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Anne: If it is OK with you I will forward this to my

friend and colleague Dr. Jim Neubrander and his

brother Rick who manages his HBOT systems and see if

they can give you some info re specifications. It

would help if you would find out what kind of chamber

it is, so they can give specific helpful info. Dr. JM

--- nimur62 wrote:

> In our local hospital there is an hyper baric oxygen

> chamber which I believe is not being

> used(for anything) it was intended to be used for

> ulcers and various wounds etcera I know in

> Dr McCandless's book she advises using a particular

> chamber (hard/soft)and spoke about

> pressures etc.I have given the teachers at school a

> loan of my book is it possible to get

> Dr.McCandless's specificiations regarding the HBOT

> for autism as I am thinking of

> approaching the hospital for use of their equipment.



> Thanks in advance

> Regards

> Anne McCarthy



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Anne.. not to be discouraging since I hope it can work out but the

hospitals I work with all have one too and they do use them but are

not willing to do off label use due to malpractice and liability

insurance. I am aware of one physician whom they let bring their own

child (done " quietly " ) in one location but it was after years of

having experience with his credibility and only if done after hours.

Some of the hospitals I have staffed have told me that it is just not

possible to the public due to their liability and if they are not

covered and it is off label use I can see that it is definitely a

risk that they would not take. I'd love to hear if you have success

and what you needed to do in order to get them comfortable with it.

Best wishes!


> > In our local hospital there is an hyper baric oxygen

> > chamber which I believe is not being

> > used(for anything) it was intended to be used for

> > ulcers and various wounds etcera I know in

> > Dr McCandless's book she advises using a particular

> > chamber (hard/soft)and spoke about

> > pressures etc.I have given the teachers at school a

> > loan of my book is it possible to get

> > Dr.McCandless's specificiations regarding the HBOT

> > for autism as I am thinking of

> > approaching the hospital for use of their equipment.

> >

> >

> > Thanks in advance

> > Regards

> > Anne McCarthy

> >

> >


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  • 4 months later...
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Hello everyone,

Can anyone confirm this? Is it the case that if you dive longer at 1.3 or

1.5 ATA (say, for two hours) then the impact is equivalent to diving for

less time (say, for one hour) at 1.75. Is that right? We dive at 1.75 but

I want to get a home chamber and it won't go deeper than 1.5. If the above

is true then we could continue at 1.75 just by staying in the chamber for

longer. If it's not true than rest assured I'm not planning to " hotrod " a

home chamber to go deeper. We'll just have to keep trekking to the chamber

we currently use at an MS treatment centre, working around our hayfever as

best we can (it's a killer).


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the difference between soft and hard chamber hbot is a matter

of quite a bit of controversy! All I can tell you is my personal

experience with my 3 yr old son. He has done 400 mild hbot dives in

our home chamber over the last 1.5 years, with very little improvement

in his degree of autism. Now, to be clear, he certainly has improved

during that time, but most of the gains were very clearly linked to

other protocols (such as IV chelation) that we were doing

concurrently. If all that hbot was helping much, it was just playing

a supportive role at best. My son is better than he was, but is still

considered low functioning.

After 300 mild dives, we did a set of 10 hard chamber dives (1.5 ATA,

100% O2) in one week. After about 3 dives, my son improved virtually

overnight, especially his expressive language and verbal imitation

ability and inclination. So for my son, there is a big difference

between mild and hard.

With regard to how they equate, my son went through a growth spurt a

few months ago during a one week period. During that time, all he

wanted to do every afternoon was get in the chamber and nap for 2 or 3

hours each day. At the end of his third day of doing this, (about 8

hours total over 3 days, 1.3 ATA with compressed O2 piped in) he got

out of the chamber and started doing this particular stimming that he

usually only does after hard chamber dives, and we actually saw some

mild verbal improvements in him as well. A couple months later this

happened again, because he was not sleeping well at night and was

napping in hbot during the day. The same pattern repeated itself

after about 9 hours total. Now this is a very unscientific form of

comparison, but for my son it seems clear that it takes quite a few

hours of mild hbot to equal even one hour of higher pressure hard

chamber hbot.

Personally, if I had the money, time, and access, I would choose hard

chamber over soft in a heartbeat. But of course, every child is

different, and I believe this to be true with regard to hbot responses

as well. Also keep in mind that my son is a bit of tough nut, so he

is simply harder to " reach " than many other kids. IMHO mild hbot is a

great intervention for many kids, and we have certainly benefited from

having a chamber at home in several ways. It is good at preventing

Clostridia overgrowth (not so good at killing an existing infestation

though), it has improved some of my son's sensory problems, and I

believe it has played a big role in why his very high oxidative stress

(though not his inflammation) is now normal. But it did not

significantly improve his terrible gut or his severe autism despite

his young age and intensity of treatment, so that has been a bit

disappointing. For my son, hard hbot seems more promising at this point.




> Hello everyone,


> Can anyone confirm this? Is it the case that if you dive longer at

1.3 or

> 1.5 ATA (say, for two hours) then the impact is equivalent to diving


> less time (say, for one hour) at 1.75. Is that right? We dive at

1.75 but

> I want to get a home chamber and it won't go deeper than 1.5. If the


> is true then we could continue at 1.75 just by staying in the

chamber for

> longer. If it's not true than rest assured I'm not planning to

" hotrod " a

> home chamber to go deeper. We'll just have to keep trekking to the


> we currently use at an MS treatment centre, working around our

hayfever as

> best we can (it's a killer).


> Thanks



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Thank you so much for sharing your experience. We recently purchased

a soft chamber and have done 32 hours at 1.3 ATA with compressed O2

piped in. Not surprisingly, we havn't seen any improvements (from

the HBOT) yet, but I've been contemplating what our next move will be

regarding hard dives, for instance after 40 or 50 hours. After

spending so much money on an in-home chamber, it's difficult to think

about spending $75 a session to go to a clinic for the hard dives

(and it's over an hour away). Your story is inspiring and, since Dr.

Neubrander's protocol seems to call for both hard and soft chamber

dives, perhaps I need to start planning our clinic visits. Our other

option - I actually purchased the valves to convert our soft chamber

to 1.5 ATA. Everyone seems to be saying that's not a good idea, so

I'm really hesitant to go that route. I may see if I can return the

adaption. However, I'd be curious to hear if anyone else has

converted their soft chambers to 1.5 with or without problems. Also,

my son is 7 1/2 and relatively high functioning. All the HBOT

stories I've heard or read about seem to involve relatively low

functioning children. Has anyone seen improvements in higher

functioning children as well?

Thanks again for sharing.

> >

> >

> >

> > Hello everyone,

> >

> > Can anyone confirm this? Is it the case that if you dive longer at

> 1.3 or

> > 1.5 ATA (say, for two hours) then the impact is equivalent to


> for

> > less time (say, for one hour) at 1.75. Is that right? We dive at

> 1.75 but

> > I want to get a home chamber and it won't go deeper than 1.5. If


> above

> > is true then we could continue at 1.75 just by staying in the

> chamber for

> > longer. If it's not true than rest assured I'm not planning to

> " hotrod " a

> > home chamber to go deeper. We'll just have to keep trekking to the

> chamber

> > we currently use at an MS treatment centre, working around our

> hayfever as

> > best we can (it's a killer).

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> >


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Hello All,

Last year we did hard chamber, 100% at 1.5 40 dives in 4 week period with

minimal gains.

Just finished Dr. Ns soft chamber diagnostic protocol- 90hrs in 30 day period

and saw good gains in the first 2 weeks, but saw the biggest gains- huge-

meaning motor, verbal, 4 weeks AFTER the month was done.

Our daughter is 4yo with no diagnosis- seemed like a mix of CP and autism, but

it seems as if her primary issue is dyspraxia. We did hard chamber first since

we were leaning toward CP type symptoms (could not walk at the time). So we

were skeptical of the soft chamber. Once we started Dr. N's B12 protocol then

added soft chamber, that is when we saw the gains.

Kathy and

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Hi Kathy and -

Thank you for the update. We just started the hard chamber but we're

doing the 40 dives in 2 months.

My son sounds similar to your daughter, CP was the first diagnosis and

Autism was the second. So, thank you for your input. I will be sure

to post if I see gains. The only thing that I've noticed so far after

6 dives (noticed after the 3rd) he is more aware - looking towards

everyone as they speak. Not typical for him.

Next, we'll probably get a soft chamber. Laureen

Quoting Kolackovsky :

> Hello All,


> Last year we did hard chamber, 100% at 1.5 40 dives in 4 week period

> with minimal gains.


> Just finished Dr. Ns soft chamber diagnostic protocol- 90hrs in 30

> day period and saw good gains in the first 2 weeks, but saw the

> biggest gains- huge- meaning motor, verbal, 4 weeks AFTER the month

> was done.


> Our daughter is 4yo with no diagnosis- seemed like a mix of CP and

> autism, but it seems as if her primary issue is dyspraxia. We did

> hard chamber first since we were leaning toward CP type symptoms

> (could not walk at the time). So we were skeptical of the soft

> chamber. Once we started Dr. N's B12 protocol then added soft

> chamber, that is when we saw the gains.

> Kathy and







> ------------------------------------


> Many frequently asked questions and answers can be found at

> <http://forums.autism-rxguidebook.com/default.aspx>


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that sounds like a response! Look at Dr. Neubrander's web site. He has a PDRP-

I think it is parent directed report form. On that form, you will see a list of

symptoms, changes to observe for.

Kathy and

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Kathy and -

Thanks for pointing that out to me. I forgot he had one of those on

his site. I'm going to track progress with it.

Thanks for sharing!


Quoting Kolackovsky :

> that sounds like a response! Look at Dr. Neubrander's web site. He

> has a PDRP- I think it is parent directed report form. On that form,

> you will see a list of symptoms, changes to observe for.


> Kathy and





> ------------------------------------


> Many frequently asked questions and answers can be found at

> <http://forums.autism-rxguidebook.com/default.aspx>


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  • 1 year later...

Dr. McCandless does not have a website with all the CSB info posted on it. The

book will be the best (only) resource.



> Hi, does anyone know where I can find the protocols

> for HBOT on the starvingbrains website as per page 199

> in the latest CWSB book... ( diagnostic and repeat use)

> thanks


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Those protocols are mentioned in Dr. Neubrander's chapter on HBOT and are

listed in his website, not mine.  www.drneubrander.com   Dr. JM

Subject: Re: hbot

To: csb-autism-rx

Date: Friday, September 18, 2009, 12:27 AM


Dr. McCandless does not have a website with all the CSB info posted on it. The

book will be the best (only) resource.



> Hi, does anyone know where I can find the protocols

> for HBOT on the starvingbrains website as per page 199

> in the latest CWSB book... ( diagnostic and repeat use)

> thanks


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