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Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

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Ok thanks Linn. I wrote that down and will give it a

try after I'm back into Stage 3 or so. Thanks!

--- Linn wrote:

> ,


> I used a product that I got info from off the

> alt/med group called

> Paracleanse from Life Plus. One of the reasons I

> tried it was that

> the moderator of that group had posted a ton of info

> on parasites and

> one of the symptoms was being awakened at night

> between the hours or

> 2:00 and 4;00 a.m. which I had and had never been

> able to find a

> solution for. So I tried the product and sure

> enough I started

> sleeping through the night. The only other symptoms

> I had happen

> while I was taking it was the second day I had a red

> blotch pop up on

> the back of my left hand that last about a day, no

> other symptoms

> during except that towards the end I was very tired.

> If I remember

> correctly you take it for about 2 - 3 weeks and then

> repeat it 3

> months later. I think you're supposed to do it

> every so often after

> that but I can't remember exactly how often.


> Linn




> > Hi Linn,

> >

> > I know what you mean about feeling tired from the

> > detox after taking supplements. I'm wondering too

> if

> > that has anything to do with the pain I'm having

> in

> > the liver area after starting on Silymarin Milk

> > Thistle for liver cleansing. Could very well be.

> >

> > What type of parasite cleanse did you do?

> > I've been very interested in doing a parasite

> cleanse

> > - in fact, if I remember right, that and the bowel

> > cleanse are both supposed to be done before doing

> the

> > intense liver/gallbladder cleanse that was being

> > described earlier.

> >

> >


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hmmmmm. Since Progesterone is used by the Adrenals to

make Cortisol, and low Cortisol causes sugar cravings,

it would make sense that Progesterone should enable

the adrenals to make more Cortisol, and so those sugar

cravings should be lessened, not made worse.

I have no clue why it would be doing that for you

unless the raised Cortisol levels enabled the Thyroid

to kick in more, thus asking your body to make even

MORE Cortisol for those thyroid hormone receptor


Maybe you didn't take ENOUGH Progesterone and your

adrenals weren't able to make enough Cortisol to deal

with a higher functioning thyroid?

Also, what type of Progesterone was it? If it was

synthetic it probably wasn't able to be used properly

by the adrenals. But you used bioidentical didn't you?

The sugar cravings are pointing to a still too low

Cortisol level somehow, eh?

--- " C. Mannelli, Ed.D. "


> Progesterone seems to make my cravings for chocolate

> worse!


> -- Re: Re: Adrenal Results,

> would love some input


> I had those serious sugar and carb cravings too, ate


> pint of ice cream every single night for five years,

> and gained 100 pounds.


> Within days of starting on Progesterone cream in

> August, the cravings stopped. They were just GONE.

> It

> was like a huge monster off my back, like being able

> to stand up and breathe the fresh air and look

> around

> for the first time in five years.


> I didn't even trust it at first and thought each day

> for a few weeks that it would come back, but it

> never

> did.


> Maybe if your Progesterone is very low like mine was

> and your Estrogen is higher than your Progesterone,

> it

> might be contributing to your cravings. Mine were

> just

> monsterous. I thought I was some sort of weak-willed

> sugar addict, but no! It was a lack of Progesterone

> for me.




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Birth control pills are synthetic. Baddd badddd stuff.

Synthetic Progestins.....bad bad bad stuff.

I use USP Bioidentical Progesterone. The amount that I

have to use is rather large because I am extremely

overweight right now and thus have a huge Estrogen

Dominance problem.

My fat cells are storing up the bad type of Estrogen

(xenoestrogens) which is actually cloning itself in

there and making more.

So I had to start out on a regular dose (40 mg.

divided up into 20 mg. twelve hours apart) of USP

Bioidentical Progesterone and increase from there

until I no longer have estrogen dominance symptoms

such as hemmorrhaging, huge clots, very sore breasts,

emotional rollercoaster, carb cravings like mad, brain

deadness, etc.

The dosage I ended up at where I have no more symptoms

is 120 mg. of Progesterone cream twice a day, 12 hours

apart - for a total of 240 mg. per day.

People who aren't as overweight (100 lbs.) as I am

(men included) wouldn't need nearly that much.

The usual amount a female body makes when not pregnant

is about 40 mg. per day. Men make about half as much.

Progesterone has a half life of about 12-15 hours in

the body so divide the dosage up every 12 hours or so

for 24 hour coverage.

Your body's E2/P ratio is very important to know,

that's the Estriadol/Progesterone ratio. It's got to

be kept in balance.

It's a good idea if it hasn't been done yet, to get

your female/male hormone levels checked through a

saliva test, women premenopause should do this on

their 21st day of their cycle when the body is

naturally making its maximum amount of Progesterone.

Mine was nil.

Also good to test the cortisols and DHEAS at the same

time, saliva test. You can get all those done at

canaryclub.com or through ZRT Labs. Canary Club is

very inexpensive, I think it's about $141.00 for all

of those tests plus thyroid. They use both

Diagnos-Techs and ZRT Labs, they give you a choice.

You can get USP Bioidentical Progesterone cream online

at http://store.ourhealthcoop.com/product_p/pr.htm

which is very inexpensive but I don't care for the

base lotion they put the Progesterone in, it doesn't

absorb well for me due to the large amount I need.

MANY women love this one though, they have a huge

following of loyal women all over the world. And this

one is much less expensive than the one I use and very


The one I use is here


Even though it is more expensive, the base lotion it

comes in is much better at absorbing into my skin at

the large amount I need.

However, FINALLY i get in to the dr. on Tuesday to get

a prescription for bioidentical USP Progesterone cream

made by a compounding pharmacist (Pete at Bellevue

Pharmacy out of St. Louis,


They do consultations and ship anywhere and will work

with your doctor or find one that will work with you.

Which means I can get that 240 mg. I need into a 1/4

teaspoon instead of having to use a teaspoon and a

half of the online stuff. I'm basically having to

bathe in it right now lol.

--- jambrimar wrote:


> > Within days of starting on Progesterone cream in

> > August, the cravings stopped. They were just GONE.

> It

> > was like a huge monster off my back, like being

> able

> > to stand up and breathe the fresh air and look

> around

> > for the first time in five years.


> , this is very interesting to me. How much

> progesterone cream did

> you start with? I'm afraid to start with too much

> because birth

> control pills wigged me out big time, even the low

> dose type.


> Thanks!!

> ~~


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I use Bellvue Pharmacy too! I am using sublingual estrogen, test. and

progesterone. They are always very helpful.

Good luck to you


Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

Birth control pills are synthetic. Baddd badddd stuff.

Synthetic Progestins.....bad bad bad stuff.

I use USP Bioidentical Progesterone. The amount that I

have to use is rather large because I am extremely

overweight right now and thus have a huge Estrogen

Dominance problem.

My fat cells are storing up the bad type of Estrogen

(xenoestrogens) which is actually cloning itself in

there and making more.

So I had to start out on a regular dose (40 mg.

divided up into 20 mg. twelve hours apart) of USP

Bioidentical Progesterone and increase from there

until I no longer have estrogen dominance symptoms

such as hemmorrhaging, huge clots, very sore breasts,

emotional rollercoaster, carb cravings like mad, brain

deadness, etc.

The dosage I ended up at where I have no more symptoms

is 120 mg. of Progesterone cream twice a day, 12 hours

apart - for a total of 240 mg. per day.

People who aren't as overweight (100 lbs.) as I am

(men included) wouldn't need nearly that much.

The usual amount a female body makes when not pregnant

is about 40 mg. per day. Men make about half as much.

Progesterone has a half life of about 12-15 hours in

the body so divide the dosage up every 12 hours or so

for 24 hour coverage.

Your body's E2/P ratio is very important to know,

that's the Estriadol/Progesterone ratio. It's got to

be kept in balance.

It's a good idea if it hasn't been done yet, to get

your female/male hormone levels checked through a

saliva test, women premenopause should do this on

their 21st day of their cycle when the body is

naturally making its maximum amount of Progesterone.

Mine was nil.

Also good to test the cortisols and DHEAS at the same

time, saliva test. You can get all those done at

canaryclub.com or through ZRT Labs. Canary Club is

very inexpensive, I think it's about $141.00 for all

of those tests plus thyroid. They use both

Diagnos-Techs and ZRT Labs, they give you a choice.

You can get USP Bioidentical Progesterone cream online

at http://store.ourhealthcoop.com/product_p/pr.htm

which is very inexpensive but I don't care for the

base lotion they put the Progesterone in, it doesn't

absorb well for me due to the large amount I need.

MANY women love this one though, they have a huge

following of loyal women all over the world. And this

one is much less expensive than the one I use and very


The one I use is here


Even though it is more expensive, the base lotion it

comes in is much better at absorbing into my skin at

the large amount I need.

However, FINALLY i get in to the dr. on Tuesday to get

a prescription for bioidentical USP Progesterone cream

made by a compounding pharmacist (Pete at Bellevue

Pharmacy out of St. Louis,


They do consultations and ship anywhere and will work

with your doctor or find one that will work with you.

Which means I can get that 240 mg. I need into a 1/4

teaspoon instead of having to use a teaspoon and a

half of the online stuff. I'm basically having to

bathe in it right now lol.

--- jambrimar wrote:


> > Within days of starting on Progesterone cream in

> > August, the cravings stopped. They were just GONE.

> It

> > was like a huge monster off my back, like being

> able

> > to stand up and breathe the fresh air and look

> around

> > for the first time in five years.


> , this is very interesting to me. How much

> progesterone cream did

> you start with? I'm afraid to start with too much

> because birth

> control pills wigged me out big time, even the low

> dose type.


> Thanks!!

> ~~


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Oh I hadn't ever heard that before. Worth looking up,

good info. Thanks!

--- g siddiqui wrote:

> But I've also heard that if you're using Guai for

> fibromyalgia you should avoid Castor Oil??



> ----------------------

> Oh yes! I forgot all about that one. I

> used to work as

> a volunteer in the library at the ARE (Association

> for

> Research and Enlightenment) otherwise known as the

> Edgar Cayce Center and they are just huge, huge

> promoters of the Castor Oil pack. I met a LOT of

> people for whom this treatment worked very well.

> I've

> always meant to try it myself.




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Thanks, . I doubt its Vit. D3, I take b/t 800 to 1,000 IU/day and have

been for a number of years. Plus I am outside every single day (horses to

feed), and have only full-spectrum lighting in the house.

I did talk to Linsey about the cleanse and my concerns. She said that the

only time anyone has ever had a problem with the cleanse is if they did not

follow through with the 2nd day instructions. She also said that you can't

detox until your liver is cleared out and ready.

I'm goig to make sure I do it on a weekend when my husband is around (and

those days are getting slim this time of year).




Fortune does not change men, it unmasks them.

Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

> : did I ask you before if your Vitamin D levels were ever

> checked to see if that might be what's causing your back pain?


> I had excrutiating back pain (especially on the right side), along

> with burning hip pain. My NP finally figured it out when the

> allopathic docs couldn't.


> On 12/24/05 my Vitamin D results came back as:

> Vitamin D,25-Hydroxy 14L LOW (ref range 20-100 ng/mL)


> My NP started me on 2000IU of Vitamin D3 (needs to be

> cholecalciferol/D3, not the ergocalciferol/D2). In about a month, it

> suddenly dawned on me my pain was gone.


> I posted some links on Vitamin D & muscle/bone pain here:

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/m

> essage/7777


> Just another option for you to double-check, especially before doing

> a harsh liver cleanse to resolve back pain.


> Hope you feel better soon,






>> I'm not sure how stablizied I am, I'm on 30 mg. right now, and was

> doing

>> well until just this week and have been having some weirdness,

> like some

>> dizzyness. I'm also on Diflucan and doing candida diet, so who

> knows how

>> much is related to a die-off or a side effect, kwim?


>> I don't know if this is for sure a " gall bladder attack " I'm

> having. I

>> don't think so, but this pain in my back is pretty excruciating,

> and I have

>> been told by my chiro. and a biochemist that this area of pain is

> related to

>> liver/gall bladder.


>> Best,


>> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

>> http://www.CurlyRescue.com


>> > How stabilized are you on the HC? (I think I recall that you're

> on it...)

>> >

>> > A gallbladder attack. i.e., passing a stone, is horribly painful

> &

>> > VERY stressful!!! While I understand the concept of the flush,

> and

>> > that it seems like perhaps it should speed the process, passing a

>> > stone is an all-night affair!

>> >

>> > Did your gallbladder stuff just start since you went on adrenal

>> > support? Because I've been having some twinges since I started

>> > Isocort, and I swear it's related, but don't know how.









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Oh awesome! Yes I've had two consultations with Pete

so far, and he is just WONDERFUL. He also referred me

to a Dr. in my area who prescribes BioId hormones.

Before finding Pete and Bellevue Pharmacy, I had a

truly ignorant compounding pharmacist here in my area

who refused to give me the amount of Progesterone

cream I need, saying things like " Progesterone causes

uterine fibroids and endometriosis " when in fact it's

Estrogen that causes those things, and it's

Progesterone that actually kills those things dead.

He kept insisting that he wouldn't give me more than

50 mg. even though I told him repeatedly that I would

hemorrhage on that amount and had even ended up in

Emergency in July for that very thing - he didn't care

about my symptoms at all.

Then he started complaining to me about how much the

equipment for making the Progesterone costs, and how

women were complaining about that.

On and on and on, just totally ignorant, didn't know

the difference between the problems that synthetic

Progesterone causes and how BioId Progesterone DOESN'T

cause those problems. So I have had to go another

month (and spend another $150.00 to buy enough online

USP Progesterone to get me through until the Dr. appt.

on Tuesday).

Thank goodness I found Pete and Bellevue Pharmacy, and

I sure hope to have a long happy relationship with

them there. And my costs will go way down, Pete said

it won't cost more than 40-50.00 a month for my

Progesterone cream, and that's mostly covered by

insurance. And I will need less as my weight goes


Pete told me that out of about 7500 compounding

pharmacists in this country, only a small handful of

pharmacists actually know their head from their behind

when it comes to these things. Which is more than most

regular pharmacists and doctors in the mainstream, but

still is dismal. Amazing that so many times we know

more about our own treatment for symptoms than they

who have been to school for years, isn't it?

Good luck and best wishes to you too beebe!

--- bfsmo wrote:

> Hi

> I use Bellvue Pharmacy too! I am using sublingual

> estrogen, test. and

> progesterone. They are always very helpful.


> Good luck to you

> beebe



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That is possible. I have been trying to increase slowly and have not added

the T4 yet. I will be at 2 grains this weekend with adding a tad bit of T4.

Even tho my T3 has been in range, my T4 is low.

-- Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

Are you sure the weight gain isn't from hypo? You're really not on

much Armour...


> It does not seem to be. I think it is related to only taking hc at

> breakfast and lunch. By 3:00 it is gone. I just hate to add doses

cause I

> have gained so much weight.


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I have been taking bioidentical progesterone since I was 38. I am now 51.

I alternate between prometrium and progesterone creme from a formularly

pharmacy that mixes it. I have not taken synthetic progesterone since my

early 30s when I was on the pill.

Since using HC my blood sugar has risen 20 points. But I still have to take

it regardless.

I wish I could get more frequent testing. This once a year 24 hour urine is

not cutting it.

-- Re: Re: Adrenal Results,

> would love some input


> I had those serious sugar and carb cravings too, ate


> pint of ice cream every single night for five years,

> and gained 100 pounds.


> Within days of starting on Progesterone cream in

> August, the cravings stopped. They were just GONE.

> It

> was like a huge monster off my back, like being able

> to stand up and breathe the fresh air and look

> around

> for the first time in five years.


> I didn't even trust it at first and thought each day

> for a few weeks that it would come back, but it

> never

> did.


> Maybe if your Progesterone is very low like mine was

> and your Estrogen is higher than your Progesterone,

> it

> might be contributing to your cravings. Mine were

> just

> monsterous. I thought I was some sort of weak-willed

> sugar addict, but no! It was a lack of Progesterone

> for me.




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I think it was the case of college students have better things to do and are

not interested in illness yet since they are at the peak of health in youth!

It was not until my sister became ill with cancer as a teen, that I even

got interested in health issues.

-- Re: Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input

I'm surprised by that but then again I guess not because lots of

people don't want to hear info like that, especially if they are avid

users of those products. It's the old if I don't know about it, it

can't hurt me routine. I truly think if people knew the whole

history behind how Nutrasweet got to market, they would avoid it like

the plague. Nobody pays attention to those sorts of things anymore.


On Oct 26, 2006, at 10:09 PM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:

> Linn:


> Actually, I was shocked at the lack of interest by the students! It

> was

> shocking that most were biology majors. That is just the kind of

> thing I

> would have loved to research as a student. It did not really seem to

> interest ANY of them. And it was a chem class which you would think

> the

> chemical composition (amino acids) would have been of interest in

> that they

> fool the brain into thinking it is eating something sugary.


> When I found out that a percentage of aspartame ingested was

> converted into

> methanol, that did it for me.


> Something that really irritates me, saccharine was taken off the

> market due

> to dangers. Aspartame has enjoyed a long time on the market and

> being in

> everything. Why does sugarless gum have aspartame AND xylitol?

> Makes no

> sense!



> .



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I just don't know how much to up the HC dose. Today I have stress dosed and

do not feel any better.

-- Re: Adrenal Results, would love some input


> Are you sure the weight gain isn't from hypo? You're really not on

> much Armour...


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