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Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

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Do you have any idea which form is stressful and which isn't?

This one has you eat low-fat for 5 days and take malic acid caps. Then on

the day you begin the flush, you fast at 2 pm, then at 6 pm have having the

freshly squeezed juice of 1 1/2 organic grapefruit with 1 tbs. of epsom

salts and drink it down. Do it again at 8 pm. Get ready for bed at 9:45,

take your last dose then go straight to bed and lie in a fetal position on

your right side for 30 min. Stay in bed all night. Do 1 1/2 grapefruits

juice again w/no epsom salt, but with 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil.

Says you will clear gall and liver stones during the night. Galls are tan

to brown or black, liver stones are green and be up to the size of a

quarter. There is usually no pain other than a bit of cramping. Don't eat

the next morning, and you won't be hungry. Then the next am, no earlier

than 6 am, repeat the epsom salts and 1 1/2 grapefruit juice again, and then

again 2 hours later. Says you will want to sleep for the rest of the day,

and your cholesterol will drop 50 points and you will lose 2-5 pounds and

some toxic bloat (i.e., mucin).

" Gall bladder and liver, in traditional Chinese medicine, holds fear, anger,

frustration, anxiety, panic and frequetn sighing. Those emotions are purged

as well. Allergies are alleviated as well as shoulder pain, low back pain,

pain in upper arms and between shoulder blades in uper back. Helps with

stamina and chronic fatigue as well as fibromyalgia.

Repat in 2 weeks.

If there are large stones that get stuck in teh ducts during passage, you

will feel pain like a gall bladder attack. Immediately take the dosage of

grapefruits juice and epsom salts again, and another two hours after, as

this relaxes the bilary ducts, followied by another juice and olive oil dose

2 hours from that. Lie down on right side again in fetal position, continue

as before.




Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

> Hi ,


> I don't know if you've seen these posts, but I've read

> here and on other lists that some types of

> liver/gallbladder flushes can really stress the

> adrenals.


> Milder forms of flushes are not supposed to be as

> harsh on the adrenals. So just a heads-up in case.


> I sure hope you feel better soon, so sorry you're

> having all this back pain. :-(





> --- Ives wrote:


>> I'll let you know. I have a package coming in the

>> mail to me as we speak

>> (type). And she wants me to use a far infrared

>> sauna 3-4x/week. I'm not

>> sure I'll be able to do that though, as I can't find

>> one less than an hour

>> away yet.


>> I am supposed to start with a liver/gall bladder

>> flush. According to Linsey,

>> that is why I'm having this horrible back pain. And

>> when I went to the

>> chiro. today, he asked me if I was having any

>> digestion issues, and this is

>> also indicative of liver problems. Hmmmm, and I'm

>> taking that darn

>> diflucan....


>> Best,


>> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

>> http://www.CurlyRescue.com


> __________________________________________________


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Yes that's one of the harshest flushes and

specifically one that I've seen people say severely

stressed their adrenals.

That one will have you eliminating all those little

cholesterol balls that have built up in your liver and

gallbladder for so long, and it might take

doing this flush over a period of many weeks and doing

it anywhere from 3-12 times until you aren't

eliminating them anymore when you go to the restroom.

There can be pain if a ball or gallstone tries to pass

through the gallbladder neck and gets stuck because

it's too big to pass, then that can hurt like heck.

The usual remedy given for that is to do the flush

again immediately, but this doesn't always work and

some people have ended up in the hospital from the

blockage that just couldn't come out.

This isn't the kind of flush I'd do myself at Stage 7

adrenal fatigue where I used to be, or at Stage 6

where I am now. I decided some time ago that I'd wait

to do that particular flush when I get back around

Stage 2 or so. A friend of mine is considering it and

he is about Stage 3, but even he is leery and having

second thoughts on doing it just yet.

Generally the ones that are considered mild are ones

that use herbs to gently cleanse the liver without

that type of intense flush of the other kind. Such as

using Milk Thistle and other herbs.

--- Ives wrote:

> Do you have any idea which form is stressful and

> which isn't?


> This one has you eat low-fat for 5 days and take

> malic acid caps. Then on

> the day you begin the flush, you fast at 2 pm, then

> at 6 pm have having the

> freshly squeezed juice of 1 1/2 organic grapefruit

> with 1 tbs. of epsom

> salts and drink it down. Do it again at 8 pm. Get

> ready for bed at 9:45,

> take your last dose then go straight to bed and lie

> in a fetal position on

> your right side for 30 min. Stay in bed all night.

> Do 1 1/2 grapefruits

> juice again w/no epsom salt, but with 1/2 cup of

> extra virgin olive oil.

> Says you will clear gall and liver stones during the

> night. Galls are tan

> to brown or black, liver stones are green and be up

> to the size of a

> quarter. There is usually no pain other than a bit

> of cramping. Don't eat

> the next morning, and you won't be hungry. Then the

> next am, no earlier

> than 6 am, repeat the epsom salts and 1 1/2

> grapefruit juice again, and then

> again 2 hours later. Says you will want to sleep

> for the rest of the day,

> and your cholesterol will drop 50 points and you

> will lose 2-5 pounds and

> some toxic bloat (i.e., mucin).


> " Gall bladder and liver, in traditional Chinese

> medicine, holds fear, anger,

> frustration, anxiety, panic and frequetn sighing.

> Those emotions are purged

> as well. Allergies are alleviated as well as

> shoulder pain, low back pain,

> pain in upper arms and between shoulder blades in

> uper back. Helps with

> stamina and chronic fatigue as well as fibromyalgia.


> Repat in 2 weeks.


> If there are large stones that get stuck in teh

> ducts during passage, you

> will feel pain like a gall bladder attack.

> Immediately take the dosage of

> grapefruits juice and epsom salts again, and another

> two hours after, as

> this relaxes the bilary ducts, followied by another

> juice and olive oil dose

> 2 hours from that. Lie down on right side again in

> fetal position, continue

> as before.


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> http://www.CurlyRescue.com


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Dr. Schultze's products have a few tonics for milder cleanses. I

have the gallbladder one but haven't tried it yet. Will probably use

it soon as I am feeling pretty good these days.


> Yes that's one of the harshest flushes and

> specifically one that I've seen people say severely

> stressed their adrenals.


>> .



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So happy for you that you're feeling pretty good these

days Linn! :-)

I keep in mind that after all the idiot doctors, still

the best revenge is living well. Thank goodness for

these lists and everyone on here.

--- Linn wrote:

> Dr. Schultze's products have a few tonics for milder

> cleanses. I

> have the gallbladder one but haven't tried it yet.

> Will probably use

> it soon as I am feeling pretty good these days.


> Linn


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Amen to that. I've been a little hesitant to try the gallbladder

flush, especially right after I was having symptoms. I have felt

tremendously better from all the supplements that I started taking

but right at first after a couple of them, I did feel bad for a

little while, the detoxing can really make you tired, etc. I think

that's why sometimes people quit taking them, they don't realize that

it's the detox making them feel bad. Definitely worth doing though,

but probably makes sense as long as you are not critically ill and

have no other choice, to wait until you feel you can handle the

detox. I did a parasite cleanse a while back and felt really good

until almost the end of it and then boy did I feel wiped out. Felt

great a couple of weeks later though.


> So happy for you that you're feeling pretty good these

> days Linn! :-)


> I keep in mind that after all the idiot doctors, still

> the best revenge is living well. Thank goodness for

> these lists and everyone on here.







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This sounds very interesting. Especially the parts about what it

means in Chinese medicine. That resembles me.

Can you post after you do this and how it went? I have been wanting

to do it, but have been chicken.

Thanks Jackie

> Do you have any idea which form is stressful and which isn't?


> This one has you eat low-fat for 5 days and take malic acid caps.

> Then on

> the day you begin the flush, you fast at 2 pm, then at 6 pm have

> having the

> freshly squeezed juice of 1 1/2 organic grapefruit with 1 tbs. of

> epsom

> salts and drink it down. Do it again at 8 pm. Get ready for bed at

> 9:45,

> take your last dose then go straight to bed and lie in a fetal

> position on

> your right side for 30 min. Stay in bed all night. Do 1 1/2

> grapefruits

> juice again w/no epsom salt, but with 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive

> oil.

> Says you will clear gall and liver stones during the night. Galls

> are tan

> to brown or black, liver stones are green and be up to the size of a

> quarter. There is usually no pain other than a bit of cramping.

> Don't eat

> the next morning, and you won't be hungry. Then the next am, no

> earlier

> than 6 am, repeat the epsom salts and 1 1/2 grapefruit juice again,

> and then

> again 2 hours later. Says you will want to sleep for the rest of

> the day,

> and your cholesterol will drop 50 points and you will lose 2-5

> pounds and

> some toxic bloat (i.e., mucin).


> " Gall bladder and liver, in traditional Chinese medicine, holds

> fear, anger,

> frustration, anxiety, panic and frequetn sighing. Those emotions

> are purged

> as well. Allergies are alleviated as well as shoulder pain, low

> back pain,

> pain in upper arms and between shoulder blades in uper back. Helps

> with

> stamina and chronic fatigue as well as fibromyalgia.


> Repat in 2 weeks.


> If there are large stones that get stuck in teh ducts during

> passage, you

> will feel pain like a gall bladder attack. Immediately take the

> dosage of

> grapefruits juice and epsom salts again, and another two hours

> after, as

> this relaxes the bilary ducts, followied by another juice and olive

> oil dose

> 2 hours from that. Lie down on right side again in fetal position,

> continue

> as before.


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> http://www.CurlyRescue.com


> Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input


> > Hi ,

> >

> > I don't know if you've seen these posts, but I've read

> > here and on other lists that some types of

> > liver/gallbladder flushes can really stress the

> > adrenals.

> >

> > Milder forms of flushes are not supposed to be as

> > harsh on the adrenals. So just a heads-up in case.

> >

> > I sure hope you feel better soon, so sorry you're

> > having all this back pain. :-(

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- Ives wrote:

> >

> >> I'll let you know. I have a package coming in the

> >> mail to me as we speak

> >> (type). And she wants me to use a far infrared

> >> sauna 3-4x/week. I'm not

> >> sure I'll be able to do that though, as I can't find

> >> one less than an hour

> >> away yet.

> >>

> >> I am supposed to start with a liver/gall bladder

> >> flush. According to Linsey,

> >> that is why I'm having this horrible back pain. And

> >> when I went to the

> >> chiro. today, he asked me if I was having any

> >> digestion issues, and this is

> >> also indicative of liver problems. Hmmmm, and I'm

> >> taking that darn

> >> diflucan....

> >>

> >> Best,

> >>

> >> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> >> http://www.CurlyRescue.com

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Hi Linn,

I know what you mean about feeling tired from the

detox after taking supplements. I'm wondering too if

that has anything to do with the pain I'm having in

the liver area after starting on Silymarin Milk

Thistle for liver cleansing. Could very well be.

What type of parasite cleanse did you do?

I've been very interested in doing a parasite cleanse

- in fact, if I remember right, that and the bowel

cleanse are both supposed to be done before doing the

intense liver/gallbladder cleanse that was being

described earlier.

--- Linn wrote:

> Amen to that. I've been a little hesitant to try

> the gallbladder

> flush, especially right after I was having symptoms.

> I have felt

> tremendously better from all the supplements that I

> started taking

> but right at first after a couple of them, I did

> feel bad for a

> little while, the detoxing can really make you

> tired, etc. I think

> that's why sometimes people quit taking them, they

> don't realize that

> it's the detox making them feel bad. Definitely

> worth doing though,

> but probably makes sense as long as you are not

> critically ill and

> have no other choice, to wait until you feel you can

> handle the

> detox. I did a parasite cleanse a while back and

> felt really good

> until almost the end of it and then boy did I feel

> wiped out. Felt

> great a couple of weeks later though.


> Linn


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I do not seem to be hypo by numbers when on Armour, just low in T4. I am on

HC. Have been for a year. I have not done the saliva testing yet but will

look into it later. I was to do saliva testing for adrenals but cannot wean

off HC since I started my new job, stress.....

I plan to go up to 2 grains this weekend, one grain in the morning and one

in the evening. I forget if I take half grain 4 times a day

-- Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input


> Thanks. I am only at 1 and a half grains. My temps are not


> low during the day but get low in the morning. I cannot lose the

weight and

> get terrible sugar cravings in the afternoon.

Hi, ,

How are your thyroid numbers on 1.5? (Are you on HC...I think I

recall that you are?)

Anecdotally speaking, I have been up & down on Armour & Naturethroid -

probably to the detriment of my thyroid & adrenals, but that's another

story (my theme song is Barry Manilow's " Trying to Get the Feeling

Again " ...I've been high, low, everywhere I possibly can...)

Anyway, I digress...anecdotally, I can tell you that when I went down

from 3 grains to 1.5 (I think, if I remember correctly), I had

HORRIBLE sugar cravings. That was the point at which I was eating hot

fudge out of the jar first thing in the morning...

Right now, I'm on 2.75 grains, and still hypo for sure by numbers &

symptoms, but the sugar & cravings are gone, with the exception of

occasional chocolate cravings, which I am going to attribute to

magnesium. My blood sugar crashes are also gone, assuming that I eat

in reasonable intervals. That was the case even before I started the

Isocort & prior to losing my appetite due to poor adrenal function.

However, one point I must mention is that slow increases on the

thyroid meds have worked much better for me, even when seriously hypo.

When I've increased according to manufacturer instructions, I've had

nothing but problems...probably due to adrenals.

Just my 2 cents!


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Actually, I was shocked at the lack of interest by the students! It was

shocking that most were biology majors. That is just the kind of thing I

would have loved to research as a student. It did not really seem to

interest ANY of them. And it was a chem class which you would think the

chemical composition (amino acids) would have been of interest in that they

fool the brain into thinking it is eating something sugary.

When I found out that a percentage of aspartame ingested was converted into

methanol, that did it for me.

Something that really irritates me, saccharine was taken off the market due

to dangers. Aspartame has enjoyed a long time on the market and being in

everything. Why does sugarless gum have aspartame AND xylitol? Makes no


-- Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input


How cool is that, the class research. Did it work on the kids?

I used to get chocolate cravings sometimes, but the magnesium has

gotten rid of that totally. I haven't had too much of a problem

though because I don't care for sugar free chocolate and I can't eat

real sugar without paying for it with a really bad headache so that

alone is enough to keep me away from it.


On Oct 25, 2006, at 5:22 PM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:

> Linn:


> I never used artificial sweeteners. When I taught colleg chem 10

> years ago,

> I had my class do research papers on the dangers of aspartame!


> I get the sugar craving terribly at around 3:00 and start in on

> chocolate.

> I quit buying ice cream and now buy frozen yogart. The halloween

> candy I

> bought for giving out, is almost gone from me eating it when I get

> home from

> work. today I tried taking half a grain when that happens. Will see

> how it

> goes.




>> .



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I think it is adrenals. I am OK in the morning after the 10 mg dose. I

sometimes skip the lunch dose if I am not stressed. But at 3:00, whether I

take that lunch dose or not, i get the terrible sugar cravings. I probably

should take HC every 4 hours but I have gained so much weight that will not

go away with exercise, that I cannot fit my clothes and I do not plan on

getting a new wardrobe!

-- Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

In a message dated 26/10/2006 04:57:28 GMT Daylight Time,

smann writes:

Carb cravings could be adrenals craving sugar for energy, or could be

candida. Chocolate cravings could be sugar for adrenals or candida, or

magnesium deficiency.

Thanks . Well I am weaning off h.c so that could be implicated I


And stressed.

Stress affects the adrenals right? and then there is a knock-on effect with

the blood sugar dropping - hence cravings?

Is this correct?

I really want to try to understand the actual step-by-step process in the

body if I can get the information.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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where can you get natural calm? I use emergenC powder during the day in my

bottled water.

-- Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

In a message dated 26/10/2006 02:17:11 GMT Daylight Time,

linnmiller@... writes:

I take magnesium citrate also and at night I take Natural Calm.

Thanks Linn and Natural Calm has magnesium in it also?


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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I had those serious sugar and carb cravings too, ate

pint of ice cream every single night for five years,

and gained 100 pounds.

Within days of starting on Progesterone cream in

August, the cravings stopped. They were just GONE. It

was like a huge monster off my back, like being able

to stand up and breathe the fresh air and look around

for the first time in five years.

I didn't even trust it at first and thought each day

for a few weeks that it would come back, but it never


Maybe if your Progesterone is very low like mine was

and your Estrogen is higher than your Progesterone, it

might be contributing to your cravings. Mine were just

monsterous. I thought I was some sort of weak-willed

sugar addict, but no! It was a lack of Progesterone

for me.

--- " C. Mannelli, Ed.D. "


> I think it is adrenals. I am OK in the morning

> after the 10 mg dose. I

> sometimes skip the lunch dose if I am not stressed.

> But at 3:00, whether I

> take that lunch dose or not, i get the terrible

> sugar cravings. I probably

> should take HC every 4 hours but I have gained so

> much weight that will not

> go away with exercise, that I cannot fit my clothes

> and I do not plan on

> getting a new wardrobe!




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In a message dated 27/10/2006 04:30:31 GMT Daylight Time,

smann writes:

dose if I am not stressed. But at 3:00, whether I

take that lunch dose or not, i get the terrible sugar cravings.

Could it be connected with what you eat for lunch?


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 27/10/2006 14:21:31 GMT Daylight Time,

smann writes:

does not seem to be. I think it is related to only taking hc at

breakfast and lunch. By 3:00 it is gone. I just hate to add doses cause I

have gained so much weight

Do you think the h.c caused the weight gain?

I am piling on the pounds and hopefully, if h.c does this, then I will lose

some weight now that I am reducing and hoping to come off h.c entirely.

I always find 3 pm a low point for me enengywise and I wonder what it is

about that time of the afternoon, a lot of people seems to suffer from this I



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In a message dated 27/10/2006 15:05:12 GMT Daylight Time,

smann writes:

I am gradually raising the Armour and now will be at two grains. I do think

the HC put on the weight. But I cannot seem to do without it right now with

the new job.

You are doing well to be managing a new job with all that going on .

Good on ya!

I am hoping the PGX and the Gourdin will help me get the weight down.

Started the Gourdin this week but I have to wait for the PGX to come from the


could take weeks they tell me.

Cannot wait to get slim.......


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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I've been ordering it from the Vitamin Shoppe but I think the last

time I ordered I went with Vitacost. They had a better price. I

also take a product called Mega H that I found out I can get at

Vitacost for about half the price I was paying from the

manufacturer. Sometimes the Vitamin Shoppe puts it on sale.


On Oct 26, 2006, at 10:11 PM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:

> where can you get natural calm? I use emergenC powder during the

> day in my

> bottled water.


> -- Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input



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Progesterone seems to make my cravings for chocolate worse!

-- Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

I had those serious sugar and carb cravings too, ate

pint of ice cream every single night for five years,

and gained 100 pounds.

Within days of starting on Progesterone cream in

August, the cravings stopped. They were just GONE. It

was like a huge monster off my back, like being able

to stand up and breathe the fresh air and look around

for the first time in five years.

I didn't even trust it at first and thought each day

for a few weeks that it would come back, but it never


Maybe if your Progesterone is very low like mine was

and your Estrogen is higher than your Progesterone, it

might be contributing to your cravings. Mine were just

monsterous. I thought I was some sort of weak-willed

sugar addict, but no! It was a lack of Progesterone

for me.

--- " C. Mannelli, Ed.D. "


> I think it is adrenals. I am OK in the morning

> after the 10 mg dose. I

> sometimes skip the lunch dose if I am not stressed.

> But at 3:00, whether I

> take that lunch dose or not, i get the terrible

> sugar cravings. I probably

> should take HC every 4 hours but I have gained so

> much weight that will not

> go away with exercise, that I cannot fit my clothes

> and I do not plan on

> getting a new wardrobe!




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It does not seem to be. I think it is related to only taking hc at

breakfast and lunch. By 3:00 it is gone. I just hate to add doses cause I

have gained so much weight.

-- Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

In a message dated 27/10/2006 04:30:31 GMT Daylight Time,

smann writes:

dose if I am not stressed. But at 3:00, whether I

take that lunch dose or not, i get the terrible sugar cravings.

Could it be connected with what you eat for lunch?


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 27/10/2006 17:54:14 GMT Daylight Time,

smann writes:

I took a half day off and am leaving for work now, but I wanted to ask what

is Gourdin and PGX?

Oh sorry , I had talked about it in more depth on another list and

forgot that it was not this list! Oops.

Check out _www.gourdin.com_ (http://www.gourdin.com) for more info on this

Bitter Melon product which helps with blood sugar regulation/insulin


As for PGX it is a soluble fibre:

_www.naturalfactors.com_ (http://www.naturalfactors.com) for more info.

I am hoping that both will help me reguslate my bloood sugar/insulin

resistance and help me lose weight so my BP can normalise.



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I'm not sure how stablizied I am, I'm on 30 mg. right now, and was doing

well until just this week and have been having some weirdness, like some

dizzyness. I'm also on Diflucan and doing candida diet, so who knows how

much is related to a die-off or a side effect, kwim?

I don't know if this is for sure a " gall bladder attack " I'm having. I

don't think so, but this pain in my back is pretty excruciating, and I have

been told by my chiro. and a biochemist that this area of pain is related to

liver/gall bladder.




> How stabilized are you on the HC? (I think I recall that you're on it...)


> A gallbladder attack. i.e., passing a stone, is horribly painful &

> VERY stressful!!! While I understand the concept of the flush, and

> that it seems like perhaps it should speed the process, passing a

> stone is an all-night affair!


> Did your gallbladder stuff just start since you went on adrenal

> support? Because I've been having some twinges since I started

> Isocort, and I swear it's related, but don't know how.

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I just cannot figure out what is going on. I have actually lost a tad bit

going back to work, when exercise only made me lose a few lbs.

My blood work never shows low thyroid, just low T4 but high T3 (due to

Armour likely). Two different 24 hour urine tests showed low thyroid. My

temps are not low, generally, and when they are and I take extra T3, the

temps rise but I do not feel better.

Weather effects me a lot. I am assuming something is wrong in my body with

the thyroid and other hormones getting to the cells due to Lyme (which has

been argued to be a stealth virus in some cases, that lives in the

mitochondria and keeps your cells from producing adequate energy).

I am gradually raising the Armour and now will be at two grains. I do think

the HC put on the weight. But I cannot seem to do without it right now with

the new job.

-- Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

In a message dated 27/10/2006 14:21:31 GMT Daylight Time,

smann writes:

does not seem to be. I think it is related to only taking hc at

breakfast and lunch. By 3:00 it is gone. I just hate to add doses cause I

have gained so much weight

Do you think the h.c caused the weight gain?

I am piling on the pounds and hopefully, if h.c does this, then I will lose

some weight now that I am reducing and hoping to come off h.c entirely.

I always find 3 pm a low point for me enengywise and I wonder what it is

about that time of the afternoon, a lot of people seems to suffer from this




NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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I used a product that I got info from off the alt/med group called

Paracleanse from Life Plus. One of the reasons I tried it was that

the moderator of that group had posted a ton of info on parasites and

one of the symptoms was being awakened at night between the hours or

2:00 and 4;00 a.m. which I had and had never been able to find a

solution for. So I tried the product and sure enough I started

sleeping through the night. The only other symptoms I had happen

while I was taking it was the second day I had a red blotch pop up on

the back of my left hand that last about a day, no other symptoms

during except that towards the end I was very tired. If I remember

correctly you take it for about 2 - 3 weeks and then repeat it 3

months later. I think you're supposed to do it every so often after

that but I can't remember exactly how often.


> Hi Linn,


> I know what you mean about feeling tired from the

> detox after taking supplements. I'm wondering too if

> that has anything to do with the pain I'm having in

> the liver area after starting on Silymarin Milk

> Thistle for liver cleansing. Could very well be.


> What type of parasite cleanse did you do?

> I've been very interested in doing a parasite cleanse

> - in fact, if I remember right, that and the bowel

> cleanse are both supposed to be done before doing the

> intense liver/gallbladder cleanse that was being

> described earlier.




> --- Linn wrote:


> > Amen to that. I've been a little hesitant to try

> > the gallbladder

> > flush, especially right after I was having symptoms.

> > I have felt

> > tremendously better from all the supplements that I

> > started taking

> > but right at first after a couple of them, I did

> > feel bad for a

> > little while, the detoxing can really make you

> > tired, etc. I think

> > that's why sometimes people quit taking them, they

> > don't realize that

> > it's the detox making them feel bad. Definitely

> > worth doing though,

> > but probably makes sense as long as you are not

> > critically ill and

> > have no other choice, to wait until you feel you can

> > handle the

> > detox. I did a parasite cleanse a while back and

> > felt really good

> > until almost the end of it and then boy did I feel

> > wiped out. Felt

> > great a couple of weeks later though.

> >

> > Linn


> __________________________________________________


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I took a half day off and am leaving for work now, but I wanted to ask what

is Gourdin and PGX?

-- Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

In a message dated 27/10/2006 15:05:12 GMT Daylight Time,

smann writes:

I am gradually raising the Armour and now will be at two grains. I do think

the HC put on the weight. But I cannot seem to do without it right now with

the new job.

You are doing well to be managing a new job with all that going on .

Good on ya!

I am hoping the PGX and the Gourdin will help me get the weight down.

Started the Gourdin this week but I have to wait for the PGX to come from

the U.S.

could take weeks they tell me.

Cannot wait to get slim.......


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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I'm surprised by that but then again I guess not because lots of

people don't want to hear info like that, especially if they are avid

users of those products. It's the old if I don't know about it, it

can't hurt me routine. I truly think if people knew the whole

history behind how Nutrasweet got to market, they would avoid it like

the plague. Nobody pays attention to those sorts of things anymore.


On Oct 26, 2006, at 10:09 PM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:

> Linn:


> Actually, I was shocked at the lack of interest by the students! It

> was

> shocking that most were biology majors. That is just the kind of

> thing I

> would have loved to research as a student. It did not really seem to

> interest ANY of them. And it was a chem class which you would think

> the

> chemical composition (amino acids) would have been of interest in

> that they

> fool the brain into thinking it is eating something sugary.


> When I found out that a percentage of aspartame ingested was

> converted into

> methanol, that did it for me.


> Something that really irritates me, saccharine was taken off the

> market due

> to dangers. Aspartame has enjoyed a long time on the market and

> being in

> everything. Why does sugarless gum have aspartame AND xylitol?

> Makes no

> sense!



> .



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