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need volunteers, women with contacts, etc.

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Hi Everyone! Fabia has come up with an AMAZING idea and we have been

working hard on brainstorming ideas for some time now. In March 2001 (only

a few months away) we plan to launch the first ever Vulvar Health

Awareness Month. We realize that it will be small in 2001 but we hope that

in time it will increase to a larger international event with increasing

media presence.

We are not going to clog the list with these e-mails so if you are

interested in either volunteering or facilitating connections (networking)

please e-mail me at debby@ indiana.edu (without the space between @ and

indiana). We need volunteers who feel comfortable contacting the media

and/or health groups about our efforts in planning this day. We also need

people who have connections in public relations, different media (TV

stations, magazines, newspapers, web sites - esp. those related to women

or health). Even if you yourself do not have the time to volunteer, it

would really help us if you could facilitate contacts for us - for

example, friends or relatives (or yourself!) that work for a newspaper or

work for a PR firm and might help us out. Also if you have contacts that

work at corporations that might consider contributing either money or

advertisement space or things like t-shirts, buttons/pins, mirrors (We

would like to give out mirrors one day, even if it can't be 2001 - to

promote vulvar self exams). THINK BIG!

Also, if you cannot participate but just plain have lots of ideas, please

e-mail me with them!

We all can emphathize with the isolation and lack of information out there

about vulvar problems and also with the difficulty being public about

them. Let's move in the direction of making the public (and physicians)

more aware and also in the direction of making information more

accessible. Please consider joining us in any way that you can to make a



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