing to say. " wow! look at me! i was completely abused by someone who was supposed to care about me! am i lucky or what?!?! " what the freaking hell? talking about painful stuff is not bragging. does this make sense? bink > > wow, I can't even imagine what is going on in her head, really. I > don't have a clue. Her defense is that she didn't think her father > would 'ever touch his grandchildren'. What that means I have no > idea. Back then no one was talking about sexual abuse, it was very > hidden. I truly believe that women on both sides of my family bury > the part of their psyche that remembers the abuse. Because they > can't 'go there' they can't protect their own children, or any > children around them. Instead of looking for 'warning signs' that > predators give out, they either don't see them or they attract them. > Since it is too painful for *them* to deal with they can't see it in > the lives of their children and protect them. It's the heighth of > narcissism, really, you can't get much more narcissistic than that. > I really believe that my mom got married and left home and believed > the past was the past. She didn't understand about repetition > compulsion or any of that stuff, even today very few people do. I > confronted my dad and her about this once...I said, how on earth > could you even send your child to stay unsupervised with someone who > was a *even* chronic alcoholic, a daily drinker. He rode the train > to come get me and went immediately to the bar on the train and got > drunk. They were both in complete denial...and they sure don't > appreciate me bringing this stuff up now, either. To them and to the > family members I've talked about it to I am just tormenting them > with the past. I am sorry for my mom but I'm also sorry for my own > experience. I do believe the guilt of this torments her. Actually, > you know, the guilt was tormenting her when my brother went NC with > my family and she lost her grandchild. Now that my brother is back > on the scene and apparently 'didn't really mean it' about the sexual > abuse and their refusal to acknowledge it being the reason he went > NC (he might have been abused as well) something seems to have > shifted, and not for the better, in our relationship. This is in the > past few months. > > I am much more angry with her about her treatment of me when I > started showing emotional problems from the abuse than the initial > abuse happening. I don't know why that is. I guess because when I > was that young she was in denial and no one was talking about it. > When I was older, everyone was talking about it, I had a meltdown > and started therapy (and became addicted) and she told me it was > like my sister and I " bragged about " having been sexually abused. Of > course she " doesn't remember " saying that now. I remember exactly > where I was standing, what I was wearing, etc, when she said that. > Thanks so much for your posts on here, and your questions, they have > gotten me thinking. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 " Have you noticed that most Narc are usually quiet and mild mannered when first meeting a new person? " Many of those I have met who fall into this catagory, are very very good at this. They are testing the waters and when they see an opportunity they go for it. They don't want to push too hard, because they might scare off potential prey. Once they have you figured out, then they test the boundaries and if they find you have none it is open season. Then it is all about tearing you down so that they can shine. A sick mirror. Re: Re: Character assasination That is what Narc/Socio do. They have their atennas tuned to the one thing that can dissuade their behavior, that being " consequences " Remember that N/BP/SO are always playing to the crowd, except when it is a crowd that they feel has no potential power over them (children, the vulnerable). Narc are " high on the lie " and with every new group there is a new lie to display. Have you noticed that most Narc are usually quiet and mild mannered when first meeting a new person? They seem almost generous with their ability to let others talk and they will listen. That serves the main purpose of Narc.They are attempting to " feel people out " in order to know how/if they can manipulate/abuse them. It is nothing more than a way of distinguishing prey or categorizing people. mayalisa728 <mayalisa728@> wrote: I think it's crazy but it's a different kind of crazy than what we are taught about growing up. The further into this work I get the more furious I get that we aren't even taught to watch for and discern for sociopaths when we are young/er. 1 out of 20 people is a sociopath. Bpds and npds act like sociopaths to the point that sometimes you can't tell the difference. I read somewhere that as far as borderline that is why it's called that, because it is on the border between a narcissist and a full-blown sociopath (psychopath) . Someone correct me if I have that wrong. And then there is the thing of thinking that sociopaths are all serial killers. Most are not, most aren't even criminals. And of thinking that crazy people drool and are ill-groomed. ..when those are the extreme cases and the far more dangerous crazy person, most of the time, is the one that looks good, smells okay, dresses well, is well-spoken and charming and has no conscience whatsoever. This is something I can't believe I never learned about...all this time thinking it was me and I guess I deserved this. Only after this last year of drawing several into my life at once and being hurt by their behavior did I finally say 'something really messed up is going on here'. I sometimes wonder reading these posts if it's possible the mothers who flipped back and forth mood-wise so much are multple personality. ..there is a new name for that now, I can't remember it. How is it that they are able to be crazy yet know that it is okay to torment their children as long as they keep their appearance to the outside world. How is it they can torment their children and live with the guilt? How is it that they can be so absolutely insane to their kids and so without any understanding of what parenting is but be so astute as to be able to discern almost perfectly exactly how to toe the line with the outside world so as not to be suspected of wrong-doing. ..those two things seem so contradictory to me and yet they are present in the same person; someone who is a very quick- study and a master manipulator but seems incapable of approximating, even remotely, normal parenting behavior. Sorry I have no answers I am just thinking out loud and pretty incredulous. ------------ --------- --------- --- Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 Thank you. I'm glad I can in some small way to help you regain your perspective. Your mom's behavior might be normal on a Saturday Night Live skit, but it is not normal anywhere else. I know that I am dating myself but Jane Curtain could have taken everything you wrote and turned it into one scary funny skit. We could call it Psycho Mother's Day. I don't know why I find that worth a chuckle and I am in no way making light of what you have gone through. But it is so over the top, that it is just this side of ridiculous. And that is your mom's problem not yours. Be strong. Re: Re: Character assasination I'm in a bad place regarding all of this right now. I began therapy several months has helped but I'm still in the painful healing process. My main wound that must heal is that I have developed an absolute terror of other people. Really, it has been destructive to my functioning as a productive member of society. Here's the situation: My Nada would do the cruelest abuses she could think of (having fake heart attacks, beating me without any warning or provocation, horrible character assassination, and one psycho episode after the next). She would do all of that in private without witnesses but, the SECOND any member of the " public " showed up, she would immediately become " saintly " . Here's one example: She would often have her fake heart attacks. I had already learned not to call the paramedics when she did that (the first time I tried to call for help she forced me intro a choke hold and then dragged me around the kitchen floor by my hair). Imagine this: A supposed grown woman was on the floor in fake convulsions, frothing at the mouth. The phone then rang and, like nothing had happened at all, she immediately got up and answered the phone. She sounded so sweet and calm. She often changed her demeanor like a light switch. Another example: She would rage while driving to church. She would scream obscenities at small kids but, the SECOND, her foot hit the church parking lot, she became " saintly " again. I would watch her as she went up to get Communion (for those that aren't Catholic, it is a mortal sin to accept Communion without confession. She obviously didn't consider screaming obscenities at children to be sinful at all). I almost expected her head to spin around like the " Exorcist " movie when she blessed herself with Holy Water or took Communion. It is terrible when you live with a " mother " who really is just Satan's Sadistic Sister. How did all that affect me? I don't trust anyone. The sweeter a person is the more uncomfortable I am around them. I don't have any personal friendships anymore because the terror of " waiting for the attack " is too much to handle. Ironically, I can handle myself well in superficial situations. I am a kind, respectful, and trustworthy person. Other people have noticed that and have offered their friendships to me. The moment they ask me to socialize with them I find excuses not to go because I am terrified that they will hurt me. I am terrified that they are sadists that are scheming to attack when I am vulnerable. How do I heal from this? It has sabotaged my career,my mental health, and my life.. I want to heal but I don't know how. Do any of you feel that way? How did you cope? sboothdaniels wrote: I am sooo in that place right now. While therapy has been incredibly supportive and discovering the real issues of my Nada have been helpful all of this has also slammed me wide awake to the patterns (although less) that I have learned through my nadas behavior. Forgiveness and giving myself a break is not coming easy. I feel horrible for some of the things I have put my husband through and yes I do feel in my gut I am to completely blame even though it was a dynamic. It's that black and white thing all over the right and wrong. I am doing so much better in my relationships now and yet still can't find the acceptance button. How come the rewind and play back buttons are so easy to find? and the darn eject button never works? Sorry you are having a troubled day Mercy. Suebee > > > > > > I say as KO's we should be forgiven for our paranoia just a little. > > > > Carla > ------------ --------- --------- --- Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 I think she was just embarassed about it and was trying to shut us up from talking about it. Just a typical narcissistic reaction. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 " I am much more angry with her about her treatment of me when I started showing emotional problems from the abuse than the initial abuse happening. I don't know why that is. " She was your mother and as such should have been on your side. It is heartbreaking to hear your story and yet you are confirming what I have always suspected, child abuse does not come crashing in out of the blue. There are many many signs and you have to be open to them to keep your children safe. Being a single mom I am truly terrified that my son might be taken advantage of because he lacks a father figure. That is why he is so attached to his Uncle, because he is a dominant male figure in his life and he needs that. That my brother is so cold to him breaks my heart and is part of the reason I want to cut my brother loose. Because my son feels he has to work extra hard to get my brother's attention, he is being trained for how other males might interact with him. I will not have my brother set my son's boundaries. Because that is just wrong. My boy should have a loving and safe relationship with an adult male in order for him to grow up to be a loving and safe man. I am glad you are in a place to share your story, because it helps me to understand how to view men who are prone to that kind of monsterous behavior. I will be sure to check out any adult male's extended family before I let that man have any sort of friendship or relationship (big brothers, big sisters or stepfather) with my son. By being honest you are helping me protect my son and I thank you for it. Re: Character assasination wow, I can't even imagine what is going on in her head, really. I don't have a clue. Her defense is that she didn't think her father would 'ever touch his grandchildren' . What that means I have no idea. Back then no one was talking about sexual abuse, it was very hidden. I truly believe that women on both sides of my family bury the part of their psyche that remembers the abuse. Because they can't 'go there' they can't protect their own children, or any children around them. Instead of looking for 'warning signs' that predators give out, they either don't see them or they attract them. Since it is too painful for *them* to deal with they can't see it in the lives of their children and protect them. It's the heighth of narcissism, really, you can't get much more narcissistic than that. I really believe that my mom got married and left home and believed the past was the past. She didn't understand about repetition compulsion or any of that stuff, even today very few people do. I confronted my dad and her about this once...I said, how on earth could you even send your child to stay unsupervised with someone who was a *even* chronic alcoholic, a daily drinker. He rode the train to come get me and went immediately to the bar on the train and got drunk. They were both in complete denial...and they sure don't appreciate me bringing this stuff up now, either. To them and to the family members I've talked about it to I am just tormenting them with the past. I am sorry for my mom but I'm also sorry for my own experience. I do believe the guilt of this torments her. Actually, you know, the guilt was tormenting her when my brother went NC with my family and she lost her grandchild. Now that my brother is back on the scene and apparently 'didn't really mean it' about the sexual abuse and their refusal to acknowledge it being the reason he went NC (he might have been abused as well) something seems to have shifted, and not for the better, in our relationship. This is in the past few months. I am much more angry with her about her treatment of me when I started showing emotional problems from the abuse than the initial abuse happening. I don't know why that is. I guess because when I was that young she was in denial and no one was talking about it. When I was older, everyone was talking about it, I had a meltdown and started therapy (and became addicted) and she told me it was like my sister and I " bragged about " having been sexually abused. Of course she " doesn't remember " saying that now. I remember exactly where I was standing, what I was wearing, etc, when she said that. Thanks so much for your posts on here, and your questions, they have gotten me thinking. __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 It doesn't come from a book it is just what I have observed in my experience. There have been some discussions about the connection between narcisssism, drug addiction, and mental health issues. A " dry drunk " would be considered a narcissist that once drank but, now even being sober, still utilizes the same projection, deflection, and denial that an alcoholic uses. Interesting, these are the exact same tactics used by any Narcissist whether they use substances or not. mayalisa728 wrote: okay, that helps, thanks. I am still very fuzzy on all this but if I look at their behavior with 'consequences' being the thing that motivates them in all instances, or not, it seems to be a unifying thread. When you say 'high on the lie' etc as regards to narcissists, does that come from a specific book? I'd like to read more about this and would love some suggestions for reading material. __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 Sorry, I should have clarified. Narcissists are motivated by " whim " and they only modify their behavior due to fear of " consequences " . One example, if a Narc feels the whim to slap a person across the face they don't judge the situation in terms of right/wrong, fair/unfair. They will slap that person if they feel that they can get away with it without consequences. Usually a Narc will abuse someone that is vunerable but never hit, for example, a 300 pound bodybuilder. Does that make any sense? Heon wrote: It doesn't come from a book it is just what I have observed in my experience. There have been some discussions about the connection between narcisssism, drug addiction, and mental health issues. A " dry drunk " would be considered a narcissist that once drank but, now even being sober, still utilizes the same projection, deflection, and denial that an alcoholic uses. Interesting, these are the exact same tactics used by any Narcissist whether they use substances or not. mayalisa728 wrote: okay, that helps, thanks. I am still very fuzzy on all this but if I look at their behavior with 'consequences' being the thing that motivates them in all instances, or not, it seems to be a unifying thread. When you say 'high on the lie' etc as regards to narcissists, does that come from a specific book? I'd like to read more about this and would love some suggestions for reading material. __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 2008 Report Share Posted March 18, 2008 Makes extreme sense. Re: Re: Character assasination Sorry, I should have clarified. Narcissists are motivated by " whim " and they only modify their behavior due to fear of " consequences " . One example, if a Narc feels the whim to slap a person across the face they don't judge the situation in terms of right/wrong, fair/unfair.. They will slap that person if they feel that they can get away with it without consequences. Usually a Narc will abuse someone that is vunerable but never hit, for example, a 300 pound bodybuilder. Does that make any sense? Heon <mheonyahoo (DOT) com> wrote: It doesn't come from a book it is just what I have observed in my experience. There have been some discussions about the connection between narcisssism, drug addiction, and mental health issues. A " dry drunk " would be considered a narcissist that once drank but, now even being sober, still utilizes the same projection, deflection, and denial that an alcoholic uses. Interesting, these are the exact same tactics used by any Narcissist whether they use substances or not. mayalisa728 <mayalisa728@> wrote: okay, that helps, thanks. I am still very fuzzy on all this but if I look at their behavior with 'consequences' being the thing that motivates them in all instances, or not, it seems to be a unifying thread. When you say 'high on the lie' etc as regards to narcissists, does that come from a specific book? I'd like to read more about this and would love some suggestions for reading material. ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 2008 Report Share Posted March 18, 2008 I love that phrase 'high on the lie' and it would be great if at some point you could write out the bullet points...I have witnessed the 'high on the lie' behavior in a friend of mine, slandering people and then eating them alive when they tried to defend themselves against her, despite the fact that she was completely in the wrong with what she was doing and the truth was not on her side. Her presence was so strong that she got away with it, and you could just feel the satifaction she was getting from hurting someone coming out of her pores, it was like hurting people was her 'raison d'etre'; she could have been a junkie or a kleptomaniac but instead her 'fix' was playing these games, breaking up couples and wooing the man to her side. It was sick and bizarre, but clearly she got a 'high' from it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 2008 Report Share Posted March 18, 2008 she got away with it by looks, charm, money, and charisma. I should have said former friend rather than friend. She does something I've never seen anyone do, which is cultivate suitors behind the scenes so that they will rush to her defense when she is going after one of her victims. I realized that she was making each potential suitor think they were 'the one' or close to being 'the one'...whereas normal people would take care not to lead anyone on she would tease people, even tell them she 'loved them' and call them 'darling' and tell them how 'wonderful' they were. Because she looked like a model (or an older version of a model) men just fell all over themselves for her. Really a vicious person that had the ability to come out smelling like a rose because her suitors were so ga-ga over her and would defend her against people whom she had genuinely wronged; she really seemed to love 'stealing' men from women who were interested in them, when the relationship was new. She betrayed my trust in a really public and vicious way, but live and learn. I needed to know there were bad people in the world, not violent criminals but people like her who thrive on causing others emotional pain for sport. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 yes, it's very, very true. I've never met anyone who takes so much pure pleasure from causing other women pain. It was a hard lesson to learn but I am glad I understand that there are people out there who are all shiny on the outside but whose insides are black grimey goop. Looks good does not equal is good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 I'm sorry that happened. People like that have several short term relationships but most people (unless they are fellow sociopaths/narcs) drop them after a year or so. mayalisa728 wrote: she got away with it by looks, charm, money, and charisma. I should have said former friend rather than friend. She does something I've never seen anyone do, which is cultivate suitors behind the scenes so that they will rush to her defense when she is going after one of her victims. I realized that she was making each potential suitor think they were 'the one' or close to being 'the one'...whereas normal people would take care not to lead anyone on she would tease people, even tell them she 'loved them' and call them 'darling' and tell them how 'wonderful' they were. Because she looked like a model (or an older version of a model) men just fell all over themselves for her. Really a vicious person that had the ability to come out smelling like a rose because her suitors were so ga-ga over her and would defend her against people whom she had genuinely wronged; she really seemed to love 'stealing' men from women who were interested in them, when the relationship was new. She betrayed my trust in a really public and vicious way, but live and learn. I needed to know there were bad people in the world, not violent criminals but people like her who thrive on causing others emotional pain for sport. --------------------------------- Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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