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Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

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In a message dated 26/10/2006 04:57:28 GMT Daylight Time,

smann writes:

Carb cravings could be adrenals craving sugar for energy, or could be

candida. Chocolate cravings could be sugar for adrenals or candida, or

magnesium deficiency.

Thanks . Well I am weaning off h.c so that could be implicated I


And stressed.

Stress affects the adrenals right? and then there is a knock-on effect with

the blood sugar dropping - hence cravings?

Is this correct?

I really want to try to understand the actual step-by-step process in the

body if I can get the information.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 26/10/2006 06:53:19 GMT Daylight Time,

smann writes:

The halloween candy I

bought for giving out, is almost gone from me eating it when I get home from

Oh yes , I remember it well!!!!!!!

I did this last year and there was little left for callers.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 26/10/2006 11:02:27 GMT Daylight Time,

linnmiller@... writes:

Mitral Valve Prolapse, causes me heart arrthymias if I don't take the


Oh I see. Doctor thought i had that some years back when they were first

investigating the appearance of exhaustion for no explicable (at that time)


Then when they sent me to the hospital to be checked out, they said there

that it was something called a 'click' and nothing to worry about.

Does it cause you any problems?


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 26/10/2006 11:29:59 GMT Daylight Time,

gill_annie@... writes:

suspicious and I'm thinking now it must just be my adrenals adjusting

to coming off the h/c and maybe needing the extra energy and the


Yep! Maybe same reason for me but I feel soooooo ashamed when I pig out on

it. At least you are not fat!


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 26/10/2006 13:12:43 GMT Daylight Time, mives@...


Exactly. If you are under stress, I would not wean off HC right now. you

should wait until things settle down. If you're getting those sugar

cravings, your body isn't ready yet.

Oh yes I have called a temporary halt to the reduction while the stress is

going on.

Also getting viral infections etc. so of course I will wait until everything

settles before proceeding.

I have reduced half of what I was taking, that is down from 30 to 15 mg so

good progress so far.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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How cool is that, the class research. Did it work on the kids?

I used to get chocolate cravings sometimes, but the magnesium has

gotten rid of that totally. I haven't had too much of a problem

though because I don't care for sugar free chocolate and I can't eat

real sugar without paying for it with a really bad headache so that

alone is enough to keep me away from it.


On Oct 25, 2006, at 5:22 PM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:

> Linn:


> I never used artificial sweeteners. When I taught colleg chem 10

> years ago,

> I had my class do research papers on the dangers of aspartame!


> I get the sugar craving terribly at around 3:00 and start in on

> chocolate.

> I quit buying ice cream and now buy frozen yogart. The halloween

> candy I

> bought for giving out, is almost gone from me eating it when I get

> home from

> work. today I tried taking half a grain when that happens. Will see

> how it

> goes.




>> .



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In a message dated 26/10/2006 14:48:19 GMT Daylight Time,

linnmiller@... writes:

I don't like the feeling of the arrythmias so I've been

pleased with the magnesium replacement.

I am so glad you found a solution. Arrhythmias YUK!

Has to be one of the most horrible physical sensations.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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Yes, it's magnesium in a powdered form, you add it to hot water and

drink it like tea. It comes in a rasberry lemon flavor, very tasty.

It's one of my favorite supplements. Also good for those with

absorption problems.




> In a message dated 26/10/2006 02:17:11 GMT Daylight Time,

> linnmiller@... writes:


> I take magnesium citrate also and at night I take Natural Calm.


> Thanks Linn and Natural Calm has magnesium in it also?


> Mo


> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services



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Mitral Valve Prolapse, causes me heart arrthymias if I don't take the





> In a message dated 26/10/2006 02:17:29 GMT Daylight Time,

> linnmiller@... writes:


> I wouldn't increase that much at one time, it would probably cause

> loose bowels. It's like Vitamin C, you build up to a bowel

> tolerance. I also have MVP and it's good for that.


> Thanks Linn. I take your point about building up. What is MVP by

> the way?

> thanks.


> Mo


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I think in general. How many things are fortified with c alcium now, due to

the osteoporosis scare? Everything is fortified with calcium, not to

mention the amounts of dairy we eat. Also, hard water (your typical well

water) is high in calcium, but soils are deficient in magnesium. This

creates a huge imbalance.

I think one of the biggest factors in osteo is hypothyroid. My MIL is

hypothryoid, been on Synthroid for a few years after I convinced her to get

tested. She had calcium deposits removed from her breasts about 9 years

ago, YET the doctors have her taking Caltrate for osteoporosis.




Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

> Do we have high calcium diets? Everyone generally? Or is this a hypo

> thing you're referring to?


> Warmly,





>> To balance out the high calcium in our diets, also hypo's are

> generally mag.

>> deficient due to absorption, I think.







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The problem is that our hypo fat is not true fat. It is where our bodies

have hidden all the toxins in our environment, in an attempt to keep them

from circulating in our bodies. Thats why exercising and dieting does not

get rid of it. If it did, we would feel sick as hell!




Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input




>> In a message dated 25/10/2006 11:30:59 GMT Daylight Time,

>> smann writes:


>> terrible sugar cravings in the afternoon



>> Does anyone know precisely is the process, physiologically, of carb

>> cravings? Or chocolate cravings which is probably a different thing going

>> on?

>> Thanks.


>> Mo


>> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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Substitute those sweets with (1) protein; (2) Isocort; or (3) HC.




Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input


> ,


> I also quit using any of the artificial sweeteners and only use

> Stevia now. I've read that Nutrasweet, etc. can actually make you

> crave more sweets. I'm still working on losing the weight also, but

> I am feeling tremendously better than I was 3 months ago, so I'm

> hoping that it will all fall in line as my body recovers. I also

> have not had enough time to get back to my usual exercise routine

> yet, have been a little haphazard with that, so I'm sure that's not

> helping either.


> Linn


> On Oct 24, 2006, at 7:02 PM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:


>> Thanks. I am only at 1 and a half grains. My temps are not

>> particularly

>> low during the day but get low in the morning. I cannot lose the

>> weight and

>> get terrible sugar cravings in the afternoon.


>>> .





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Many years ago, but not recently. I should have the " better " test done, but

can't afford it right now.

I'm going for another IV Vit. treatment today, I'll see if I can talk to the

doc. about it then, and I'm going to call the chiro. as soon as he opens and

get in there and see if that is it. I have never, ever had pain like this

in my life before. Just breathing brings tears to my eyes. Ibuprofin is

taking the edge off so I can breathe, but that's about it. Even my lower

ribs hurt. Magnesium didn't do it, so its not that, I took 2,000 mg last

night in pill form, plus the mag. citrate drink before bed.

I did carry my son for about 15 minutes last night when he fell asleep in

the truck. But it didnt' start to bother me until about 3 hours or so





Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input




>> In a message dated 25/10/2006 21:14:25 GMT Daylight Time,

>> mives@...

>> writes:


>> 300 mg/day is not much at all. And what form are you taking? My doc. told

>> me to take Mangesium Malate for fibro pain, so I take 500 of that, plus

>> 500

>> of a mixed supplement (oxide, orotate, aspartate).



>> Hi

>> I am taking mag. citrate and I have been considering raising that.

>> Do you know what are the benefits of extra? I mean apart from the

>> chocolate

>> thing which is not to be underestimated.

>> I went to the shop last night and bought and ATE two large bars of

>> chocolate. My excuse? Oh well I had just had a v. stressful day and they

>> were

>> two-for-one!


>> M0


>> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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Exactly. If you are under stress, I would not wean off HC right now. you

should wait until things settle down. If you're getting those sugar

cravings, your body isn't ready yet.




Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input



> In a message dated 26/10/2006 04:57:28 GMT Daylight Time,

> smann writes:


> Carb cravings could be adrenals craving sugar for energy, or could be

> candida. Chocolate cravings could be sugar for adrenals or candida, or

> magnesium deficiency.



> Thanks . Well I am weaning off h.c so that could be implicated I

> suppose.

> And stressed.

> Stress affects the adrenals right? and then there is a knock-on effect

> with

> the blood sugar dropping - hence cravings?

> Is this correct?

> I really want to try to understand the actual step-by-step process in the

> body if I can get the information.


> Mo


> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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Yes, I think its official ;-) I've never had those problems taking





Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

> Anyone have " weirdness " with magnesium?


> Last night I took a little extra as advised by someone knowledgeable,

> to help with sleep, and woooo...weird!


> Had " visual disturbances " ...like seeing shadows & movement where there

> was none.


> Any thoughts? (Aside from my initial thought...OK, it is now OFFICIAL

> - I have lost it!)


> Thanks!


> Warmly,





>> Mo,


>> I take 1200 mgs of magnesium usually, I try to keep it between

>> 800-1200 mgs. You might try adding a little more to see if it helps.


>> Linn









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I usually tend to cave into my chocolate cravings, so long as it is a nice

organic dark chocolate (i.e., not as much sugar). And the cost helps me to

limit how much I eat ;-)

But I usually keep a bar or two of 70% dark organic chocolate in the

freezer, and have a square or two while I'm craving.

i'm off all milk products and sugar right now, so I havent' had chocolate in

3 weeks (unheard of!) But I'm really not missing it that much.




Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

> Hi yes I agree , these are chocolate cravings and I think

> they might all well be tied together as magnesium supports the

> adrenals and so helps to regulate hormones plus presumably a drop in

> cortisol levels could maybe exacerbate candida. I've also heard that

> chocolate helps mimic prostaglandins which help regulate our hormones

> so maybe theres another link there.


> Mo, its interesting we've had similar cravings but I didnt have any

> chocolate cravings whilst weaning off h/c but I did a week after I

> stopped so the last few days I've been craving lots of chocolate and

> I ended up eating some every day! Actually I felt pretty good on it,

> maybe due to the mineral content as I'm low in iron too. I'm a bit

> annoyed with myself actually as eaten chocolate for well over a year

> and wondered why these cravings came all out of the blue. Its a bit

> suspicious and I'm thinking now it must just be my adrenals adjusting

> to coming off the h/c and maybe needing the extra energy and the

> magnesium. I think chocolate is high in copper too.


> I've been taking a liquid ionic magnesium and I'm sure its helping.

> I also doubled my dose of probiotics for damage limitation and it

> seems to have helped a bit. This is quite an interesting page on food

> cravings.....


> http://www.naturopathyworks.com/pages/cravings.php


> Take care,


> Anne







>> In a message dated 26/10/2006 04:57:28 GMT Daylight Time,

>> smann writes:


>> Carb cravings could be adrenals craving sugar for energy, or could

> be

>> candida. Chocolate cravings could be sugar for adrenals or

> candida, or

>> magnesium deficiency.



>> Thanks . Well I am weaning off h.c so that could be

> implicated I

>> suppose.

>> And stressed.

>> Stress affects the adrenals right? and then there is a knock-on

> effect with

>> the blood sugar dropping - hence cravings?

>> Is this correct?

>> I really want to try to understand the actual step-by-step process

> in the

>> body if I can get the information.


>> Mo


>> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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It landed my butt in the stupid hospital with the whole program for

heart testing, and that nasty nitroglycerin, just in case I was

having a heart attack. It gave me the worst headache I have ever had

in my life, and I've full blown migraines with all the correlating

symptoms before that couldn't hold a candle to what that crap did to

me. I told my husband that I was never going to take that crap

again, even if I was having a heart attack. The MVP symptoms were

more pronounced when my ferritin dropped to 9, of course no one at

the hospital bothered to check that. MVP is usually not a problem

for most people other than causing the arrythmias. It usually

requires you to go on antibiotics any time you have dental procedures

done to prevent a particular form of heart infection. It's very

common in people who have scoliosis, which I have also. A

significant number of people who have MVP are low in magnesium. It

does cause a more serious form of arrythmias that can cause a heart

attack in a very small number of people. From what I've read or been

told by my doctors though, they don't have a way of detecting that

small number. For the majority of people though, it's easily

controlled. I don't like the feeling of the arrythmias so I've been

pleased with the magnesium replacement.




> In a message dated 26/10/2006 11:02:27 GMT Daylight Time,

> linnmiller@... writes:


> Mitral Valve Prolapse, causes me heart arrthymias if I don't take the

> magnesium.


> Oh I see. Doctor thought i had that some years back when they were

> first

> investigating the appearance of exhaustion for no explicable (at

> that time)

> reason.

> Then when they sent me to the hospital to be checked out, they said

> there

> that it was something called a 'click' and nothing to worry about.

> Does it cause you any problems?


> Mo


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It's also where our bodies store Estrogen, the

strongest " bad " forms, and in turn these Estrogen

stores actually create their own cloning factories for

themselves inside our fat cells. Not a good thing.

Causes huge carb cravings, among other things.

--- Ives wrote:

> The problem is that our hypo fat is not true fat.

> It is where our bodies

> have hidden all the toxins in our environment, in an

> attempt to keep them

> from circulating in our bodies. Thats why exercising

> and dieting does not

> get rid of it. If it did, we would feel sick as

> hell!


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> http://www.CurlyRescue.com



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This may sound like a dumb question, but then how do we get rid of it?


> The problem is that our hypo fat is not true fat. It is where our

> bodies

> have hidden all the toxins in our environment, in an attempt to

> keep them

> from circulating in our bodies. Thats why exercising and dieting

> does not

> get rid of it. If it did, we would feel sick as hell!


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> http://www.CurlyRescue.com


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Detox and far infrared sauna. I'm going in the vitaroyal program





Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

> ,


> This may sound like a dumb question, but then how do we get rid of it?


> Jackie





>> The problem is that our hypo fat is not true fat. It is where our

>> bodies

>> have hidden all the toxins in our environment, in an attempt to

>> keep them

>> from circulating in our bodies. Thats why exercising and dieting

>> does not

>> get rid of it. If it did, we would feel sick as hell!


>> Best,


>> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

>> http://www.CurlyRescue.com






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Yes, xenoestrogens. I just had blood test for that today. I'm probably

going to end up going on a program to detox it.




Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

> It's also where our bodies store Estrogen, the

> strongest " bad " forms, and in turn these Estrogen

> stores actually create their own cloning factories for

> themselves inside our fat cells. Not a good thing.

> Causes huge carb cravings, among other things.




> --- Ives wrote:


>> The problem is that our hypo fat is not true fat.

>> It is where our bodies

>> have hidden all the toxins in our environment, in an

>> attempt to keep them

>> from circulating in our bodies. Thats why exercising

>> and dieting does not

>> get rid of it. If it did, we would feel sick as

>> hell!


>> Best,


>> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

>> http://www.CurlyRescue.com



> __________________________________________________


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Hi ,

Could you please let us know what program that is for

detoxing and what you do on it? And how much your

xenoestrogens will have been reduced by the program


I'll be losing the extra weight I'm carrying around as

one means of losing those nasty xenoestrogen factories

- and at 100 pounds to lose, that should get rid of

quite a few of them I hope!

--- Ives wrote:

> Yes, xenoestrogens. I just had blood test for that

> today. I'm probably

> going to end up going on a program to detox it.


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> http://www.CurlyRescue.com


> Re: Re: Adrenal Results,

> would love some input



> > It's also where our bodies store Estrogen, the

> > strongest " bad " forms, and in turn these Estrogen

> > stores actually create their own cloning factories

> for

> > themselves inside our fat cells. Not a good thing.

> > Causes huge carb cravings, among other things.

> >

> >


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I'll let you know. I have a package coming in the mail to me as we speak

(type). And she wants me to use a far infrared sauna 3-4x/week. I'm not

sure I'll be able to do that though, as I can't find one less than an hour

away yet.

I am supposed to start with a liver/gall bladder flush. According to Linsey,

that is why I'm having this horrible back pain. And when I went to the

chiro. today, he asked me if I was having any digestion issues, and this is

also indicative of liver problems. Hmmmm, and I'm taking that darn





Re: Re: Adrenal Results,

>> would love some input



>> > It's also where our bodies store Estrogen, the

>> > strongest " bad " forms, and in turn these Estrogen

>> > stores actually create their own cloning factories

>> for

>> > themselves inside our fat cells. Not a good thing.

>> > Causes huge carb cravings, among other things.

>> >

>> >


> __________________________________________________


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Keep us posted on your progress. We're looking into putting in this

type of sauna. It's a lot of money and although I know it's very

good for detoxing, I'd also like to hear some personal

recommendations as to how well it works.


> I'll let you know. I have a package coming in the mail to me as we

> speak

> (type). And she wants me to use a far infrared sauna 3-4x/week. I'm

> not

> sure I'll be able to do that though, as I can't find one less than

> an hour

> away yet.


> I am supposed to start with a liver/gall bladder flush. According

> to Linsey,

> that is why I'm having this horrible back pain. And when I went to the

> chiro. today, he asked me if I was having any digestion issues, and

> this is

> also indicative of liver problems. Hmmmm, and I'm taking that darn

> diflucan....


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> http://www.CurlyRescue.com


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Hi ,

I don't know if you've seen these posts, but I've read

here and on other lists that some types of

liver/gallbladder flushes can really stress the


Milder forms of flushes are not supposed to be as

harsh on the adrenals. So just a heads-up in case.

I sure hope you feel better soon, so sorry you're

having all this back pain. :-(

--- Ives wrote:

> I'll let you know. I have a package coming in the

> mail to me as we speak

> (type). And she wants me to use a far infrared

> sauna 3-4x/week. I'm not

> sure I'll be able to do that though, as I can't find

> one less than an hour

> away yet.


> I am supposed to start with a liver/gall bladder

> flush. According to Linsey,

> that is why I'm having this horrible back pain. And

> when I went to the

> chiro. today, he asked me if I was having any

> digestion issues, and this is

> also indicative of liver problems. Hmmmm, and I'm

> taking that darn

> diflucan....


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> http://www.CurlyRescue.com


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