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Liberal use of expletives -- beware the rant.

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In a message dated 1/11/2002 9:58:58 AM Eastern Standard Time,

vhunnius@... writes:


My heart is breaking for you both. We just need our own state. Lets take a

poll and all of us will pick someone to run for governor and we'll just take

the heck over. At least that way our kids will feel loved and their progress

will go appreciated. Even my little would have gone over to him and

hugged him at least if there were no words.

HUGE HUGS to you both and let me know what state... maybe Rhode Island it's

kinda small maybe no one would notice :)

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What a heartbreaking morning.

got dressed by himself for school, chose his own clothes and everything.

He was VERY excited, because he was wearing this vest that his Oma and Opa gave

him. He's never worn it out before.

So we got to school on this rainy, grey morning. His coat was flapping open; he

wouldn't let me do up the zip.

He spied a kid in his class. " CODY!!!! " he shrieked, and ran over. " Look what

I'm wearing!!! " He flashed the coat open to show the vest. No reaction from

Cody whatsoever. He did the same to , , Kayla, and . No

reaction whatsoever. They IGNORED him. Dale, when apprehended, actually VEERED

around him without even looking at him.

Then , his old and trusty standby arrived. I guess he'd figured out he was

going about this wrong, because he looked at the hat was holding in her

hands and said, " I like that hat. What colour is that hat, ? " NO FUCKING

REACTION WHATSOEVER. She just stared at the hat, and then slowly put it on her

head without a word. Not one fucking word.

What the hell is going on???? ONE kid, I could understand. It's a grey yucky

day. BUT ALL OF THEM????? What the fuck is going on???

Unfortunately, I think I KNOW what's going on. He's different. He's annoying.

He's pushy. They don't like him. THEY DON'T LIKE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They

don't have any frigging idea how hard he works to talk to them. They don't have

any frigging idea of what a miracle he is. They can't see the wonderful things

about him because they've gotten fed up with the surface of him -- the one that

he needs to cope in their world. And their mothers can't either, the mothers

can't have any freaking clue, or wouldn't they encourage their kids to at least

treat him CIVILLY??????? Wouldn't YOU????

You know, I don't expect him to be invited to birthday parties. Sad but true.

I don't expect him to be invited to playdates. Sad but true. But I DO expect

him to be treated with a little KINDNESS, for Pete's Fucking Sake!!!!!!!!!!!

I can handle life cheating me out of my dreams and expectations. I'm strong.

But how DARE life cheat this denfenseless, INNOCENT child out of the friendship

of even ONE kid??? Out of even THIS common childhood experience? Hasn't he

already been set on the sidelines enough???? Where is the justice in THAT?

Where is the 'test' in that? Where is the basic human fucking decency in THAT?

He has come so far in the last weeks. He has made strides and leaps that have

astounded me, given me hope, given me strength and joy and peace...but

apparently no one else can see it.

I didn't REALIZE how isolated we were, how insulated, how sheltered by our home

and our family and the wonderful life we lead within these walls. I didn't

realize that even now, after all these amazing things we've seen recently, all

the work we've done, all the joy it's brought, we are STILL a chunk of alien

life, safe in the space of the alien atmosphere of our base camp, vulnerable and

bizarre outside of it -- we may adapt to outside life, but we will never be

accepted as part of the earth race. We will always be strikingly different. We

will never assimilate.

I WANT TO GO BACK TO OUR HOME PLANET, DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Omg, I'm so sorry. I know you don't want to hear that but I want to say

something about what your wrote. It hit something in my heart that has been

there since I first put in public school last year. I saw this and it

hurt, I saw and felt this and remembered that it happened to me also. I

think parents don't spend enough time teaching their children kindness,

compassion or understanding. Schools here have taken up the practice of

having to invite the whole class to your party so that no one feels

excluded. Oh yea like that will work. Is the stupid teacher there to prevent

that child from being hurt.

Anyway, momma my choice to homeschool came from an experience very similar

to that. I know that homeschooling will probably not be something I can do

with but it will kill me to watch this happen. I know that it hurt

momma, just know that I understand

Love and Kisses


>Reply-To: parenting_autism

>To: <parenting_autism >

>Subject: Liberal use of expletives -- beware the rant.

>Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 09:55:55 -0500



>What a heartbreaking morning.


> got dressed by himself for school, chose his own clothes and

>everything. He was VERY excited, because he was wearing this vest that his

>Oma and Opa gave him. He's never worn it out before.


>So we got to school on this rainy, grey morning. His coat was flapping

>open; he wouldn't let me do up the zip.


>He spied a kid in his class. " CODY!!!! " he shrieked, and ran over. " Look

>what I'm wearing!!! " He flashed the coat open to show the vest. No

>reaction from Cody whatsoever. He did the same to , , Kayla, and

>. No reaction whatsoever. They IGNORED him. Dale, when

>apprehended, actually VEERED around him without even looking at him.


>Then , his old and trusty standby arrived. I guess he'd figured out

>he was going about this wrong, because he looked at the hat was

>holding in her hands and said, " I like that hat. What colour is that hat,

>? " NO FUCKING REACTION WHATSOEVER. She just stared at the hat, and

>then slowly put it on her head without a word. Not one fucking word.


>What the hell is going on???? ONE kid, I could understand. It's a grey

>yucky day. BUT ALL OF THEM????? What the fuck is going on???


>Unfortunately, I think I KNOW what's going on. He's different. He's

>annoying. He's pushy. They don't like him. THEY DON'T LIKE

>HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't have any frigging idea how hard he works to

>talk to them. They don't have any frigging idea of what a miracle he is.

>They can't see the wonderful things about him because they've gotten fed up

>with the surface of him -- the one that he needs to cope in their world.

>And their mothers can't either, the mothers can't have any freaking clue,

>or wouldn't they encourage their kids to at least treat him CIVILLY???????

>Wouldn't YOU????


>You know, I don't expect him to be invited to birthday parties. Sad but

>true. I don't expect him to be invited to playdates. Sad but true. But I

>DO expect him to be treated with a little KINDNESS, for Pete's Fucking



>I can handle life cheating me out of my dreams and expectations. I'm

>strong. But how DARE life cheat this denfenseless, INNOCENT child out of

>the friendship of even ONE kid??? Out of even THIS common childhood

>experience? Hasn't he already been set on the sidelines enough???? Where

>is the justice in THAT? Where is the 'test' in that? Where is the basic

>human fucking decency in THAT?


>He has come so far in the last weeks. He has made strides and leaps that

>have astounded me, given me hope, given me strength and joy and peace...but

>apparently no one else can see it.


>I didn't REALIZE how isolated we were, how insulated, how sheltered by our

>home and our family and the wonderful life we lead within these walls. I

>didn't realize that even now, after all these amazing things we've seen

>recently, all the work we've done, all the joy it's brought, we are STILL a

>chunk of alien life, safe in the space of the alien atmosphere of our base

>camp, vulnerable and bizarre outside of it -- we may adapt to outside life,

>but we will never be accepted as part of the earth race. We will always be

>strikingly different. We will never assimilate.


>I WANT TO GO BACK TO OUR HOME PLANET, DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Catholic Homeschooling Mother to (7), (3), and (1)


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((((HUGS))) Jacquie. Keep focused on how far has come. I know how hard it

is to realize that the child that you love so much the child you see as a

miracle above miracles, is seen as odd by others. I have got to believe that

when all is said and done that our kids will turn out better than we or anyone

else ever expected and that they will prove all the petty judgementals wrong.


Liberal use of expletives -- beware the rant.

What a heartbreaking morning.

got dressed by himself for school, chose his own clothes and everything.

He was VERY excited, because he was wearing this vest that his Oma and Opa gave

him. He's never worn it out before.

So we got to school on this rainy, grey morning. His coat was flapping open;

he wouldn't let me do up the zip.

He spied a kid in his class. " CODY!!!! " he shrieked, and ran over. " Look

what I'm wearing!!! " He flashed the coat open to show the vest. No reaction

from Cody whatsoever. He did the same to , , Kayla, and . No

reaction whatsoever. They IGNORED him. Dale, when apprehended, actually VEERED

around him without even looking at him.

Then , his old and trusty standby arrived. I guess he'd figured out he

was going about this wrong, because he looked at the hat was holding in

her hands and said, " I like that hat. What colour is that hat, ? " NO

FUCKING REACTION WHATSOEVER. She just stared at the hat, and then slowly put it

on her head without a word. Not one fucking word.

What the hell is going on???? ONE kid, I could understand. It's a grey yucky

day. BUT ALL OF THEM????? What the fuck is going on???

Unfortunately, I think I KNOW what's going on. He's different. He's

annoying. He's pushy. They don't like him. THEY DON'T LIKE

HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't have any frigging idea how hard he works to talk

to them. They don't have any frigging idea of what a miracle he is. They can't

see the wonderful things about him because they've gotten fed up with the

surface of him -- the one that he needs to cope in their world. And their

mothers can't either, the mothers can't have any freaking clue, or wouldn't they

encourage their kids to at least treat him CIVILLY??????? Wouldn't YOU????

You know, I don't expect him to be invited to birthday parties. Sad but true.

I don't expect him to be invited to playdates. Sad but true. But I DO expect

him to be treated with a little KINDNESS, for Pete's Fucking Sake!!!!!!!!!!!

I can handle life cheating me out of my dreams and expectations. I'm strong.

But how DARE life cheat this denfenseless, INNOCENT child out of the friendship

of even ONE kid??? Out of even THIS common childhood experience? Hasn't he

already been set on the sidelines enough???? Where is the justice in THAT?

Where is the 'test' in that? Where is the basic human fucking decency in THAT?

He has come so far in the last weeks. He has made strides and leaps that have

astounded me, given me hope, given me strength and joy and peace...but

apparently no one else can see it.

I didn't REALIZE how isolated we were, how insulated, how sheltered by our

home and our family and the wonderful life we lead within these walls. I didn't

realize that even now, after all these amazing things we've seen recently, all

the work we've done, all the joy it's brought, we are STILL a chunk of alien

life, safe in the space of the alien atmosphere of our base camp, vulnerable and

bizarre outside of it -- we may adapt to outside life, but we will never be

accepted as part of the earth race. We will always be strikingly different. We

will never assimilate.

I WANT TO GO BACK TO OUR HOME PLANET, DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Now just wait a moment.

First off, these are immature kindergarten kids we are talking about, no?

Well, since when do kids that young IGNORE annoying people? Shouldn't

shoving them away, or whining at them to leave them alone be the norm? This

sounds fishy......

Like..... like these kids complained about to the teacher or something,

and the teacher, with a well meaning heart, said something like, " Don't be

mean to him, just ignore him. " I mean... I know I did not have the sense to

ignore other children that annoyed me when I was that young!

And to ignore , as a group, collectively so - - - that sounds fishy.

Either that, or some brat in the class decided to steer the group in that


Jacquie - talk to the teacher. If is not going to get the social

aspects of school - - there is no point to sending him. It's not like he's

learning brain surgery in school, and if everyone is going to ignore him,

what the hell is the point of him being there?

And the teacher.... well meaning or not, and regardless of whether she had

any part in this, should be aware enough about what goes on amongst her

students and the degree of interaction to know that this is unacceptable. I

would be more comfortable with this story had a couple of the kids FOUGHT

with . At least he wouldn't be IGNORED, and they would be acknowledging

his existence.

And that is simply not true about being unable to assimilate, ever. You

guys do, and you will moreso with time. Just because a bunch of

know-nothing brats with attitudes decided to act like JERKS - - - in the

long run, it means squat. 's improvements are marked and real. You

handle him beautifully at home. Maybe not in kindergarten, but 1st grade,

3rd grade - whenever... I am sure that one day, it will be much much better.

You always remind me that when he was my girls' age, you thought he'd never

get better. Look how far he's come, Jacquie. He's being ignored by his

friends - - - so what? LOOK AT ALL HE HAS DONE regardless! Making friends

is an artform, and one that he will need to work on. Your Bingo episode,

and continued " friendship " with will help him learn. It won't always

be this way - I'm just positive!

And as for the _____ with the hat..... well, I hope she has a ROTTEN day.

May she trip and skin her knee or something. <real mature, Grace... real



Liberal use of expletives -- beware the rant.

What a heartbreaking morning.

got dressed by himself for school, chose his own clothes and

everything. He was VERY excited, because he was wearing this vest that his

Oma and Opa gave him. He's never worn it out before.

So we got to school on this rainy, grey morning. His coat was flapping

open; he wouldn't let me do up the zip.

He spied a kid in his class. " CODY!!!! " he shrieked, and ran over. " Look

what I'm wearing!!! " He flashed the coat open to show the vest. No

reaction from Cody whatsoever. He did the same to , , Kayla, and

. No reaction whatsoever. They IGNORED him. Dale, when

apprehended, actually VEERED around him without even looking at him.

Then , his old and trusty standby arrived. I guess he'd figured out he

was going about this wrong, because he looked at the hat was holding

in her hands and said, " I like that hat. What colour is that hat, ? "

NO FUCKING REACTION WHATSOEVER. She just stared at the hat, and then slowly

put it on her head without a word. Not one fucking word.

What the hell is going on???? ONE kid, I could understand. It's a grey

yucky day. BUT ALL OF THEM????? What the fuck is going on???

Unfortunately, I think I KNOW what's going on. He's different. He's

annoying. He's pushy. They don't like him. THEY DON'T LIKE

HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't have any frigging idea how hard he works to

talk to them. They don't have any frigging idea of what a miracle he is.

They can't see the wonderful things about him because they've gotten fed up

with the surface of him -- the one that he needs to cope in their world.

And their mothers can't either, the mothers can't have any freaking clue, or

wouldn't they encourage their kids to at least treat him CIVILLY???????

Wouldn't YOU????

You know, I don't expect him to be invited to birthday parties. Sad but

true. I don't expect him to be invited to playdates. Sad but true. But I

DO expect him to be treated with a little KINDNESS, for Pete's Fucking


I can handle life cheating me out of my dreams and expectations. I'm

strong. But how DARE life cheat this denfenseless, INNOCENT child out of

the friendship of even ONE kid??? Out of even THIS common childhood

experience? Hasn't he already been set on the sidelines enough???? Where

is the justice in THAT? Where is the 'test' in that? Where is the basic

human fucking decency in THAT?

He has come so far in the last weeks. He has made strides and leaps that

have astounded me, given me hope, given me strength and joy and peace...but

apparently no one else can see it.

I didn't REALIZE how isolated we were, how insulated, how sheltered by our

home and our family and the wonderful life we lead within these walls. I

didn't realize that even now, after all these amazing things we've seen

recently, all the work we've done, all the joy it's brought, we are STILL a

chunk of alien life, safe in the space of the alien atmosphere of our base

camp, vulnerable and bizarre outside of it -- we may adapt to outside life,

but we will never be accepted as part of the earth race. We will always be

strikingly different. We will never assimilate.

I WANT TO GO BACK TO OUR HOME PLANET, DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Jacquie....that does suck!! I would think the teachers and parents of these

children would encourage them to be much more accepting of his differences

than they seem to be. Is this normal?


----Original Message Follows----

Reply-To: parenting_autism

To: <parenting_autism >

Subject: Liberal use of expletives -- beware the rant.

Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 09:55:55 -0500

What a heartbreaking morning.

got dressed by himself for school, chose his own clothes and

everything. He was VERY excited, because he was wearing this vest that his

Oma and Opa gave him. He's never worn it out before.

So we got to school on this rainy, grey morning. His coat was flapping

open; he wouldn't let me do up the zip.

He spied a kid in his class. " CODY!!!! " he shrieked, and ran over. " Look

what I'm wearing!!! " He flashed the coat open to show the vest. No

reaction from Cody whatsoever. He did the same to , , Kayla, and

. No reaction whatsoever. They IGNORED him. Dale, when

apprehended, actually VEERED around him without even looking at him.

Then , his old and trusty standby arrived. I guess he'd figured out he

was going about this wrong, because he looked at the hat was holding

in her hands and said, " I like that hat. What colour is that hat, ? "

NO FUCKING REACTION WHATSOEVER. She just stared at the hat, and then slowly

put it on her head without a word. Not one fucking word.

What the hell is going on???? ONE kid, I could understand. It's a grey

yucky day. BUT ALL OF THEM????? What the fuck is going on???

Unfortunately, I think I KNOW what's going on. He's different. He's

annoying. He's pushy. They don't like him. THEY DON'T LIKE

HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't have any frigging idea how hard he works to

talk to them. They don't have any frigging idea of what a miracle he is.

They can't see the wonderful things about him because they've gotten fed up

with the surface of him -- the one that he needs to cope in their world.

And their mothers can't either, the mothers can't have any freaking clue, or

wouldn't they encourage their kids to at least treat him CIVILLY???????

Wouldn't YOU????

You know, I don't expect him to be invited to birthday parties. Sad but

true. I don't expect him to be invited to playdates. Sad but true. But I

DO expect him to be treated with a little KINDNESS, for Pete's Fucking


I can handle life cheating me out of my dreams and expectations. I'm

strong. But how DARE life cheat this denfenseless, INNOCENT child out of

the friendship of even ONE kid??? Out of even THIS common childhood

experience? Hasn't he already been set on the sidelines enough???? Where

is the justice in THAT? Where is the 'test' in that? Where is the basic

human fucking decency in THAT?

He has come so far in the last weeks. He has made strides and leaps that

have astounded me, given me hope, given me strength and joy and peace...but

apparently no one else can see it.

I didn't REALIZE how isolated we were, how insulated, how sheltered by our

home and our family and the wonderful life we lead within these walls. I

didn't realize that even now, after all these amazing things we've seen

recently, all the work we've done, all the joy it's brought, we are STILL a

chunk of alien life, safe in the space of the alien atmosphere of our base

camp, vulnerable and bizarre outside of it -- we may adapt to outside life,

but we will never be accepted as part of the earth race. We will always be

strikingly different. We will never assimilate.

I WANT TO GO BACK TO OUR HOME PLANET, DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Jacquie I'm sorry. I know that doesn't make you feel better, but

I'm not sure what could. It hurts when you child is shunned and

rejected. I've experienced it with Cassie--and sometimes the people

doing it are ADULTS. Now that really pisses me off. They act like

they are afraid they're going to " catch " it or something. I want to

scream at the top of my lungs what an idiot they are treating my

child this way. But they don't get it. They have no idea what

they're missing. We have some terrific kids who see, feel think and

know more than we probably realize. I just hope they don't feel the

pain we do when this happens. Sometimes I hate the world and 99% of

the people in it.

That's why this list is so important, Jacquie.


In parenting_autism@y..., " The Hunny Family " <vhunnius@l...> wrote:


> What a heartbreaking morning.


> got dressed by himself for school, chose his own clothes and

everything. He was VERY excited, because he was wearing this vest

that his Oma and Opa gave him. He's never worn it out before.


> So we got to school on this rainy, grey morning. His coat was

flapping open; he wouldn't let me do up the zip.


> He spied a kid in his class. " CODY!!!! " he shrieked, and ran

over. " Look what I'm wearing!!! " He flashed the coat open to show

the vest. No reaction from Cody whatsoever. He did the same to

, , Kayla, and . No reaction whatsoever. They

IGNORED him. Dale, when apprehended, actually VEERED around him

without even looking at him.


> Then , his old and trusty standby arrived. I guess he'd

figured out he was going about this wrong, because he looked at the

hat was holding in her hands and said, " I like that hat. What

colour is that hat, ? " NO FUCKING REACTION WHATSOEVER. She

just stared at the hat, and then slowly put it on her head without a

word. Not one fucking word.


> What the hell is going on???? ONE kid, I could understand. It's a

grey yucky day. BUT ALL OF THEM????? What the fuck is going on???


> Unfortunately, I think I KNOW what's going on. He's different.

He's annoying. He's pushy. They don't like him. THEY DON'T LIKE

HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't have any frigging idea how hard he

works to talk to them. They don't have any frigging idea of what a

miracle he is. They can't see the wonderful things about him because

they've gotten fed up with the surface of him -- the one that he

needs to cope in their world. And their mothers can't either, the

mothers can't have any freaking clue, or wouldn't they encourage

their kids to at least treat him CIVILLY??????? Wouldn't YOU????


> You know, I don't expect him to be invited to birthday parties.

Sad but true. I don't expect him to be invited to playdates. Sad

but true. But I DO expect him to be treated with a little KINDNESS,

for Pete's Fucking Sake!!!!!!!!!!!


> I can handle life cheating me out of my dreams and expectations.

I'm strong. But how DARE life cheat this denfenseless, INNOCENT

child out of the friendship of even ONE kid??? Out of even THIS

common childhood experience? Hasn't he already been set on the

sidelines enough???? Where is the justice in THAT? Where is

the 'test' in that? Where is the basic human fucking decency in THAT?


> He has come so far in the last weeks. He has made strides and

leaps that have astounded me, given me hope, given me strength and

joy and peace...but apparently no one else can see it.


> I didn't REALIZE how isolated we were, how insulated, how sheltered

by our home and our family and the wonderful life we lead within

these walls. I didn't realize that even now, after all these amazing

things we've seen recently, all the work we've done, all the joy it's

brought, we are STILL a chunk of alien life, safe in the space of the

alien atmosphere of our base camp, vulnerable and bizarre outside of

it -- we may adapt to outside life, but we will never be accepted as

part of the earth race. We will always be strikingly different. We

will never assimilate.


> I WANT TO GO BACK TO OUR HOME PLANET, DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Jacquie

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> What a heartbreaking morning. (snip)

>> Unfortunately, I think I KNOW what's going on. He's different.

He's annoying. He's pushy. They don't like him. THEY DON'T LIKE

HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't have any frigging idea how hard he

works to talk to them. They don't have any frigging idea of what a

miracle he is. They can't see the wonderful things about him because

they've gotten fed up with the surface of him -- the one that he

needs to cope in their world. And their mothers can't either, the

mothers can't have any freaking clue, or wouldn't they encourage

their kids to at least treat him CIVILLY??????? Wouldn't YOU???? >>


You're right on both counts here...it IS heartbreaking...and they

DON'T have a clue how what they are doing feels to him (or you).

They have no idea how hard all this is...what an unbelievable

accomplishment it was for him to be able to try to relate to them

like that. It's easy for them...so they assume it must be easy for


One of my pet peeves is that so many children these days have so

little consideration for how their actions impact other people...and

parents actively encourage it at times...survival of the fittest and

all that. We have had some very sad situations that included name-

calling outright bullying and my " typical " kids, made worse by the

fact that my older kids need friends more than most due to '

issues---many kids are scared off by his odd behaviors ( " It's just

weird at your house... " ). I have never understood why the grown-ups

involved saw no need to put a stop to it...but in their minds it

was " just typical kid stuff " ...something to be proud of, in fact.


> He has come so far in the last weeks. He has made strides and

leaps that have astounded me, given me hope, given me strength and

joy and peace...but apparently no one else can see it.>

YOU see it. WE see it...and they will, too, eventually. Stay with

it; it's paying off for you and him.

> I didn't REALIZE how isolated we were, how insulated, how sheltered

by our home and our family and the wonderful life we lead within

these walls.>

Yeah...I know. But, that " safe " life is so essential to 's

progress...and again--it's paying off, Jacquie. I can tell so much

difference in just the short time I've been on this list...

>>I didn't realize that even now, after all these amazing things

we've seen recently, all the work we've done, all the joy it's

brought, we are STILL a chunk of alien life, safe in the space of the

alien atmosphere of our base camp, vulnerable and bizarre outside of

it -- we may adapt to outside life, but we will never be accepted as

part of the earth race. We will always be strikingly different. We

will never assimilate.>>

Maybe, but being different from unkind, insensitive people is a GOOD

thing, right? Who ends up better off in the long run? I honestly

believe that things like this either make us better or diminish

us...guess who was lessened by this episode---not , he did

great. Not you, you saw how well he was doing and felt proud...and

you saw the other children missing out on knowing a wonderful kid.

Feel bad for them, they lost out. will make friends---REAL


Besides, as I recall, the Borg weren't much fun to be around...and

they were great at assimilation.


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Oh Jacquie,

I know what you mean, some days I don't want to leave

my house. My heart breaks for you and . How

awful. Does he have an aide who can facilitate some

kind of communication? Hope things get better hon.

Tuna :'(

P.S. If you find that home planet, I'm coming too.

--- The Hunny Family wrote:

I didn't REALIZE how isolated we were, how insulated,

how sheltered by our home and our family and the

wonderful life we lead within these walls. I didn't

realize that even now, after all these amazing things

we've seen recently, all the work we've done, all the

joy it's brought, we are STILL a chunk of alien life,

safe in the space of the alien atmosphere of our base

camp, vulnerable and bizarre outside of it -- we may

adapt to outside life, but we will never be accepted

as part of the earth race. We will always be

strikingly different. We will never assimilate.





" Normal is just a setting on the washing machine. "

Whoopi Goldberg


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My QUICK response to this?


He has come so far in the last weeks. He has made strides and leaps that

have astounded me, given me hope, given me strength and joy and peace...but

apparently no one else can see it.


um,no....no one else can APPRECIATE it.

>>>>-- we may adapt to outside life, but we will never be accepted as part

of the earth race. We will always be strikingly different. We will never



Why the Hell would we WANT to?

Jacquie - is welcome to a playdate with Jacqui ANYTIME.

Penny :-) - who will write more later.......

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> Jacquie....that does suck!! I would think the teachers and parents of these

> children would encourage them to be much more accepting of his differences

> than they seem to be. Is this normal?

Well, Tamara, I talked to his teacher for a bit after school, and she said that

she's not at all surprised that nobody paid any attention to showing off

his vest, that ALL kindergarten kids are like that. She said that if it's not

about them, they couldn't care less.

I could believe that about one or two...but all of them? I don't know...

she's agreed to let me come in and observe from a spot ERic won't find me on



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> HUGE HUGS to you both and let me know what state... maybe Rhode Island it's

> kinda small maybe no one would notice :)



A few omonths ago there was a town in California for sale...

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>I have never understood why the grown-ups

> involved saw no need to put a stop to it...but in their minds it

> was " just typical kid stuff " ...something to be proud of, in fact.

> Unreal.

Yup. Dale's mother amazed me. She SAW the little witch VEER around and

cut him cold, and yet she didn't even remind her to be polite!! What is WRONG

with people?

> Yeah...I know. But, that " safe " life is so essential to 's

> progress...and again--it's paying off, Jacquie. I can tell so much

> difference in just the short time I've been on this list...

Thanks, Raena...

> Maybe, but being different from unkind, insensitive people is a GOOD

> thing, right? Who ends up better off in the long run? I honestly

> believe that things like this either make us better or diminish

> us...guess who was lessened by this episode---not , he did

> great. Not you, you saw how well he was doing and felt proud...and

> you saw the other children missing out on knowing a wonderful kid.

> Feel bad for them, they lost out. will make friends---REAL

> friends.

I want to believe this. I really, really want to. <wan smile> I will try to

believe this.


> Besides, as I recall, the Borg weren't much fun to be around...and

> they were great at assimilation.

How that made me laugh -- and today I really needed a laugh.



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I do have to comment on this after taking Jacqui to school the last couple

of days:

1) She tried to introduce one friend to another friend. I was proud, the

kids didn't pay attention. Not really on purpose, they were just being 6


2) She was trying to tell her friend that we were picking up her and another

friend on Monday. Now this is a wonderful step for Jacqui!!!! She was

really trying to make a conversation. Her friend just said excitedly to her

mom, pointing to a tree...IS THAT A NEST??? Again, just being 6 and excited

to be out of school for the weekend.

Breaks my heart too Jacquie, but we will ALL get there!!!!


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Penny, do you know how much it meant to me to read what you wrote? To feel

totally not alone, and to get an inkling that maybe, just maybe, it was all

because they're four or five years old and still completely self-absorbed,

rather than mean, malicious little beasts?

It hurts, though, doesn't it, to see your child do something you are SO PROUD

OF, and to see her (and him) get no response? You just want to grab the other

child and shake it, screaming, " PAY ATTENTION@!!! "


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> I know what you mean, some days I don't want to leave

> my house. My heart breaks for you and . How

> awful. Does he have an aide who can facilitate some

> kind of communication? Hope things get better hon.


> Tuna :'(


> P.S. If you find that home planet, I'm coming too.

Yup, he has an aide, for what she's worth. :-(

BTW, I know where the home planet is. I just don't know how to get there. It's

the star at the base of the handle of the Little Dipper. How do I know this? I

have that constellation on my forearm, perfectly formed in dark freckles -- only

THAT star is missing. I figure that it's my map to get home. Always have. :-)

(it's obvious, since I am not a very freckle-y person...)


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Um, so do you think I got distracted?



RE: Liberal use of expletives -- beware the



she's agreed to let me come in and observe from a spot ERic won't find me on




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>>>>It hurts, though, doesn't it, to see your child do something you are SO

PROUD OF, and to see her (and him) get no response? You just want to grab

the other child and shake it, screaming, " PAY ATTENTION@!!! "



It sure does tweak the heart strings, Jacquie.... It sucks. It's all part of

being a loving mom.

Penny :-)

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I agree with it is very hard to watch our children work so

hard for what others take for granted & get shunned or ignored

anyway. is so lucky to have someone like you who works with him

& loves him so very much. It always makes me try a little harder to

be understanding & supportive of when I know she isn't getting

it from others. There are alot of parents out there who are not as

supportive or loving as you are to & you try to make his life

easier when it seems like others are trying to make it harder & I

think that makes you & all the other parents on this list so


As far as the parents of the other kids at his school go, I know it

is hard to understand our kids sometimes & they really have no idea

what our lives are like, but you'd think they would be teaching their

children to be compassionate toward other kids, especially ones who

need that extra patience & help. I'm sure I'm rambling & I make no

sense here, but your post really made me think because this is

something that most, or all of us, will probably go through with our

children at one time or another & it sucks. It really does. I guess

all we can do is love our children extra, try to have huge amounts of

patience, & be willing to kick some butt every once in awhile for

them :0)


Keep focused on how far has come. I know how hard it is to

realize that the child that you love so much the child you see as a

miracle above miracles, is seen as odd by others. I have got to

believe that when all is said and done that our kids will turn out

better than we or anyone else ever expected and that they will prove

all the petty judgementals wrong.



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> Well, Tamara, I talked to his teacher for a bit after school, and she said

that she's not at all surprised that nobody paid any attention to

showing off his vest, that ALL kindergarten kids are like that. She said

that if it's not about them, they couldn't care less.


I dunno, Jacquie.

I would think a simple, " Yah - so WHAT, ? Who cares? " would be more

appropriate than IGNORING him.

I would have PREFERRED that to being ignored.

> she's agreed to let me come in and observe from a spot ERic won't find me

on Monday.




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>Thanks, Grace. I do keep in mind how far he's come; unfortunately, after

this holiday I had it TOO MUCH in mind, and forgot that nobody on the

>outside can see what we see. It was a shock.



But then again, they can't know. They don't know from where he began. So

they can't possibly know how far he's come.

IDEA: I think you should adopt Sydney. Then you can point to her, and say

" This boy was like this 2 years ago. " Then point to him and say, 'Lookie

how much better. "

What do you think? Free shipping?

She has even learned how to sign CANDY today!!!!? She eats tacos, and she

can do LOTS of cool things like tap head, rub wall, stomp feet, clap hands,

touch nose, point, and pat lap to the command, " DO THIS " . Talented, I tell

you. Extremely sweet... except when she is flinging food across the room

off the spoon, onto brand new dining chairs. And - - - - the best part?

She doesn't talk back. Ever.

So how about it?



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Well, good. I have a hard time believing all kindergarteners are like that,

but hopefully you will be reassured on Monday.


----Original Message Follows----

Reply-To: parenting_autism

To: <parenting_autism >

Subject: Re: Liberal use of expletives -- beware the


Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 17:46:29 -0500

> Jacquie....that does suck!! I would think the teachers and parents of


> children would encourage them to be much more accepting of his


> than they seem to be. Is this normal?

Well, Tamara, I talked to his teacher for a bit after school, and she said

that she's not at all surprised that nobody paid any attention to

showing off his vest, that ALL kindergarten kids are like that. She said

that if it's not about them, they couldn't care less.

I could believe that about one or two...but all of them? I don't know...

she's agreed to let me come in and observe from a spot ERic won't find me on



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In a message dated 1/11/2002 5:51:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

vhunnius@... writes:

> she's agreed to let me come in and observe from a spot ERic won't find me on

> Monday.



Please let us know how it goes... I really am upset for you. I hope it was

just a fluke and that everything goes great.

{{huges}} wendy

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