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Need advice on MRIs \ getting dx'ed

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I had an MRI which diagnosed Chiari. But Chiari is one of those things that

can go undetected unless the Radiologist is highly trained. I have read

about a CINE MRI which actually measures the cerebral-spinal fluid flow at

the same time it is imaging the brain. It checks for any obstruction. I am

going to see a Neurosurgeon in Boston and I will ask him about this test for

myself. You may want to ask your Doctor about the same. I live in RI and my

Doctor never even heard of it before! Unbelievable how we have to take our

health care into our own hands! :) Dina

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Greetings from NE Alabama!

I'm new to this group. I have learned a lot from your postings and

the web sites. I had never heard of ACM until last week on a Meniere's

support group site I saw a message about it, followed up on it, and here I

am !!! YO! Hillbilly! I'M ONLINE !!! WOOOO !!!

Anyway, I'd like to say thanks to everyone for their input. and that

I am very sorry for all of you who suffer and have loved ones that suffer.

My problems are miniscule compared to some of yours. I'm praying for all of


As I was saying, I've been discussing symptoms for awhile on the

Meniere's web as I have all of the classic Meniere's symptoms (now) and have

been pursuing a dx for a total of 10 years. Recently my doc, who is an

ENT/immunologist sent me for an ENG ( balance test for inner ear problems)

and an ABR (brainstem response check). He said I passed the ENG but failed

the ABR and we still don't know if I have Meniere's proper or not. So he

wants me to have an MRI (this will be my second in 2 years) to look for MS.

I told him I've been having problems with the back of my red neck for about

5 years and he says we can check that too.

So, to cut to the chase. I have about a thousand questions for y'all

but I'll start with one or two. (do I hear a collective sigh of relief ?)

I've seen the symptoms on the web site and read about them in your postings.

It all sounds like me so I want to check it out. So can anyone tell me if

there is a special or a best way to do an MRI that will maximize the chances

of finding an ACM sooner? Obviously the sooner the better but from what I've

read here, there is a widespread lack of knowledge about ACM even in the

medical circles.

Also, I noticed on the web page that barometric pressure is often a

trigger. I have already experienced this with my Meniere's like symptoms. I

can tell when it's going to rain, and about how much with better accuracy

than the weather channel. I can tell when the barometer gets down to around

30.5 and below. The faster the pressure drops the more severe my symptoms

are. Have any of you experienced this or something similar? I'm thinking the

pressure change creates a kind of differential inside our head and

neck(different places) that takes some time to equalize. Does anyone have

any facts on this?

Thanks in advance,


searching for a diagnosis

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I tend to experience an exacerbation of symptoms at higher elevations and

unfortunately I live in a mountains region, anyone else worse at higher




Need advice on MRIs \ getting dx'ed



><html><font size=3><pre>

>Greetings from NE Alabama!


> I'm new to this group. I have learned a lot from your postings and

>the web sites. I had never heard of ACM until last week on a Meniere's

>support group site I saw a message about it, followed up on it, and here I

>am !!! YO! Hillbilly! I'M ONLINE !!! WOOOO !!!

> Anyway, I'd like to say thanks to everyone for their input. and that

>I am very sorry for all of you who suffer and have loved ones that suffer.

>My problems are miniscule compared to some of yours. I'm praying for all of


> As I was saying, I've been discussing symptoms for awhile on the

>Meniere's web as I have all of the classic Meniere's symptoms (now) and


>been pursuing a dx for a total of 10 years. Recently my doc, who is an

>ENT/immunologist sent me for an ENG ( balance test for inner ear problems)

>and an ABR (brainstem response check). He said I passed the ENG but failed

>the ABR and we still don't know if I have Meniere's proper or not. So he

>wants me to have an MRI (this will be my second in 2 years) to look for MS.

>I told him I've been having problems with the back of my red neck for about

>5 years and he says we can check that too.

> So, to cut to the chase. I have about a thousand questions for y'all

>but I'll start with one or two. (do I hear a collective sigh of relief ?)

>I've seen the symptoms on the web site and read about them in your


>It all sounds like me so I want to check it out. So can anyone tell me if

>there is a special or a best way to do an MRI that will maximize the


>of finding an ACM sooner? Obviously the sooner the better but from what


>read here, there is a widespread lack of knowledge about ACM even in the

>medical circles.

> Also, I noticed on the web page that barometric pressure is often a

>trigger. I have already experienced this with my Meniere's like symptoms. I

>can tell when it's going to rain, and about how much with better accuracy

>than the weather channel. I can tell when the barometer gets down to around

>30.5 and below. The faster the pressure drops the more severe my symptoms

>are. Have any of you experienced this or something similar? I'm thinking


>pressure change creates a kind of differential inside our head and

>neck(different places) that takes some time to equalize. Does anyone have

>any facts on this?


> Thanks in advance,




>searching for a diagnosis










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