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Re: Dosing/Splitting Issues

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What would happen if you're used to taking 15 at one time and then go to 12.5. Doesn't that lower things even though you're taking the same amount for the day?I have some 25mcg pills but can't figure out how to dose that at 65 or 75 a day. Don't want to do 3 x 25. That's to much of a jump (from 15-25 at once) even though the amount is the same for the day.

So, bottom line does it matter how much you take at one time as long as the total for the day is the same?

8am 15

noon 10

4pm 15

7pm 10

bed 5

Can you split the 25mcg pills?

8am 12.5

noon 12.5

4pm 12.5

7pm 12.5

bed 5


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Yes, those are easy to split because they are scored. What do I do when I need to add 5mcg then in 3 days, and then after that? thank you!!Subject: Re: Dosing/Splitting IssuesTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 4:33 PM

8am 15

noon 10

4pm 15

7pm 10

bed 5

Can you split the 25mcg pills?

8am 12.5

noon 12.5

4pm 12.5

7pm 12.5

bed 5


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

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12.5 to 15 is really nto enough to even feel the difference. now 15-25

some sensitive people migh tfeel. so then slip in an extra dose a coupe

hours after the first.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I know you're answering Lori but I also can only raise by 5 at a time. Because of that it took me 5 months to get to 65 and I'm not done yet. Adrenals never liked even a 5 at a time raise. Can't imagine raising 12.5 at once.

Why do you have to raise by 5mcg? I have never raised by less than 12.5mcg.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I dose 5 times a day. (7am-11am-3pm-7pm-11pm) If I needed to add another dose so I can keep using these stupid 25mcg pills were would I put it. Would 5pm bet the best?

Why do you have to raise by 5mcg? I have never raised by less than 12.5mcg.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I'm sorry to be such a pest but am having a heck of a time trying to figure out what to do with these darn 25mcg pills.Now I'm doing it like this: 15 - 15 - 10 - 10 - 15. and will change to 12.5 - 12.5 - 12.5 - 12.5 - 15

Total 65When I increase to 70.....how would I do it? 12.5 - 12.5 - 12.5 - 5 - 12.5 - 15. Does that seem weird?

Why do you have to raise by 5mcg? I have never raised by less than 12.5mcg.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I'm sorry to be such a pest but am having a heck of a time trying to figure out what to do with these darn 25mcg pills.Now I'm doing it like this: 15 - 15 - 10 - 10 - 15. and will change to 12.5 - 12.5 - 12.5 - 12.5 - 15

Total 65When I increase to 70.....how would I do it? 12.5 - 12.5 - 12.5 - 5 - 12.5 - 15. Does that seem weird?

Why do you have to raise by 5mcg? I have never raised by less than 12.5mcg.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Because the last time I posted to you, you said to raise by 5mcg every 3 days until I get to 75mcg, then raise by 5mcg every 7 days.Now I'm confused. I'm at 55mcg and switching over to Medrol at the same time.Subject: Re: Dosing/Splitting IssuesTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 5:34 PM

Why do you have to raise by 5mcg? I have never raised by less than 12.5mcg.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

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Have you tried takin 25mcg at once? that is NOT a huge dose to take at

one time and perhaps ti si time to move to that. 3-25mcg doses would be

VERY easy.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I know Val - you talk to so many people. I didn't realize others were raising by 12.5 and I got thrown for a loop!Ok, so today I'm at 60mcg, any ideas how to dose using the 25mcg pills split? And then when I add 5mcg in 3 days?My dosing right now:8am 15noon 154pm 157pm 10bed 5Thank you Val!!Subject: Re: Dosing/Splitting IssuesTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 7:28 PM

OK I remnember now. We wanted you going up in smaller doses to ease the

transition ot Medrol .. See I dontl remember these things unless you

tell me. Sorry!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

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8am 15

noon 15

4pm 15

7pm 10

bed 5

For this I owuld go to

8am 12.5

noon 12.5

4pm 12.5

7pm 12.5

bed 10

then increase bedtime to 12.5 or 15 depending on which opills you have

more of.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I would love to do that one day but right now I need to increase to 70. Can only do 5 at a time or adrenals will have a fit.When using the 25mcg pills how would this dosing sound for 70:12.5

12.512.512.520 bedtimeIs that to much of a jump from 7pm to bedtime? Right now with 5mcg pills I'm doing:1515101015Damn insurance!Thanks Val. I don't know why I can't figure this one out on my own.

Have you tried takin 25mcg at once? that is NOT a huge dose to take at

one time and perhaps ti si time to move to that. 3-25mcg doses would be

VERY easy.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Thank you Val. Subject: Re: Dosing/Splitting IssuesTo: RT3_T3 Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 2:03 PM

8am 15

noon 15

4pm 15

7pm 10

bed 5

For this I owuld go to

8am 12.5

noon 12.5

4pm 12.5

7pm 12.5

bed 10

then increase bedtime to 12.5 or 15 depending on which opills you have

more of.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

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Thanks Val. I wrote earlier but I think it got lost. Sorry if this is a repeat.I would love to do 25 3x a day but right now I can only go to 70. My adrenals will scream if I do more than 5 at a time.

How does this dosing sound for 70?12.512.512.512.520Is that to much of a jump from 7pm to bedtime?I'm doing 5mcg pills right now like this (at 65)1515101015

Thanks so much. I can't seem to figure this one out.

Have you tried takin 25mcg at once? that is NOT a huge dose to take at

one time and perhaps ti si time to move to that. 3-25mcg doses would be

VERY easy.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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