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Happy Mother's Day for Debra

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That is GREAT news! It sounds as though Zaky is doing just great! I didn't realize you were expecting him home so soon ( I thought it was gonna be the summer time) How is Tryny doing with his new little brother? I'll bet he's tickled pink...or blue should I say.

I hope you get that respite care like yesterday, nobody could handle that schedule overnight!Happy Mother's Day Debra....:)

Mom to Kennedy 2yr old CHARGEr, 10, 9, and wife to GraemeNew Brunswick, CanadaVisit the "Weir homepage" at: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/5716ICQ #1426476

Re: new member

Hi All,I just wanted everyone to know that yesterday we brought ZAK home !!!!!!!!! It is sooooooooo great to see him laying in "his own bed - in his own home".This is the best Mother's Day present I can get. "ALL" my children home.I haven't been able to get respite care for 11pm to 7am yet and I'm hoping they get someone soon as my daughter Niki has started a new job and she works 3am to 9am Sunday thru Thursday. So I have her help tonight and tomorrow but as of Sunday, if I don't get someone to sit with Zak at night, looks like I will be handling both boys at night. Not sure how that will work as they are in two different rooms, Tryny still has apnea all night from midnight to 6am and Zak has to be suctioned every 2 hours, but I'll get it done somehow, always do.Zak is so different, he weighs 15 pounds now, plays with toys and hands and rolls everywhere. He is a "baby" this time at home (and not just someone we can only look as), we can actually play with him.Just wanted to share my "good news".Debra

For information about the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation or to become a member please contact marion@... or visit the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation web page at http://www.chargesyndrome.org

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