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I would suggest that you mail all stuff certified

mail. Don't drop your request for the evaluations

until it's in writing even if it takes 4 hours.

You're better off going in pleasant not with both

barrels smoking. Bring some cookies or doughnuts and

say " I know they don't have time for to do therapy

regularly but I'm just asking for evaluations, that's

all. " If you play naive and stupid, you'll get more

(you catch more flies with honey than you do with

vinegar). Though you're playing stupid, don't end the

meeting until you get what you want. You could say " I

don't understand, what does his lack of time have to

do with my child not being allowed an evaluation? "

" I'm really sorry, but aren't the services supposed to

based on the child's needs? "

Once you get the evaluation, don't let the person get

off with giving you just consults. You need regular

ongoing therapy if there's a vision deficit. If the

therapist is truly swamped they'll base your services

on what he/she has time to do, so figure out in

advance if you want weekly, 2x a month or what and if

you don't get it ask the therapist to explain why.

Do you have a school for the blind nearby? Even if

it's far away, write or call them for their services.

You can even ask if they have any private therapists

nearby. Even if you can't pay it, you can nicely ask

your EI provider if the therapist is so busy, can they

subcontract someone privately. (They'll try to say no

so try to make it so they can't).



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